51 research outputs found

    On Power Balancing and Stabilization for a Class of infinite-dimensional systems

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    In this paper we present control of infinite-dimensional systems by power shaping methods, which have been used extensively for control of finite dimensional systems. Towards achieving the results we work within the Brayton Moser framework, by using the system of transmission line as an example and derive passivity of the system with respect to the boundary voltages and derivatives of current at the boundary. We then solve the stabilization problem by interconnecting the system through a finite-dimensional controller and generating Casimirs for the closed-loop system. Finally we explore possibility of generating other alternate passive maps.Comment: The 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2014

    Boundary controlled irreversible port-Hamiltonian systems

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    Boundary controlled irreversible port-Hamiltonian systems (BC-IPHS) on 1-dimensional spatial domains are defined by extending the formulation of reversible BC-PHS to irreversible thermodynamic systems controlled at the boundaries of their spatial domains. The structure of BC-IPHS has clear physical interpretation, characterizing the coupling between energy storing and energy dissipating elements. By extending the definition of boundary port variables of BC-PHS to deal with the dissipative terms, a set of boundary port variables are defined such that BC-IPHS are passive with respect to a given set of conjugated inputs and outputs. As for finite dimensional IPHS, the first and second principle are satisfied as a structural property. Several examples are given to illustrate the proposed approach

    Twenty years of distributed port-Hamiltonian systems:A literature review

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    The port-Hamiltonian (pH) theory for distributed parameter systems has developed greatly in the past two decades. The theory has been successfully extended from finite-dimensional to infinite-dimensional systems through a lot of research efforts. This article collects the different research studies carried out for distributed pH systems. We classify over a hundred and fifty studies based on different research focuses ranging from modeling, discretization, control and theoretical foundations. This literature review highlights the wide applicability of the pH systems theory to complex systems with multi-physical domains using the same tools and language. We also supplement this article with a bibliographical database including all papers reviewed in this paper classified in their respective groups

    A Novel Passivity-Based Controller for a Piezoelectric Beam

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    This paper presents a new passivity property for distributed piezoelectric devices with integrable port-variables. We present two new control methodologies by exploiting the integrability property of the port-variables. The derived controllers have a Proportional-Integral (PI) like structure. Finally, we present the simulation results and an in-depth analysis on the tuning gains explaining their transient and the steady-state behaviors

    Systems and control : 21th Benelux meeting, 2002, March 19-21, Veldhoven, The Netherlands

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    Automated Model Generation and Observer Design for Interconnected Systems : a Port-Hamiltonian Approach

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    Vernetzte Systeme stellen einen unverzichtbaren Teil moderner Gesellschaften dar. Mit dem Ausrollen neuer Kommunikationstechnologien und in Folge der fortgeschrittenen Nutzung von Synergiepotenzialen entstanden in den letzten Jahren vernetzte Systeme ungeahnten Ausmaßes. Aufgrund der Komplexität dieser Systeme, gelangen bestehende Modellierungs- und Beobachterentwurfsmethoden an ihre Grenzen. Modelle und Beobachter können deshalb häufig nur unter erheblichen Vereinfachungen entwickelt werden. Die vorliegende Dissertation schafft Abhilfe. Leitgedanke ist es, die Vorgänge der Modellerzeugung und des Beobachterentwurfs zu automatisieren. Hierzu werden in dieser Arbeit automatisierbare Modellierungs- und Beobachtermethoden auf Basis der Port-Hamiltonschen Systemtheorie entwickelt. Diese Methoden sind in einem Software-Prototyp namens AMOTO implementiert. In zwei Fallstudien wird AMOTO jeweils zur automatisierten Modellherleitung und zum automatisierten Beobachterentwurf eingesetzt. Computersimulationen weisen in beiden Fallstudien die Funktionstüchtigkeit der erzeugten Modelle und Beobachter nach und zeigen, dass diese genauere Ergebnisse liefern, als Modelle und Beobachter, die mit Methoden des bisherigen Stands der Technik entwickelt wurden. Dies unterstreicht die praktische Nutzbarkeit des vorgestellten Ansatzes. Es zeigt sich ferner, dass der Ansatz auf eine große Klasse vernetzter Systeme anwendbar ist. Somit leisten die Methoden, Algorithmen und Werkzeuge aus dieser Arbeit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Bewältigung zukünftiger Herausforderungen in vernetzen Systemen

    Automated Model Generation and Observer Design for Interconnected Systems : A Port-Hamiltonian Approach

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    This work addresses the automated generation of physical-based models and model-based observers. We develop port-Hamiltonian methods, which for the first time allow a complete and consistent automation of these two processes for a large class of interconnected systems