849 research outputs found

    Gruppe III-Nitrid basierte UVC LEDs und Laser mit transparenten AlGaN:Mg Schichten und Tunneldioden, hergestellt mittels MOVPE

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    In this work, AlGaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and lasers with emission wavelengths in the deep ultraviolet (UVC) spectral range are produced, analyzed, and optimized. Here, the focus is on the UV transparency of the structures, enabling high light extraction efficiency for UVC LEDs and being a necessary condition for UVC laser diodes, however at the same time challenging due to low electrical conductivity. AlN and AlGaN layers as well as heterostructures for devices are grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. A systematic analysis of the influence of individual layer properties on the emission properties of LEDs and lasers is provided. Defect reduced (ELO) AlN layers on sapphire and AlN substrates serve as basis for the epitaxial growth of AlN and AlGaN layers. By analyzing the influence of substrate offcut on surface morphology, atomically smooth AlN layers are reproducibly obtained on both types of substrates for offcut angles < 0.17°. For the realization of n-type AlGaN:Si cladding layers, the influence of growth parameters such as temperature, gas phase composition and growth rate was separately analyzed. Highly conductive, uniform and smooth AlGaN:Si layers were obtained by the implementation of a superlattice concept with 10 s growth interruptions to increase the diffusion length of metal adatoms. Despite high compressive strain, pseudomorphic laser structures with three-fold quantum wells were obtained with emission wavelength at 270 nm by the choice of Al0.7Ga0.3N waveguide composition, whereas lower aluminum contents lead to partial strain relaxation. In addition, the formation of V-pits acting as scattering centers in the waveguide was successfully reduced by increasing the growth temperature from 900 ℃ to 1080 ℃. Finally, the influence of these individual optimization steps on laser properties was analyzed. Optically pumped UVC lasers with laser threshold, spectral linewidth reduction, and TE polarized emission above threshold were shown near 270 nm. By reducing the surface roughness, the laser thresholds were reduced by a factor of seven. Electrical injection mechanisms were experimentally analyzed by electroluminescence measurements on transparent UVC LEDs with waveguide system, and combined with simulations of optical modes and the corresponding losses. By the variation of composition and layer thickness of waveguide and cladding layers an optimized heterostructure design for UVC laser diodes with 200 nm thick Al0.76Ga0.24N:Mg cladding layers was found. This design simultaneously enables efficient carrier injection and sufficient mode confinement with low optical losses of 40 cm-1. As an unconventional alternative to resistive AlGaN:Mg layers, tunnel junctions (TJ) in reverse bias configuration were implemented into the UVC LED heterostructure for efficient injection of holes. By the initial optimization of individual TJ components, such as doping concentrations at the TJ interface or the composition of an interlayer, the first demonstration of functional TJ-LEDs with AlGaN tunnel homojunction was achieved, as well as the first demonstration of AlGaN-based TJ-LEDs grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. Based on these devices, the interlayer thickness was varied to exploit polarization charges at the interface in order to reduce the space charge region width and enhance tunneling probabilities. Using 8 nm thick GaN interlayers, a reduction of the operation