856,345 research outputs found

    Ant Build Maintenance with Formiga

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    A build system produces a set of deliverables from a software project\u27s source code and resources. Build maintenance refers to the changes made to the build system as a software project evolves over time. It has been shown to impose a significant overhead on overall development costs, in part because changes to source code often require parallel changes in the build system. However, little tool support exists to assist developers with build maintenance, particularly for those changes that must accompany changes to the source code. Formiga is a build maintenance and dependency discovery tool for the Ant build system. Formiga\u27s primary uses are to automate build changes as the source code is updated, to identify the build dependencies within a software project, and to assist with build refactoring. Formiga is implemented as an IDE plugin, which allows it to recognize when project resources are updated and automatically update the build system accordingly. This implementation also allows it to leverage existing metaphors used by developers to maintain source code, thus making it easier to use. A controlled experiment was conducted to assess Formiga\u27s ability to assist developers with build maintenance. Formiga was shown to signficantly reduce the time required to perform build maintenance while increasing the correctness with which it can be performed

    Version Control Integration of Build Maintenance Tools with Formiga

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    The task of build maintenance consists of creating, configuring, and updating the build system of a software engineering project. A project of sufficient size and scope is likely to have some sort of build system due to the complexity and time required to create a finished product. Build maintenance has been shown to greatly increase the cost of developing software due to the common need to modify a build system at the same time as the source code. Unfortunately, there is little in the way of tool support to assist developers with build maintenance. Formiga is a build maintenance and dependency discovery tool developed by Hardt. Formiga provides support for build refactoring, dependency identification, and automatic build updating based on modifications to source code. This thesis expands upon the original Formiga tool by investigating what kind of hurdles would be involved in integrating it with a production-quality version control system. An initial implementation of version control integration is built on top of the Formiga IDE plugin. It makes use of a mock version control system to keep track of file and file dependency history. This work, while not integrating with a production-quality version control system, lays a basis on which to perform that full integration in future iterations of Formiga

    System integration report

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    Several areas that arise from the system integration issue were examined. Intersystem analysis is discussed as it relates to software development, shared data bases and interfaces between TEMPUS and PLAID, shaded graphics rendering systems, object design (BUILD), the TEMPUS animation system, anthropometric lab integration, ongoing TEMPUS support and maintenance, and the impact of UNIX and local workstations on the OSDS environment

    Extracting Build Changes with BUILDDIFF

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    Build systems are an essential part of modern software engineering projects. As software projects change continuously, it is crucial to understand how the build system changes because neglecting its maintenance can lead to expensive build breakage. Recent studies have investigated the (co-)evolution of build configurations and reasons for build breakage, but they did this only on a coarse grained level. In this paper, we present BUILDDIFF, an approach to extract detailed build changes from MAVEN build files and classify them into 95 change types. In a manual evaluation of 400 build changing commits, we show that BUILDDIFF can extract and classify build changes with an average precision and recall of 0.96 and 0.98, respectively. We then present two studies using the build changes extracted from 30 open source Java projects to study the frequency and time of build changes. The results show that the top 10 most frequent change types account for 73% of the build changes. Among them, changes to version numbers and changes to dependencies of the projects occur most frequently. Furthermore, our results show that build changes occur frequently around releases. With these results, we provide the basis for further research, such as for analyzing the (co-)evolution of build files with other artifacts or improving effort estimation approaches. Furthermore, our detailed change information enables improvements of refactoring approaches for build configurations and improvements of models to identify error-prone build files.Comment: Accepted at the International Conference of Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 201

    Chance-Constrained Outage Scheduling using a Machine Learning Proxy

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    Outage scheduling aims at defining, over a horizon of several months to years, when different components needing maintenance should be taken out of operation. Its objective is to minimize operation-cost expectation while satisfying reliability-related constraints. We propose a distributed scenario-based chance-constrained optimization formulation for this problem. To tackle tractability issues arising in large networks, we use machine learning to build a proxy for predicting outcomes of power system operation processes in this context. On the IEEE-RTS79 and IEEE-RTS96 networks, our solution obtains cheaper and more reliable plans than other candidates


