412 research outputs found

    Blockchain-Based Electronic Voting System for Elections in Turkey

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    Traditional elections satisfy neither citizens nor political authorities in recent years. They are not fully secure since it is easy to attack votes. It threatens also privacy and transparency of voters. Additionally, it takes too much time to count the votes. This paper proposes a solution using Blockchain to eliminate all the disadvantages of conventional elections. Security and data integrity of votes are absolutely provided theoretically. Voter privacy is another requirement that is ensured in the system. Lastly, the waiting time for results decreased significantly in the proposed Blockchain voting system.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, IEEE styl

    Digital Voting Process via Block Chain Technology

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    Electronic voting is growing in popularity in today's culture. It has the ability to reduce administrative expenses and boost participation in the electoral process. Voters can cast their ballots from any location with an Internet connection, doing away with the necessity for paper ballots and polling places. Regardless of their merits, online voting solutions are seen with skepticism due to the fact that they present novel security risks. Vote rigging on a massive scale is possible due to a single vulnerability. When used for elections, electronic voting systems must be reliable and secure. However, problems with computerized voting systems may slow their widespread adoption. Electronic voting systems are being developed using blockchain technology due to the end-to-end verification benefits it provides. Electronic voting systems that lack the distributed, non-repudiation, and security features of this technology are missing out. A summary of blockchain-based electronic voting methods is provided here. The primary purpose of this analysis was to look at where things stand with blockchain-based voting research and online voting systems, as well as any problems with foreseeing their future that may exist. This serves as both a conceptual overview of the planned blockchain-based electronic voting application and an introduction to the blockchain's core structure and properties as they pertain to electronic voting. Several of the problems that currently afflict election systems may be solvable with the help of blockchain technologies, it has been found. Yet, concerns about privacy and transaction speed frequently come up when discussing the use of blockchain technology in practical contexts. Secure remote voting is essential for a scalable blockchain-based electronic voting system, and fast transactions are necessary for widespread adoption

    Voice Recognition Systems for The Disabled Electorate: Critical Review on Architectures and Authentication Strategies

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    An inevitable factor that makes the concept of electronic voting irresistible is the fact that it offers the possibility of exceeding the manual voting process in terms of convenience, widespread participation, and consideration for People Living with Disabilities. The underlying voting technology and ballot design can determine the credibility of election results, influence how voters felt about their ability to exercise their right to vote, and their willingness to accept the legitimacy of electoral results. However, the adoption of e-voting systems has unveiled a new set of problems such as security threats, trust, and reliability of voting systems and the electoral process itself. This paper presents a critical literature review on concepts, architectures, and existing authentication strategies in voice recognition systems for the e-voting system for the disabled electorate. Consequently, in this paper, an intelligent yet secure scheme for electronic voting systems specifically for people living with disabilities is presented


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    A decade after Sathosi Nakamoto published his famous whitepaper, blockchain technology (BT) has started to become widely recognized and used beyond the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. While the financial sector is the most prominent adopter of the technology, numerous other fields of application for the ground-breaking innovation are discussed by researchers and practitioners alike. One key area in which blockchain-based applications are expected to drive radical and disruptive innovation is smart cities. BT provides unique benefits which smart cities can leverage to improve quality of life, adminis-trative processes, and environmental sustainability. However, due to the entrepreneurial dynamics and abundant fields of application for BT in smart cities, an integrated and boundary-spanning analysis is lacking. Thus, our paper aims at analysing how BT is used in different smart city business models to present a multi-layer taxonomy. For this purpose, we identified a global sample of 80 startups which offer products or services for smart cities and examined their business models. The paper explores economic and technological characteristics of blockchain based smart city applications. These unique insights will be useful for researchers, practitioners, and regulators

    Revolutionizing Thailand’s Agricultural Sector: The Transformative Potential of Blockchain Technology in Digital Economy Supportive Policy

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      Blockchain technology is a data storage system that involves a distributed database, which is a modern technology that has garnered widespread interest and study both locally and internationally. Currently, blockchain technology has revolutionized the world of business, finance, and banking, as well as government agencies in different countries, which have elevated their management to become digital governments that align with the digital economy. This can help to facilitate and improve the lives of citizens by making services more convenient, trustworthy, transparent, and verifiable, as well as reducing the steps involved in coordinating government activities. The purpose of this article is to study the principles of blockchain technology and smart contracts, as well as to propose recommendations for their application to solve the problems of government management in the agricultural sector in Thailand, to ensure smooth and efficient operations. Blockchain technology is a new technology that has garnered interest and study both locally and internationally, and has been revolutionary in the business sector, particularly in finance and banking. Many countries have upgraded their government management systems in response to the digital technology that is expanding in all sectors of the economy, which is crucial to the running of government operations and management. In addition, it can support and assist in providing convenience for citizens to access government services quickly, efficiently, transparently, and verifiably. This study has four main points: 1) top-down decision-making, 2) income stability, 3) unintended outcomes, and 4) the motivation of politicians and government officials. The results of this study show that supporting Thailand's digital economy in the agricultural sector can be achieved through the use of blockchain technology in data management, smart contracts to influence production factors, supporting and providing various benefits to farmers, and even implementing e-voting and allocating benefits to community-related activities. This can help to collect data from these activities to use for policy development and review

