150 research outputs found

    Bounds on the Complex Zeros of (Di)Chromatic Polynomials and Potts-Model Partition Functions

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    I show that there exist universal constants C(r)<C(r) < \infty such that, for all loopless graphs GG of maximum degree r\le r, the zeros (real or complex) of the chromatic polynomial PG(q)P_G(q) lie in the disc q<C(r)|q| < C(r). Furthermore, C(r)7.963906...rC(r) \le 7.963906... r. This result is a corollary of a more general result on the zeros of the Potts-model partition function ZG(q,ve)Z_G(q, {v_e}) in the complex antiferromagnetic regime 1+ve1|1 + v_e| \le 1. The proof is based on a transformation of the Whitney-Tutte-Fortuin-Kasteleyn representation of ZG(q,ve)Z_G(q, {v_e}) to a polymer gas, followed by verification of the Dobrushin-Koteck\'y-Preiss condition for nonvanishing of a polymer-model partition function. I also show that, for all loopless graphs GG of second-largest degree r\le r, the zeros of PG(q)P_G(q) lie in the disc q<C(r)+1|q| < C(r) + 1. Along the way, I give a simple proof of a generalized (multivariate) Brown-Colbourn conjecture on the zeros of the reliability polynomial for the special case of series-parallel graphs.Comment: 47 pages (LaTeX). Revised version contains slightly simplified proofs of Propositions 4.2 and 4.5. Version 3 fixes a silly error in my proof of Proposition 4.1, and adds related discussion. To appear in Combinatorics, Probability & Computin

    Chromatic roots are dense in the whole complex plane

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    I show that the zeros of the chromatic polynomials P-G(q) for the generalized theta graphs Theta((s.p)) are taken together, dense in the whole complex plane with the possible exception of the disc \q - l\ < l. The same holds for their dichromatic polynomials (alias Tutte polynomials, alias Potts-model partition functions) Z(G)(q,upsilon) outside the disc \q + upsilon\ < \upsilon\. An immediate corollary is that the chromatic roots of not-necessarily-planar graphs are dense in the whole complex plane. The main technical tool in the proof of these results is the Beraha-Kahane-Weiss theorem oil the limit sets of zeros for certain sequences of analytic functions, for which I give a new and simpler proof

    Chromatic roots are dense in the whole complex plane

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    I show that the zeros of the chromatic polynomials P_G(q) for the generalized theta graphs \Theta^{(s,p)} are, taken together, dense in the whole complex plane with the possible exception of the disc |q-1| < 1. The same holds for their dichromatic polynomials (alias Tutte polynomials, alias Potts-model partition functions) Z_G(q,v) outside the disc |q+v| < |v|. An immediate corollary is that the chromatic zeros of not-necessarily-planar graphs are dense in the whole complex plane. The main technical tool in the proof of these results is the Beraha-Kahane-Weiss theorem on the limit sets of zeros for certain sequences of analytic functions, for which I give a new and simpler proof.Comment: LaTeX2e, 53 pages. Version 2 includes a new Appendix B. Version 3 adds a new Theorem 1.4 and a new Section 5, and makes several small improvements. To appear in Combinatorics, Probability & Computin

    On Brenti's conjecture about the log-concavity of the chromatic polynomial

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    The chromatic polynomial is a well studied object in graph theory. There are many results and conjectures about the log-concavity of the chromatic polynomial and other polynomials related to it. The location of the roots of these polynomials has also been well studied. One famous result due to A. Sokal and C. Borgs provides a bound on the absolute value of the roots of the chromatic polynomial in terms of the highest degree of the graph. We use this result to prove a modification of a log-concavity conjecture due to F. Brenti. The original conjecture of Brenti was that the chromatic polynomial is log-concave on the natural numbers. This was disproved by Paul Seymour by presenting a counter example. We show that the chromatic polynomial PG(q)P_G(q) of graph GG is in fact log-concave for all q>CΔ+1q > C\Delta + 1 for an explicit constant C<10C < 10, where Δ\Delta denotes the highest degree of GG. We also provide an example which shows that the result is not true for constants CC smaller than 1