98,212 research outputs found

    Agricultural Technology Adoption and Land Productivity: Evidence from the Rice-Prawn Gher Farming System in Bangladesh

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    Rice-prawn gher (RPG) farming system is an indigenous agricultural technology solely developed by farmers since mid 1980s. The present study aims to estimate the land productivity of modern varieties (MV) paddy production under RPG and (year-round modern varieties) YRMV paddy farming systems in the southwest Bangladesh. The RPG farming system has significant impacts on inputs used in MV boro paddy production. The findings of the study indicate that more chemical fertilizers were used in per ha MV boro paddy production under YRMV paddy farming in comparison with RPG farming. Similarly, per ha cost of irrigation, pesticides and land preparation were also higher in MV boro paddy production under YRMV paddy farming system compared to RPG farming system. The inputs usage for MV boro paddy production under two farming systems showed statistically significant difference with each others. Although fewer inputs were being used in MV boro paddy production under RPG farming system, yield was higher (statistically significant) than YRP MV paddy farming system. Therefore, it could be concluded that land productivity of MV paddy production under RPG farming system was significantly higher than YRMV paddy farming system. The TFP of MV boro paddy production was higher in RPG farming system compared to YRMV paddy farming system. Moreover, the TFP varied widely within the farms between the two farming systems.Rice-prawn gher farming, year-round MV paddy farming, land productivity, Farm Management, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengelolaan objek wisata sungai Boro-Boro dan pengembangan objek wisata  sungai Boro-Boro di Desa Boro-Boro Kecamatan RanomeetoKabupaten Konawe Selatan. Teknik penelitian menggunakan metode etnografi. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan teori pengembangan oleh Twelvetrees. Penelitian ini telah mendapatkan data-data sesuai dengan judul, peneliti melakukan peneliti lapangan yang lebih konkrit  dengan melakukan wawancara langsung dengan pihak-pihak yang terkait serta data sekunder berupa data profil desa. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa dalam pengelolaan objek wisata sungai Boro-Boro yang berada di Desa Boro-Boro Kecamatan Ranomeeto Kabupaten Konawe Selatan dikelolah oleh enam bersaudara yang tidak lain adalah anak dari pemilik lahan yaitu Bapak Lauto dan mereka juga merupakan ahli waris tanah yang saat dijadikan sebagai tempat objek wisata. Pengelolaannya dari tahun 2018 sampai saat ini masih terbilang sangat minim jika dibandingkan dengan objek wisata yang lain, terlebih lagi dana untuk pembangunan fasilitas hanya berasal dari retribusi para pengunjung. Namun pengembangan objek wisata sungai boro-boro sudah bisa memenuhi kebutuhan para wisatawan hal  ini di tandai dengan adanya beberapa gazebo yang berdiri tepat dipinggir sungai, rumah makan, WC, tambak ikan, dan juga terdapat beberapa villa yang tersedia jika para wisatawan yang hendak ingin bermalam atau melakukan kegiatan di objek wisata sungai boro-boro tersebut. Objek wisata ini juga diharapkan mampu untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat Desa khususnya Desa Boro-boro Kecamatan Ranomeeto Kabupaten Konawe Selatan


