531 research outputs found

    Persona preparedness : a survey instrument for measuring the organizational readiness for deploying personas

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    User-centric design within organizations is crucial for developing information technology that offers optimal usability and user experience. Personas are a central user-centered design technique that puts people before technology and helps decision makers understand the needs and wants of the end-user segments of their products, systems, and services. However, it is not clear how ready organizations are to adopt persona thinking. To address these concerns, we develop and validate the Persona Readiness Scale (PRS), a survey instrument to measure organizational readiness for personas. After a 12-person qualitative pilot study, the PRS was administered to 372 professionals across different industries to examine its reliability and validity, including 125 for exploratory factor analysis and 247 for confirmatory factor analysis. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated a good fit with five dimensions: Culture readiness, Knowledge readiness, Data and systems readiness, Capability readiness, and Goal readiness. Higher persona readiness is positively associated with the respondents’ evaluations of successful persona projects. Organizations can apply the resulting 18-item scale to identify areas of improvement before initiating costly persona projects towards the overarching goal of user-centric product development. Located at the cross-section of information systems and human–computer interaction, our research provides a valuable instrument for organizations wanting to leverage personas towards more user-centric and empathetic decision making about users.© The Author(s) 2022. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Promoting the adoption of assistive technologies to aid with spatial orientation in dementia care

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    Introduction: In dementia care, locating technologies are a type of assistive technology that hold the potential to improve the quality of life of persons with dementia and their care partners by assisting in the management of spatial orientation impairments and wandering. Although many products are commercially available, their adoption remains low. To better understand how to promote their adoption, we examined user experience and clinical effectiveness resulting from product use and explored barriers to their adoption. Methods: In a first user experience study, a prototype locating technology was tested for four weeks by 17 dyads composed of persons with dementia and their care partners. In a second user experience study, two similar commercially available locating technologies were tested for four weeks each by another 17 dyads. User experience was examined with ratings of product usability, product functions and product features. Clinical effectiveness, frequency of use, purchase willingness, and product satisfaction were assessed with various scales. In a third qualitative focus group interview study with 22 interdisciplinary professional stakeholders, we explored views on the barriers to their adoption, as well as views on services and information dissemination strategies. Results: In the first study, the prototype was rated fairly in terms of usability, product functions and product features. However, usability ratings significantly decreased after four weeks. In the second study, ratings of usability, as well as of several product functions and product features were significantly more favourable for one of the two tested commercial products. Clinical effectiveness was not found in either study. In the third study, the main adoption barriers were based on unclear benefits and ethical concerns, as well as limitations in awareness, technology, product characteristics, and capital investments. Key services and information dissemination strategies centred on digital autonomy support, emergency support, information dissemination actors, product acquisition, and product advertising. Discussion: Results from both user experience studies indicate that focusing on specific product functions and features might substantially improve user experience. This might translate to measurable clinical effectiveness and higher adoption rates. Results from our qualitative study indicate that not only product characteristics and the technology itself impact adoption. Indeed, focusing on services and information dissemination strategies around products warrants closer attention as they might markedly improve adoption.Einleitung: Ortungssysteme in der Demenzversorgung gelten als eine vielversprechende Art von assistierender Technologie, um die Lebensqualität von Menschen mit Demenz und ihren Pflegepartnern zu verbessern, indem sie dabei helfen räumliche Orientierungsstörungen und Wanderungen zu bewältigen. Ihre Verwendung bleibt jedoch trotz der Verfügbarkeit vieler kom-merzieller Produkte gering. Um besser zu verstehen, wie ihre Verwendung gefördert werden kann, haben wir die Nutzererfahrung und klinische Wirksamkeit, die sich aus der Produktnutzung ergeben sowie die Barrieren für ihre Einführung untersucht. Methoden: In einer ersten Nutzererfahrungsstudie wurde ein Prototyp Ortungssystem vier Wo-chen lang von 17 Dyaden bestehend aus Menschen mit Demenz und ihren Pflegepartnern ge-testet. In einer zweiten Nutzererfahrungsstudie wurden zwei ähnliche kommerziell erhältliche Or-tungssysteme jeweils vier Wochen lang von weiteren 17 Dyaden getestet. Die Nutzererfahrung wurde mit Bewertungen der Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Produktfunktionen und Produkteigenschaften untersucht. Klinische Wirksamkeit, Nutzungshäufigkeit, Kaufbereitschaft und Produktzufrieden-heit wurden mit verschiedenen Skalen bewertet. In einer dritten qualitativen Fokusgruppeninter-viewstudie mit 22 interdisziplinären professionellen Stakeholdern untersuchten wir Ansichten zu den Barrieren für ihre Verwendung sowie zu Dienstleistungen und Strategien zur Informationsverbreitung. Ergebnisse: In der ersten Studie waren die Bewertungen der Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Produkt-funktionen und Produkteigenschaften mittelmäßig. Die Bewertung der Benutzerfreundlichkeit ging jedoch nach vier Wochen deutlich zurück. In der zweiten Studie fielen die Bewertungen der Benutzerfreundlichkeit sowie einiger Produktfunktionen und Produkteigenschaften bei einem der beiden getesteten Produkte deutlich besser aus. Klinische Wirksamkeit wurde in keiner der Studien gefunden. In der dritten Studie konzentrierten sich die wichtigsten Einführungsbarrieren auf unklare Vorteile und ethische Bedenken sowie auf bewusstseins-, technologisch-, produktmerkmal- und kapitalinvestitionsbasierte Einschränkungen. Dienstleistungen und Strategien zur Informationsverbreitung konzentrierten sich auf Unterstützung von digitaler Autonomie, Notfallunterstützung, Akteure der Informationsverbreitung, Produktakquisition und Produktwerbung. Diskussion: Die Ergebnisse beider Studien zur Nutzererfahrung zeigen, dass die Nutzererfah-rung durch die Optimierung bestimmter Produktfunktionen und Produkteigenschaften erheblich verbessert werden kann. Dies könnte zu einer messbaren klinischen Wirksamkeit und höheren Verwendung führen. Die Ergebnisse unserer qualitativen Studie zeigen, dass die Verwendung durch mehr als die Produktemerkmale und die Technologie selbst bestimmt wird. Deshalb ist eine gezielte Fokussierung auf Dienstleistungen und Strategien zur Informationsverbreitung rund um Ortungssysteme notwendig, da sie die Verwendung deutlich verbessern könnte

