120 research outputs found

    MIMO Systems

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    In recent years, it was realized that the MIMO communication systems seems to be inevitable in accelerated evolution of high data rates applications due to their potential to dramatically increase the spectral efficiency and simultaneously sending individual information to the corresponding users in wireless systems. This book, intends to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of MIMO system, to offer a snapshot of the recent advances and major issues faced today by the researchers in the MIMO related areas. The book is written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world to cover the fundamental principles and main advanced topics on high data rates wireless communications systems over MIMO channels. Moreover, the book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Implementing Partial Blind Estimation of Alamouti Space-Time Coding in Software-Defined Radios

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    The aim of this thesis is to develop and study the performance of an algorithm to perform blind estimation of Alamouti space-time coding (STC) on Zedboard’s ARM core and FPGA, and propose improvements based on the collected data. In the first part, previous methods to accomplish blind estimation of Alamouti STC are presented, and a new method that is simple enough for hardware implementation is proposed. The system of linear equations in the final step of the proposed method is not mathematically solvable. Hence, in the next part, the thesis proposes a method to accomplish partial blind estimation of Alamouti STC, that is suitable for fixed-point implementation. The new method for partial blind estimation is then implemented on ARM core and FPGA. The FPGA implementation is performed in three modes - power optimization, runtime optimization and area optimization. In conclusion, the thesis draws common observations from the data collected from simulations, ARM and FPGA implementations of the proposed method, to find its drawbacks. The performance data from the two hardware implementations are studied to compare the two methods, and find their advantages and disadvantages. This thesis hopes to offer researchers in the area of blind estimation, what is needed to develop a feasible method of accomplishing blind estimation of Alamouti STC, and what is to be expected from implementing the same on hardware

    Timing and Carrier Synchronization in Wireless Communication Systems: A Survey and Classification of Research in the Last 5 Years

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    Timing and carrier synchronization is a fundamental requirement for any wireless communication system to work properly. Timing synchronization is the process by which a receiver node determines the correct instants of time at which to sample the incoming signal. Carrier synchronization is the process by which a receiver adapts the frequency and phase of its local carrier oscillator with those of the received signal. In this paper, we survey the literature over the last 5 years (2010–2014) and present a comprehensive literature review and classification of the recent research progress in achieving timing and carrier synchronization in single-input single-output (SISO), multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), cooperative relaying, and multiuser/multicell interference networks. Considering both single-carrier and multi-carrier communication systems, we survey and categorize the timing and carrier synchronization techniques proposed for the different communication systems focusing on the system model assumptions for synchronization, the synchronization challenges, and the state-of-the-art synchronization solutions and their limitations. Finally, we envision some future research directions

    Space-Time Block Coding for Wireless Communications

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    Abstract Wireless designers constantly seek to improve the spectrum efficiency/capacity, coverage of wireless networks, and link reliability. Space-time wireless technology that uses multiple antennas along with appropriate signalling and receiver techniques offers a powerful tool for improving wireless performance. Some aspects of this technology have already been incorporated into various wireless network and cellular mobile standards. More advanced MIMO techniques are planned for future mobile networks, wireless local area network (LANs) and wide area network (WANs). Multiple antennas when used with appropriate space-time coding (STC) techniques can achieve huge performance gains in multipath fading wireless links. The fundamentals of space-time coding were established in the context of space-time Trellis coding by Tarokh, Seshadri and Calderbank. Alamouti then proposed a simple transmit diversity coding scheme and based on this scheme, general space-time block codes were further introduced by Tarokh, Jafarkhani and Calderbank. Since then space-time coding has soon evolved into a most vibrant research area in wireless communications. Recently, space-time block coding has been adopted in the third generation mobile communication standard which aims to deliver true multimedia capability. Space-time block codes have a most attractive feature of the linear decoding/detection algorithms and thus become the most popular among different STC techniques. The decoding of space-time block codes, however, requires knowledge of channels at the receiver and in most publications, channel parameters are assumed known, which is not practical due to the changing channel conditions in real communication systems. This thesis is mainly concerned with space-time block codes and their performances. The focus is on signal detection and channel estimation for wireless communication systems using space-time block codes. We first present the required background materials, discuss different implementations of space-time block codes using different numbers of transmit and receive antennas, and evaluate the performances of space-time block codes using binary phase-shift keying (BPSK), quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK), and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). Then, we investigate Tarokh’s joint detection scheme with no channel state information thoroughly, and also propose a new general joint channel estimation and data detection scheme that works with QPSK and 16-QAM and different numbers of antennas. Next, we further study Yang’s channel estimation scheme, and expand this channel estimation scheme to work with 16-QAM modulation. After dealing with complex signal constellations, we subsequently develop the equations and algorithms of both channel estimation schemes to further test their performances when real signals are used (BPSK modulation). Then, we simulate and compare the performances of the two new channel estimation schemes when employing different number of transmit and receive antennas and when employing different modulation methods. Finally, conclusions are drawn and further research areas are discussed

