284 research outputs found

    Artificial Consciousness: Misconception(s) of a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

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    The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has produced prophets and prophecies announcing that the age of artificial consciousness is near. Not only does the mere idea that any machine could ever possess the full potential of human consciousness suggest that AI could replace the role of God in the future, it also puts into question the fundamental human right to freedom and dignity. This position paper takes the stand that, in the light of all we currently know about brain evolution and the never-stopping formation of adaptive neural circuitry for learning, memory, decision making and, ultimately, fully conscious reasoning and creativity in the human species, the idea of an artificial consciousness appears misconceived. The paper highlights some of the major reasons why. While awareness to external stimuli for processes such as perception, recognition, and operational problem solving is under the direct control of functionally specific brain networks associated with sensory and cognitive functions across animal species, consciousness is a unique property of the human mind

    The Holographic Principle of Mind and the Evolution of Consciousness

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    The Holographic Principle holds the information in any region of space and time exists on the surface of that region. Layers of the holographic, universal “now” go from the inception of the universe to the present. Universal Consciousness is the timeless source of actuality and mentality. Information is experience, and the expansion of the “now” leads to higher and higher orders of experience in the Universe, with various levels of consciousness emerging from experience. The brain consists of a nested hierarchy of surfaces which range from the most elementary field though the neuron, neural group, and the whole brain. Evidence from the evolution and structure of the brain shows that optimal surface areas in a variety of structures are conserved with respect to underlying surfaces. Microgenesis, the becoming of the mental state through a process of recapitulation of development and evolution, is in full accord with the Holographic Principle. Evidence from a wide variety of contexts indicates the capacity of the mind for total recall of past life events and for access to universal information, indicating connection with the holographic surfaces of prior “nows” and with the Universal holographic boundary. In summation, the Holographic Principle can help us explain the unity and mechanisms of perception, experience, memory, and consciousness

    Neuroimagem e mediunidade: uma promissora linha de pesquisa

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    Neuroimagem e mediunidade: uma promissora linha de pesquisa

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    The mind-body relationship has prompted debate from the times of millennial religious traditions and the ancient Greeks through to contemporary neuroscience, and although these questions have yet to be decisively answered, therapeutic interventions today are guided by assumptions made in this respect. Research on the neural correlates of consciousness and mental expressions has made progress over the last 15 years by developing functional brain imaging methods. This approach may open up new perspectives for studies of the expression of presumed instances of spiritual consciousness, which would have major ethical, social and philosophical implications. We pose a promising new line of research in the neurosciences and discuss certain issues pertaining to the effective use of neuroimaging to investigate mediumship and advance the consensus comprehension of consciousness, alleged spiritual communication and its relations with the brain. We highlight methodological challenges and lessons gleaned from our neurofunctional study of mediumship to be considered for further research in this field when formulating hypotheses to address these phenomena, and discuss useful guidelines for neuroimaging studies of spiritual experiences in general.A relação mente-corpo tem despertado perguntas e debates desde os tempos das milenares tradiçÔes religiosas e dos antigos gregos atĂ© a neurociĂȘncia contemporĂąnea e, apesar de essas questĂ”es ainda nĂŁo terem sido decisivamente respondidas, atualmente intervençÔes terapĂȘuticas sĂŁo orientadas por suposiçÔes a esse respeito. As investigaçÔes sobre os correlatos neurais da consciĂȘncia e expressĂ”es mentais progrediram ao longo dos Ășltimos 15 anos por meio do desenvolvimento de mĂ©todos de imagiologia funcional do cĂ©rebro. Essa abordagem pode abrir novas perspectivas para investigação da expressĂŁo de consciĂȘncias supostamente espirituais com importantes implicaçÔes Ă©ticas, sociais e filosĂłficas. Propomos uma promissora nova linha de pesquisa em neurociĂȘncias e discussĂŁo de algumas questĂ”es pertinentes Ă  efetiva utilização da neuroimagem como potencial mĂ©todo de investigação da mediunidade para avançar a compreensĂŁo consensual a respeito da consciĂȘncia, da suposta comunicação espiritual e suas relaçÔes com o cĂ©rebro. Destacamos certos aprendizados e desafios metodolĂłgicos adquiridos em nossa pesquisa neurofuncional sobre mediunidade a serem considerados em novos estudos nesse campo para formulação de hipĂłteses a respeito de tais fenĂŽmenos e discutimos orientaçÔes Ășteis para estudos de neuroimagem envolvendo experiĂȘncias espirituais em geral

