173 research outputs found

    Journal Productivity in Fishery Science an informetric analysis

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    Knowledge is a human resource which has the ability to consolidate the valuable results of human thinking and civilization through different times. It is the totality of understanding of nature and its features for improved quality of life of human society. Because of this, knowledge has been increasing in volume, dimension and directions. The term ‘information’ and 'knowledge' are often used as if they are interchangeable. Information is ‘potential knowledge‘ which is converted into knowledge by the integration of memory of human beings. In modern times there is a confusion on knowledge usage. Therefore an understanding of the concept ‘knowledge’ is needed for formulation of strategies in information science

    Classical Laws of Informatrics : An Overview

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    Classical laws of bibliometrics – Bradford’s law, Lotka’s and Zipf’s law – are discussed, with emphasis on to law of scattering and inverse square law of scientific productivity. Two different approaches to bibliometric distributions – size and rank frequency approaches, characteristics of bibliometric distributions are discusse

    Using local citation data to relate the use of journal articles by academic researchers to the coverage of full-text document access systems

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    The methodology and findings are presented of an empirical study comparing local citation patterns with the holdings lists of a number of sources of journal articles. These sources were the British Library Document Supply Centre (BLDSC and the BL inside service, library holdings, ProQuest Direct, SearchBank, EiText and a linking system including both the Geobase database and the BLDSC. The value of local citation figures is discussed, as is the concept of a 'core' of journal titles, from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Using these figures to represent the local use of journal articles, the coverage of the document sources was found to vary widely. Unsurprisingly, the BLDSC was found to offer the widest coverage. Newer, electronic systems generally fared less well, but may offer other advantages

    The Literature of Ag Communication: A Partial View, 1970-1979

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    Pressures for better access to the literature of agricultural communication are growing, from several directions

    Prognósticos para a implantação de um núcleo regional de informação no Nordeste

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    A fim de fornecer uma amostragem da problemática que envolve a criação de um núcleo regional de informação, foram coletados dados pertinentes a todas as regiões brasileiras e a região Nordeste em particular, relativos ao potencial de publicações periódicas disponíveis utilizando-se para tanto os dados do Anuário Estatístico do Brasil e Sistema Catálogo Coletivo Nacional de Periódicos. Conclui-se que o número de bibliotecas na Região Nordeste é bastante representativo, ocupando o segundo lugar distribuição de bibliotecas integrantes da rede do CCN, mas o acervo da região é bastante precário, incompleto e duplicado. Sugere-se agilizar o estudo das possibilidades de aquisição planificada de publicações seriadas para as bibliotecas e centros de documentação e informação da região. O empréstimo entre bibliotecas poderia ser otimizado através de um projeto de regulamentos e procedimentos padronizados que seriam utilizados na região.In order to provide a sample of the problems involving the establishment of a regional information nucleus, pertinent data were collected, including different Brazilian regions, specialty the Northeast region. The data related mainly to available periodicals according to the informations gathered from Anuário Estatístico do Brasil and Sistema Catálogo Coletivo Nacional de Periódicos. The number of libraries located at the Northeast region is rather representative — second in rank in the whole distribution of the integrating libraries of CCN. Nevertheless the collection is rather poor, incomplete and duplicated. It is recommended an acquisition plan regarding periodicals for libraries and documentation centers in the mentioned region. The inter-library-loan could be optimized through a project including regulations and procedures to be used in the region

    Special Libraries, November 1945

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    Volume 36, Issue 9https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1945/1008/thumbnail.jp