17 research outputs found

    Technical report on Separation methods for nonlinear mixtures

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    Statistical single channel source separation

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    PhD ThesisSingle channel source separation (SCSS) principally is one of the challenging fields in signal processing and has various significant applications. Unlike conventional SCSS methods which were based on linear instantaneous model, this research sets out to investigate the separation of single channel in two types of mixture which is nonlinear instantaneous mixture and linear convolutive mixture. For the nonlinear SCSS in instantaneous mixture, this research proposes a novel solution based on a two-stage process that consists of a Gaussianization transform which efficiently compensates for the nonlinear distortion follow by a maximum likelihood estimator to perform source separation. For linear SCSS in convolutive mixture, this research proposes new methods based on nonnegative matrix factorization which decomposes a mixture into two-dimensional convolution factor matrices that represent the spectral basis and temporal code. The proposed factorization considers the convolutive mixing in the decomposition by introducing frequency constrained parameters in the model. The method aims to separate the mixture into its constituent spectral-temporal source components while alleviating the effect of convolutive mixing. In addition, family of Itakura-Saito divergence has been developed as a cost function which brings the beneficial property of scale-invariant. Two new statistical techniques are proposed, namely, Expectation-Maximisation (EM) based algorithm framework which maximizes the log-likelihood of a mixed signals, and the maximum a posteriori approach which maximises the joint probability of a mixed signal using multiplicative update rules. To further improve this research work, a novel method that incorporates adaptive sparseness into the solution has been proposed to resolve the ambiguity and hence, improve the algorithm performance. The theoretical foundation of the proposed solutions has been rigorously developed and discussed in details. Results have concretely shown the effectiveness of all the proposed algorithms presented in this thesis in separating the mixed signals in single channel and have outperformed others available methods.Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka(UTeM), Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysi

    Algorithms and techniques for polynomial matrix decompositions

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    The concept of polynomial matrices is introduced and the potential application of polynomial matrix decompositions is discussed within the general context of multi-channel digital signal processing. A recently developed technique, known as the second order sequential rotation algorithm (SBR2), for performing the eigenvalue decomposition of a para-Hermitian polynomial matrix (PEVD) is presented. The potential benefit of using the SBR2 algorithm to impose strong decorrelation on the signals received by a broadband sensor array is demonstrated by means of a suitable numerical simulation. This demonstrates how the polynomial matrices produced as a result of the PEVD can be of unnecessarily high order. This is undesirable for many practical applications and slows down the iterative computational procedure. An effective truncation technique for controlling the growth in order of these polynomial matrices is proposed. Depending on the choice of truncation parameters, it provides an excellent compromise between reduced order polynomial matrix factors and accuracy of the resulting decomposition. This is demonstrated by means of a set of numerical simulations performed by applying the modified SBR2 algorithm with a variety of truncation parameters to a representative set of test matrices. Three new polynomial matrix decompositions are then introduced - one for implementing a polynomial matrix QR decomposition (PQRD) and two for implementing a polynomial matrix singular value decomposition (PSVD). Several variants of the PQRD algorithm (including polynomial order reduction) are proposed and compared by numerical simulation using an appropriate set of test matrices. The most effective variant w.r.t. computational speed, order of the polynomial matrix factors and accuracy of the resulting decomposition is identified. The PSVD can be computed using either the PEVD technique, based on the SBR2 algorithm, or the new algorithm proposed for implementing the PQRD. These two approaches are also compared by means of computer simulations which demonstrate that the method based on the PQRD is numerically superior. The potential application of the preferred PQRD and PSVD algorithms to multiple input multiple output (MIMO) communications for the purpose of counteracting both co-channel interference and inter-symbol interference (multi-channel equalisation) is demonstrated in terms of reduced bit error rate by means of representative computer simulations

    Characterization and processing of atrial fibrillation episodes by convolutive blind source separation algorithms and nonlinear analysis of spectral features

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    Las arritmias supraventriculares, en particular la fibrilación auricular (FA), son las enfermedades cardíacas más comúnmente encontradas en la práctica clínica rutinaria. La prevalencia de la FA es inferior al 1\% en la población menor de 60 años, pero aumenta de manera significativa a partir de los 70 años, acercándose al 10\% en los mayores de 80. El padecimiento de un episodio de FA sostenida, además de estar ligado a una mayor tasa de mortalidad, aumenta la probabilidad de sufrir tromboembolismo, infarto de miocardio y accidentes cerebrovasculares. Por otro lado, los episodios de FA paroxística, aquella que termina de manera espontánea, son los precursores de la FA sostenida, lo que suscita un alto interés entre la comunidad científica por conocer los mecanismos responsables de perpetuar o conducir a la terminación espontánea de los episodios de FA. El análisis del ECG de superficie es la técnica no invasiva más extendida en la diagnosis médica de las patologías cardíacas. Para utilizar el ECG como herramienta de estudio de la FA, se necesita separar la actividad auricular (AA) de las demás señales cardioeléctricas. En este sentido, las técnicas de Separación Ciega de Fuentes (BSS) son capaces de realizar un análisis estadístico multiderivación con el objetivo de recuperar un conjunto de fuentes cardioeléctricas independientes, entre las cuales se encuentra la AA. A la hora de abordar un problema de BSS, se hace necesario considerar un modelo de mezcla de las fuentes lo más ajustado posible a la realidad para poder desarrollar algoritmos matemáticos que lo resuelvan. Un modelo viable es aquel que supone mezclas lineales. Dentro del modelo de mezclas lineales se puede además hacer la restricción de que estas sean instantáneas. Este modelo de mezcla lineal instantánea es el utilizado en el Análisis de Componentes Independientes (ICA).Vayá Salort, C. (2010). Characterization and processing of atrial fibrillation episodes by convolutive blind source separation algorithms and nonlinear analysis of spectral features [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8416Palanci