    Think Tank Review Issue 65 March 2019

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    Lohkoketjuteknologian hyödyntäminen elektronisissa äänestysjärjestelmissä

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    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan lohkoketjupohjaisen elektronisen äänestysjärjestelmän vaatimuksia. Tutkimusmuotona on kirjallisuuskatsaus, tutkimuksessa havainnollistetaan, miten lohkoketjuteknologioita voi käyttää elektronisissa äänestysjärjestelmissä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa nousi esiin jo käytössä olevia järjestelmiä, sekä tutkimuksissa ehdotettuja järjestelmiä, joista poimitaan yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroja, sekä pohditaan niitä. Yhdeksi keskeisimmistä asioista nousi esiin äänestäjän yksityisyyden ja vaalisalaisuuden turvaaminen sekä tulosten läpinäkyvyys, joka on mahdollista toteuttaa lohkoketjuteknologioita käyttämällä. Ehdotetuissa järjestelmissä äänestäjän tiedot salataan eri metodein, suosituin oli Paillier homomorfinen salaustapa, joka varmistaisi, ettei mahdollinen hyökkääjä näkisi äänestäjästä kuin salatun tiedon. Nykyisten äänestysjärjestelmien tyyppejä ja niihin liittyviä ongelmia selvitettiin, ja erityisesti elektronisiin äänestyslaitteisiin osoittautui olevan huono luottamus. Niiden ongelmana on peukalointi, toimintahäiriöt ja väärinkäytökset. Ne käyttävät usein myös keskitettyä tietokantaa, joka mahdollistaa hakkerille tavan muuttaa suuria määriä ääniä samanaikaisesti. Nämä äänet eivät ole muuttumattomia ja ääntenlasku ei ole läpinäkyvää. Paperiset äänestykset ovat turvassa näiltä uhilta, mutta niihin liittyy logistisia ongelmia, sekä korkea hinta ja ääntenlaskun hitaus. Etelä-Koreassa, Japanissa ja Moskovassa on kokeiltu lohkoketjun käyttämistä äänestyksessä ja Virossa on ääniä aloitettu tallentamaan lohkoketjuihin. Lohkoketjun toiminta takaa muuttumattoman rakenteen, jolloin äänet ovat turvassa perinteiseltä hakkeroinnilta siten, ettei annettuja ääniä pystyy muuttamaan. Lohkoketjun ollessa myös hajautettu, ei voi hyökkääjä kohdistaa hyökkäystään yhteen tietokantaan, vaan hänen on saatava 51 % ketjun laskentatehosta haltuunsa muuttaakseen ketjua, joka on kallista ja suurissa ketjuissa käytännössä mahdotonta. Äänestysjärjestelmissä lohkoketjun on hyvä olla salattu, kunnes vaalit ovat päättyneet, jolloin ketju on tuotava julkiseksi, jolloin läpinäkyvyys saadaan toteutettua. On kuitenkin varmistettava, ettei äänestäjien dataa ole mahdollista selvittää tästä avoimesta ketjusta

    On Trade-offs of Applying Block Chains for Electronic Voting Bulletin Boards

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    This paper takes a critical look at the recent trend of building electronic voting systems on top of block chain technology. Even though being very appealing from the election integrity perspective, block chains have numerous technical, economical and even political drawbacks that need to be taken into account. Selecting a good trade-off between desirable properties and restrictions imposed by different block chain implementations is a highly non-trivial task. This paper aims at bringing some clarity into performing this task. We will mostly be concentrating on public permissionless block chains and their applications as bulletin board implementations as these are the favourite choices in majority of the recent block chain based voting protocol proposals

    Blockchain-based decentralized voting system security Perspective: Safe and secure for digital voting system

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    This research study focuses primarily on Block-Chain-based voting systems, which facilitate participation in and administration of voting for voters, candidates, and officials. Because we used Block-Chain in the backend, which enables everyone to trace vote fraud, our system is incredibly safe. This paper approach any unique identification the Aadhar Card number or an OTP will be generated then user can utilise the voting system to cast his/her vote. A proposal for Bit-coin, a virtual currency system that is decided by a central authority for producing money, transferring ownership, and validating transactions, included the peer-to-peer network in a Block-Chain system, the ledger is duplicated across several, identical databases which is hosted and updated by a different process and all other nodes are updated concurrently if changes made to one node and a transaction occurs, the records of the values and assets are permanently exchanged, Only the user and the system need to be verified no other authentication required. If any transaction carried out on a block chain-based system would be settled in a matter of seconds while still being safe, verifiable, and transparent. Although block-chain technology is the foundation for Bitcoin and other digital currencies but also it may be applied widely to greatly reduce difficulties in many other sectors, Voting is the sector that is battling from a lack of security, centralized-authority, management-issues, and many more despite the fact that transactions are kept in a distributed and safe fashion