4,611 research outputs found

    Design and Development of a Compound DSS for Laboratory Research

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    Koneoppimiskehys petrokemianteollisuuden sovelluksille

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    Machine learning has many potentially useful applications in process industry, for example in process monitoring and control. Continuously accumulating process data and the recent development in software and hardware that enable more advanced machine learning, are fulfilling the prerequisites of developing and deploying process automation integrated machine learning applications which improve existing functionalities or even implement artificial intelligence. In this master's thesis, a framework is designed and implemented on a proof-of-concept level, to enable easy acquisition of process data to be used with modern machine learning libraries, and to also enable scalable online deployment of the trained models. The literature part of the thesis concentrates on studying the current state and approaches for digital advisory systems for process operators, as a potential application to be developed on the machine learning framework. The literature study shows that the approaches for process operators' decision support tools have shifted from rule-based and knowledge-based methods to machine learning. However, no standard methods can be concluded, and most of the use cases are quite application-specific. In the developed machine learning framework, both commercial software and open source components with permissive licenses are used. Data is acquired over OPC UA and then processed in Python, which is currently almost the de facto standard language in data analytics. Microservice architecture with containerization is used in the online deployment, and in a qualitative evaluation, it proved to be a versatile and functional solution.Koneoppimisella voidaan osoittaa olevan useita hyödyllisiä käyttökohteita prosessiteollisuudessa, esimerkiksi prosessinohjaukseen liittyvissä sovelluksissa. Jatkuvasti kerääntyvä prosessidata ja toisaalta koneoppimiseen soveltuvien ohjelmistojen sekä myös laitteistojen viimeaikainen kehitys johtavat tilanteeseen, jossa prosessiautomaatioon liitettyjen koneoppimissovellusten avulla on mahdollista parantaa nykyisiä toiminnallisuuksia tai jopa toteuttaa tekoälysovelluksia. Tässä diplomityössä suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin prototyypin tasolla koneoppimiskehys, jonka avulla on helppo käyttää prosessidataa yhdessä nykyaikaisten koneoppimiskirjastojen kanssa. Kehys mahdollistaa myös koneopittujen mallien skaalautuvan käyttöönoton. Diplomityön kirjallisuusosa keskittyy prosessioperaattoreille tarkoitettujen digitaalisten avustajajärjestelmien nykytilaan ja toteutustapoihin, avustajajärjestelmän tai sen päätöstukijärjestelmän ollessa yksi mahdollinen koneoppimiskehyksen päälle rakennettava ohjelma. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen mukaan prosessioperaattorin päätöstukijärjestelmien taustalla olevat menetelmät ovat yhä useammin koneoppimiseen perustuvia, aiempien sääntö- ja tietämyskantoihin perustuvien menetelmien sijasta. Selkeitä yhdenmukaisia lähestymistapoja ei kuitenkaan ole helposti pääteltävissä kirjallisuuden perusteella. Lisäksi useimmat tapausesimerkit ovat sovellettavissa vain kyseisissä erikoistapauksissa. Kehitetyssä koneoppimiskehyksessä on käytetty sekä kaupallisia että avoimen lähdekoodin komponentteja. Prosessidata haetaan OPC UA -protokollan avulla, ja sitä on mahdollista käsitellä Python-kielellä, josta on muodostunut lähes de facto -standardi data-analytiikassa. Kehyksen käyttöönottokomponentit perustuvat mikropalveluarkkitehtuuriin ja konttiteknologiaan, jotka osoittautuivat laadullisessa testauksessa monipuoliseksi ja toimivaksi toteutustavaksi

    Probabilistic Graphical Models on Multi-Core CPUs using Java 8

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    In this paper, we discuss software design issues related to the development of parallel computational intelligence algorithms on multi-core CPUs, using the new Java 8 functional programming features. In particular, we focus on probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) and present the parallelisation of a collection of algorithms that deal with inference and learning of PGMs from data. Namely, maximum likelihood estimation, importance sampling, and greedy search for solving combinatorial optimisation problems. Through these concrete examples, we tackle the problem of defining efficient data structures for PGMs and parallel processing of same-size batches of data sets using Java 8 features. We also provide straightforward techniques to code parallel algorithms that seamlessly exploit multi-core processors. The experimental analysis, carried out using our open source AMIDST (Analysis of MassIve Data STreams) Java toolbox, shows the merits of the proposed solutions.Comment: Pre-print version of the paper presented in the special issue on Computational Intelligence Software at IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine journa

    JFML: A Java Library to Design Fuzzy Logic Systems According to the IEEE Std 1855-2016

