11 research outputs found

    Signal theory and processing for burst-mode and ScanSAR interferometry

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    Measuring Coseismic Deformation With Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Review

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    In the past 25 years, space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery has become an increasingly available data source for the study of crustal deformation associated with moderate to large earthquakes (M > 4.0). Coseismic surface deformation can be measured with several well-established techniques, the applicability of which depends on the ground displacement pattern, on several radar parameters, and on the surface properties at the time of the radar acquisitions. The state-of-the-art concerning the measurement techniques is reviewed, and their application to over 100 case-studies since the launch of the Sentinel-1a satellite is discussed, including the performance of the different methods and the data processing aspects, which still constitute topics of ongoing research

    Burst Misalignment Evaluation for ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 ScanSAR-ScanSAR Interferometry

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    This paper reports the validation results of burst misalignment for ScanSAR-ScanSAR interferometry of the Phased Array-type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar-2 (PALSAR-2) aboard the Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2, “DAICHI-2”). After the internal software modification on 8 February 2015, ALOS-2 ScanSAR observation mode archives have been available for use in interferometric analysis, as it was planned. However, it has not been reported whether its burst misalignment satisfies the mission requirements: 90% or higher burst overlap ratio. The validation results in this paper confirm that the expected observation misalignment satisfies the required range, including minimal seasonal and orbital dependencies. The results in this paper are obtained directly from the azimuth offset of the single look complex (SLC) data and are not derived from the orbit records. Nine identical orbits and frame numbers are chosen and evaluated to investigate the average burst misalignment and orbital dependency

    Oil spill and ship detection using high resolution polarimetric X-band SAR data

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    Among illegal human activities, marine pollution and target detection are the key concern of Maritime Security and Safety. This thesis deals with oil spill and ship detection using high resolution X-band polarimetric SAR (PolSAR). Polarimetry aims at analysing the polarization state of a wave field, in order to obtain physical information from the observed object. In this dissertation PolSAR techniques are suggested as improvement of the current State-of-the-Art of SAR marine pollution and target detection, by examining in depth Near Real Time suitability

    Remote Sensing for Wind Energy

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    Remote Sensing and Geosciences for Archaeology

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    This book collects more than 20 papers, written by renowned experts and scientists from across the globe, that showcase the state-of-the-art and forefront research in archaeological remote sensing and the use of geoscientific techniques to investigate archaeological records and cultural heritage. Very high resolution satellite images from optical and radar space-borne sensors, airborne multi-spectral images, ground penetrating radar, terrestrial laser scanning, 3D modelling, Geographyc Information Systems (GIS) are among the techniques used in the archaeological studies published in this book. The reader can learn how to use these instruments and sensors, also in combination, to investigate cultural landscapes, discover new sites, reconstruct paleo-landscapes, augment the knowledge of monuments, and assess the condition of heritage at risk. Case studies scattered across Europe, Asia and America are presented: from the World UNESCO World Heritage Site of Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Palpa to heritage under threat in the Middle East and North Africa, from coastal heritage in the intertidal flats of the German North Sea to Early and Neolithic settlements in Thessaly. Beginners will learn robust research methodologies and take inspiration; mature scholars will for sure derive inputs for new research and applications

    Geosynchronous synthetic aperture radar for Earth continuous observation missions

