2,139 research outputs found

    The Digital Scholar Revisited

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    The book The Digital Scholar was published in 2011, and used Boyer’s framework of scholarship to examine the possible impact of digital, networked technology on scholarly practice. In 2011 the general attitude towards digital scholarship was cautious, although areas of innovative practice were emerging. Using this book as a basis, the author considers changes in digital scholarship since its publication. Five key themes are identified: mainstreaming of digital scholarship, so that it is a widely accepted and encouraged practice; the shift to open, with the emphasis on the benefits that open practice brings rather than the digital or networked aspects; policy implementation, particularly in areas of educational technology platforms, open access policies and open educational resources; network identity, emphasising the development of academic identity through social media and other tools; criticality of digital scholarship, which examines the negative issues associated with online abuse, privacy and data usage. Each of these themes is explored, and their impact in terms of Boyer’s original framing of scholarly activity considered. Boyer’s four scholarly activities of discovery, integration, application and teaching can be viewed from the perspective of these five themes. In conclusion what has been realised does not constitute a revolution in academic practice, but rather a gradual acceptance and utilisation of digital scholarship techniques, practices and values. It is simultaneously true that both radical change has taken place, and nothing has fundamentally altered. Much of the increased adoption in academia mirrors the wider penetration of social media tools amongst society in general, so academics are more likely to have an identity in such places that mixes professional and personal

    Co-word analysis and academic performance from the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology in Web of Science

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    This study has been funded by the I+D+i project: Active methodologies for learning through technological resources for the development of society; code: CNT 4315.Since its inception in 1985, the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET) has been dedicated to the diffusion of studies on the integration of technology in higher education. Its track record in this field has placed it in the first quartile of the Scimago Journal & Country Rank. The objective of the study was to reveal to the scientific community the journey and evolution that this journal has had throughout its existence in Web of Science. A bibliometric methodology was used, supported by a scientific mapping from a unit of analysis of 798 documents. For this reason, a co-word analysis can be a fundamental tool for understanding the characteristics of their production and their impact on the scientific community. There is an evident progressive evolution of the studies published in the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, with a first phase focused on the design and implementation of educational technology in learning environments, a second phase focused on the enrichment of technology and its acceptance within the processes of teaching and learning, and finally a stage focused on student and teacher perceptions of the implementation of technology in the educational context.I+D+i project: Active methodologies for learning through technological resources for the development of society CNT 431

    The EdTech difference: Digitalisation, digital pedagogy, and technology enhanced learning

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    This editorial is in support of an issue of the Journal that has a focus on educational technology (EdTech). With this in mind, this editorial will provide advice on how the editorial team for this section feels that educational technology will evolve into the latter part of the 2020’s, especially given the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Examples are given of how writing in this space has changed over the years of the pandemic, with a history of EdTech given, followed by an argument for the need for technology to be used in context. This is followed by descriptions of good practice around theoretical framing, methodology rigour, inclusion of the people element, and the need for the technology to serve a purpose. The piece concludes with a summary of where the editorial team feels the field will go from here into the future. Throughout, practical examples of submissions made over the last few years are given to help illustrate a coherent direction. It is anticipated that this editorial will serve as a guide for future authors to use in service of better educational technology outputs in the future

    Learning and teaching with video games: Toward theoretical progress and educational practice

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    Learning with video games has been related to several beneficial educational effects, indicating that teaching with video games could also be a promising teaching approach to foster student learning. However, more theoretical guidance and more insights from educational practice are needed to better evaluate potentials of learning and teaching with video games. Therefore, this dissertation presents a reference framework that aims to support theoretical progress in the field of e-learning and the general workflow of e-learning projects (Article 1). Then, with a focus on educational practice and teaching with video games, three field studies were conducted that illustrate how video games could be integrated into two different educational contexts. The results of these studies show that teaching with video games can foster students’ dance skills (Article 2) and reflection processes (Article 3). Considering that teachers decide whether they teach with video games, pre-service teachers were surveyed to examine their intention to teach with digital games in their future school teaching (Article 4). The results indicate that teachers’ intention to teach with video games is related to a small set of key personal characteristics that could be specifically considered in teacher education. Given pandemic restrictions, it was also outlined how video games could provide educational experiences at home and foster physical and mental health (Article 5). In addition, findings from experimental studies show that mobile learning with quiz apps can benefit student learning in terms of cognitive and metacognitive outcomes (Article 6). Overall, this dissertation emphasizes the relevance of theoretical progress and illustrates how learning and teaching with video games can be effective in educational practice