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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kehittää kunnossapidon toimintaa ja tehdä kunnossapitosuunnitelma Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy Winnova:lle. Kunnossapitosuunnitelmalla pyritään rakentamaan pohja oppilaitoksen kunnossapidolle ja kunnonvalvonnalle sekä näiden organisointiin ja seurannalle. Kehittämistyö pohjautuu Winnovan ISO9001 laadunhallinnan sertifiointiprosessiin, joka kuuluu osaksi Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön ammatillisen koulutuksen laatustrategiaa 2011 – 2020. Kunnossapidon kehittäminen on tärkeää laitekannan käyttövarmuuden parantamiseksi ja opetuksen laadun turvaamiseksi. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli rakentaa kunnossapidon järjestelmä, jota voidaan soveltaa eri koulutusaloilla kunnossapidon toiminnan pyörittämiseen ja tiedon hallintaan sekä käyttövarmuuden parantamiseen ja opetuksen tukena. Opinnäytetyö käsittelee kunnossapidon teoriaa ja käsitteitä, joiden pohjalta kunnossapitosuunnitelman runko on rakennettu. Suunnitelma sisältää kuvaukset kunnossapito-ohjelman laatimisesta koulutusalaoille, toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän laaja-alaisesta käytöstä kunnossapito-organisaation ja käyttöhenkilöstön kunnossapitotöiden tiedon hallintaan, sekä opiskelijoiden oppimisen työkaluna.The purpose of this thesis was to develop maintenance and make a maintenance plan to Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy Winnova. The goal with the plan is to build foundation for organizing and managing maintenance and condition monitoring. Development is based on Winnova’s ISO 9001 quality management certification process that accedes to the 2011 - 2020 quality strategy of occupational education of the Ministry of Education and culture. Developing maintenance is important for improving reliability of the hardware and to guarantee the quality of education. The goal of this thesis was to build a maintenance system that can be applied in different branches of education to control and run the maintenance, improve dependability and to support the education. Thesis convers the theory and concepts of maintenance by which the maintenance plan is build. The plan contains description of preparing the maintenance program for the branches of education, a wide range use of enterprise resources planning system as a tool of managing maintenance and information for maintenance organisation and operating personnel and as a tool for learning

    Italian center for Astronomical Archives publishing solution: modular and distributed

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    The Italian center for Astronomical Archives tries to provide astronomical data resources as interoperable services based on IVOA standards. Its VO expertise and knowledge comes from active participation within IVOA and VO at European and international level, with a double-fold goal: learn from the collaboration and provide inputs to the community. The first solution to build an easy to configure and maintain resource publisher conformant to VO standards proved to be too optimistic. For this reason it has been necessary to re-think the architecture with a modular system built around the messaging concept, where each modular component speaks to the other interested parties through a system of broker-managed queues. The first implemented protocol, the Simple Cone Search, shows the messaging task architecture connecting the parametric HTTP interface to the database backend access module, the logging module, and allows multiple cone search resources to be managed together through a configuration manager module. Even if relatively young, it already proved the flexibility required by the overall system when the database backend changed from MySQL to PostgreSQL+PgSphere. Another implementation test has been made to leverage task distribution over multiple servers to serve simultaneously: FITS cubes direct linking, cubes cutout and cubes positional merging. Currently the implementation of the SIA-2.0 standard protocol is ongoing while for TAP we will be adapting the TAPlib library. Alongside these tools a first administration tool (TASMAN) has been developed to ease the build up and maintenance of TAP_SCHEMA-ta including also ObsCore maintenance capability. Future work will be devoted at widening the range of VO protocols covered by the set of available modules, improve the configuration management and develop specific purpose modules common to all the service components.Comment: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2018, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy V, pre-publishing draft proceeding (reduced abstract

    Using a high fidelity CCGT simulator for building prognostic systems

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    Pressure to reduce maintenance costs in power utilities has resulted in growing interest in prognostic monitoring systems. Accurate prediction of the occurrence of faults and failures would result not only in improved system maintenance schedules but also in improved availability and system efficiency. The desire for such a system has driven research into the emerging field of prognostics for complex systems. At the same time there is a general move towards implementing high fidelity simulators of complex systems especially within the power generation field, with the nuclear power industry taking the lead. Whilst the simulators mainly function in a training capacity, the high fidelity of the simulations can also allow representative data to be gathered. Using simulators in this way enables systems and components to be damaged, run to failure and reset all without cost or danger to personnel as well as allowing fault scenarios to be run faster than real time. Consequently, this allows failure data to be gathered which is normally otherwise unavailable or limited, enabling analysis and research of fault progression in critical and high value systems. This paper presents a case study of utilising a high fidelity industrial Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) simulator to generate fault data, and shows how this can be employed to build a prognostic system. Advantages and disadvantages of this approach are discussed

    BOA: Framework for Automated Builds

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    Managing large-scale software products is a complex software engineering task. The automation of the software development, release and distribution process is most beneficial in the large collaborations, where the big number of developers, multiple platforms and distributed environment are typical factors. This paper describes Build and Output Analyzer framework and its components that have been developed in CMS to facilitate software maintenance and improve software quality. The system allows to generate, control and analyze various types of automated software builds and tests, such as regular rebuilds of the development code, software integration for releases and installation of the existing versions.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure