331,596 research outputs found

    Business Intelligence for Human Capital Management

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    This article presents the results of an exploratory study of the use of business intelligence (BI) tools to help to make decisions about human resources management in Portuguese organizations. The purpose of this article is to analyze the effective use of BI tools in integrating reports, analytics, dashboards, and metrics, which impacts on the decision making the process of human resource managers. The methodology approach was quantitative based on the results of a survey to 43 human resource managers and technicians. The data analysis technique was correlation coefficient and regression analysis performed by IBM SPSS software. It was also applied qualitative analysis based on a focus group to identify the impacts of business intelligence on the human resources strategies of Portuguese companies. The findings of this study are that: business intelligence is positively associated with HRM decision-making, and business intelligence will significantly predict HRM decision making. The research also examines the process of the information gathered with BI tools from the human resources information system on the decisions of the human resources managers and that impacts the performance of the organizations. The study also gives indications about the practices and gaps, both in terms of human resources management and in processes related to business intelligence (BI) tools. It points out the different factors that must work together to facilitate effective decision-making. The article is structured as follows: a literature review concerning the use of the business intelligence concept and tools and the link between BI and human resources management, methodology, and the main findings and conclusions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Research on Technology Development of Human Resource Management Information System

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    Abstract: With the development of internet technology and enterprise management of information technology in depth, the future of human resources in information technology will be showed the following characteristics:(1)software development will become a platform and model;(2)full participatory approach will tend to diversify based on the Internet and new 3G technology; (3)integrated applications based on SOA framework; (4)group collaboration based on workflow technology;(5)business intelligence based on human resources strategy will be applied deeply in enterprise. Key words: Internet Technology; Human Resources Management; eH

    Semantic technologies: from niche to the mainstream of Web 3? A comprehensive framework for web Information modelling and semantic annotation

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    Context: Web information technologies developed and applied in the last decade have considerably changed the way web applications operate and have revolutionised information management and knowledge discovery. Social technologies, user-generated classification schemes and formal semantics have a far-reaching sphere of influence. They promote collective intelligence, support interoperability, enhance sustainability and instigate innovation. Contribution: The research carried out and consequent publications follow the various paradigms of semantic technologies, assess each approach, evaluate its efficiency, identify the challenges involved and propose a comprehensive framework for web information modelling and semantic annotation, which is the thesis’ original contribution to knowledge. The proposed framework assists web information modelling, facilitates semantic annotation and information retrieval, enables system interoperability and enhances information quality. Implications: Semantic technologies coupled with social media and end-user involvement can instigate innovative influence with wide organisational implications that can benefit a considerable range of industries. The scalable and sustainable business models of social computing and the collective intelligence of organisational social media can be resourcefully paired with internal research and knowledge from interoperable information repositories, back-end databases and legacy systems. Semantified information assets can free human resources so that they can be used to better serve business development, support innovation and increase productivity

    Influence of business intelligence on the engagement of customers through social media management: an analysis of the four-and five-star hotels in the Algarve