voltage by 20 V was achieved, as well as TJ-LEDs with external quantum efficiencies of 2.3% and emission powers of 6.6 mW at 268 nm and 0.26 mW at 232 nm.In dieser Arbeit werden AlGaN-basierte Leuchtdioden (LEDs) und Laser mit EmissionswellenlĂ€ngen im tiefen ultravioletten (UVC) Spektralbereich hergestellt, charakterisiert und optimiert. Dabei liegt die UV-Transparenz der Strukturen im Fokus, die hohe Lichtextraktionseffizienz fĂŒr UVC LEDs ermöglicht und eine notwendige Bedingung fĂŒr UVC Laserdioden darstellt, gleichzeitig aber aufgrund geringer elektrischer LeitfĂ€higkeit herausfordernd ist. AlN und AlGaN Schichten sowie Heterostrukturen fĂŒr Bauelemente werden mittels metallorganischer Gasphasenepitaxie hergestellt und der Einfluss einzelner Schichteigenschaften auf die Emissionseigenschaften von LEDs und Lasern systematisch analysiert. Defektreduzierte (ELO) AlN Schichten auf Saphirsubstraten sowie AlN Substrate dienen als Basis fĂŒr das epitaktische Wachstum von AlN und AlGaN Schichten. Durch die Analyse des Einflusses des Substratfehlschnittes auf die OberflĂ€chenmorphologie konnten atomar glatte AlN Schichten auf beiden Substrattypen fĂŒr Fehlschnittwinkel < 0.17° reproduzierbar hergestellt werden. Die AlGaN:Si Wachstumsparameter Temperatur, Gasphasenzusammensetzung und Wachstumsrate wurden separat variiert. LeitfĂ€hige, homogene und glatte AlGaN:Si Schichten konnten durch die Umsetzung eines Übergitterkonzeptes mit je 10 s Wachstumsunterbrechung zur Erhöhung der DiffusionslĂ€nge von Metalladatomen realisiert werden. Pseudomorphe Laserstrukturen mit Dreifach-Quantenfilmen und EmissionswellenlĂ€ngen von 270 nm wurden trotz stark kompressiver Verspannung mittels Al0.7Ga0.3N Wellenleitern realisiert, wogegen geringere Aluminiumgehalte zu Teilrelaxation der Verspannung fĂŒhren. Zudem konnte die Ausbildung von V-Pits als Streuzentren im Wellenleiter durch Erhöhung der Wachstumstemperatur von 900 ℃ auf 1080 ℃ erfolgreich reduziert werden. Schließlich wurde der Einfluss dieser einzelnen Optimierungsschritte auf die Lasereigenschaften analysiert. Optisch gepumpte UVC Laser mit spektraler EinschnĂŒrung, Laserschwelle sowie TE polarisierter Emission nahe 270 nm wurden gezeigt. Durch Reduktion der OberflĂ€chenrauheit konnte die Laserschwelle schrittweise um den Faktor sieben reduziert werden. Elektrische Injektion wurde mittels Elektrolumineszenz an transparenten UVC LEDs mit Wellenleitersystem experimentell analysiert und mit Simulationen optischer Moden und deren Verluste kombiniert. Durch die Variation von Zusammensetzung und Schichtdicke von Wellenleiter- bzw. Mantelschichten konnte ein optimiertes Heterostrukturdesign fĂŒr UVC Laserdioden mit 200 nm dicken Al0.76Ga0.24N:Mg Mantelschichten gefunden werden, welches gleichzeitig effiziente LadungstrĂ€gerinjektion und ausreichenden Modeneinschluss mit geringen optischen Verlusten von 40 cm-1 ermöglicht. Als unkonventionelle Alternative zu resistiven AlGaN:Mg Schichten wurden Tunneldioden (TJ) zur Löcherinjektion implementiert. Durch die anfĂ€ngliche Optimierung individueller Komponenten wie der Zusammensetzung einer Zwischenschicht oder der Dotierlevel an der GrenzflĂ€che, wurde die erste Demonstration AlGaN-basierter TJLEDs ermöglicht, die mit metallorganischer Gasphasenepitaxie gewachsen wurden. Auf dieser Basis wurde die Zwischenschichtdicke gezielt variiert, um Polarisationsladungen an der GrenzflĂ€che zur Reduktion der Raumladungszonenbreite auszunutzen und die Tunnelwahrscheinlichkeit zu erhöhen. Mit 8 nm GaN Zwischenschichten wurde eine Spannungsreduktion um 20 V erreicht, sowie TJ-LEDs mit externer Quanteneffizienz von 2,3% und Emissionsleistung von 6,6 mW bei 268 nm und 0,26 mW bei 232 nm

