70 research outputs found

    Towards Modular and Flexible Access Control on Smart Mobile Devices

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    Smart mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, have become an integral part of our daily personal and professional lives. These devices are connected to a wide variety of Internet services and host a vast amount of applications, which access, store and process security- and privacy-sensitive data. A rich set of sensors, ranging from microphones and cameras to location and acceleration sensors, allows these applications and their back end services to reason about user behavior. Further, enterprise administrators integrate smart mobile devices into their IT infrastructures to enable comfortable work on the go. Unsurprisingly, this abundance of available high-quality information has made smart mobile devices an interesting target for attackers, and the number of malicious and privacy-intrusive applications has steadily been rising. Detection and mitigation of such malicious behavior are in focus of mobile security research today. In particular, the Android operating system has received special attention by both academia and industry due to its popularity and open-source character. Related work has scrutinized its security architecture, analyzed attack vectors and vulnerabilities and proposed a wide variety of security extensions. While these extensions have diverse goals, many of them constitute modifications of the Android operating system and extend its default permission-based access control model. However, they are not generic and only address specific security and privacy concerns. The goal of this dissertation is to provide generic and extensible system-centric access control architectures, which can serve as a solid foundation for the instantiation of use-case specific security extensions. In doing so, we enable security researchers, enterprise administrators and end users to design, deploy and distribute security extensions without further modification of the underlying operating system. To achieve this goal, we first analyze the mobile device ecosystem and discuss how Android's security architecture aims to address its inherent threats. We proceed to survey related work on Android security, focusing on system-centric security extensions, and derive a set of generic requirements for extensible access control architectures targeting smart mobile devices. We then present two extensible access control architectures, which address these requirements by providing policy-based and programmable interfaces for the instantiation of use-case specific security solutions. By implementing a set of practical use-cases, ranging from context-aware access control, dynamic application behavior analysis to isolation of security domains we demonstrate the advantages of system-centric access control architectures over application-layer approaches. Finally, we conclude this dissertation by discussing an alternative approach, which is based on application-layer deputies and can be deployed whenever practical limitations prohibit the deployment of system-centric solutions

    Hidden in Plain Sight: Exploring Encrypted Channels in Android apps

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    As privacy features in Android operating system improve, privacy-invasive apps may gradually shift their focus to non-standard and covert channels for leaking private user/device information. Such leaks also remain largely undetected by state-of-the-art privacy analysis tools, which are very effective in uncovering privacy exposures via regular HTTP and HTTPS channels. In this study, we design and implement, ThirdEye, to significantly extend the visibility of current privacy analysis tools, in terms of the exposures that happen across various non-standard and covert channels, i.e., via any protocol over TCP/UDP (beyond HTTP/S), and using multi-layer custom encryption over HTTP/S and non-HTTP protocols. Besides network exposures, we also consider covert channels via storage media that also leverage custom encryption layers. Using ThirdEye, we analyzed 12,598 top-apps in various categories from Androidrank, and found that 2887/12,598 (22.92%) apps used custom encryption/decryption for network transmission and storing content in shared device storage, and 2465/2887 (85.38%) of those apps sent device information (e.g., advertising ID, list of installed apps) over the network that can fingerprint users. Besides, 299 apps transmitted insecure encrypted content over HTTP/non-HTTP protocols; 22 apps that used authentication tokens over HTTPS, happen to expose them over insecure (albeit custom encrypted) HTTP/non-HTTP channels. We found non-standard and covert channels with multiple levels of obfuscation (e.g., encrypted data over HTTPS, encryption at nested levels), and the use of vulnerable keys and cryptographic algorithms. Our findings can provide valuable insights into the evolving field of non-standard and covert channels, and help spur new countermeasures against such privacy leakage and security issues.Comment: Extended version of an ACM CCS 2022 pape