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    ABSTRAK Lapangan Udara Boro-Boro A/D merupakan situs bekas lapangan udara militer yang dibangun Jepang pada masa Perang Dunia II atau Perang Pasifik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis peninggalan dan fungsi dari kawasan berdasarkan sarana militer Jepang yang terdapat di situs Lapangan Udara Boro-Boro A/D. Lapangan Udara Boro-Boro A/D merupakan situs bekas lapangan udara militer yang dibangun Jepang pada masa Perang Dunia II atau Perang Pasifik. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori arkeologi keruangan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis dengan menggunakan bentuk penalaran induktif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dicapai melalui studi pustaka, observasi atau survei lapangan, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Analisis data diterapkan dengan metode klasifikasi kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis kontekstual. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa tinggalan sarana militer Jepang di situs Lapangan Udara Boro-Boro A/D terdiri atas bangunan terowongan bawah tanah berjumlah 6 temuan, struktur bak air berjumlah 3 temuan, struktur bendungan berjumlah 1 temuan, revetmen pesawat berjumlah 3 temuan dan fitur bangunan berjumlah 1 temuan. Lapangan Udara Boro-Boro A/D  merupakan salah satu kawasan atau medan penting dan sebuah lapangan udara pengecoh untuk melindungi Lapangan Udara Kendari II yang sengaja dibangun oleh Jepang untuk mengecoh penglihatan musuh atau dari pantauan pesawat sekutu. Kata Kunci: Lapangan Udara Boro-Boro A/D, Tinggalan Arkeologi, Konawe Selatan.   ABSTRACT The Boro-Boro A/D airfield is the site of a former military air field built by Japan during World War II or the Pacific War. The research is aims to identify the types of relics and functions of the region based on Japanese military devices found at the Boro-Boro A/D air field site. This research uses the theory of mathematical space. This research is an analytic description by using an inductive form of reasoning.The data gathering in this research was accomplished through study libraries, observation or field surveys, documentation and interviews. Data analysis is implemented in classification methods and then followed with contextual analysis. The research shows that the height of Japanese military devices at the Boro-boro A/D air field site consists of 6 discoveries, waterhole structures totaling 3 discoveries, dam structures totaling 1 discoveries, and construction features 3 discoveries and 1 construction features. The Boro-boro A/D air field is one of the areas or crucial areas and an airfield diversion to protect the Kendari II air field deliberately built by the Japanese to distract an enemy's visual or an allied airliner. Keywords: Boro-Boro A/D Air field, Height of Archeological, South Konaw

    Effect of cold stress on boro rice seedlings

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    Cold stress at seedling stage is a major constraint in boro rice production. Nine boro rice lines were crossed in diallel fashion excluding reciprocals to obtain 36 crosses. All the 36 crosses along with parents were grown in nursery in three seasons (boro-2014, kharif-2015 and boro-2015). Performance of seedlings for survival per cent, chlorophyll content, relative water content, membrane stability index was recorded just before transplanting in all the three seasons. Scoring for cold tolerance was done in both boro seasons. Gautam showed highest survival rate over three seasons. Among crosses, IR 64 x Krishna Hamsa showed highest survival (84%) in boro-2014, MTU 1010 x Jaya (86.33%) in boro-2015 and MTU 1010 x Krishna Hamsa (95.67%) in kharif-2015. Jaya x Krishna Hamsa was most cold tolerant cross over both boro seasons. Significant positive correlation was observed among survival per cent, chlorophyll content, relative water content and membrane stability index over seasons

    Analysis of Hydraulic Flood Control Structure at Putat Boro River

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    Putat Boro River is one of the main drainage systems of Surakarta city which drains into Bengawan Solo river. The primary problem when flood occur is the higher water level of Bengawan Solo than Boro River and then backwater occur and inundates Putat Boro River. The objective of the study is to obtain operational method of Putat Boro River floodgate to control both inflows and outflows not only during flood but also normal condition. It also aims to know the Putat Boro rivers floodgate operational function to reduce inundation. Putat Boro river water level variation and Bengawan Solo river water level variation were used for simulation of Boro river floodgate routing. The simulation used 10-year inflows, 50-year inflows, and 100-year inflows return period and Boro water level variation are +82.50 m, +83.00 m and +84.00 m. The results of the study show that the effective opening of floodgate are 0.35 m - 0.55 m for +82.05 m of Bengawan Solo water level, 0.50 m – 0.65 m for +82.55 m of Bengawan Solo water level and 0.70 m – 0.85 m for +83.48 m of Bengawan Solo water level, for reducing water level of Boro river flooding. Keywords: Flood, drainage systems, floodgate and flow routing

    Nutrição em boro e produção de alfafa cultivar crioula em função do suprimento de boro

