1,367 research outputs found

    Bidirectional Representation Learning from Transformers using Multimodal Electronic Health Record Data to Predict Depression

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    Advancements in machine learning algorithms have had a beneficial impact on representation learning, classification, and prediction models built using electronic health record (EHR) data. Effort has been put both on increasing models' overall performance as well as improving their interpretability, particularly regarding the decision-making process. In this study, we present a temporal deep learning model to perform bidirectional representation learning on EHR sequences with a transformer architecture to predict future diagnosis of depression. This model is able to aggregate five heterogenous and high-dimensional data sources from the EHR and process them in a temporal manner for chronic disease prediction at various prediction windows. We applied the current trend of pretraining and fine-tuning on EHR data to outperform the current state-of-the-art in chronic disease prediction, and to demonstrate the underlying relation between EHR codes in the sequence. The model generated the highest increases of precision-recall area under the curve (PRAUC) from 0.70 to 0.76 in depression prediction compared to the best baseline model. Furthermore, the self-attention weights in each sequence quantitatively demonstrated the inner relationship between various codes, which improved the model's interpretability. These results demonstrate the model's ability to utilize heterogeneous EHR data to predict depression while achieving high accuracy and interpretability, which may facilitate constructing clinical decision support systems in the future for chronic disease screening and early detection.Comment: in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (2021

    Enhance Representation Learning of Clinical Narrative with Neural Networks for Clinical Predictive Modeling

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    Medicine is undergoing a technological revolution. Understanding human health from clinical data has major challenges from technical and practical perspectives, thus prompting methods that understand large, complex, and noisy data. These methods are particularly necessary for natural language data from clinical narratives/notes, which contain some of the richest information on a patient. Meanwhile, deep neural networks have achieved superior performance in a wide variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks because of their capacity to encode meaningful but abstract representations and learn the entire task end-to-end. In this thesis, I investigate representation learning of clinical narratives with deep neural networks through a number of tasks ranging from clinical concept extraction, clinical note modeling, and patient-level language representation. I present methods utilizing representation learning with neural networks to support understanding of clinical text documents. I first introduce the notion of representation learning from natural language processing and patient data modeling. Then, I investigate word-level representation learning to improve clinical concept extraction from clinical notes. I present two works on learning word representations and evaluate them to extract important concepts from clinical notes. The first study focuses on cancer-related information, and the second study evaluates shared-task data. The aims of these two studies are to automatically extract important entities from clinical notes. Next, I present a series of deep neural networks to encode hierarchical, longitudinal, and contextual information for modeling a series of clinical notes. I also evaluate the models by predicting clinical outcomes of interest, including mortality, length of stay, and phenotype predictions. Finally, I propose a novel representation learning architecture to develop a generalized and transferable language representation at the patient level. I also identify pre-training tasks appropriate for constructing a generalizable language representation. The main focus is to improve predictive performance of phenotypes with limited data, a challenging task due to a lack of data. Overall, this dissertation addresses issues in natural language processing for medicine, including clinical text classification and modeling. These studies show major barriers to understanding large-scale clinical notes. It is believed that developing deep representation learning methods for distilling enormous amounts of heterogeneous data into patient-level language representations will improve evidence-based clinical understanding. The approach to solving these issues by learning representations could be used across clinical applications despite noisy data. I conclude that considering different linguistic components in natural language and sequential information between clinical events is important. Such results have implications beyond the immediate context of predictions and further suggest future directions for clinical machine learning research to improve clinical outcomes. This could be a starting point for future phenotyping methods based on natural language processing that construct patient-level language representations to improve clinical predictions. While significant progress has been made, many open questions remain, so I will highlight a few works to demonstrate promising directions

    Application of Machine Learning in Healthcare and Medicine: A Review

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    This extensive literature review investigates the integration of Machine Learning (ML) into the healthcare sector, uncovering its potential, challenges, and strategic resolutions. The main objective is to comprehensively explore how ML is incorporated into medical practices, demonstrate its impact, and provide relevant solutions. The research motivation stems from the necessity to comprehend the convergence of ML and healthcare services, given its intricate implications. Through meticulous analysis of existing research, this method elucidates the broad spectrum of ML applications in disease prediction and personalized treatment. The research's precision lies in dissecting methodologies, scrutinizing studies, and extrapolating critical insights. The article establishes that ML has succeeded in various aspects of medical care. In certain studies, ML algorithms, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have achieved high accuracy in diagnosing diseases such as lung cancer, colorectal cancer, brain tumors, and breast tumors. Apart from CNNs, other algorithms like SVM, RF, k-NN, and DT have also proven effective. Evaluations based on accuracy and F1-score indicate satisfactory results, with some studies exceeding 90% accuracy. This principal finding underscores the impressive accuracy of ML algorithms in diagnosing diverse medical conditions. This outcome signifies the transformative potential of ML in reshaping conventional diagnostic techniques. Discussions revolve around challenges like data quality, security risks, potential misinterpretations, and obstacles in integrating ML into clinical realms. To mitigate these, multifaceted solutions are proposed, encompassing standardized data formats, robust encryption, model interpretation, clinician training, and stakeholder collaboration

    Linking social media, medical literature, and clinical notes using deep learning.

