135 research outputs found

    Secure and scalable deduplication of horizontally partitioned health data for privacy-preserving distributed statistical computation

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    Background Techniques have been developed to compute statistics on distributed datasets without revealing private information except the statistical results. However, duplicate records in a distributed dataset may lead to incorrect statistical results. Therefore, to increase the accuracy of the statistical analysis of a distributed dataset, secure deduplication is an important preprocessing step. Methods We designed a secure protocol for the deduplication of horizontally partitioned datasets with deterministic record linkage algorithms. We provided a formal security analysis of the protocol in the presence of semi-honest adversaries. The protocol was implemented and deployed across three microbiology laboratories located in Norway, and we ran experiments on the datasets in which the number of records for each laboratory varied. Experiments were also performed on simulated microbiology datasets and data custodians connected through a local area network. Results The security analysis demonstrated that the protocol protects the privacy of individuals and data custodians under a semi-honest adversarial model. More precisely, the protocol remains secure with the collusion of up to N − 2 corrupt data custodians. The total runtime for the protocol scales linearly with the addition of data custodians and records. One million simulated records distributed across 20 data custodians were deduplicated within 45 s. The experimental results showed that the protocol is more efficient and scalable than previous protocols for the same problem. Conclusions The proposed deduplication protocol is efficient and scalable for practical uses while protecting the privacy of patients and data custodians

    Evaluation of approximate comparison methods on Bloom filters for probabilistic linkage

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    Introduction The need for increased privacy protection in data linkage has driven the development of privacy-preserving record linkage (PPRL) techniques. A popular technique using Bloom filters with cryptographic analyses, modifications, and hashing variations to optimise privacy has been the focus of much research in this area. With few applications of Bloom filters within a probabilistic framework, there is limited information on whether approximate matches between Bloom filtered fields can improve linkage quality. Objectives In this study, we evaluate the effectiveness of three approximate comparison methods for Bloom filters within the context of the Fellegi-Sunter model of recording linkage: Sørensen–Dice coefficient, Jaccard similarity and Hamming distance. Methods Using synthetic datasets with introduced errors to simulate datasets with a range of data quality and a large real-world administrative health dataset, the research estimated partial weight curves for converting similarity scores (for each approximate comparison method) to partial weights at both field and dataset level. Deduplication linkages were run on each dataset using these partial weight curves. This was to compare the resulting quality of the approximate comparison techniques with linkages using simple cut-off similarity values and only exact matching. Results Linkages using approximate comparisons produced significantly better quality results than those using exact comparisons only. Field level partial weight curves for a specific dataset produced the best quality results. The Sørensen-Dice coefficient and Jaccard similarity produced the most consistent results across a spectrum of synthetic and real-world datasets. Conclusion The use of Bloom filter similarity comparisons for probabilistic record linkage can produce linkage quality results which are comparable to Jaro-Winkler string similarities with unencrypted linkages. Probabilistic linkages using Bloom filters benefit significantly from the use of similarity comparisons, with partial weight curves producing the best results, even when not optimised for that particular dataset