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    This thesis belongs to the field of remote sensing, particularly Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems from the space. These systems acquire the signals along the orbital track of one or more satellites where the transmitter and receiver are mounted, and coherently process the echoes in order to form the synthetic aperture. So, high resolution images can be obtained without using large arrays of antennas. The study presented in this thesis is centred in a novel concept in SAR, which is known as Geosynchronous SAR or GEOSAR, where the transmitter and/or receiver are placed in a platform in a geostationary orbit. In this case, the small relative motions between the satellite and the Earth surface are taken to get the necessary motion to form the synthetic aperture and focus the image. The main advantage of these systems with respect to the current technology (where LEO satellites with lower height are considered) is the possibility of permanently acquire images from the same region thanks to the small motion of the platform. Therefore, the different possibilities in the orbital design that offer this novel technology as well as the geometric resolutions obtained in the final image have been firstly studied. However, the use of geosynchronous satellites as illuminators results in slant ranges between 35.000-38.000 Km, which are much higher than the typical values obtained in LEOSAR, under 1.000 Km. Fortunately, the slow motion of the satellite makes possible large integration of pulses during minutes or even hours, reaching Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) levels in the order of LEO acquisitions without using high transmitted power or large antennas. Moreover, such large integration times, increases the length of the synthetic aperture to get the desired geometric resolutions of the image (in the order of a few meters or kilometres depending on the application). On the other hand, the use of long integration time presents some drawbacks such as the scene targets decorrelation, atmospheric artefacts due to the refraction index variations in the tropospheric layer, transmitter and receiver clock jitter, clutter decorrelation or orbital positioning errors; which will affect the correct focusing of the image. For this reason, a detailed theoretical study is presented in the thesis in order to characterize and model these artefacts. Several simulations have been performed in order to see their effects on the final images. Some techniques and algorithms to track and remove these errors from the focused image are presented and the improvement of the final focused image is analysed. Additionally, the real data from a GB-SAR (Ground-Based SAR) have been reused to simulate a long integration time acquisition and see the effects in the image focusing as well as to check the performance of compensation algorithms in the final image. Finally, a ground receiver to reuse signals of opportunity from a broadcasting satellite have been designed and manufactured. This hardware is expected to be an important tool for experimental testing in future GEOSAR analysis.Aquesta tesi s'emmarca dins de l'àmbit de la teledetecció, en particular, en els sistemes coneguts com a radar d'obertura sintètica (SAR en anglès) des de l'espai. Aquests sistemes adquireixen senyal al llarg de l'òrbita d'un o més satèl·lits on estan situats el transmissor i el receptor, i processa els ecos de forma coherent per a formar l'obertura sintètica. D'aquesta manera es poden aconseguir imatge d'alta resolució sense la necessitat d'emprar un array d'antenes molt gran. El treball realitzat en aquest estudi es centra en un nou concepte dins del món SAR que consisteix en l'ús de satèl·lits en òrbita geostacionària per a l'adquisició d'imatges, sistemes coneguts com a Geosynchronous SAR o GEOSAR. En aquest cas, els petits moviments relatius dels satèl·lits respecte de la superfície terrestre s'empren per a aconseguir el desplaçament necessari per a formar l'obertura sintètica i així obtenir la imatge. El principal avantatge d'aquests sistemes respecte a la tecnologia actual (on s'utilitzen satèl·lits en orbites més baixes LEO) és la possibilitat d'adquirir imatges d'una mateixa zona de forma permanent gràcies als petits desplaçaments del satèl·lit. Així doncs, en aquesta tesi s'estudien les diferents possibilitats en el disseny orbital que ofereixen aquests sistemes així com les resolucions d'imatge que s'obtindrien. Tot i així, l'ús de satèl·lits en òrbita geoestacionària, resulta en una distància entre el transmissor/receptor i l'escena entre 35000-38000 Km, molt més gran que les distàncies típiques en els sistemes LEO per sota dels 1000 Km. Tot i així, el moviment lent de les plataformes geostacionàries fa possible la integració de polsos durant minuts o hores, arribant a nivells acceptables de relació senyal a soroll (SNR) sense necessitat d'utilitzar potències transmeses i antenes massa grans. A més a més, aquesta llarga integració també permet assolir unes longituds d'obertura sintètica adients per a arribar a resolucions d'imatge desitjades (de l'ordre de pocs metres o kilòmetres segons l'aplicació). Malgrat això, l'ús de temps d'integració llargs té una sèrie d'inconvenients com poden ser la decorrelació dels blancs de l'escena, l'aparició d'artefactes atmosfèrics deguts als canvis d'índex de refracció en la troposfera, derives dels rellotges del transmissor i receptor, decorrelació del clutter o errors en el posicionament orbital, que poden afectar la correcta focalització de la imatge. Així doncs, en la tesi s'ha fet un detallat estudi teòric d'aquests problemes per tal de modelitzar-los i posteriorment s'han realitzat diverses simulacions per veure els seus efectes en una imatge. Diverses tècniques per a compensar aquests errors i millorar la qualitat de la imatge també s'han estudiat al llarg de la tesi. Per altra banda, dades reals d'un GB-SAR (SAR en una base terrestre) s'han reutilitzat per adaptar-les a una possible adquisició de llarga durada i veure així de forma experimental com afecta la llarga integració en les imatges i com millora l'enfocament després d'aplicar els algoritmes de compensació. Per últim, en la tesi es presenta un sistema receptor terrestre per a poder realitzar un anàlisi experimental del cas GEOSAR utilitzant un il·luminador d'oportunitat. Els primers passos en el disseny i la fabricació del hardware també es presenten en aquesta tes