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    Objetivos: O propósito deste estudo é verificar se o conteúdo gerado pelos utilizadores nas plataformas de “social media” é recolhido e analisado com o objetivo de melhorar o “engagement” através das mesmas. Para isso, a presente investigação pretende: a) realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre “business intelligence (BI)” e “social media (SM)”; b) explorar de que forma os hotéis de quatro-e-cinco estrelas do Algarve utilizam técnicas de business intelligence analytics para construir engagement com o cliente através das plataformas de social media. A presente revisão de literatura analisa jornais de referência em inglês e português, publicados mundialmente e que contém as palavras-chave em análise: “business intelligence” e “social media”. Metodologia: A metodologia aplicada ao presente trabalho está dividida em dois momentos: no primeiro momento foi efetuada uma revisão de literatura às 114 publicações que continham os seguintes critérios: palavras-chave, tipo de publicação, ano e relevância do estudo em causa; num momento posterior, a uma amostra de 20 hotéis de quatro-e-cinco estrelas foi efetuada uma entrevista aos gestores das unidades, a qual teve a duração de cerca de 30 minutos. Resultados: Após uma análise aos 114 artigos iniciais e a uma seleção criteriosa, a revisão de literatura envolveu apenas 35 publicações sobre as palavras-chave em estudo, as quais, enriqueceram o conhecimento dos investigadores acerca do uso de ferramentas business intelligence e social media management no âmbito do sector hoteleiro. Em linha com a análise teórica, e de forma a apurar qual o grau de desenvolvimento tecnológico nesta área, foram efetuadas entrevistas com duração de meia hora com cerca de vinte e sete questões. A análise às respostas dos inquiridos demonstrou que o uso de ferramentas de business intelligence é pouco ou nada utilizado no que toca à análise de dados do social media. As principais razões apontadas para um baixo uso e aplicação deste sistema, na forma como se mede o nível de “engagement” do cliente, são a falta de recursos humanos especializada e o baixo orçamento que existe direcionado para questões desta natureza. Os resultados obtidos contribuirão para alertar o quão pouco desenvolvido se encontra o sector do turismo e hoteleiro no que respeita ao uso business intelligence. Implicações: Os resultados obtidos contribuirão para aumentar a literatura que já existe e, também, aumentar a investigação que existe acerca de business intelligence, social media e sistemas informáticos. Irá medir o desenvolvimento e implementação de novas tecnologias nos hotéis de quatro-e-cinco estrelas do Algarve. Originalidade: A análise sobre a relação entre a influência do business intelligence no “engagement” dos clientes através do social media nos hotéis de quatro-e-cinco estrelas do algarve é um trabalho pioneiro.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to verify if user-generated content previously collected can be used to improve customer engagement through social media. Therefore, the research seeks to: a) to perform a systematic review of the literature on business intelligence and social media; b) explore how four- and five-star hotels at the Algarve use business intelligence analytics methods to engage customers in the social media channels. The systematic literature review analyses refereed journals in English and Portuguese, published worldwide and containing the keywords: “business intelligence” and “social media”. Methodology: The methodology applied in this work is divided into two stages: on a first moment a literature review analysis was applied through the screening of 114 articles which were excluded or included based on their keywords, type of publication, year and the relevance of the study; on a second moment a 30 minute interview was carried out with managers of 20 hotels in the Algarve on the attempt to conclude whether they were aware or not about the importance of the keywords under analysis. Findings: The authors started with a sample of 114 and after the screening they ended with 35. The analysis of 35 publications provided a wider information about the use of business intelligence, social media management and hospitality. Similarly, the analysis of a 27-question questionnaire demonstrated that the use of a business intelligence system applied to social media platforms to measure engagement was very low and the main reasons to explain this were the lack of specialized human resources and a non-existing budget to this topic. The results obtained will contribute to extent the existing literature and will raise a flag about how undeveloped the hospitality & tourism sector on information systems. Implications: Findings of this topic will contribute to the existing literature and will extend the research on the hospitality sector about business intelligence, social media and IT. It will measure the development and implementation of new technologies among four-and five-star hotels in the Algarve. Originality: This is a pioneering work in analyzing the relationship between the influence of business intelligence on the engagement of customers through social media management of the four-and five-star hotels in the Algarve

    Information Design for "Weak Signal" detection and processing in Economic Intelligence: A case study on Health resources

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    Paper Received 20 February 2011; received in revised form 22 November 2011; accepted 25 December 2011International audienceThe topics of this research cover all phases of "Information Design" applied to detect and profit from weak signals in economic intelligence (EI) or business intelligence (BI). The field of the information design (ID) applies to the process of translating complex, unorganized or unstructured data into valuable and meaningful information. ID practice requires an interdisciplinary approach, which combines skills in graphic design (writing, analysis processing and editing), human performances technology and human factors. Applied in the context of information system, it allows end-users to easily detect implicit topics known as "weak signals" (WS). In our approach to implement the ID, the processes cover the development of a knowledge management (KM) process in the context of EI. A case study concerning information monitoring health resources is presented using ID processes to outline weak signals. Both French and American bibliographic databases were applied to make the connection to multilingual concepts in the health watch process