    Efficient, Dependable Storage of Human Genome Sequencing Data

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    A compreensão do genoma humano impacta várias áreas da vida. Os dados oriundos do genoma humano são enormes pois existem milhões de amostras a espera de serem sequenciadas e cada genoma humano sequenciado pode ocupar centenas de gigabytes de espaço de armazenamento. Os genomas humanos são críticos porque são extremamente valiosos para a investigação e porque podem fornecer informações delicadas sobre o estado de saúde dos indivíduos, identificar os seus dadores ou até mesmo revelar informações sobre os parentes destes. O tamanho e a criticidade destes genomas, para além da quantidade de dados produzidos por instituições médicas e de ciências da vida, exigem que os sistemas informáticos sejam escaláveis, ao mesmo tempo que sejam seguros, confiáveis, auditáveis e com custos acessíveis. As infraestruturas de armazenamento existentes são tão caras que não nos permitem ignorar a eficiência de custos no armazenamento de genomas humanos, assim como em geral estas não possuem o conhecimento e os mecanismos adequados para proteger a privacidade dos dadores de amostras biológicas. Esta tese propõe um sistema de armazenamento de genomas humanos eficiente, seguro e auditável para instituições médicas e de ciências da vida. Ele aprimora os ecossistemas de armazenamento tradicionais com técnicas de privacidade, redução do tamanho dos dados e auditabilidade a fim de permitir o uso eficiente e confiável de infraestruturas públicas de computação em nuvem para armazenar genomas humanos. As contribuições desta tese incluem (1) um estudo sobre a sensibilidade à privacidade dos genomas humanos; (2) um método para detetar sistematicamente as porções dos genomas que são sensíveis à privacidade; (3) algoritmos de redução do tamanho de dados, especializados para dados de genomas sequenciados; (4) um esquema de auditoria independente para armazenamento disperso e seguro de dados; e (5) um fluxo de armazenamento completo que obtém garantias razoáveis de proteção, segurança e confiabilidade a custos modestos (por exemplo, menos de 1/Genoma/Ano),integrandoosmecanismospropostosaconfigurac\co~esdearmazenamentoapropriadasTheunderstandingofhumangenomeimpactsseveralareasofhumanlife.Datafromhumangenomesismassivebecausetherearemillionsofsamplestobesequenced,andeachsequencedhumangenomemaysizehundredsofgigabytes.Humangenomesarecriticalbecausetheyareextremelyvaluabletoresearchandmayprovidehintsonindividuals’healthstatus,identifytheirdonors,orrevealinformationaboutdonors’relatives.Theirsizeandcriticality,plustheamountofdatabeingproducedbymedicalandlife−sciencesinstitutions,requiresystemstoscalewhilebeingsecure,dependable,auditable,andaffordable.Currentstorageinfrastructuresaretooexpensivetoignorecostefficiencyinstoringhumangenomes,andtheylacktheproperknowledgeandmechanismstoprotecttheprivacyofsampledonors.Thisthesisproposesanefficientstoragesystemforhumangenomesthatmedicalandlifesciencesinstitutionsmaytrustandafford.Itenhancestraditionalstorageecosystemswithprivacy−aware,data−reduction,andauditabilitytechniquestoenabletheefficient,dependableuseofmulti−tenantinfrastructurestostorehumangenomes.Contributionsfromthisthesisinclude(1)astudyontheprivacy−sensitivityofhumangenomes;(2)todetectgenomes’privacy−sensitiveportionssystematically;(3)specialiseddatareductionalgorithmsforsequencingdata;(4)anindependentauditabilityschemeforsecuredispersedstorage;and(5)acompletestoragepipelinethatobtainsreasonableprivacyprotection,security,anddependabilityguaranteesatmodestcosts(e.g.,lessthan1/Genoma/Ano), integrando os mecanismos propostos a configurações de armazenamento apropriadasThe understanding of human genome impacts several areas of human life. Data from human genomes is massive because there are millions of samples to be sequenced, and each sequenced human genome may size hundreds of gigabytes. Human genomes are critical because they are extremely valuable to research and may provide hints on individuals’ health status, identify their donors, or reveal information about donors’ relatives. Their size and criticality, plus the amount of data being produced by medical and life-sciences institutions, require systems to scale while being secure, dependable, auditable, and affordable. Current storage infrastructures are too expensive to ignore cost efficiency in storing human genomes, and they lack the proper knowledge and mechanisms to protect the privacy of sample donors. This thesis proposes an efficient storage system for human genomes that medical and lifesciences institutions may trust and afford. It enhances traditional storage ecosystems with privacy-aware, data-reduction, and auditability techniques to enable the efficient, dependable use of multi-tenant infrastructures to store human genomes. Contributions from this thesis include (1) a study on the privacy-sensitivity of human genomes; (2) to detect genomes’ privacy-sensitive portions systematically; (3) specialised data reduction algorithms for sequencing data; (4) an independent auditability scheme for secure dispersed storage; and (5) a complete storage pipeline that obtains reasonable privacy protection, security, and dependability guarantees at modest costs (e.g., less than 1/Genome/Year) by integrating the proposed mechanisms with appropriate storage configurations

