77,304 research outputs found

    Bridging the gap between policy and science in assessing the health status of marine ecosystems

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    Human activities, both established and emerging, increasingly affect the provision of marine ecosystem services that deliver societal and economic benefits. Monitoring the status of marine ecosystems and determining how human activities change their capacity to sustain benefits for society requires an evidence-based Integrated Ecosystem Assessment approach that incorporates knowledge of ecosystem functioning and services). Although, there are diverse methods to assess the status of individual ecosystem components, none assesses the health of marine ecosystems holistically, integrating information from multiple ecosystem components. Similarly, while acknowledging the availability of several methods to measure single pressures and assess their impacts, evaluation of cumulative effects of multiple pressures remains scarce. Therefore, an integrative assessment requires us to first understand the response of marine ecosystems to human activities and their pressures and then develop innovative, cost-effective monitoring tools that enable collection of data to assess the health status of large marine areas. Conceptually, combining this knowledge of effective monitoring methods with cost-benefit analyses will help identify appropriate management measures to improve environmental status economically and efficiently. The European project DEVOTES (DEVelopment Of innovative Tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing good Environmental Status) specifically addressed t hese topics in order to support policy makers and managers in implementing the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Here, we synthesize our main innovative findings, placing these within the context of recent wider research, and identifying gaps and the major future challenges

    Resolving Architectural Mismatches of COTS Through Architectural Reconciliation

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    The integration of COTS components into a system under development entails architectural mismatches. These have been tackled, so far, at the component level, through component adaptation techniques, but they also must be tackled at an architectural level of abstraction. In this paper we propose an approach for resolving architectural mismatches, with the aid of architectural reconciliation. The approach consists of designing and subsequently reconciling two architectural models, one that is forward-engineered from the requirements and another that is reverse-engineered from the COTS-based implementation. The final reconciled model is optimally adapted both to the requirements and to the actual COTS-based implementation. The contribution of this paper lies in the application of architectural reconciliation in the context of COTS-based software development. Architectural modeling is based upon the UML 2.0 standard, while the reconciliation is performed by transforming the two models, with the help of architectural design decisions.

    Condensation Risk – Impact of Improvements to Part L and Robust Details on Part C -Interim report number 7: Final report on project fieldwork

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    This report sets out, in draft1, the results of the fieldwork phase of research into the impacts of the 2002 revisions to Part L of the building regulations (Approved Document L1 - DTLR, 2001), and the adoption of Robust Details (RDs - DEFRA 2001) on the extent of condensation risk in the construction of dwellings (Oreszczyn and Bell, 2003). The objective of the fieldwork was to explore the practical application of the revised Part L and its associated robust details by housing developers. This was done through a qualitative evaluation of the design and construction of 16 housing schemes designed in accordance with the revised part L and making use of robust details2. The results of the analysis are to be used to enable condensation modelling that takes into account not only the guidance of robust details but also the way in which construction details were actually designed and, perhaps more importantly, constructed. To this end the report identifies 7 areas of construction detailing (yielding some 15 separate detail models) that are to be included in the condensation modelling phase of the project

    Bridging the gap between work and education in vocational education and training. A study of Norwegian apprenticeship training offices and e-portfolio systems

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    This article explores the effect that the use of e-portfolios initiated and organized by apprenticeship training offices has had on the learning processes and assessment practices of apprentices in Norwegian vocational education and training. Although these intermediate structures have the potential to bridge the gap between work and education, they seem to maintain a system of two parallel learning arenas. However, the article summarizes the innovative effects of these transformations as supportive structures for expansive apprenticeship. The study is based on data from a national project on quality assessment, which is supported by documentary evidence from e-portfolios in three different trades: plumbing, industrial mechanics and sales. (DIPF/orig.