    Blind channel estimation for space-time block codes : novel methods and performance Studies

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    [abstract] This work is based on a study of blind source separation techniques in order to estimate coe cients in transmission systems using Alamouti codi cation with two transmit antennas and one receive antenna. Most of present standards include pilot symbols to estimate the channel in reception. Since these symbols do not deliver user's data, their use decrease transferring quantity and also the system capacity. On the other hand, algorithms of blind separation are less precise when estimating channel coe cients than those supervised, but achieving a higher transferring rate. In this work we will deal with Alamouti codi cation system as a typical problem of blind sources separation where the signals transmitted and the channel coe cients must be estimated according to lineal and instantaneous mixtures (observations). Orthogonal structure required by Alamouti codi cation allows us to solve this problem by decomposing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices calculated from di erent statistics of the observations. These algorithms could be classi ed as those using second order statistics and those using higher order statistics. Algorithms based on second order statistics work with correlation matrix of observations. They are computationally less expensive, but require a lineal precoder in order to balance the power of the signals transmitted. One of our contributions is being able to determine in an empirical way how the power decompensation should be done in order to reduce the proabibility of error in the system. On the other hand, algorithms dealing with high level statistics are based on diagonalize one or several high level cumulant matrices deriving into a major computational cost in the receiver. As an advantage we must point out that they do not require to include a lineal precoder to do the power decompensation. In this work we will prove that the output of these techniques depends on the level of eigenvalue of the diagonalized matrix spreading. This idea will be used by us in order to achieve the optimal cumulant matrix and also to propose a new algorithm that increases the output in relation to those already proposed by other authors. Another important contribution of this present study is to propose a detailed comparison between channel estimation techniques in simulated scenarios, considering channels with Rayleigh and Rice distribution, and in real scenarios in ISM of 2.4 GHz band, by using a MIMO testbed developed in Universidade da Coruña. [Resumen] En este trabajo se realiza un estudio de técnicas de separación ciega de fuentes para la estimación de los coeficientes en sistemas de transmisión que emplean la codificación de Alamouti con 2 antenas transmisoras y 1 antena receptora. La mayoría de los estándares actuales incluyen símbolos piloto para estimar el canal en recepción. Dado que estos símbolos no transportan datos del usuario, su utilización decrementa la tasa de transferencia y degrada el rendimiento del sistema. Por otro lado, los algoritmos de separación ciega son menos precisos en la estimación de los coeficientes de canal que los supervisados pero consiguen una tasa de transferencia mayor. En el presente trabajo, modelaremos el sistema de codificación de Alamouti como un problema típico de separación ciega de fuentes donde las se~nales transmitidas y los coeficientes del canal deben ser estimados a partir de mezclas lineales e instantáneas (observaciones). La estructura ortogonal impuesta por la codificación de Alamouti permite resolver este problema mediante la descomposición de autovalores y autovectores de matrices calculadas a partir de diferentes estadísticos de las observaciones. Estos algoritmos pueden ser clasificados en aquellos que utilizan estadísticos de segundo orden y aquellos que emplean estadísticos de orden superior. Los algoritmos que emplean estadísticos de segundo orden trabajan con la matriz de correlación de las observaciones, son computacionalmente poco costosos pero requieren de un precodificador lineal para descompensar la potencia de las se~nales transmitidas. Una de nuestras aportaciones es la de determinar de forma empírica cómo debe realizarse la descompesación de potencia de cara a reducir la probabilidad de error del sistema. Por otro lado, los algoritmos que trabajan con estadísticos de orden superior se basan en diagonalizar una o varias matrices de cumulantes de orden superior, lo que conlleva un mayor coste computacional en el receptor. Como ventaja debe resaltarse que no requieren incluir un precodificador lineal que realice la descompensación de potencia. En este trabajo mostraremos que el rendimiento de estas técnicas depende del grado de dispersión de los autovalores de la matriz que se diagonaliza. Utilizaremos esta idea para obtener la matriz de cumulantes óptima y para formular un nuevo algoritmo que supera en rendimiento a los propuestos previamente por otros autores. Otra aportación relevante del presente trabajo es presentar una detallada comparación de las técnicas de estimación de canal en entornos simulados, considerando canales con ditribución Rayleigh y Rice, y en entornos reales en la banda ISM de 2.4 GHz mediante el empleo de una plataforma de transmisión MIMO desarrollada en la Universidade da Coruña