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    O cultivar Crioula de alfafa (Medicago sativa cv. Crioula) é utilizado no Sul do Brasil e existem poucos estudos referentes a sua exigência em boro. Foi conduzido um experimento com alfafa cultivada no inverno, com o objetivo de avaliar a quantidade de boro absorvido pelas plantas, o efeito de doses de boro na produção de massa seca, a distribuição do boro nas plantas e obter informações relacionadas à diagnose de boro nessa forrageira. As doses de 0; 0,0625; 0,125; 0,25; 0,50; 1,00 e 2,00 mg L-1 foram aplicadas no substrato, colocando-se 1 L de solução nutritiva em cada recipiente. As plantas foram cortadas aos 46 dias após o transplante. A massa seca da forrageira foi influenciada pelas doses de boro e foi insignificante quando a solução nutritiva apresentava a mais baixa concentração de boro. A concentração de boro nas folhas foi mais elevada que nas hastes e nas raízes. A utilização de boro da solução atingiu 90% na dose de 0,0625 mg L-1 e decresceu acentuadamente com o incremento das doses de boro. A concentração e o conteúdo de boro nas folhas e na parte aérea da planta foram mais elevados quando o boro se encontrava na solução nutritiva entre 1,5 e 1,6 mg L-1. O nível crítico de boro foi de 61 mg kg-1 nas folhas e 39 mg kg-1 na planta para este cultivar de alfafa.Alfalfa cultivar Crioula (Medicago sativa cv. Crioula) is grown in South Brazil and only a few studies on the plants' boron requirement are available. A greenhouse experiment was carried out with alfalfa to measure boron acquisition, production and distribution in the plant; data on critical level and production potentials were recorded. Plants were grown in ground quartz added with 1 L of solution, with the following boron rates: 0, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, and 2.00 mg L-1. Plants were harvested at 46 days of growth. Forage dry mass was increased by boron supply and dry matter accumulation was considerably low in control. Boron concentration in the leaves was higher than in the stems or roots. Boron utilization from the external solution reached 90% at 0.0625 mg L-1 and sharply decreased with further increasing boron rates. Boron concentration and content in the leaves and in plant tops were at maximum when applied boron was between 1.5 and 1.6 mg L-1. Critical levels of boron in plant were 61 mg kg-1 in the leaves and 39 mg kg-1 in plant tops for this cultivar of alfalfa

    Adsorción de boro del agua

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    En el siguiente trabajo se propone la técnica de la adsorción mediante la utilización de polímeros naturales para eliminar el boro de residuos industriales, puesto que estos residuos presentan una gran problemática medioambiental. El biopolímero con el que se trabajó fue el quitosano, modificado químicamente, éste se usó para pruebas de adsorción de boro en soluciones acuosas de concentraciones de 5 y 50 ppm de boro. Dichas pruebas se basaron en dos fases de experimentación. La primera fase consistió en poner en contacto las soluciones con perlas de quitosano-níquel de fabricación propia siguiendo un determinado protocolo, dicha fase constó de dos etapas, es decir que se realizaron las mismas pruebas dos veces para tener un mayor número de resultados y para corregir posibles errores de análisis. La segunda fase consistió en poner en contacto las soluciones con perlas de alginato ya fabricadas, disponibles en el laboratorio. Culminadas ambas fases de experimentación se midió la concentración de boro por espectrofotometría de absorción molecular y la concentración de níquel por espectroscopia de absorción atómica. En ambos casos se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios, en cuanto al boro se logró remover hasta valores por debajo del límite permisible para consumo humano que establece la normativa europea (1 ppm) y lo que recomienda la Organización Mundial de la Salud (0.5 ppm), y en algunos casos se logró remover totalmente dicho metaloide. En cuanto al níquel se logró remover hasta valores por encima del límite permisible para consumo humano, pero por debajo del límite permisible para los vertidos provenientes de la industria. Finalmente, se le dio una posible utilidad o aplicación a este proyecto, relacionándolo con la reducción de boro del agua de mar, teniendo en cuenta la problemática que presenta el agua desalinizada respecto a su alta concentración de boro y su aplicación como agua de riego. También, en esta ocasión se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios, logrando remover el boro a valores por debajo de 0.3 ppm, esta cifra se refiere a las cosechas más sensibles al boro (árboles frutales de cítricos), las cuales presentan daño foliar a concentraciones de boro en el agua de riego mayores a 3 ppm