    Building and evaluating an inconspicuous smartphone authentication method

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    Tese de mestrado em Engenharia Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2013Os smartphones que trazemos connosco estão cada vez mais entranhados nas nossas vidas intimas. Estes dispositivos possibilitam novas formas de trabalhar, de socializar, e ate de nos divertirmos. No entanto, também criaram novos riscos a nossa privacidade. Uma forma comum de mitigar estes riscos e configurar o dispositivo para bloquear apos um período de inatividade. Para voltar a utiliza-lo, e então necessário superar uma barreira de autenticação. Desta forma, se o aparelho cair das mãos de outra pessoa, esta não poderá utiliza-lo de forma a que tal constitua uma ameaça. O desbloqueio com autenticação e, assim, o mecanismo que comummente guarda a privacidade dos utilizadores de smartphones. Porem, os métodos de autenticação atualmente utilizados são maioritariamente um legado dos computadores de mesa. As palavras-passe e códigos de identificação pessoal são tornados menos seguros pelo facto de as pessoas criarem mecanismos para os memorizarem mais facilmente. Alem disso, introduzir estes códigos e inconveniente, especialmente no contexto móvel, em que as interações tendem a ser curtas e a necessidade de autenticação atrapalha a prossecução de outras tarefas. Recentemente, os smartphones Android passaram a oferecer outro método de autenticação, que ganhou um grau de adoção assinalável. Neste método, o código secreto do utilizador e uma sucessão de traços desenhados sobre uma grelha de 3 por 3 pontos apresentada no ecrã táctil. Contudo, quer os códigos textuais/numéricos, quer os padrões Android, são suscetíveis a ataques rudimentares. Em ambos os casos, o canal de entrada e o toque no ecrã táctil; e o canal de saída e o visual. Tal permite que outras pessoas possam observar diretamente a introdução da chave; ou que mais tarde consigam distinguir as marcas deixadas pelos dedos na superfície de toque. Alem disso, estes métodos não são acessíveis a algumas classes de utilizadores, nomeadamente os cegos. Nesta dissertação propõe-se que os métodos de autenticação em smartphones podem ser melhor adaptados ao contexto móvel. Nomeadamente, que a possibilidade de interagir com o dispositivo de forma inconspícua poderá oferecer aos utilizadores um maior grau de controlo e a capacidade de se auto-protegerem contra a observação do seu código secreto. Nesse sentido, foi identificada uma modalidade de entrada que não requer o canal visual: sucessões de toques independentes de localização no ecrã táctil. Estes padrões podem assemelhar-se (mas não estão limitados) a ritmos ou código Morse. A primeira contribuição deste trabalho e uma técnica algorítmica para a deteção destas sucessões de toques, ou frases de toque, como chaves de autenticação. Este reconhecedor requer apenas uma demonstração para configuração, o que o distingue de outras abordagens que necessitam de vários exemplos para treinar o algoritmo. O reconhecedor foi avaliado e demonstrou ser preciso e computacionalmente eficiente. Esta contribuição foi enriquecida com o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação Android que demonstra o conceito. A segunda contribuição e uma exploração de fatores humanos envolvidos no uso de frases de toque para autenticação. E consubstanciada em três estudos com utilizadores, em que o método de autenticação proposto e comparado com as alternativas mais comuns: PIN e o padrão Android. O primeiro estudo (N=30) compara os três métodos no que que diz respeito a resistência a observação e à usabilidade, entendida num sentido lato, que inclui a experiencia de utilização (UX). Os resultados sugerem que a usabilidade das três abordagens e comparável, e que em condições de observação perfeitas, nos três casos existe grande viabilidade de sucesso para um atacante. O segundo estudo (N=19) compara novamente os três métodos mas, desta feita, num cenário de autenticação inconspícua. Com efeito, os participantes tentaram introduzir os códigos com o dispositivo situado por baixo de uma mesa, fora do alcance visual. Neste caso, demonstra-se que a autenticação com frases de toque continua a ser usável. Já com as restantes alternativas existe uma diminuição substancial das medidas de usabilidade. Tal sugere que a autenticação por frases de toque suporta a capacidade de interação inconspícua, criando assim a possibilidade de os utilizadores se protegerem contra possíveis atacantes. O terceiro estudo (N=16) e uma avaliação de usabilidade e aceitação do método de autenticação com utilizadores cegos. Neste estudo, são também elicitadas estratégias de ocultação suportadas pela autenticação por frases de toque. Os resultados sugerem que a técnica e também adequada a estes utilizadores.As our intimate lives become more tangled with the smartphones we carry, privacy has become an increasing concern. A widely available option to mitigate security risks is to set a device so that it locks after a period of inactivity, requiring users to authenticate for subsequent use. Current methods for establishing one's identity are known to be susceptible to even rudimentary observation attacks. The mobile context in which interactions with smartphones are prone to occur further facilitates shoulder-surfing. We submit that smartphone authentication methods can be better adapted to the mobile context. Namely, the ability to interact with the device in an inconspicuous manner could offer users more control and the ability to self-protect against observation. Tapping is a communication modality between a user and a device that can be appropriated for that purpose. This work presents a technique for employing sequences of taps, or tap phrases, as authentication codes. An efficient and accurate tap phrase recognizer, that does not require training, is presented. Three user studies were conducted to compare this approach to the current leading methods. Results indicate that the tapping method remains usable even under inconspicuous authentications scenarios. Furthermore, we found that it is appropriate for blind users, to whom usability barriers and security risks are of special concern

