1,181 research outputs found

    Creation of a Single National ID: Challenges & Opportunities for India

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    A National ID for all citizens and residents of India has long being considered a critical necessity, albeit the related projects have been in pilot mode for the past several years and no distinct road ahead seems to be coming out. The government has been focusing on inclusive growth and has launched several schemes at different levels to facilitate the same. However, monitoring the execution of these schemes and understanding clearly if the targeted citizens actually have got benefited, would demand for substantial granularity of information and doing away with information bottlenecks. Interestingly, proper execution of the National ID project by the government can prove to be useful for execution of various schemes and projects as well as in accessing multiple government and private sector services. This paper focuses on the need for a single national identity system in India and its proposed execution which may actually be linked to citizen life cycle. The other aspects covered and analyzed include current Indian scenario, challenges, existing identification systems and loopholes in the existing systems. Major challenges seem to be coming from enrolments, technology platform choice and strategic design, corresponding policy and legal frameworks. The paper also discusses about international scenario of single national id projects undertaken in 27 countries across the globe to understand current status, adoption and usage. To reinforce the need for national ID, the existing IDs were analysed based on a scoring model considering various dimensions. Primary research was conducted, based on which it was found none of the existing IDs was able to satisfy as a National ID based on the scoring model. The proposed road map has been discussed in length i.e technology platform, smart card technology, legal and administrative framework, business model based on Private-Public Partnership (PPP) considering the mammoth and diverse population. A ranking matrix may be created to come up with a composite score for all districts based on various dimensions. The execution may be planned to be executed without asking Indians to stand in queue for one more ID and accelerating towards a more secured society and more importantly ensuring better delivery of Government services to citizens.

    The Cord Weekly (November 9, 1972)

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    A Survey of Fraud Detection Techniques, Process and Applications

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    Extortion is expanding drastically with the expansion of current innovation and the worldwide superhigh-ways of correspondence, subsequent in the damage of billions of bucks world-wide each time. Fraud is an active area of research. Various fraud detection issues comprised huge data sets that are constantly evolving. In this paper, we reviewed various applications and advantages of fraud detection.We surveyed the previous technical review articles in fraud detection. Furthermore, the steps involved to detect fraud in documents. Three approaches are being investigated: a rule-based approach, model based approach and neural network

    Comparative analysis of Latvian and Estonian AML requirements in regards to the virtual currency exchange service providers – theory and practice

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    Money laundering is considered as one of the most significant types of financial crime. Its magnitude has only increased in the past decade alongside with the development in the technological field. Since the regulatory framework seeks to mitigate threats posed by existing financial instruments, persons willing to initiate these actions still find new ways to proceed with illicit activities. In that regard, this thesis focuses on comprehending regulatory scope and requirements governing virtual currency exchange service providers at the high level (European Union), while further analysis emphasises their implementation in Estonian and Latvian regulatory framework. By comprehending minimum requirements set in respective legal systems, in-depth analysis and further comparison will highlight differences, which arises between regulatory attitudes towards these service providers stemming from both member states of the EU. Since virtual currency as such has been legally defined only by the 5th anti-money laundering directive, the regulatory application remains uncertain, therefore theoretical and practical analysis, thus comparison seeks to comprehend different approaches considered by respective jurisdictions

    Ettevõtete ebaõnnestumise protsesse iseloomustavad tunnused rahvusvahelises kontekstis