    Impact of Human Likeness on Ethical Decision Making about Medical Dilemmas

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    Humans are often represented in computer interfaces as graphical characters. These characters, or embodied agents, are used to increase people’s comfort level and humanize the interaction. While the impact of these characters has been studied in various ways, their influence on the ability of humans to make decisions of ethical consequence has yet to be explored. Interface designers have to make decisions in the design process that greatly influence how people interact with a system. If a seemly insignificant design decision could have a significant impact on how a human reacts to the system, then that warrants exploration. This study presents online participants with an ethical dilemma delivered by a female conversational character, and explores the differences in decisions made based on the motion quality and human likeness of the character. In the five conditions, which vary in motion quality and human likeness, participants showed no significant difference in the ethical decision. However, the data indicated that male participants were significantly more likely to rule against the character when the motion quality was jerky or the visual appearance of the character was represented by a computer generated character instead of a real woman. These findings extend previous work on interpersonal judgment, indicating that a virtual person’s appearance can influence supposedly impartial ethical decisions

    MCV/Q, Medical College of Virginia Quarterly, Vol. 15 No. 3

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    Teaching Accessibility and Design-For-All in the Information and Communication Technology Curriculum: Three Case Studies of Universities in the United States, England, and Austria

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    Digital technologies allow people with disabilities to participate independently in society in ways they never could before. The full realization of these new opportunities remains elusive, though, because working professionals in the information and communication technology (ICT) field rarely receive adequate training in how to make digital ICT accessible to people with disabilities. Adding accessibility to the university ICT curriculum can help create a critical mass of ICT professionals with accessibility awareness and expertise to finally realize the full accessibility potential of digital technologies. This dissertation provides a rich informational context from which ICT curriculum leaders can decide how to best infuse accessibility into their own curriculum
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