424 research outputs found

    Relevant First-Order Logic LP#LP^\# and Curry's Paradox resolution

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    In 1942 Haskell B.Curry presented what is now called Curry paradox which can be found in a logic independently of its stand on negation.In recent years there has been a revitalised interest in non-classical solutions to the semantic paradoxes. In this article the non-classical resolution of Curry's Paradox and Shaw-Kwei paradox without rejection any contraction postulate is proposed.Comment: 7page

    Strong Depth Relevance

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    Relevant logics infamously have the property that they only validate a conditional when some propositional variable is shared between its antecedent and consequent. This property has been strengthened in a variety of ways over the last half-century. Two of the more famous of these strengthenings are the strong variable sharing property and the depth relevance property. In this paper I demonstrate that an appropriate class of relevant logics has a property that might naturally be characterized as the supremum of these two properties. I also show how to use this fact to demonstrate that these logics seem to be constructive in previously unknown ways

    Strong Depth Relevance

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    Relevant logics infamously have the property that they only validate a conditional when some propositional variable is shared between its antecedent and consequent. This property has been strengthened in a variety of ways over the last half-century. Two of the more famous of these strengthenings are the strong variable sharing property and the depth relevance property. In this paper I demonstrate that an appropriate class of relevant logics has a property that might naturally be characterized as the supremum of these two properties. I also show how to use this fact to demonstrate that these logics seem to be constructive in previously unknown ways

    Doing the best one can (while trying to do better)

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    The thesis explores the question of how should a rational moral agent reason and make choices when he finds himself accepting inconsistent moral judgments. It is argued that it is both conceptually and psychologically justified to describe such an agent as suffering from uncertainty. Such uncertainty, however, is not uncertainty regarding the truth of some descriptive claim, but rather uncertainty regarding the truth of a normative claim. Specifically it is uncertainty regarding the truth of a moral judgement. In the literature this is sometimes called “moral uncertainty”. Two different lines of philosophical literatures that explore the idea of moral uncertainty are discussed. The first line – the one that originated from David Lewis‟ argument against the “Desire as Belief Thesis” – explores the mere possibility of moral uncertainty, while the second line explores the question how ought a rational moral agent choose in face of moral uncertainty. The discussion of these two lines of research leads to the conclusion that a consistent account of moral decision making under conditions of moral uncertainty that will be applicable to the kind of cases that the thesis explores, must make use of degrees of beliefs in comparative moral judgements (i.e. judgements of the form “act a is morally superior to act b”) and of them alone. Specifically, no references to degrees of moral value should be made. An attempt to present such an account in the framework of an extension of Leonard Savage‟s model for decision making is carried out. This attempt leads to a problematic result. Several implications of the result to ethic and meta-ethics are discussed as well as possible ways to avoid it. The conclusion is partly positive and partly negative: While a plausible account of moral decision making under conditions of moral uncertainty is presented, an account of moral reasoning that aims at finding a complete moral theory (i.e. a moral theory that gives a prescription to every possible moral choice) is shown to be a very difficult – if not impossible - aim to achieve