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Ettevõtete ebaõnnestumise protsesse on uuritud kaua aega, muuhulgas seoses teema püsiva praktilise aktuaalsusega. Dissertatsiooni eesmärgiks on luua finants- ja mittefinantsnäitajaid kasutades uut teadmust ettevõtete ebaõnnestumise protsesside kohta. Ebaõnnestumise protsessina käsitletakse dissertatsioonis pankrotini viivat teekonda, mille puhul vaadeldakse nii küsimusi „miks“ (ebaõnnestumise põhjused) kui ka „kuidas“ (finantsnäitajate muutumine ebaõnnestumise protsessis). Teekonna all on töös mõeldud kas ettevõtte kogu eluiga või teatud aastaid enne pankroti väljakuulutamist. Töö põhineb neljal avaldatud teadusartiklil, mis tuginevad erinevate Euroopa riikide andmetele. Töö näitab, et väga noori ettevõtteid iseloomustavad kolme tüüpi ebaõnnestumise protsessid: akuutne, järk-järguline, krooniline. Vanematele ettevõtetele on omased ainult järk-järgulise ebaõnnestumise protsessid, milledele on iseloomulik lühi- ja pikaajalise maksevõime, rentaabluse ning efektiivsuse suhtarvude väärtuste halvenemine kuni pankroti väljakuulutamiseni. Erineva päritoluriigi ning erineva suurusega ettevõtteid iseloomustavad väga erinevad ebaõnnestumise protsessid. Ka ebaõnnestumise põhjused on riikide lõikes erinevad. Eesti ettevõtete ebaõnnestumist selgitab enim integreeritud teooria, st. ebaõnnestumine sise- ja väliskeskkonna põhjuste koosmõjus, kuid see ei kehti igas suuruses ja vanuses ettevõtete kohta. Näiteks ebaõnnestuvad vanad ettevõtted enim ainult väliskeskkonnast ning suured ettevõtted mõlema keskkonna koosmõjust tulenevate põhjuste tõttu. Töö tulemused annavad mõningaid praktilisi näpunäiteid, millised muutujad eri tüüpi ettevõtete korral võivad peatset pankrotistumist indikeerida.Firm failure processes is a major field of research with important implications for practice, as firm failures occur daily. This thesis aims to improve the understanding of firm failure processes using financial and non-financial variables. The firm failure process is considered a pathway in a firm’s life cycle depicting why (causes of failure) and how (sequence of events) firms become bankrupt. The thesis is based on four original published articles, which include data mainly from different European countries. The thesis shows that young firms follow different financial failure processes (i.e. acute, gradual and chronic), but adolescent and old firms are characterized only by gradual failure processes, which indicate a step-by-step worsening of profitability, efficiency, liquidity and solidity during the pre-failure years. Firms in different European countries can follow various financial failure processes and these processes can also vary with firm size and export behaviour. Firms in different countries can be subject to different failure causes. While firms most commonly fail in Estonia because of the combination of internal and external causes, lending support for the integrative theory of failure causes, such a finding does not apply in the case of all sizes and ages of firms. For instance, old firms are especially susceptible to fail because of external reasons alone and large firms because of the simultaneous contribution of internal and external reasons. The results of the thesis provide input for bankruptcy prediction by outlining which variables might signal the forthcoming collapse and how

    A more complete conceptual framework for financing of small and medium enterprises

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    The authors propose a more complete conceptual framework for analysis of credit availability for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In this framework, lending technologies are the key conduit through which government policies and national financial structures affect credit availability. They emphasize a causal chain from policy to financial structures which affect the feasibility and profitability of different lending technologies. These technologies, in turn, have important effects on SME credit availability. Financial structures include the presence of different financial institution types and the conditions under which they operate. Lending technologies include several transactions technologies, plus relationship lending. The authors argue that the framework implicit in most of the literature is oversimplified, neglects key elements of the chain, and often yields misleading conclusions. A common oversimplification is the treatment of transactions technologies as a homogeneous group, unsuitable for serving informationally opaque SMEs, and a frequent misleading conclusion is that large institutions are disadvantaged in lending to opaque SMEs.Banks&Banking Reform,Financial Intermediation,Investment and Investment Climate,Economic Theory&Research,Financial Crisis Management&Restructuring

    The Cord Weekly (March 28, 2001)

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    Credit scoring by segmented modelling

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    This study is devoted to small loan evaluation modelling which is known as credit scoring. Credit scoring models help the decision takers (such as credit offices, banks …) decide customers’ creditworthiness in short time without prejudice. Main goal of this master thesis was to understand feasibility and effectiveness of credit scoring model by using logistic regression technique and obtaining important variables for credits scoring models. Furthermore we targeted to reveal how segmentation (creating different score cards for different age groups) can help to predict more accurately. In this study, we worked with real data which was provided by local company in Estonia. In conclusion, our results showed that credit scoring by logistic regression helped to discriminate good customers effectively and the use of segmentation improves the model’s accuracy

    Real Estate Bubble Bursts and Government Policy during Crisis: Examples of Estonia, Ireland and Sweden

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    The objective of current article is to view previous experience with real estate crises and taking into account such experience find suitable policy reactions to overcome the current Estonian crisis as smoothly as possible. Beside overall theoretical guidelines for overcoming the crisis, examples of Sweden and Ireland are viewed. The policy issues suggested for Estonia include some changes in tax laws, avoiding expansionary fiscal policy, making lending stricter and borrower responsible to higher extent, cooperation of different authorities to tackle problem of bad loans, initiating wage and price cut, paying more attention to exporting secto