    IT-Supported Development of Human Resources Management Model

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    Sposobnost za postizanje postavljenih ciljeva bilo koje organizacije, u kontekstu strategijskog i performans menadžmenta, zavisi od sposobnosti te organizacije da uči, da razvija i upravlja razvojem svog intektualnog kapitala, odnosno ljudskim resursima. Inovacija i razvoj proizvoda, usluga i poslovnih procesa mogu se postići unapređenim znanjima i umjećima osoblja, nadmoćnom informacionom tehnologijom i uređenim procesima organizacije. Savremene organizacije sve jasnije shvataju da im valjano upravljanje ljudskim resursima može značajno doprinjeti sticanju održivih kompetitivnih prednosti. Značaj koncepata i pristupa upravljanja ljudskim resursima, a prema tome i vrednovanja i ocjenjivanja ljudskog kapitala, sa podrškom upravljačkih informacionih sistema, se prema svemu sudeći, zasniva se na činjenici da, zahvaljujući pomenutim sistemima, biva reorganizovano doskorašnje shvatanje i razumijevanje doprinosa osoblja performansama organizacije. Upravljanje ljudskim resursima u svakom poslovnom sistemu postaje potpuno različito od dosadašnjeg. Ono se više ne shvata samo kao puka funkcionalna aktivnost već i kao nova poslovna filozofija koju treba provoditi na svim menadžerskim nivoima. Neki od neophodnih uslova za uspješno upravljanje ljudskim resursima i performansom se obezbjeđuju putem upravljanja informacionim resursima organizacije (podacima, informacijama i znanjima) kao i od strane poslovne inteligencije kao osnove za sticanje potrebnih informacija. Stoga se značajan dio ove teze fokusira na koncipiranje i razvoj upravljačkih informacionih sistema za podršku upravljanju ljudskim resursima.The ability to achieve the set objectives of an organisation in the context of strategic and performance management depends on the organisation’s ability to learn, develop and manage the development of its own intellectual capital i.e. human resources. Innovation and development of products, services and business processes can be achieved by improved staff’s knowledge and skills, supreme information technology and regulated organisational processes. Modern organisations are becoming more and more aware of the fact that proper human resources management can considerably contribute to gaining sustainable competitive advantages. The importance of conceptions of and approaches to human resources management, and therefore the evaluation and assessment of the human capital supported by IT systems seems to be based on the fact that the previous understanding of staff’s contribution to the organisation’s performance is being reorganised owing to IT support. In every business system human resources management is becoming totally different than before; it is no longer seen as a mere functional activity but also as a new business philosophy to be applied on all levels of management. Some of the conditions necessary for successful human resources management and performances are provided by the informational resources of an organisation (data, information and skills) and business intelligence as the basis for acquiring the necessary information. Therefore, a significant part of this thesis is focused on conceiving and developing the management information systems for human resources management support

    IT-Supported Development of Human Resources Management Model

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    Sposobnost za postizanje postavljenih ciljeva bilo koje organizacije, u kontekstu strategijskog i performans menadžmenta, zavisi od sposobnosti te organizacije da uči, da razvija i upravlja razvojem svog intektualnog kapitala, odnosno ljudskim resursima. Inovacija i razvoj proizvoda, usluga i poslovnih procesa mogu se postići unapređenim znanjima i umjećima osoblja, nadmoćnom informacionom tehnologijom i uređenim procesima organizacije. Savremene organizacije sve jasnije shvataju da im valjano upravljanje ljudskim resursima može značajno doprinjeti sticanju održivih kompetitivnih prednosti. Značaj koncepata i pristupa upravljanja ljudskim resursima, a prema tome i vrednovanja i ocjenjivanja ljudskog kapitala, sa podrškom upravljačkih informacionih sistema, se prema svemu sudeći, zasniva se na činjenici da, zahvaljujući pomenutim sistemima, biva reorganizovano doskorašnje shvatanje i razumijevanje doprinosa osoblja performansama organizacije. Upravljanje ljudskim resursima u svakom poslovnom sistemu postaje potpuno različito od dosadašnjeg. Ono se više ne shvata samo kao puka funkcionalna aktivnost već i kao nova poslovna filozofija koju treba provoditi na svim menadžerskim nivoima. Neki od neophodnih uslova za uspješno upravljanje ljudskim resursima i performansom se obezbjeđuju putem upravljanja informacionim resursima organizacije (podacima, informacijama i znanjima) kao i od strane poslovne inteligencije kao osnove za sticanje potrebnih informacija. Stoga se značajan dio ove teze fokusira na koncipiranje i razvoj upravljačkih informacionih sistema za podršku upravljanju ljudskim resursima.The ability to achieve the set objectives of an organisation in the context of strategic and performance management depends on the organisation’s ability to learn, develop and manage the development of its own intellectual capital i.e. human resources. Innovation and development of products, services and business processes can be achieved by improved staff’s knowledge and skills, supreme information technology and regulated organisational processes. Modern organisations are becoming more and more aware of the fact that proper human resources management can considerably contribute to gaining sustainable competitive advantages. The importance of conceptions of and approaches to human resources management, and therefore the evaluation and assessment of the human capital supported by IT systems seems to be based on the fact that the previous understanding of staff’s contribution to the organisation’s performance is being reorganised owing to IT support. In every business system human resources management is becoming totally different than before; it is no longer seen as a mere functional activity but also as a new business philosophy to be applied on all levels of management. Some of the conditions necessary for successful human resources management and performances are provided by the informational resources of an organisation (data, information and skills) and business intelligence as the basis for acquiring the necessary information. Therefore, a significant part of this thesis is focused on conceiving and developing the management information systems for human resources management support