    Lisandist ja valmistamistingimustest sõltuvad õhukeste TiO2 kilede omadused

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.TiO2 on laialt kasutatav nii tööstuslikult kui ka igapäevaelus, seda kasutatakse palju valge pigmendina ja paakumisvastase ainena värvides, plastikutes, paberis ja teistes toodetes. Samuti kasutatakse TiO2-te päikesekreemides UV-kiirgust blokeeriva ainena, samuti on TiO2 kasutusel toiduvärvina (E171). Lisaks on TiO2 juba leidnud või alles leidmas rakendust fotokatalüütilise materjalina, pooljuhtmaterjalina päikesepatareides, bioloogiliselt ühilduva materjalina ja isepuhastuvate katete baasmaterjalina. Nanostruktuursus, kristallstruktuur, puhtus ja paljud teised omadused mõjutavad TiO2 kasutamist erinevates rakendustes. Käesolevas töös uuriti põhjalikult nii erinevate lisandite kui ka aluse eeltöötluse mõju TiO2 õhukeste sool-geel meetodil valmistatud kilede struktuurile ja kristallilisele koostisele. Näidati, et kilede kristalliline koostis ja faasisiirde temperatuur anataasist rutiiliks sõltub tugevalt konkreetsest lisandist ja ka aluse eeltöötlusest. Samuti näidati, et lisandiaatomid segregeeruvad kilede kuumutamise käigus TiO2 kiledest välja ja nii tekivad lisandirikkad piirkonnad kile pinnal. Näidati, et kilede fotokatalüütiline aktiivsus sõltub nii nende nanostruktuursusest kui ka lisandite valikust ja mõjust. Lisaks õhukestele sool-geel metoodikaga valmistatud kiledele valmistati eelnevalt sünteesitud nanoosakestes koosnevaid TiO2 kilesid ning uuriti nende fotokatalüütilisi omadusi. Näidati, et nanoosakestest koosnevad TiO2 kiled lagundavad väga efektiivselt orgaanilisi ühendeid ja omavad tugevat antibakteriaalset toimet. Nanoosakestest koosnevaid kilesid on lihtne valmistada, mistõttu on nad potentsiaalselt kasutatavad ka tööstuslikes rakenduste.Titania (TiO2) is widely used in industry and our everyday life. It finds use as white pigment and anticaking agent in paints, plastic, paper and other consumer products. It also finds application in sunscreens as UV blocker and in foodstuff as colouring agent (E171). Titania has been considered also as a perspective material for many advanced applications. It has been studied extensively as a promising photocatalyst, solar cell material, biocompatible material, material for anti-fogging and self-cleaning coatings. Nanostructure, crystal structure, purity and other qualities all play important roles in many of titania applications. Influence of the different dopants and the substrate pretreatment to the sol-gel film structure and crystal phase composition was thoroughly investigated. It was demonstrated that exact crystal phase transition temperature and extent from anatase to rutile are highly dependent on the doping element and the substrate pre-treatment. Also during annealing the impurity element tends to segregate out of the titania matrix and form dopant rich regions on the surface of the film. It was shown that the photoactivity of the TiO2 film depends on the choice of the impurity element and the nanostructure of the films. Beside titania sol-gel thin films also titania thin films consisting of premade nanoparticles were prepared and their photoactive properties were investigated. It was shown that thin titania films consisting of small premade nanoparticles exhibited enhanced photocatalytic and antibacterial properties. The films consisting of premade nanoparticles are simple to prepare and they are also efficient photocatalysts which means that they are potentially scalable to industrial level

    What is a Relevant Connective?

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    Efficient Aggregated Deliveries with Strong Guarantees in an Event-based Distributed System

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    A popular approach to designing large scale distributed systems is to follow an event-based approach. In an event-based approach, a set of software components interact by producing and consuming events. The event-based model allows for the decoupling of software components, allowing distributed systems to scale to a large number of components. Event correlation allows for higher order reasoning of events by constructing complex events from single, consumable events. In many cases, event correlation applications rely on centralized setups or broker overlay networks. In the case of centralized setups, the guarantees for complex event delivery are stronger, however, centralized setups create performance bottlenecks and single points of failure. With broker overlays, the performance and fault tolerance are improved but at the cost of weaker guarantees

    Exiled From the Absolute: Transnationalism, Displacement and Identitarian Crisis in Roman Polanski’s The Ghost Writer