    Understanding IoT Security Through the Data Crystal Ball: Where We Are Now and Where We Are Going To Be

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    Inspired by the boom of the consumer IoT market, many device manufacturers, new start-up companies and technology behemoths have jumped into the space. Indeed, in a span of less than 5 years, we have experienced the manifestation of an array of solutions for the smart home, smart cities and even smart cars. Unfortunately, the exciting utility and rapid marketization of IoTs, come at the expense of privacy and security. Online and industry reports, and academic work have revealed a number of attacks on IoT systems, resulting in privacy leakage, property loss and even large-scale availability problems on some of the most influential Internet services (e.g. Netflix, Twitter). To mitigate such threats, a few new solutions have been proposed. However, it is still less clear what are the impacts they can have on the IoT ecosystem. In this work, we aim to perform a comprehensive study on reported attacks and defenses in the realm of IoTs aiming to find out what we know, where the current studies fall short and how to move forward. To this end, we first build a toolkit that searches through massive amount of online data using semantic analysis to identify over 3000 IoT-related articles (papers, reports and news). Further, by clustering such collected data using machine learning technologies, we are able to compare academic views with the findings from industry and other sources, in an attempt to understand the gaps between them, the trend of the IoT security risks and new problems that need further attention. We systemize this process, by proposing a taxonomy for the IoT ecosystem and organizing IoT security into five problem areas. We use this taxonomy as a beacon to assess each IoT work across a number of properties we define. Our assessment reveals that despite the acknowledged and growing concerns on IoT from both industry and academia, relevant security and privacy problems are far from solved. We discuss how each proposed solution can be applied to a problem area and highlight their strengths, assumptions and constraints. We stress the need for a security framework for IoT vendors and discuss the trend of shifting security liability to external or centralized entities. We also identify open research problems and provide suggestions towards a secure IoT ecosystem


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    The open nature of Android ecosystem has naturally laid the foundation for a highly fragmented operating system. In fact, the official AOSP versions have been aggressively customized into thousands of system images by everyone in the customization chain, such as device manufacturers, vendors, carriers, etc. If not well thought-out, the customization process could result in serious security problems. This dissertation performs a systematic investigation of Android customization’ inconsistencies with regards to security aspects at various Android layers. It brings to light new vulnerabilities, never investigated before, caused by the under-regulated and complex Android customization. It first describes a novel vulnerability Hare and proves that it is security critical and extensive affecting devices from major vendors. A new tool is proposed to detect the Hare problem and to protect affected devices. This dissertation further discovers security configuration changes through a systematic differential analysis among custom devices from different vendors and demonstrates that they could lead to severe vulnerabilities if introduced unintentionally