262 research outputs found

    The Structured Process Modeling Theory (SPMT): a cognitive view on why and how modelers benefit from structuring the process of process modeling

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    After observing various inexperienced modelers constructing a business process model based on the same textual case description, it was noted that great differences existed in the quality of the produced models. The impression arose that certain quality issues originated from cognitive failures during the modeling process. Therefore, we developed an explanatory theory that describes the cognitive mechanisms that affect effectiveness and efficiency of process model construction: the Structured Process Modeling Theory (SPMT). This theory states that modeling accuracy and speed are higher when the modeler adopts an (i) individually fitting (ii) structured (iii) serialized process modeling approach. The SPMT is evaluated against six theory quality criteria

    Research and practice of sustainability transitions in the Netherlands

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    This paper reports on the research outcomes and practical experiences with transitions and transition management in the Netherlands. Transitions are phenomena that receive increasing interest from researchers, policy-makers and the business community as an integrated paradigm for dealing with persistent unsustainability problems as well as with structuring activities aiming at radical breakthroughs towards sustainability. Within the Netherlands, the Dutch research network on System Innovations and Transitions (KSI) and the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT) have functioned as the core centres for research and practices in this area

    Service Oriented Architecture Definition Using Composition of Business-Driven Fragments

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    International audienceServices Oriented Architecture are built through the compo- sition of services (e.g. Web Services) to define complex business process (e.g. Orchestrations). Well known methodologies focus on identifying ser- vices and orchestrations at design time. However the orchestration design phase is still a heavy burden, as it induces to deal with both technical and business domain concerns. This article proposes to use an evolution framework (Adore) to capitalize architects knowledge and best practices into “evolutions”. Architects can build business-driven orchestrations by composing reusable “evolutions” following a design–by–composition ap- proach. We apply this approach to build a legacy Soa called Seduite (validation platform for the French national research project Faros)

    Architecture of an ERP System Supporting Project-Oriented Management

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    Abstract. Existing ERP systems provide an IT solution to the management of enterprise resources based on the function-oriented management approach. With an increasingly wide adoption of the project-oriented management, new models are needed for ERP systems to support the management of enterprise resources in a project-oriented manner. This paper presents an architecture of an ERP system supporting project-oriented management. Two characteristics of the project-oriented management are integrated in the proposed architecture: first, social protocols are used to model interactions between actors (humans or software agents) within a given group. Second, the concept of group actions is detailed as a way to integrate group dynamics to social protocols

    Eine Analyse der Literatur zur Referenzmodellierung im Geschäftsprozessmanagement unter Berücksichtigung quantitativer Methoden

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    Im Geschäftsprozessmanagement nimmt die Referenzmodellierung bei der Gestaltung von Geschäftsprozessen eine große Bedeutung ein, da auf bereits existierende Modelle zurückgegriffen werden kann. So kann Zeit für die Entwicklung der Prozesse eingespart und von bereits etabliertem Wissen profitiert werden. Die vorliegende Masterarbeit analysiert die Literatur im Bereich der Referenzmodellierung im Geschäftsprozessmanagement unter Berücksichtigung quantitativer Methoden. Es werden insbesondere die Forschungsrichtungen bzw. Themenbereiche, Entwicklungen und der aktuelle Stand der Literatur in diesem Bereich ermittelt. Zunächst werden deutsch- und englischsprachige Artikel nach bestimmten Kriterien ausgewählt. Anschließend folgt eine quantitativ orientierte Analyse der Literatur. Dabei kommt die Latente Semantische Analyse zum Einsatz, mit deren Hilfe Themenbereiche ermittelt werden und die einzelnen Beiträge den ermittelten Themenbereichen zugeordnet werden können. Darüber hinaus wird die Entwicklung der Anzahl der Artikel in den Themenbereichen im Zeitverlauf betrachtet und auf Unterschiede zwischen der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Literatur eingegangen. In der darauf folgenden qualitativ orientierten Analyse werden die Artikel der einzelnen Themenbereiche inhaltlich analysiert und der aktuelle Stand der Forschung dargestellt. Nicht zuletzt werden die Ergebnisse der qualitativen Analyse in Bezug zu den Ergebnissen der quantitativen Analyse gesetzt

    An extended configurable UML activity diagram and a transformation algorithm for business process reference modeling

