9 research outputs found

    Mining Web Dynamics for Search

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    Billions of web users collectively contribute to a dynamic web that preserves how information sources and descriptions change over time. This dynamic process sheds light on the quality of web content, and even indicates the temporal properties of information needs expressed via queries. However, existing commercial search engines typically utilize one crawl of web content (the latest) without considering the complementary information concealed in web dynamics. As a result, the generated rankings may be biased due to the efficiency of knowledge on page or hyperlink evolution, and the time-sensitive facet within search quality, e.g., freshness, has to be neglected. While previous research efforts have been focused on exploring the temporal dimension in retrieval process, few of them showed consistent improvements on large-scale real-world archival web corpus with a broad time span.We investigate how to utilize the changes of web pages and hyperlinks to improve search quality, in terms of freshness and relevance of search results. Three applications that I have focused on are: (1) document representation, in which the anchortext (short descriptive text associated with hyperlinks) importance is estimated by considering its historical status; (2) web authority estimation, in which web freshness is quantified and utilized for controlling the authority propagation; and (3) learning to rank, in which freshness and relevance are optimized simultaneously in an adaptive way depending on query type. The contributions of this thesis are: (1) incorporate web dynamics information into critical components within search infrastructure in a principled way; and (2) empirically verify the proposed methods by conducting experiments based on (or depending on) a large-scale real-world archival web corpus, and demonstrated their superiority over existing state-of-the-art

    Ranking in evolving complex networks

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    Complex networks have emerged as a simple yet powerful framework to represent and analyze a wide range of complex systems. The problem of ranking the nodes and the edges in complex networks is critical for a broad range of real-world problems because it affects how we access online information and products, how success and talent are evaluated in human activities, and how scarce resources are allocated by companies and policymakers, among others. This calls for a deep understanding of how existing ranking algorithms perform, and which are their possible biases that may impair their effectiveness. Many popular ranking algorithms (such as Google’s PageRank) are static in nature and, as a consequence, they exhibit important shortcomings when applied to real networks that rapidly evolve in time. At the same time, recent advances in the understanding and modeling of evolving networks have enabled the development of a wide and diverse range of ranking algorithms that take the temporal dimension into account. The aim of this review is to survey the existing ranking algorithms, both static and time-aware, and their applications to evolving networks. We emphasize both the impact of network evolution on well-established static algorithms and the benefits from including the temporal dimension for tasks such as prediction of network traffic, prediction of future links, and identification of significant nodes

    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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    Temporal search in web archives

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    Web archives include both archives of contents originally published on the Web (e.g., the Internet Archive) but also archives of contents published long ago that are now accessible on the Web (e.g., the archive of The Times). Thanks to the increased awareness that web-born contents are worth preserving and to improved digitization techniques, web archives have grown in number and size. To unfold their full potential, search techniques are needed that consider their inherent special characteristics. This work addresses three important problems toward this objective and makes the following contributions: - We present the Time-Travel Inverted indeX (TTIX) as an efficient solution to time-travel text search in web archives, allowing users to search only the parts of the web archive that existed at a user's time of interest. - To counter negative effects that terminology evolution has on the quality of search results in web archives, we propose a novel query-reformulation technique, so that old but highly relevant documents are retrieved in response to today's queries. - For temporal information needs, for which the user is best satisfied by documents that refer to particular times, we describe a retrieval model that integrates temporal expressions (e.g., "in the 1990s") seamlessly into a language modelling approach. Experiments for each of the proposed methods show their efficiency and effectiveness, respectively, and demonstrate the viability of our approach to search in web archives.Webarchive bezeichnen einerseits Archive ursprünglich im Web veröffentlichter Inhalte (z. B. das Internet Archive), andererseits Archive, die vor langer Zeit veröffentlichter Inhalte im Web zugreifbar machen (z. B. das Archiv von The Times). Ein gewachsenes Bewusstein, dass originär digitale Inhalte bewahrenswert sind, sowie verbesserte Digitalisierungsverfahren haben dazu geführt, dass Anzahl und Umfang von Webarchiven zugenommen haben. Um das volle Potenzial von Webarchiven auszuschöpfen, bedarf es durchdachter Suchverfahren. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit drei relevanten Teilproblemen und leistet die folgenden Beiträge: - Vorstellung des Time-Travel Inverted indeX (TTIX) als eine Erweiterung des invertierten Index, um Zeitreise-Textsuche auf Webarchiven effizient zu unterstützen. - Eine neue Methode zur automatischen Umformulierung von Suchanfragen, um negativen Auswirkungen entgegenzuwirken, die eine fortwährende Terminologieveränderung auf die Ergebnisgüte beim Suchen in Webarchiven hat. - Ein Retrieval-Modell, welches speziell auf Informationsbedürfnisse mit deutlichem Zeitbezug ausgerichtet ist. Dieses Retrieval-Modell bedient sich in Dokumenten enthaltener Zeitbezüge (z. B. "in the 1990s") und fügt diese nahtlos in einen auf Language Models beruhenden Retrieval-Ansatz ein. Zahlreiche Experimente zeigen die Effizienz bzw. Effektivität der genannten Beiträge und demonstrieren den praktischen Nutzen der vorgestellten Verfahren