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    Researchers analyze data, information, and knowledge through many sources, formats, and methods. The dominant data format includes text and images. In the healthcare industry, professionals generate a large quantity of unstructured data. The complexity of this data and the lack of computational power causes delays in analysis. However, with emerging deep learning algorithms and access to computational powers such as graphics processing unit (GPU) and tensor processing units (TPUs), processing text and images is becoming more accessible. Deep learning algorithms achieve remarkable results in natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision. In this study, we focus on NLP in the healthcare industry and collect data not only from electronic medical records (EMRs) but also medical literature and social media. We propose a framework for linking social media, medical literature, and EMRs clinical notes using deep learning algorithms. Connecting data sources requires defining a link between them, and our key is finding concepts in the medical text. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) introduces a Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) and we use this system as the foundation of our own system. We recognize social media’s dynamic nature and apply supervised and semi-supervised methodologies to generate concepts. Named entity recognition (NER) allows efficient extraction of information, or entities, from medical literature, and we extend the model to process the EMRs’ clinical notes via transfer learning. The results include an integrated, end-to-end, web-based system solution that unifies social media, literature, and clinical notes, and improves access to medical knowledge for the public and experts

    Limitations of Transformers on Clinical Text Classification

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    Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and BERT-based approaches are the current state-of-the-art in many natural language processing (NLP) tasks; however, their application to document classification on long clinical texts is limited. In this work, we introduce four methods to scale BERT, which by default can only handle input sequences up to approximately 400 words long, to perform document classification on clinical texts several thousand words long. We compare these methods against two much simpler architectures -- a word-level convolutional neural network and a hierarchical self-attention network -- and show that BERT often cannot beat these simpler baselines when classifying MIMIC-III discharge summaries and SEER cancer pathology reports. In our analysis, we show that two key components of BERT -- pretraining and WordPiece tokenization -- may actually be inhibiting BERT\u27s performance on clinical text classification tasks where the input document is several thousand words long and where correctly identifying labels may depend more on identifying a few key words or phrases rather than understanding the contextual meaning of sequences of text

    Extreme multi-label deep neural classification of Spanish health records according to the International Classification of Diseases

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    111 p.Este trabajo trata sobre la minería de textos clínicos, un campo del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural aplicado al dominio biomédico. El objetivo es automatizar la tarea de codificación médica. Los registros electrónicos de salud (EHR) son documentos que contienen información clínica sobre la salud de unpaciente. Los diagnósticos y procedimientos médicos plasmados en la Historia Clínica Electrónica están codificados con respecto a la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CIE). De hecho, la CIE es la base para identificar estadísticas de salud internacionales y el estándar para informar enfermedades y condiciones de salud. Desde la perspectiva del aprendizaje automático, el objetivo es resolver un problema extremo de clasificación de texto de múltiples etiquetas, ya que a cada registro de salud se le asignan múltiples códigos ICD de un conjunto de más de 70 000 términos de diagnóstico. Una cantidad importante de recursos se dedican a la codificación médica, una laboriosa tarea que actualmente se realiza de forma manual. Los EHR son narraciones extensas, y los codificadores médicos revisan los registros escritos por los médicos y asignan los códigos ICD correspondientes. Los textos son técnicos ya que los médicos emplean una jerga médica especializada, aunque rica en abreviaturas, acrónimos y errores ortográficos, ya que los médicos documentan los registros mientras realizan la práctica clínica real. Paraabordar la clasificación automática de registros de salud, investigamos y desarrollamos un conjunto de técnicas de clasificación de texto de aprendizaje profundo

    Clinical Big Data and Deep Learning: Applications, Challenges, and Future Outlooks

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    The explosion of digital healthcare data has led to a surge of data-driven medical research based on machine learning. In recent years, as a powerful technique for big data, deep learning has gained a central position in machine learning circles for its great advantages in feature representation and pattern recognition. This article presents a comprehensive overview of studies that employ deep learning methods to deal with clinical data. Firstly, based on the analysis of the characteristics of clinical data, various types of clinical data (e.g., medical images, clinical notes, lab results, vital signs and demographic informatics) are discussed and details provided of some public clinical datasets. Secondly, a brief review of common deep learning models and their characteristics is conducted. Then, considering the wide range of clinical research and the diversity of data types, several deep learning applications for clinical data are illustrated: auxiliary diagnosis, prognosis, early warning, and other tasks. Although there are challenges involved in applying deep learning techniques to clinical data, it is still worthwhile to look forward to a promising future for deep learning applications in clinical big data in the direction of precision medicine
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