    Using natural language processing to support peer‐feedback in the age of artificial intelligence: a cross‐disciplinary framework and a research agenda

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    Advancements in artificial intelligence are rapidly increasing. The new-generation large language models, such as ChatGPT and GPT-4, bear the potential to transform educational approaches, such as peer-feedback. To investigate peer-feedback at the intersection of natural language processing (NLP) and educational research, this paper suggests a cross-disciplinary framework that aims to facilitate the development of NLP-based adaptive measures for supporting peer-feedback processes in digital learning environments. To conceptualize this process, we introduce a peer-feedback process model, which describes learners' activities and textual products. Further, we introduce a terminological and procedural scheme that facilitates systematically deriving measures to foster the peer-feedback process and how NLP may enhance the adaptivity of such learning support. Building on prior research on education and NLP, we apply this scheme to all learner activities of the peer-feedback process model to exemplify a range of NLP-based adaptive support measures. We also discuss the current challenges and suggest directions for future cross-disciplinary research on the effectiveness and other dimensions of NLP-based adaptive support for peer-feedback. Building on our suggested framework, future research and collaborations at the intersection of education and NLP can innovate peer-feedback in digital learning environments


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    Penelitian ini memaparkan tinjauan kritis mengenai Mathematics Game-Based Learning berdasarkan analisis bibliografi atas 200 artikel yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal internasional berdasarkan database scopus selama kurun waktu 1980 – 2021. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjawab kekosongan dengan memberikan analisis bibliometrik ekstensif dari literatur yang berkaitan dengan istilah ini untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut: (1) Bagaimana artikel Mathematics Game-Based Learning diklasifikasikan?, (2) Bagaimana trend penelitian Mathematics Game-Based Learning? Topik penelitian apa yang menjadi subjek lebih banyak publikasi?, (3) Apa topik Mathematics Game-Based Learning masa depan yang memberikan kesempatan untuk penelitian lebih lanjut?. Analisis bibliometrik menggunakan lima langkah meliputi mendefinisikan istilah pencarian yang sesuai, hasil pencarian awal, penyempurnaan hasil pencarian, penyusunan data statistika awal, dan analisis data. Hasil penelitian memperoleh 200 makalah dengan hasil awal sebanyak 2107 kutipan (51.39 kutipan / tahun dan 10.54 kutipan/makalah). Pemurnian hasil menyisakan 60 artikel (penurunan 70%); data mengenai kutipan juga berubah, dengan 939 kutipan (menurun 55,44%), 22.90 kutipan/tahun (menurun 55,44%), dan 15.65 kutipan/makalah (meningkat 48,48%). Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa jurnal Q1 dan Q2 tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kutipan dibandingkan jurnal lainnya. Penelitian ini menunjukkan informasi untuk masa yang akan datang dalam bidang Mathematics Game-Based Learning, serta merangkum dan mendukung temuan penting dari tinjauan tersebut.Secara keseluruhan, konsep Mathematics Game-Based Learning masih perlu ditingkatkan dalam penelitian-penelitian yang akan datang. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat mengambil topik tentang effect dan development

    Critical data studies, abstraction and learning analytics: Editorial to Selwyn’s LAK keynote and invited commentaries

