530 research outputs found

    Manifestation of ocular-muscle EMG contamination in human intracranial recordings

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    It is widely assumed that intracranial recordings from the brain are only minimally affected by contamination due to ocular-muscle electromyogram (oEMG). Here we show that this is not always the case. In intracranial recordings from five surgical epilepsy patients we observed that eye movements caused a transient biphasic potential at the onset of a saccade, resembling the saccadic spike potential commonly seen in scalp EEG, accompanied by an increase in broadband power between 20 and 200 Hz. Using concurrently recorded eye movements and high-density intracranial EEG (iEEG) we developed a detailed overview of the spatial distribution and temporal characteristics of the saccade-related oculomotor signal within recordings from ventral, medial and lateral temporal cortex. The occurrence of the saccadic spike was not explained solely by reference contact location, and was observed near the temporal pole for small (< 2 deg) amplitude saccades and over a broad area for larger saccades. We further examined the influence of saccade-related oEMG contamination on measurements of spectral power and interchannel coherence. Contamination manifested in both spectral power and coherence measurements, in particular, over the anterior half of the ventral and medial temporal lobe. Next, we compared methods for removing the contaminating signal and found that nearest-neighbor bipolar re-referencing and ICA filtering were effective for suppressing oEMG at locations far from the orbits, but tended to leave some residual contamination at the temporal pole. Finally, we show that genuine cortical broadband gamma responses observed in averaged data from ventral temporal cortex can bear a striking similarity in time course and band-width to oEMG contamination recorded at more anterior locations. We conclude that eye movement-related contamination should be ruled out when reporting high gamma responses in human intracranial recordings, especially those obtained near anterior and medial temporal lobe

    Online-Extractability in the Quantum Random-Oracle Model

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    We show the following generic result. Whenever a quantum query algorithm in the quantum random-oracle model outputs a classical value tt that is promised to be in some tight relation with H(x)H(x) for some xx, then xx can be efficiently extracted with almost certainty. The extraction is by means of a suitable simulation of the random oracle and works online, meaning that it is straightline, i.e., without rewinding, and on-the-fly, i.e., during the protocol execution and without disturbing it. The technical core of our result is a new commutator bound that bounds the operator norm of the commutator of the unitary operator that describes the evolution of the compressed oracle (which is used to simulate the random oracle above) and of the measurement that extracts xx. We show two applications of our generic online extractability result. We show tight online extractability of commit-and-open ÎŁ\Sigma-protocols in the quantum setting, and we offer the first non-asymptotic post-quantum security proof of the textbook Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation, i.e, without adjustments to facilitate the proof