    The 2020 UV emitter roadmap

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    Solid state UV emitters have many advantages over conventional UV sources. The (Al,In,Ga)N material system is best suited to produce LEDs and laser diodes from 400 nm down to 210 nm—due to its large and tuneable direct band gap, n- and p-doping capability up to the largest bandgap material AlN and a growth and fabrication technology compatible with the current visible InGaN-based LED production. However AlGaN based UV-emitters still suffer from numerous challenges compared to their visible counterparts that become most obvious by consideration of their light output power, operation voltage and long term stability. Most of these challenges are related to the large bandgap of the materials. However, the development since the first realization of UV electroluminescence in the 1970s shows that an improvement in understanding and technology allows the performance of UV emitters to be pushed far beyond the current state. One example is the very recent realization of edge emitting laser diodes emitting in the UVC at 271.8 nm and in the UVB spectral range at 298 nm. This roadmap summarizes the current state of the art for the most important aspects of UV emitters, their challenges and provides an outlook for future developments

    Wide-Bandgap III-Nitride Tunnel Junctions and Novel Approaches towards Improving Optoelectronic Devices

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    A combination of novel techniques, materials, and devices are explored to enhance III-nitride optoelectronics from the infrared to the deep ultraviolet wavelengths. Low-bandgap, high indium content III-nitride materials are investigated for longer wavelength applications. High indium incorporation into the crystal is achieved via plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE) at low growth substrate temperatures 2x light output power when compared to a control.Ph.D

    Micro- and Nanotechnology of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors

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    Owing to their unique characteristics, direct wide bandgap energy, large breakdown field, and excellent electron transport properties, including operation at high temperature environments and low sensitivity to ionizing radiation, gallium nitride (GaN) and related group III-nitride heterostructures proved to be enabling materials for advanced optoelectronic and electronic devices and systems. Today, they are widely used in high performing short wavelength light emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs), high performing radar, wireless telecommunications, as well ‘green’ power electronics. Impressive progress in GaN technology over the last 25 years has been driven by a continuously growing need for more advanced systems, and still new challenges arise and need to be solved. Actually, lighting industry, RF defene industry, and 5G mmWave telecommunication systems are driving forces for further intense research in order to reach full potential of GaN-based semiconductors. In the literature, there is a number of review papers and publications reporting technology progress and indicating future trends. In this Special Issue of Electronics, eight papers are published, the majority of them focusing materials and process technology of GaN-based devices fabricated on native GaN substrates. The specific topics include: GaN single crystalline substrates for electronic devices by ammonothermal and HVPE methods, Selective – Area Metalorganic Vapour – Phase Epitaxy of GaN and AlGaN/GaN hetereostructures for HEMTs, Advances in Ion Implantation of GaN and Related Materials including high pressure processing (lattice reconstruction) of ion implanted GaN (Mg and Be) and III-Nitride Nanowires for electronic and optoelectronic devices

    Atomically Thin Resonant Tunnel Diodes built from Synthetic van der Waals Heterostructures

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    Vertical integration of two-dimensional van der Waals materials is predicted to lead to novel electronic and optical properties not found in the constituent layers. Here, we present the direct synthesis of two unique, atomically thin, multi-junction heterostructures by combining graphene with the monolayer transition-metal dichalocogenides: MoS2, MoSe2, and WSe2.The realization of MoS2-WSe2-Graphene and WSe2-MoSe2-Graphene heterostructures leads toresonant tunneling in an atomically thin stack with spectrally narrow room temperature negative differential resistance characteristics

    Electrically Injected and Optically Pumped III-Nitride Devices for Polarized White Light Emission