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    © 2019, UTS ePRESS. All rights reserved. This editorial introduces a special section of the Journal of Learning Analytics, for which Neil Selwyn’s keynote address to LAK ’18 has been written up as an article, “What’s the problem with learning analytics?” His claims and arguments are engaged in commentaries from Alfred Essa, Rebecca Ferguson, Paul Prinsloo, and Carolyn Rosé, who provide diverse perspectives on Selwyn’s proposals and arguments, from applause to refutation. Reflecting on the debate, I note some of the tensions to be resolved for learning analytics and social science critiques to engage productively, observing that central to the debate is how we understand the role of abstraction in the analysis of data about teaching and learning, and hence the opportunities and risks this entails

    eLuna : A Co-Design Framework for Mixed Reality Narrative Game- Based Learning

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    De siste tiårs utvidede fokus på læring utenfor skolen har bidratt til økt anvendelse av vitensentre som læringsarena for barn i grunnskole og videregående utdanning. En læringsløype er en type integrert læringsmiljø der de lærende, fysiske installasjoner, og digitale hjelpemidler bidrar til å fremme læringsinnhold og mål. På vitensentre brukes læringsløyper som pedagogisk støtte innen et bredt spekter av pensumplaner og programmer, gjennom å kombinere forskjellige sett av installasjoner og ved å vektlegge forskjellige aspekter av installasjonenes innhold. Siden de er sammensatt av både fysiske installasjoner og digitale hjelpemidler, er læringsløyper blandet virkelighet systemer, der de lærende interagerer med elementer i både den fysiske og virtuelle virkeligheten. Forskning har vist at både narrativ og spillmekanikker er blant de mest effektive komponentene som kan ligge til grunn for at læringsløyper skal kunne oppnå økt fokus på læringsinnhold, og for å engasjere de lærende ved å sette dem i en tilstand av flyt (av engelsk flow). Forskningen som presenteres i denne avhandlingen har som hovedmål å forbedre læring på vitensentre, gjennom å bidra med et co-design-rammeverk for blandet virkelighet narrative spillbaserte læringsløyper som underbygger positive effekter på engasjement, motivasjon, og læring. Narrativ har vært brukt til læring og instruksjon siden forhistorisk tid, og spill for læring har vært teoretisert og anvendt i mennesker i århundrer, i enda større grad etter oppfinnelsen av datamaskiner, og mulighetene bragt på banen gjennom digitale spill. Selv om bade narrative og spill har vært vist å kunne ha positive effekter når anvendt for læring, har forskning på effekter fra narrative spillbasert læring vist variable og motstridende resultater. Mangelen av en felles modell for kategorisering av narrative spill medfører manglende kunnskap relatert til hvordan og under hvilke forutsetninger narrative spill har effekt på læring. På tross av at de fleste studier av narrativ spillbasert læring unnlater å nevne narratologiske modeller, og de som gjør det primært refererer til modeller lånt fra andre media som mangler de nødvendige egenskapene til å kategorisere hendelsesflyten som benyttes i mange spill, finnes det en ludo narrativ variabel modell (LNVM), som er en narratologisk modell som kategorisere alle spill som narrativ. Denne forskningen videreutvikler LNVM, og presenterer en felles modell for kategorisering av narrativ spillbasert læring; eLNVM (fra engelsk: The extended LNVM). Narrative spillbaserte læringsløyper består av interaktive installasjoner og digitale hjelpemidler som belyser læringsmål innenfor pensumprogrammer. Det er derfor nødvendig med deltakelse både fra pedagoger og utviklere når slike læringsløyper skal designes og presenteres til lærende. Forskning viser at det er mangel av modeller, metoder, og rammeverk som myndiggjør pedagoger og utvikleres felles design av spillbasert læring, noe som enten resulterer i tapt fokus på læringsinnhold til fordel for engasjerende spillmekanikk, eller i at underholdningspotensialet i spill blir underordnet læringsmålene. Slike rammeverk må videre kunne skille mellom fysiske og virtuelle elementer for å være anvendbare i blandet virkelighet omgivelser. Forskningen presentert i denne avhandlingen benytter et rammeverk for informasjonssystemer som vitenskapelig metode til å utvikle eLuna co-design-rammeverket for blandet virkelighet narrative spillbaserte læringsløyper som underbygger positive effekter på engasjement, motivasjon, og læring. En systematisk litteraturstudie identifiserte 15 studier som rapporterte effekter fra digitale spillbaserte læringssystemer på engasjement, motivasjon, og læring. Disse systemene ble kategorisert med bruk av eLNVM og sortert basert på deres rapportering for å identifisere karakteristikker av narrative digital spillbasert læring som har positive effekter på engasjement, motivasjon, og læring. Denne forskningen benytter en iterativ design-basert forskningsprosess der karakteristikkene assosiert med de positive effektene legges til grunn for et co-design-rammeverk bestående av en metode og et visuelt språk. Co-design-rammeverket blir deretter utvidet med kapasitet til å separere mellom fysiske og virtuelle elementer i blandet virkelighet omgivelser. Rammeverket blir gjennom prosessen testet i deltakende