    Channel Estimation Architectures for Mobile Reception in Emerging DVB Standards

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    Throughout this work, channel estimation techniques have been analyzed and proposed for moderate and very high mobility DVB (digital video broadcasting) receivers, focusing on the DVB-T2 (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial 2) framework and the forthcoming DVB-NGH (Digital Video Broadcasting - Next Generation Handheld) standard. Mobility support is one of the key features of these DVB specifications, which try to deal with the challenge of enabling HDTV (high definition television) delivery at high vehicular speed. In high-mobility scenarios, the channel response varies within an OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing) block and the subcarriers are no longer orthogonal, which leads to the so-called ICI (inter-carrier interference), making the system performance drop severely. Therefore, in order to successfully decode the transmitted data, ICI-aware detectors are necessary and accurate CSI (channel state information), including the ICI terms, is required at the receiver. With the aim of reducing the number of parameters required for such channel estimation while ensuring accurate CSI, BEM (basis expansion model) techniques have been analyzed and proposed for the high-mobility DVB-T2 scenario. A suitable clustered pilot structure has been proposed and its performance has been compared to the pilot patterns proposed in the standard. Different reception schemes that effectively cancel ICI in combination with BEM channel estimation have been proposed, including a Turbo scheme that includes a BP (belief propagation) based ICI canceler, a soft-input decision-directed BEM channel estimator and the LDPC (low-density parity check) decoder. Numerical results have been presented for the most common channel models, showing that the proposed receiver schemes allow good reception, even in receivers with extremely high mobility (up to 0.5 of normalized Doppler frequency).Doktoretza tesi honetan, hainbat kanal estimazio teknika ezberdin aztertu eta proposatu dira mugikortasun ertain eta handiko DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) hartzaileentzat, bigarren belaunaldiko Lurreko Telebista Digitalean DVB-T2 (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial 2 ) eta hurrengo DVB-NGH (Digital Video Broadcasting - Next Generation Handheld) estandarretan oinarrututa. Mugikortasuna bigarren belaunaldiko telebista estandarrean funtsezko ezaugarri bat da, HDTV (high definition television) zerbitzuak abiadura handiko hartzaileetan ahalbidetzeko erronkari aurre egiteko nahian. Baldintza horietan, kanala OFDM (ortogonalak maiztasun-zatiketa multiplexing ) sinbolo baten barruan aldatzen da, eta subportadorak jada ez dira ortogonalak, ICI-a (inter-carrier interference) sortuz, eta sistemaren errendimendua hondatuz. Beraz, transmititutako datuak behar bezala deskodeatzeko, ICI-a ekiditeko gai diren detektagailuak eta CSI-a (channel state information) zehatza, ICI osagaiak barne, ezinbestekoak egiten dira hartzailean. Kanalaren estimazio horretarako beharrezkoak diren parametro kopurua murrizteko eta aldi berean CSI zehatza bermatzeko, BEM (basis expansion model) teknika aztertu eta proposatu da ICI kanala identifikatzeko mugikortasun handiko DVB-T2 eszenatokitan. Horrez gain, pilotu egitura egokia proposatu da, estandarrean proposatutako pilotu ereduekin alderatuz BEM estimazioan oinarritua. ICI-a baliogabetzen duten hartzaile sistema ezberdin proposatu dira, Turbo sistema barne, non BP (belief propagation) detektagailua, soft BEM estimazioa eta LDPC (low-density parity check ) deskodetzailea uztartzen diren. Ohiko kanal ereduak erabilita, simulazio emaitzak aurkeztu dira, proposatutako hartzaile sistemak mugikortasun handiko kasuetan harrera ona dutela erakutsiz, 0.5 Doppler maiztasun normalizaturaino.Esta tesis doctoral analiza y propone diferentes técnicas de estimación de canal para receptores DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) con movilidad moderada y alta, centrándose en el estándar de segunda generación DVB-T2 (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial 2 ) y en el próximó estándar DVB-NGH (Digital Video Broadcasting - Next Generation Handheld ). La movilidad es una de las principales claves de estas especificaciones, que tratan de lidiar con el reto de permitir la recepción de señal HDTV (high definition television) en receptores móviles. En escenarios de alta movilidad, la respuesta del canal varía dentro de un símbolo OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing ) y las subportadoras ya no son ortogonales, lo que genera la llamada ICI (inter-carrier interference), deteriorando el rendimiento de los receptores severamente. Por lo tanto, con el fin de decodificar correctamente los datos transmitidos, detectores capaces de suprimir la ICI y una precisa CSI (channel state information), incluyendo los términos de ICI, son necesarios en el receptor. Con el objetivo de reducir el número de parámetros necesarios para dicha estimación de canal, y al mismo tiempo garantizar una CSI precisa, la técnica de estimación BEM (basis expansion model) ha sido analizada y propuesta para identificar el canal con ICI en receptores DVB-T2 de alta movilidad. Además se ha propuesto una estructura de pilotos basada en clústers, comparando su rendimiento con los patrones de pilotos establecidos en el estándar. Se han propuesto diferentes sistemas de recepción que cancelan ICI en combinación con la estimación BEM, incluyendo un esquema Turbo que incluye un detector BP (belief propagation), un estimador BEM soft y un decodificador LDPC (low-density parity check). Se han presentado resultados numéricos para los modelos de canal más comunes, demostrando que los sistemas de recepción propuestos permiten la decodificación correcta de la señal incluso en receptores con movilidad muy alta (hasta 0,5 de frecuencia de Doppler normalizada)