    A Combined Approach For Private Indexing Mechanism

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    Private indexing is a set of approaches for analyzing research data that are similar or resemble similar ones. This is used in the database to keep track of the keys and their values. The main subject of this research is private indexing in record linkage to secure the data. Because unique personal identification numbers or social security numbers are not accessible in most countries or databases, data linkage is limited to attributes such as date of birth and names to distinguish between the number of records and the real-life entities they represent. For security reasons, the encryption of these identifiers is required. Privacy-preserving record linkage, frequently used to link private data within several databases from different companies, prevents sensitive information from being exposed to other companies. This research used a combined method to evaluate the data, using classic and new indexing methods. A combined approach is more secure than typical standard indexing in terms of privacy. Multibit tree indexing, which groups comparable data in many ways, creates a scalable tree-like structure that is both space and time flexible, as it avoids the need for redundant block structures. Because the record pair numbers to compare are the Cartesian product of both the file record numbers, the work required grows with the number of records to compare in the files. The evaluation findings of this research showed that combined method is scalable in terms of the number of databases to be linked, the database size, and the time required

    An efficient confidentiality-preserving Proof of Ownership for deduplication

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    Data storage in the cloud is becoming widespread. Deduplication is a key mechanism to decrease the operating costs cloud providers face, due to the reduction of replicated data storage. Nonetheless, deduplication must deal with several security threats such as honest-but-curious servers or malicious users who may try to take ownership of files they are not entitled to. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art solutions present weaknesses such as not coping with honest-but-curious servers, deployment problems, or lacking a sound security analysis. In this paper we present a novel Proof of Ownership scheme that uses convergent encryption and requires neither trusted third parties nor complex key management. The experimental evaluation highlights the efficiency and feasibility of our proposal that is proven to be secure under the random oracle model in the bounded leakage setting. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Privacy Side Channels in Machine Learning Systems

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    Most current approaches for protecting privacy in machine learning (ML) assume that models exist in a vacuum, when in reality, ML models are part of larger systems that include components for training data filtering, output monitoring, and more. In this work, we introduce privacy side channels: attacks that exploit these system-level components to extract private information at far higher rates than is otherwise possible for standalone models. We propose four categories of side channels that span the entire ML lifecycle (training data filtering, input preprocessing, output post-processing, and query filtering) and allow for either enhanced membership inference attacks or even novel threats such as extracting users' test queries. For example, we show that deduplicating training data before applying differentially-private training creates a side-channel that completely invalidates any provable privacy guarantees. Moreover, we show that systems which block language models from regenerating training data can be exploited to allow exact reconstruction of private keys contained in the training set -- even if the model did not memorize these keys. Taken together, our results demonstrate the need for a holistic, end-to-end privacy analysis of machine learning

    A survey and classification of storage deduplication systems

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    The automatic elimination of duplicate data in a storage system commonly known as deduplication is increasingly accepted as an effective technique to reduce storage costs. Thus, it has been applied to different storage types, including archives and backups, primary storage, within solid state disks, and even to random access memory. Although the general approach to deduplication is shared by all storage types, each poses specific challenges and leads to different trade-offs and solutions. This diversity is often misunderstood, thus underestimating the relevance of new research and development. The first contribution of this paper is a classification of deduplication systems according to six criteria that correspond to key design decisions: granularity, locality, timing, indexing, technique, and scope. This classification identifies and describes the different approaches used for each of them. As a second contribution, we describe which combinations of these design decisions have been proposed and found more useful for challenges in each storage type. Finally, outstanding research challenges and unexplored design points are identified and discussed.This work is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (EDRF) through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT; Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project RED FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-010156 and the FCT by PhD scholarship SFRH-BD-71372-2010

    A Taxonomy of Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage Techniques

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    The process of identifying which records in two or more databases correspond to the same entity is an important aspect of data quality activities such as data pre-processing and data integration. Known as record linkage, data matching or entity resolution, this process has attracted interest from researchers in fields such as databases and data warehousing, data mining, information systems, and machine learning. Record linkage has various challenges, including scalability to large databases, accurate matching and classification, and privacy and confidentiality. The latter challenge arises because commonly personal identifying data, such as names, addresses and dates of birth of individuals, are used in the linkage process. When databases are linked across organizations, the issue of how to protect the privacy and confidentiality of such sensitive information is crucial to successful application of record linkage. In this paper we present an overview of techniques that allow the linking of databases between organizations while at the same time preserving the privacy of these data. Known as 'privacy-preserving record linkage' (PPRL), various such techniques have been developed. We present a taxonomy of PPRL techniques to characterize these techniques along 15 dimensions, and conduct a survey of PPRL techniques. We then highlight shortcomings of current techniques and discuss avenues for future research
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