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    Despite the advantages of growing III-nitrides on semipolar planes, challenges still remain for achieving long visible wavelength emission from InGaN layers. The growth of high indium content InGaN required for long wavelength emission is difficult to achieve. First, high indium content InGaN has a large lattice mismatch with GaN, and the large stress in strained InGaN layers acts as a driving force for relaxation. Second, high indium content InGaN layers require low growth temperatures or fast growth rates, which lead to decreased adatom diffusion and desorption and can result in increased impurity concentrations, a breakdown of surface morphology, and growth errors. Third, subsequent high temperature growth steps have been shown to degrade high indium content InGaN layers. We report device designs in which an electrically injected blue light-emitting diode (LED) optically pumps quantum wells (QWs) with long wavelength emission. Optically pumping offers several advantages over electrically injecting QWs for long wavelength emission. Optically pumped QWs do not have to be confined within a p-n junction, and carrier transport is not a concern. Thus, thick GaN barriers can be incorporated between multiple InGaN QWs to manage stress. Optically pumping long wavelength emitting QWs also eliminates high temperature steps that degrade high indium content InGaN but are required when growing p-GaN for an LED structure. Additionally, by eliminating electrical injection, the doping profile can instead be engineered to affect the emission wavelength.A device that monolithically integrates a blue LED and optically pumped QWs for long wavelength emission can be optimized to emit white light. This is an alternative to white light created using blue or violet III-nitride LEDs or laser diodes to pump powdered phosphors that emit yellow or red wavelengths. In addition, white light created by nonpolar or semipolar InGaN QWs with varying bandgaps offers the benefit that the emitted light is optically polarized, compared to the unpolarized emission that results from c-plane LEDs, powdered phosphors, and scattered light. This is of significant interest because polarized light has unique applications in, for example, backlighting liquid-crystal displays.We present demonstrations of electrically injected and optically pumped III-nitride device designs for polarized white light emission. A first device monolithically incorporated a blue (202 ̅1 ̅ ) LED and yellow optically pumped (202 ̅1) QWs. This device produced polarized white light emission with peaks at 440 nm and 560 nm from the electrically injected and optically pumped QWs, respectively, and an optical polarization ratio of 0.40. A second device monolithically incorporated a blue (202 ̅1 ̅ ) LED and optically pumped (202 ̅1) QWs for long wavelength emission, where the doping profile was intentionally engineered to red-shift the emission of one of the optically pumped QWs by creating a built-in electric field that acted in the same direction as the polarization-induced electric field in the QW. This device produced polarized white light emission with a peaks at 450 nm from the electrically injected QW and at 520 nm and 590 nm from the optically pumped QWs, which were grown in n-i-n and p-i-n structures, respectively. The optical polarization ratio was 0.30. A third device was grown on (202 ̅1) using a tunnel junction to incorporate optically pumped QWs for long wavelength emission above an electrically injected blue LED. Use of NH3 molecular beam epitaxy enabled the growth of the tunnel junction in this device, while use of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition enabled the growth of InGaN with high radiative efficiency. By increasing the ratio of yellow to blue emission, future devices can be used to produce polarized white light. Our initial device produced emission peaks at 450 nm and 560 nm from the electrically injected and optically pumped QWs, respectively. The optical polarization ratio was 0.28. Overall, using electrically injected and optically pumped III-nitrides devices, we have demonstrated the first devices with polarized white light emission

    II-VI Semiconductor Nano-Structures for On-Chip integrated Photonics

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    Nanowires (NWs) and nanobelts (NBs) have been widely studied and fabricated into on-chip photodetectors, biosensors, LEDs/lasers, solar cells and computational components. Their highly tunable physical, electronic and optical properties have generated interest in this field over the past two decades. While there is tremendous potential for nano-structured devices, the wide spread application of NWs/NBs has been hindered by the difficulty in integrating multiple NW or NB structures together into more complex devices. This problem requires a completely novel approach to what has been previously attempted in order to effectively couple on-chip light sources, waveguides and detectors. Multiple factors must be considered including optical power of nanoscale light sources, propagation losses in waveguides and responsivity of nano-scale detectors. Only in combination is it possible to have fully on-chip integrated devices. In this thesis we report the design, optimization and fabrication of coupled self-aligned NB LED emitters and photodetectors. An etched cut is made into a single Cadmium Sulfide NB providing the ability to fabricate each section of a single NB into a separate device. This opens possibilities for on-chip devices such biological sensors. This self-aligned structure can also be coupled to an external light source. Additionally, we present a method for waveguideing and modulating second harmonic generation (SHG) in Cadmium Sulfide NBs as a light source for on-chip measurements. SHG is a coherent and tunable frequency doubled light source so the input laser does not interfere with measurements on-chip. The ability to reliably fabricate more complex devices with nano-structures will continue the trend of portability and point-of-care technology by integrating bulk components such as lasers and photodetectors onto on-chip devices