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    Exiled From the Absolute: Transnationalism, Displacement and Identitarian Crisis in Roman Polanski’s The Ghost Writer Andrés Bartolomé Leal Durante siglos, el devenir e identidad de los humanos ha estado sujeto a la soberanía de la idea de la frontera, entendida como delimitador estático e inamovible de los conceptos y realidades que definen nuestra compresión del mundo. Empezando por la idea de nación y llegando hasta la percepción de nuestro propio cuerpo, la legimitidad de la frontera como organizador de nuestra experiencia vital apenas había sido rebatida. Sin embargo, durante el siglo XX, desde diferentes ámbitos del conocimiento, la supremacía de la idea de frontera ha sido gradualmente erosionada en favor de una percepción de la realidad mucho más difusa y cambiante. El advenimiento del postmodernismo en la segunda mitad de dicho siglo, definitivamente inclino la balanza en favor del subjetivismo y relativismo como estrategias a la hora de afrontar la realidad que nos rodea, basándose en la contestación de la existencia de cualquier absoluto, original o superior. El cine, como la expresión cultural contemporánea más extendida y popular, ha sido un gran epítome y catalizador de estas tensiones. Así pues, el cambio que sus imágenes en movimiento supusieron en contraste con el estatismo de la novela, la pintura o el teatro, artes de las cuales se ha nutrido desde su nacimiento, refleja el cambio en la percepción del mundo que los humanos experimentaron durante este periodo. Además, el cine los ha sustituido en su rol como medio de trasmisión de la cultura y tradiciones propias de una determinada civilización, pasando a ser el principal vehículo para la difusión y perpetuación de sus ‘mitos fundacionales’. Sin embargo, el cine también has sido un vehículo muy apropiado para la contestación de dichas tradiciones y las naciones que se cimentaban en ellas. Debido a la propia naturaleza del medio y a las inmensas posibilidades que ofrece a la hora de representar la realidad o no del mundo que conocemos, el cine en general ha sido utilizado para desmontar todo tipo de perspectivas absolutistas de la realidad y el cine transnacional en particular, aquellas cimentadas en la idea de soberanía nacional. Roman Polanski, un autor sujeto durante toda su carrera a los designios de la justicia, industria y economía internacionales, puede ser tomado como un claro referente de un director transnacional. Un director que no sólo realiza sus producciones al margen de intereses y gobiernos nacionales, sino que usa sus películas para rebatirlos. The Ghost Writer (2010) es un claro ejemplo de esta tendencia. Dicha película centra la trama en los efectos negativos que el exilio y el desplazamiento involuntario tienen para la psique, identidad y futuro de sus protagonistas. Para demostrarlo, la película recurre a la crítica de la identidad de las naciones contemporáneas, corrompidas por intereses económicos internacionales, la fragmentación de la identidad de sus personajes debido a la poca agencia que tienen sobre su movilidad y destino, así como a un estilo visual, fotografía y puesta en escena definidos por los sentimientos de claustrofobia, soledad y alienación. De esta manera, la película describe un mundo en el que las naciones han perdido hace tiempo su soberanía e identidad propia debido a la globalización y al imperialismo cultural, mientras que, por el contrario, los individuos siguen sujetos a sus designios e identidades. La película finalmente argumenta que en este mundo fluido y constantemente cambiante, limitar el movimiento de los individuos en base a fronteras despojadas hace tiempo de su sentido, significa limitar su identidad y posibilidades en la vida, reduciéndolos a la repetición de patrones prefijados, vacíos de significado y hace tiempo caducos

    Henri Lefebvre ja suomalainen jalkapallo : humaaninen, kriittinen ja urbaanin dialektikka urheilulle

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    This thesis has two intertwined goals: to articulate a coherent approach to sport loyal to Lefebvre’s philosophy using the concrete case of Finnish football, and so to point possible paths for improving Finnish football using Lefebvrian theory. Based in the ‘Third Wave’ of Lefebvrian scholarship, I explore the humanism, critique, and urbanism in his physical, mental, and lived dialectic. I engage with the influences of Heidegger, Nietzsche, Hegel, and, most prominently, Marx on his expansive oeuvre and the arising concepts of: totality and the residuality of everyday life held together in a collective subjectivity; globalisation and the neoliberal and neomanagerial strategies of the state; metaphilosophy, transformative praxis, the bodily truth of poietic creativity, and mimetic repetition (as not always an empty copy); time, its moments, and its linear and cyclical rhythms; alienation and the romantic revolution against the fetishised concrete abstractions of the exchange value, ideologies (with a more inclusive definition of ideology than in which Lefebvre has usually been understood), and space, as well as the latter’s reimagining in utopias. Using these concepts, I describe some features of Finnish football and critically uncover problems in it. Beyond my own experiences, especially coaching, I describe the general capitalist mode of Finnish football under globalisation and the neoliberal and neomanagerial strategies of the Finnish national and municipal governments and sports associations (the democracy of the new Finnish Football Federation’s structure remains to be seen). I explore the alienation arising from the abstractions of the game by the federation-run ‘skill competitions’, the logic of the exchange value, and from both sides of the ideological clash between sport as achievement and the sport-for-all Kaikki Pelaa (Everybody Plays) programme. I set the task for all people involved in football to live a new praxis and imagine the possible futures of a disalienated game

    Algorithm and Parameters: Solving the Generality Problem for Reliabilism

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    The paper offers a solution to the generality problem for a reliabilist epistemology, by developing an “algorithm and parameters” scheme for type-individuating cognitive processes. Algorithms are detailed procedures for mapping inputs to outputs. Parameters are psychological variables that systematically affect processing. The relevant process type for a given token is given by the complete algorithmic characterization of the token, along with the values of all the causally relevant parameters. The typing that results is far removed from the typings of folk psychology, and from much of the epistemology literature. But it is principled and empirically grounded, and shows good prospects for yielding the desired epistemological verdicts. The paper articulates and elaborates the theory, drawing out some of its consequences. Toward the end, the fleshed-out theory is applied to two important case studies: hallucination and cognitive penetration of perception