    Temporal search in web archives

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    Web archives include both archives of contents originally published on the Web (e.g., the Internet Archive) but also archives of contents published long ago that are now accessible on the Web (e.g., the archive of The Times). Thanks to the increased awareness that web-born contents are worth preserving and to improved digitization techniques, web archives have grown in number and size. To unfold their full potential, search techniques are needed that consider their inherent special characteristics. This work addresses three important problems toward this objective and makes the following contributions: - We present the Time-Travel Inverted indeX (TTIX) as an efficient solution to time-travel text search in web archives, allowing users to search only the parts of the web archive that existed at a user's time of interest. - To counter negative effects that terminology evolution has on the quality of search results in web archives, we propose a novel query-reformulation technique, so that old but highly relevant documents are retrieved in response to today's queries. - For temporal information needs, for which the user is best satisfied by documents that refer to particular times, we describe a retrieval model that integrates temporal expressions (e.g., "in the 1990s") seamlessly into a language modelling approach. Experiments for each of the proposed methods show their efficiency and effectiveness, respectively, and demonstrate the viability of our approach to search in web archives.Webarchive bezeichnen einerseits Archive ursprünglich im Web veröffentlichter Inhalte (z. B. das Internet Archive), andererseits Archive, die vor langer Zeit veröffentlichter Inhalte im Web zugreifbar machen (z. B. das Archiv von The Times). Ein gewachsenes Bewusstein, dass originär digitale Inhalte bewahrenswert sind, sowie verbesserte Digitalisierungsverfahren haben dazu geführt, dass Anzahl und Umfang von Webarchiven zugenommen haben. Um das volle Potenzial von Webarchiven auszuschöpfen, bedarf es durchdachter Suchverfahren. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit drei relevanten Teilproblemen und leistet die folgenden Beiträge: - Vorstellung des Time-Travel Inverted indeX (TTIX) als eine Erweiterung des invertierten Index, um Zeitreise-Textsuche auf Webarchiven effizient zu unterstützen. - Eine neue Methode zur automatischen Umformulierung von Suchanfragen, um negativen Auswirkungen entgegenzuwirken, die eine fortwährende Terminologieveränderung auf die Ergebnisgüte beim Suchen in Webarchiven hat. - Ein Retrieval-Modell, welches speziell auf Informationsbedürfnisse mit deutlichem Zeitbezug ausgerichtet ist. Dieses Retrieval-Modell bedient sich in Dokumenten enthaltener Zeitbezüge (z. B. "in the 1990s") und fügt diese nahtlos in einen auf Language Models beruhenden Retrieval-Ansatz ein. Zahlreiche Experimente zeigen die Effizienz bzw. Effektivität der genannten Beiträge und demonstrieren den praktischen Nutzen der vorgestellten Verfahren

    Temporal search in web archives

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    Web archives include both archives of contents originally published on the Web (e.g., the Internet Archive) but also archives of contents published long ago that are now accessible on the Web (e.g., the archive of The Times). Thanks to the increased awareness that web-born contents are worth preserving and to improved digitization techniques, web archives have grown in number and size. To unfold their full potential, search techniques are needed that consider their inherent special characteristics. This work addresses three important problems toward this objective and makes the following contributions: - We present the Time-Travel Inverted indeX (TTIX) as an efficient solution to time-travel text search in web archives, allowing users to search only the parts of the web archive that existed at a user's time of interest. - To counter negative effects that terminology evolution has on the quality of search results in web archives, we propose a novel query-reformulation technique, so that old but highly relevant documents are retrieved in response to today's queries. - For temporal information needs, for which the user is best satisfied by documents that refer to particular times, we describe a retrieval model that integrates temporal expressions (e.g., "in the 1990s") seamlessly into a language modelling approach. Experiments for each of the proposed methods show their efficiency and effectiveness, respectively, and demonstrate the viability of our approach to search in web archives.Webarchive bezeichnen einerseits Archive ursprünglich im Web veröffentlichter Inhalte (z. B. das Internet Archive), andererseits Archive, die vor langer Zeit veröffentlichter Inhalte im Web zugreifbar machen (z. B. das Archiv von The Times). Ein gewachsenes Bewusstein, dass originär digitale Inhalte bewahrenswert sind, sowie verbesserte Digitalisierungsverfahren haben dazu geführt, dass Anzahl und Umfang von Webarchiven zugenommen haben. Um das volle Potenzial von Webarchiven auszuschöpfen, bedarf es durchdachter Suchverfahren. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit drei relevanten Teilproblemen und leistet die folgenden Beiträge: - Vorstellung des Time-Travel Inverted indeX (TTIX) als eine Erweiterung des invertierten Index, um Zeitreise-Textsuche auf Webarchiven effizient zu unterstützen. - Eine neue Methode zur automatischen Umformulierung von Suchanfragen, um negativen Auswirkungen entgegenzuwirken, die eine fortwährende Terminologieveränderung auf die Ergebnisgüte beim Suchen in Webarchiven hat. - Ein Retrieval-Modell, welches speziell auf Informationsbedürfnisse mit deutlichem Zeitbezug ausgerichtet ist. Dieses Retrieval-Modell bedient sich in Dokumenten enthaltener Zeitbezüge (z. B. "in the 1990s") und fügt diese nahtlos in einen auf Language Models beruhenden Retrieval-Ansatz ein. Zahlreiche Experimente zeigen die Effizienz bzw. Effektivität der genannten Beiträge und demonstrieren den praktischen Nutzen der vorgestellten Verfahren

    BuzzRank ... and the Trend is Your Friend

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    Ranking methods like PageRank assess the importance of Web pages based on the current state of the rapidly evolving Web graph. The dynamics of the resulting importance scores, however, have not been considered yet, although they provide the key to an understanding of the Zeitgeist on the Web. This paper proposes the BuzzRank method that quantifies trends in time series of importance scores and is based on a relevant growth model of importance scores. We experimentally demonstrate the usefulness of BuzzRank on a bibliographic dataset