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions provide generic off-the-shelf reference models usually known as best practices . The configuration !individualization of the reference model to meet specific requirements of business end users however, is a difficult task. The available modeling languages do not provide a complete configurable language that could be used to model configurable reference models. More specifically, there is no algorithm that monitors the transformation of configurable UML Activity Diagram (AD) models while preserving the syntactic correctness of the model. To fill these gaps we propose an extended UML AD modeling language which we named Configurable UML Activity Diagram (C-UML AD). The C-UML AD is used to represent a reference model while showing all the variation points and corresponding dependencies within the model. The C-UML AD covers the requirements and attributes of a configurable modeling language as prescribed by earlier researchers who developed Configurable EPC (C-EPC). We also propose a complete algorithm that transforms the C-UML AD business model to an individual consistent UML AD business model, where the end user\u27s configuration values are consistent with the constraints of the model. Meanwhile, the syntactic correctness of the transformed model is preserved. We validated the Transformation Algorithm by showing how all the transformation steps of the algorithm preserve the syntactic correctness of any given configurable business model, as prescribed by earlier researchers, and by running it on different sets of test scenarios to demonstrate its correctness. We developed a tool to apply the Transformation Algorithm and to demonstrate its validity on a set of test cases as well as a real case study that was used by earlier researchers who developed the C-EPC

    Metrics for the Case Management Modeling and Notation (CMMN) Specification

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    General and reference Metrics; Applied com- puting Business process modeling; Software and its engineering System modeling languages; Computing methodologies Model veri cation and validation;The Case Management Modeling and Notation (CMMN) speci cation, published by the Object Management Group (OMG) in 2014, describes a declarative style for modeling business processes. The declarative nature of CMMN is in- tended to supplement the procedural style of the Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN). Although multi- ple metrics have been developed and veri ed for BPMN, the authors are not aware of any metrics developed for CMMN. Being a relative new process speci cation the understanding of complexity metrics for CMMN ought to be bene cial for practitioners and researchers by providing a way to compare case management models. This study provides a formal description of CMMN and three metrics are de ned, namely size, length, and complex- ity. The metrics are theoretically validated using the formal framework for software measurements de ned by Briand et al. and the complexity metric is further validated using Weyuker's properties for software complexity measures.College of Engineering, Science and Technolog

    Business impacts of web accessibility in the Austrian hotel sector

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    Diese Magisterarbeit behandelt die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen von barrierefreiem Web im Tourismus Bereich und fokussiert dabei insbesondere auf die österreichische Hotelbranche. Ein Literatur Review gibt vorerst einen Überblick über die gegenwärtige Situation von barrierefreiem Web und barrierefreiem Tourismus. Ferner werden mit Hilfe von statistikbasierten Schätzungen wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen von barrierefreiem Tourismus in der österreichischen Hotelbranche ermittelt. Um die Komplexität der Barrierefreiheit in der Tourismusbranche adäquat darstellen zu können, wird ein drei-dimensionales Hotelkategorisierungsmodell entwickelt, mit Hilfe dessen die Evaluierung des Status quo eines Hotels im Hinblick auf Barrierefreiheit vorgenommen werden kann. Darüber hinaus ist dieses Kategorisierungsmodell für weiterführende Benchmarking Aktivitäten einsetzbar. Eine Fallstudien-Analyse vereint quantitative und qualitative Forschungsmethoden und untersucht die betriebswirtschaftlichen Effekte von barrierefreiem Web in der Hotel Branche. Ergebnisse zeigen, dass derzeit nur ein Bruchteil der österreichischen Hotels über eine barrierefreie Webseite verfügt, obwohl durch die Implementierung von Barrierefreiheit zusätzliche Investitionen entfallen würden sowie Vorteile für alle Kunden generiert werden könnten. Die im Zuge dieser Magisterarbeit durchgeführten Studien bekräftigen bisherige Forschungsergebnisse, welche das fehlende Bewusstsein von Tourismus Akteuren in Bezug auf barrierefreies Web als Hauptgrund für die mangelnde Implementierung identifizierten. Ferner kann festgestellt werden, dass Reisende mit Beeinträchtigungen eine wirtschaftlich signifikante Touristengruppe darstellen und in ihren Eigenschaften sehr loyal und zunehmend mobil sind.This contribution aims to investigate the business impacts of web accessibility in the tourism industry with the focus on the Austrian hotel sector. Case study research methods are used for the research. The results of the conducted studies verify previous research, showing that tourism stakeholders considerably lack awareness of web accessibility. The literature review on web accessibility and accessible tourism gives an overview on the current status. Estimations based on statistical data are used to assess the economical impact of accessible tourism in the Austrian hotel sector. A three dimensional hotel categorization model on accessibility is introduced to encompass the complexity of accessibility in the hotel sector. It can be used to evaluate the status quo of hotel accessibility and may therefore provide a valuable tool for further benchmarking activities. Quantitative and qualitative studies are used to assess the implications of web accessibility in the hotel sector in praxis. The study on the accessibility of the Austrian hotel web pages shows that currently only a fraction has implemented web accessibility. The conducted in-depth interviews reveal that implementing web accessibility doesn’t require additional investment and has advantages for all costumers. The interviews also confirm the results of previous studies: travelers with disabilities can represent a significant guest group, are very loyal to the place their like and they are increasingly mobile, this groups of travelers is ever more important. Additionally, this study confirmed that accessibility has to be promoted, so people with disabilities can find these hotels

    Abstracts from the 9th Alps Adria Psychology Conference

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