    Recent Applications in Graph Theory

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    Graph theory, being a rigorously investigated field of combinatorial mathematics, is adopted by a wide variety of disciplines addressing a plethora of real-world applications. Advances in graph algorithms and software implementations have made graph theory accessible to a larger community of interest. Ever-increasing interest in machine learning and model deployments for network data demands a coherent selection of topics rewarding a fresh, up-to-date summary of the theory and fruitful applications to probe further. This volume is a small yet unique contribution to graph theory applications and modeling with graphs. The subjects discussed include information hiding using graphs, dynamic graph-based systems to model and control cyber-physical systems, graph reconstruction, average distance neighborhood graphs, and pure and mixed-integer linear programming formulations to cluster networks

    Game | World | Architectonics

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    In its current digital, pictorial and viral ubiquity, architecture no longer has to be bodily present, but has a mediating role. As a medial hinge it folds different disciplines of media and art onto the realm of the everyday. Here, the idea of architectonics can be understood as the architectural implications of computer games in a broader sense to address the matter of architecture in game worlds as well as the architecture of computer games themselves. This anthology bundles transdisciplinary approaches around the topics of space, architecture, perception of and worldbuilding in computer games and their media-specific properties. The aim is to show how and under which aspects digital game worlds are constituted. The contributions depart from the beaten tracks of media and game studies, focusing on spatial, architectural and world-shaped phenomena within current digital media culture.In ihrer aktuellen digitalen, bildlichen wie auch viralen UbiquitĂ€t muss Architektur nicht mehr körperlich prĂ€sent sein und doch fĂŒllt sie eine vermittelnde Rolle aus. Als mediales Scharnier verschrĂ€nkt sie unterschiedliche Disziplinen der Medien und KĂŒnste mit der Alltagswirklichkeit. Das Konzept der Architektonik umschreibt hierbei in weitem Sinne die architektonischen Implikationen der Computerspiele, um Architektur in Spielwelten als auch die Architektur der Computerspiele selbst greifbar zu machen. Dieser Sammelband bĂŒndelt transdisziplinĂ€re Zugriffe rund um die Themen Raum, Architektur, Wahrnehmung von und Weltenbau in Computerspielen und deren medienspezifischen Eigenschaften. Ziel ist es aufzuzeigen, wie und unter welchen Aspekten sich digitale Spielwelten konstituieren. Die BeitrĂ€ge verlassen dabei ausgetretene Pfade von Medienwissenschaft und Game Studies und fokussieren auf die rĂ€umlichen, architektonischen und weltförmigen PhĂ€nomene aktueller digitaler Medienkultur

    Space, Territory, Occupy: Towards a Non-Phenomenological Dwelling

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    This thesis analyzes the relationship between the body and space through the works of Henri Lefebvre, and Gilles Deleuze and FĂ©lix Guattari. The aim of the project is to move beyond Lefebvre’s theory of the production of space, which relies on a phenomenological understanding of the body and space. In order to do so, it will find in Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of ‘territory’ a non-phenomenological and constructivist concept of space that does not posit the ‘lived body’ as a transcendent ground. As a result, it will also attempt to trace out a non-phenomenological concept of ‘dwelling’ that is not based on a concept of the subject, but is ‘involuntary’ and constructive, and emphasizes the spatio-temporal dynamisms or rhythms that a ‘space without world’ consists of. Finally, by being loosely guided by the global Occupy movement, it seeks to invoke a politics ‘of’ space, where the concept of ‘occupy’ emphasizes a being-in-space that is primarily political and only secondarily ontological
