13 research outputs found

    Solveur Parallèle pour l'Equation de Poisson sur Mailles Superposées et Hiérarchiques, dans le Cadre du Langage Python

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    Adaptive discretizations are important in compressible/incompressible flow problems since it is often necessary to resolve details on multiple levels, allowing large regions of space to be modeled using a reduced number of degrees of freedom (reducing the computational time). There are a wide variety of methods for adaptively discretizing space, but Cartesian grids have often outperformed them even at high resolutions due to their simple and accurate numerical stencils and their superior parallel performances. Such performance and simplicity are in general obtained applying a finite-difference scheme for the resolution of the problems involved, but this discretization approach does not present, by contrast, an easy adapting path. In a finite-volume scheme, instead, we can incorporate different types of grids, more suitable for adaptive refinements, increasing the complexity on the stencils and getting a greater flexibility. The Laplace operator is an essential building block of the Navier-Stokes equations, a model that governs fluid flows, but it occurs also in differential equations that describe many other physical phenomena, such as electric and gravitational potentials, and quantum mechanics. So, it is a very important differential operator, and all the studies carried out on it, prove its relevance. In this work will be presented 2D finite-difference and finite-volume approaches to solve the Laplacian operator, applying patches of overlapping grids where a more fined level is needed, leaving coarsermeshes in the rest of the computational domain. These overlapping grids will have generic quadrilateral shapes. Specifically, the topics covered will be: 1) introduction to the finite difference method, finite volume method, domain partitioning, solution approximation; 2)overview of different types of meshes to represent in a discrete way the geometry involved in a problem, with a focus on the octree data structure, presenting PABLO and PABLitO. The first one is an external library used to manage each single grid’s creation, load balancing andinternal communications, while the second one is the Python API of that library written ad hoc for the current project; 3) presentation of the algorithm used to communicate data between meshes (being all of them unaware of each other’s existence) using MPI inter-communicators and clarification of the monolithic approach applied building the final matrix for the system to solve, taking into account diagonal, restriction and prolongation blocks; 4) presentation of some results; conclusions, references. It is important to underline that everything is done under Python as programming framework, using Cython for the writing of PABLitO, MPI4Py for the communications between grids, PETSc4py for the assembling and resolution parts of the system of unknowns, NumPy for contiguous memory buffer objects. The choice of this programming language has been made because Python, easy to learn and understand, is today a significant contender for the numerical computing and HPC ecosystem, thanks to its clean style, its packages, its compilers and, why not, its specific architecture optimized versions.Les discrétisations adaptatives sont importantes dans les problèmes de flux compressible/incompressible puisqu'il est souvent nécessaire de résoudre des détails sur plusieurs niveaux, en permettant de modéliser de grandes régions d'espace en utilisant un nombre réduit de degrés de liberté (et en réduisant le temps de calcul). Il existe une grande variété de méthodes de discrétisation adaptative, mais les grilles cartésiennes sont les plus efficaces, grâce à leurs stencils numériques simples et précis et à leurs performances parallèles supérieures. Et telles performance et simplicité sont généralement obtenues en appliquant un schéma de différences finies pour la résolution des problèmes, mais cette approche de discrétisation ne présente pas, au contraire, un chemin facile d'adaptation.Dans un schéma de volumes finis, en revanche, nous pouvons incorporer différents types de maillages, plus appropriées aux raffinements adaptatifs, en augmentant la complexité sur les stencils et en obtenant une plus grande flexibilité. L'opérateur de Laplace est un élémentessentiel des équations de Navier-Stokes, un modèle qui gouverne les écoulements de fluides, mais il se produit également dans des équations différentielles qui décrivent de nombreux autres phénomènes physiques, tels que les potentiels électriques et gravitationnels. Il s'agit donc d'un opérateur différentiel très important, et toutes les études qui ont été effectuées sur celui-ci, prouvent sa pertinence. Dans ce travail seront présentés des approches de différences finies et de volumes finis 2D pour résoudre l'opérateur laplacien, en appliquant des patchs de grilles superposées où un niveau plus fin est nécessaire, en laissant des maillages plus grossiers dans le reste du domaine de calcul. Ces grilles superposées auront des formes quadrilatérales génériques. Plus précisément, les sujets abordés seront les suivants: 1) introduction à la méthode des différences finies, méthode des volumes finis, partitionnement des domaines, approximation de la solution; 2)récapitulatif des différents types de maillages pour représenter de façon discrète la géométrie impliquée dans un problème, avec un focus sur la structure de données octree, présentant PABLO et PABLitO. Le premier est une bibliothèque externe utilisée pour gérer la création de chaque grille, l'équilibrage de charge et les communications internes, tandis que la seconde est l'API Python de cette bibliothèque, écrite ad hoc pour le projet en cours; 3) la présentation de l'algorithme utilisé pour communiquer les données entre les maillages (en ignorant chacune l'existence de l'autre) en utilisant les intercommunicateurs MPI et la clarification de l'approche monolithique appliquée à la construction finale de la matrice pour résoudre le système, en tenant compte des blocs diagonaux, de restriction et de prolongement; 4) la présentation de certains résultats; conclusions, références. Il est important de souligner que tout est fait sous Python comme framework de programmation, en utilisant Cython pour l'écriture de PABLitO, MPI4Py pour les communications entre grilles, PETSc4py pour les parties assemblage et résolution du système d'inconnues, NumPy pour les objets à mémoire continue. Le choix de ce langage de programmation a été fait car Python, facile à apprendre et à comprendre, est aujourd'hui un concurrent significatif pour l'informatique numérique et l'écosystème HPC, grâce à son style épuré, ses packages, ses compilateurs et pourquoi pas ses versions optimisées pour des architectures spécifiques

    Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015

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    This volume contains the full papers accepted for presentation at the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015 held in the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, on June 29 - July 2, 2015. The ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics is an international meeting held once every two years in a European country. Continuing the very successful series of past conferences that have been organized in Lisbon (2003), Madrid (2005), Milan (2007), Warsaw (2009), Brussels (2011) and Zagreb (2013); this edition will once again serve as a meeting point for the international researchers, scientists and experts from academia, research laboratories and industry working in the area of multibody dynamics. Applications are related to many fields of contemporary engineering, such as vehicle and railway systems, aeronautical and space vehicles, robotic manipulators, mechatronic and autonomous systems, smart structures, biomechanical systems and nanotechnologies. The topics of the conference include, but are not restricted to: ● Formulations and Numerical Methods ● Efficient Methods and Real-Time Applications ● Flexible Multibody Dynamics ● Contact Dynamics and Constraints ● Multiphysics and Coupled Problems ● Control and Optimization ● Software Development and Computer Technology ● Aerospace and Maritime Applications ● Biomechanics ● Railroad Vehicle Dynamics ● Road Vehicle Dynamics ● Robotics ● Benchmark ProblemsPostprint (published version

    A Clinician's Contribution to Biomedical Engineering in Experimental Echocardiography

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    The research of this thesis has been focused on the biomedical engineering aspects of new techniques of echocardiography. In close collaboration with the engineers of the Experimental Echocardiography Department of the Thoraxcentre, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, new methods to measure coronary blood flow and arterial wall elasticity with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) have been developed. We have also investigated the clinical application of these measurements and have tried to improve traditional techniques based on intracoronary Doppler wires. In another field, we have developed a method to determine the radiation dose delivered in the wall of coronary arteries treated with brachytherapy. in collaboration with the Emory University, Atlanta, GA. This method utilizes 3-dimensional IVUS reconstruction combined with radiotherapy treatment planning. Finally, the tools developed for the recording of the signals of intracoronary Doppler wires have been adapted, during a stay at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, OK for the study of left ventricular mechanics and the compliance of the large arteries. This has been achieved by simultaneous acquisition of non-invasive pressure (with tonometry) and flow (with transthoracic Doppler echocardiography) signals. The fruits of an old and close collaboration with the Institute Biomedical Technology of the Ghent University can also be found in different chapters. This work is subdivided in five major parts, and a detailed introductory chapter precedes each one