    Process Control of Crushing Circuits

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    Kivenmurskaus on keskeinen osaprosessi kiviaineksen, metallien ja sementin tuotannossa. Murskaamalla tuotetut raaka-aineet muodostavat nykyaikaisen infrastruktuurimme perustan. Huolimatta merkittävästä roolistaan, kivenmurskaus on yksi harvoista teollisista prosesseista, jonka prosessinohjaus toteutetaan edelleen kokemusperäisesti, ilman luotettavaa mittaustietoa suoritettujen ohjaustoimien vaikutuksista. Nykykäytäntö altistaa murskausprosessit prosessivaihteluille ja –häiriöille, ja johtaa viime kädessä tehottomaan tuotantoon ja kapasiteetin vajaakäyttöön. Pääsyinä nykytilaan voidaan pitää murskausprosessien puutteellista anturointia ja tutkimustiedon puutetta korkeamman automaatioasteen tuomista hyödyistä. Tässä väitöskirjassa pyrittiin ratkaisemaan edellä mainittu ongelma automaattisen prosessinohjauksen avulla. Päätavoitteena oli kehittää säätömenetelmät murskauspiirin suorituskyvyn saattamiseksi lähelle parasta saavutettavissa olevaa tasoa. Tämä tutkimus perustuu mallipohjaiseen säädönsuunnittelumenetelmään. Systemaattinen suunnitteluprosessi alkoi säätötavoitteiden määrittelystä ja dynaamisten prosessimallien kehittämisestä. Kehitettyjen prosessimallien avulla luotiin säätötavoitteet täyttävä säätöstrategia ja viritettiin strategian vaatimat prosessisäätimet. Lopuksi simulointimallien avulla kehitetty ja testattu säätöstrategia implementoitiin osaksi laitoksen automaatiojärjestelmää ja sen suorituskyky arvioitiin täyden mittakaavan prosessikokeiden avulla. Tämä väitöskirja on osoittanut, että murskauspiirin tehokas ja tarkoituksenmukainen toiminta vaatii eri kahden säätötavan toteuttamista: massataseen säätö ja hienonnusmäärän säätö. Massatasesäädön tavoitteena on varmistaa 100 % käyttöaste murskauspiirin pullonkaulassa. Hienonnusmäärän säätö varmistaa halutun murskaimen tuotemateriaalin partikkelikokojakauman. Kehitetyt hienonnusmäärän säätömenetelmät perustuvat itseoptimoituvaan säätötapaan, joka mahdollistaa likimain optimaalisen suorituskyvyn käyttämällä säätimessä vakio-asetusarvoa. Kun tämä asetusarvo valitaan optimaalisesti, mahdollistaa esitelty ohjausstrategia parhaan saavutettavissa olevan murskauspiirin suorituskyvyn. Työn merkittävä tunnuspiirre on erityisen kattava empiria. Kehitetyt menetelmät testattiin kattavasti useissa erilaisissa tuotantoskenaarioissa ja prosessikonfiguraatioissa. Täyden mittakaavan prosessikokeiden tulokset vastasivat hyvin lähelle simulaatioilla saatuja tuloksia. Tämä väitöskirja on merkittävä edistysaskel murskausprosessien säädössä. Työn tuloksena kehitetyt mittaus- ja säätötavat mahdollistavat tehokkaamman ja tarkoituksenmukaisemman raaka-ainetuotannon. Työn tuloksilla voidaan olettaa olevan merkittävä vaikutus siihen, miten ja millä tavoin murskausprosesseja ohjataan tulevaisuudessa. Työssä kehitetyn murskauspiirin automaattisen säätöstrategian voidaan olettaa toimivan perustana tulevaisuuden murskausprosessien prosessiautomaatio-toteutuksille.Crushing is an essential high-volume processing stage in the production of aggregates, metals and cement. Crushed products form the basis of our modern infrastructure and therefore play a major role in the economic growth and welfare. Despite its significant role in society, crushing is one of the few remaining industrial processes that is currently being operated using belief-based manual control without the possibility to quantify the consequences of performed control actions. This practice makes crushing processes vulnerable to process variation and exposes them to inefficient production and capacity underutilization. The aim of this thesis is to address this deficiency by bridging the gap between theoretically possible and realized crushing circuit performance, by means of automatic process control. This thesis covers the entire model-based control system design procedure – from the formulation of control objectives and development of dynamic process model(s), through the development of control strategy, to the control system implementation and performance evaluation – for crushing circuits. Research has led to significant advances within crushing process measurement and control. Developed methods have been rigorously tested in various production scenarios and circuit flowsheets, using both dynamic simulations and full-scale experiments. Experiments revealed expected behavior with a significant increase in performance. The results have shown that the efficient operation of a crushing circuit requires addressing two control tasks: mass balance control and size reduction control. The objective of mass balance control is to guarantee 100 percent circuit utilization, whereas size reduction control ensures the desired degree of size reduction. The ideal degree of size reduction is determined empirically to maximize the value of the used KPI. The developed control strategy delivers near-maximum circuit performance. This thesis represents a major leap forward in the area of process control of crushing circuits. It has opened entirely new possibilities by making it possible to quantify the instantaneous performance of crushing circuits and by introducing the ability to ensure consistent and efficient long-term production. These major breakthroughs can have a significant impact on how crushing plants will be operated in the future. Developed standard control practice can be expected to serve as a basis for future control system implementations of industrial crushing circuits

    Ambient vibration testing of civil engineering structures: development of a Python module and applications to case studies

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    This thesis treats ambient vibration testing of civil engineering structures with a special attention given to timber structures. It presents an open-source Python module that allows to perform two very much used output-only dynamic identification techniques. One of the reasons behind the open-source release of the module is the hope to attract other persons willing to help extending the module’s capabilities also to continuous monitoring applications. Furthermore, the work presents and discusses the application of Operational Modal Analysis methods to three case studies, highlighting the usefulness and potential of such methods. The cases are a prestressed short span concrete girder, an eight storey CLT building and a lightweight timber floor sub-assembly. Through the applications it is shown how Operational Modal Analysis may be of use not only to theoretical research oriented applications, but also very practical tasks. For instance in the framework of maintenance plans it is shown how ambient vibration testing results may be used to infer on the state of health of a bridge. Moreover, experimental modal properties are used to perform sensitivity analysis, update finite element models and draw comparison with analytical solutions. In fact, it is also shown how ambient vibration testing can be a viable and cheaper alternative to force vibration tests. All in all the goals of this work are to highlight the importance and potential of output-only identification methods and broaden the data-base present with applications to timber structures
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