co-design workshops og evaluert med bruk av varierte metoder, inkludert fokus grupper, intervjuer, spørreskjemaer, tematisk analyse, og heuristisk evaluering. Forskningen som blir presentert i denne doktoravhandlingen resulterer i eLuna co-design-rammeverket for narrative spillbasert læring, som kan bli brukt av pedagoger og utviklere til å lage både narrative digitale spillbaserte læringssystemer, og blandet virkelighet narrative spillbaserte læringsløyper som optimaliserer potensiale for positive effekter på engasjement, motivasjon, og læring.Increased focus on out of school learning over the last decades has led to extended use of science centres as learning arenas for pupils in primary and secondary education. A learning trail is a form of embedded learning environment in which the learners themselves, physical exhibits, and digital companions are elements that promote learning content and goals. When used in science centres, learning trails can combine different sets of exhibits and emphasize various aspects of their content to support learning goals inside a broad range of curricular plans and programs. Being comprised of physical exhibits and digital companions, science centre learning trails are mixed reality systems in which learner interaction occurs in both the physical and virtual domains. Research has shown that narratives and game mechanics are among the most effective components for science centre learning trails to achieve increased focus on the learning content, and to induce flow and engagement in learners. With an aim to contribute to improving science centre learning, the main objective of this research is to develop a co-design framework for mixed reality narrative game-based learning trails that enforce positive effects on engagement, motivation, and learning. Narratives have been used in learning and instruction since prehistoric times, and games for learning have been theorized and applied in human culture for centuries, increasingly so with the advent of the computer, and opportunities provided by digital games. While both narratives and games are shown to have the ability to positively affect learning, research on the effects from narrative game-based learning has shown mixed and contradictory results. The lack of a common model to categorize narrative games has led to a knowledge gap regarding how and under which conditions narrative games have effects on learning. Whereas most studies of narrative game-based learning neglect mentioning a narratological model at all, the ones that do mainly refer to models adapted from different media that lack the capabilities to properly categorize the event flow of many digital games. An exception is the ludo narrative variable model (LNVM), a narratological model that can properly categorize all games as narratives. Building on the LNVM, this research fills this gap with the development of the extended LNVM (eLNVM), a common model to categorize and isolate narratives in digital game-based learning. Narrative game-based learning trails comprise interactive exhibits and digital companions and promote learning goals inside curricular programs. Therefore, they require participation from educator and developer stakeholders to be properly designed and brought to learners. Research has shown that there is a lack of models, methods, or frameworks that empower educators and developers to co-design game-based learning, something which results in either the learning content being lost in the engaging mechanics of the game, or the fun of the games becoming inferior to the learning goals. Furthermore, to be applicable in science centres, such a co-design framework must also distinguish between physical and digital elements in mixed reality environments. Applying an information system research framework as a design science methodology, the eLuna co-design framework for mixed reality narrative game-based learning trails that enforce positive effects on engagement, motivation, and learning was developed. A systematic literature review identified 15 studies that self-reported effects of digital game-based learning systems on engagement, motivation, and learning. These were categorized on the eLNVM and sorted by their self-reported effects to identify what characterizes narrative digital game-based learning systems that positively affect engagement, motivation, and learning. Using an iterative design-based research process these characteristics associated with positive effects were then applied in a co-design framework comprising a method and a visual language, which was later extended with the capabilities to distinguish between physical and virtual elements in mixed reality learning trails. Throughout the process the framework was tested in co-design workshops with stakeholders and evaluated through mixed methods, including focus groups, semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, thematic analysis, and heuristic usability inspection. The research presented in this PhD dissertation contributes the eLuna co-design framework for narrative game-based learning, which empowers educators and developers in the creation of both narrative digital game-based learning and mixed reality narrative game-based learning trails that optimize the potential to induce positive effects on engagement, motivation, and learning.Doktorgradsavhandlin