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    Fuzzy logic systems are useful for solving problems in many application fields. However, these systems are usually stored in specific formats and researchers need to rewrite them to use in new problems. Recently, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society has sponsored the publication of the IEEE Standard 1855-2016 to provide a unified and well-defined representation of fuzzy systems for problems of classification, regression, and control. The main aim of this standard is to facilitate the exchange of fuzzy systems across different programming systems in order to avoid the need to rewrite available pieces of code or to develop new software tools to replicate functionalities that are already provided by other software. In order to make the standard operative and useful for the research community, this paper presents JFML, an open source Java library that offers a complete implementation of the new IEEE standard and capability to import/export fuzzy systems in accordance with other standards and software. Moreover, the new library has associated a Website with complementary material, documentation, and examples in order to facilitate its use. In this paper, we present three case studies that illustrate the potential of JFML and the advantages of exchanging fuzzy systems among available softwareThis work was supported in part by the XXII Own Research Program (2017) of the University of Córdoba, in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grants RYC-2016-19802 (Ramón y Cajal contract), TIN2017-84796-C2-1-R, TIN2014-56633-C3-3-R, TIN2014-57251-P, and TIN2015-68454-R, in part by the Andalusian Government under Grant P11-TIC-7765, in part by the Xunta de Galicia (accreditation 2016-2019), and in part by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)

    Development of Web Services for Computational and Analytical Processing Code of Software Metric

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    This study is to develop a web service, which allows to calculate and conduct analytical processing software metrics. To achieve the goal we need to an analytical overview of the software that allows to calculate code metrics, examine the existing metrics, learn the basic architectural approaches of building a web service, explore the applicability of fuzzy logic algorithms (West et.al., 2015) for the implementation of intelligent analysis software metrics, implement a web service that allows you to calculate and conduct analytical processing software metrics based on expert opinion and make testing design a web service. There are many approaches to solving the problem of testing and verification of software. During the development of this application was used unit testing. The purpose of unit testing - to isolate parts of the program and to show that these parts are operable individually. During the development process have been implemented unit tests, as a result of testing problems have been identified. The operation of the Web service is fully consistent with the previously defined functional requirements. Consequently, the task of determining the effectiveness of the programmer and the source code evaluation solved. Keywords: fuzzy logic algorithms, SaaS, Object-oriented, cyclomatic complexity, Mamdani algorithm, RESTful, API, SVN-repository

    Diabetes Diagnosis by Case-Based Reasoning and Fuzzy Logic

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    In the medical field, experts’ knowledge is based on experience, theoretical knowledge and rules. Case-based reasoning is a problem-solving paradigm which is based on past experiences. For this purpose, a large number of decision support applications based on CBR have been developed. Cases retrieval is often considered as the most important step of case-based reasoning. In this article, we integrate fuzzy logic and data mining to improve the response time and the accuracy of the retrieval of similar cases. The proposed Fuzzy CBR is composed of two complementary parts; the part of classification by fuzzy decision tree realized by Fispro and the part of case-based reasoning realized by the platform JColibri. The use of fuzzy logic aims to reduce the complexity of calculating the degree of similarity that can exist between diabetic patients who require different monitoring plans. The results of the proposed approach are compared with earlier methods using accuracy as metrics. The experimental results indicate that the fuzzy decision tree is very effective in improving the accuracy for diabetes classification and hence improving the retrieval step of CBR reasoning

    Ontologies learn by searching

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    Dissertation to obtain the Master degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceDue to the worldwide diversity of communities, a high number of ontologies representing the same segment of reality which are not semantically coincident have appeared. To solve this problem, a possible solution is to use a reference ontology to be the intermediary in the communications between the community enterprises and to outside. Since semantic mappings between enterprise‘s ontologies are established, this solution allows each of the enterprises to keep internally its own ontology and semantics unchanged. However information systems are not static, thus established mappings become obsoletes with time. This dissertation‘s objective is to identify a suitable method that combines semantic mappings with user‘s feedback, providing an automatic learning to ontologies & enabling auto-adaptability and dynamism to the information system

    Artificial Intelligence(AI) application in Library Systems in Iran: A taxonomy study

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    With introducing and developing AI logic, this science as a branch of computer science could impact and improve all sciences which used computer systems. LIS also could get benefit from AI in many areas. This paper survey applications of AI in library and information science and introduce the potential of library system to apply AI techniques. Intelligent systems have contributed for many librarian purposes like cataloging, indexing, information retrieval, reference, and other purposes. We applied Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) as a primer method for identification of the most applicable AI techniques categories in LIS. ESs are the most usable intelligent system in LIS which mimic librarian expert’s behaviors to support decision and management. AI also can utilize in many areas such as speech recognition, machine translation and librarian robots. In this study four criteria for the application of AI in the library systems in Iran was considered and it is determined in three area included public services, technical services, and management services. Then, degree of development these services was studied using taxonomy method. The results showed that most developed Recommender Systems (RM) in library systems in Iran and Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the most undeveloped criterion