3 research outputs found

    Aspectos pedagógicos para ambientes Blended-Learning

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    En los últimos tiempos, la presencia de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación han tenido gran importancia en los escenarios escolares, por lo cual se hace necesario definir e implementar condiciones pedagógicas para la configuración de ambientes Blended Learning (B-L), en diferentes niveles de escolaridad

    Communities of inquiry pedagogy and consequential transitions in professional education:An action research project in an undergraduate law course

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    Research about practitioners’ application of the Communities of Inquiry pedagogy (‘CoI’) in professional disciplines is often unclear about: (a) how CoI contributed to the development or better understanding of practice; (b) how reflection on practice contributed to the development of the literature on how CoI is enacted in practice; and (c) the theory of professional learning adopted. This thesis reports on a three-cycle action research project in which I enacted CoI across several iterations of my undergraduate teaching practice in legal education. My analysis draws on Beach’s concept of learning as a consequential transition to examine how CoI can facilitate students’ struggle to establish themselves as lawyers. Within each research cycle I generated evidence concerning student perceptions of how I supported progress through the inquiry process and the forging of their emerging identity as lawyers. Data were generated from interviews, student survey responses and a teaching journal. Interim analysis of this material at the end of each cycle informed the design in later cycles. The core findings are that the teacher, research postgraduate students trained to act as facilitators and students need to collaborate to provide the teaching presence needed for the successful enactment of CoI. This collaboration, and the virtues it requires, are inadequately depicted in Garrison’s CoI model (Garrison, 2016). Furthermore, I argue that authentic assessments and appropriate ‘framing’ of student work as a contribution to knowledge play a key role in facilitating students’ consequential transitions. This research contributes to the CoI literature by highlighting the need for teachers to skillfully create a system of inter-locking levels of support for student inquiry as an important element of teaching presence. It contributes to the consequential transitions literature by emphasising the importance of a rich ecology of relevant social relations and of engaging students in authentic assessments and knowledge production

    Fatores ensejadores de engajamento em ambientes de mundos virtuais

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    Os alunos deste milênio possuem familiaridade com as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, usam dispositivos conectados às redes WiFi, acessam com frequência a Internet e as redes sociais e são usuários intensivos de jogos digitais e de vídeo games. Para estes alunos, a utilização de recursos e ambientes digitais é uma atividade natural em seu dia-a-dia. É de se esperar que a educação possa aproveitar a condição do domínio tecnológico dos alunos; para proporcionar situações nas quais eles utilizem dispositivos e ambientes digitais que se assemelham com os que eles acessam diariamente, e projetá-los de tal maneira que possam promover um melhor desempenho acadêmico do aluno. Dentre as TICs, uma ferramenta que pode ser utilizada nas escolas com objetivos educacionais são os mundos virtuais 3D. Os mundos virtuais 3D apresentam algumas caraterísticas que merecem ser investigadas objetivando serem utilizadas na educação, tais como: imersão (sensação de presença), realismo e interação com o mundo virtual. Desta forma, os ambientes construídos nos mundos virtuais podem levar o aluno ao aumento de sua concentração e satisfação, o que, juntamente com outras características presentes, podem criar condições para o aluno alcançar o estado de Flow. Entendendo que a partir destas situações há um potencial educacional a ser explorado, este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar estratégias de design e suporte teórico, que forneça subsídio para a construção de laboratórios educacionais dentro dos mundos virtuais, e estes sejam; capazes de levar o aluno ao engajamento nas atividades propostas e consequentemente criar condições para que ele atinja o estado de Flow. Almeja-se mostrar com este trabalho que características como imersão, realismo e interação, presentes nos mundos virtuais, aliadas à construção de um ambiente com laboratórios educacionais engajadores e motivadores, e que permitam o registro das ações dos alunos em suas experiências, oportunizem identificar se as condições de entrada no estado de Flow se aplicam ao aluno. Assim, se buscará diferenciar os elementos que oportunizam estas condições e orientações para a criação de laboratórios educacionais em mundos virtuais; de modo que as atividades propostas nestes laboratórios possibilitem levar o aluno ao estado de Flow, uma vez que pesquisas têm indicado que o estado de Flow propicia melhor desempenho acadêmico.The Millennial generation has familiarity with Information and Communications Technology (ICT), they use devices connected to Wi-Fi networks, frequently access Internet and social networks, and are intensive users of computer games and video games. To these students, the utilization of digital resources and environments is a natural action in day-by-day. It is expected that education explore the student's technological domain to create situations in which students handle the digital resources and environments in school of similar way with those they manipulate daily. More, it awaited those educational designers projecting the digital resources and environments to promote better academic performance of students. Among the ICT, one tool that can be used in schools to achieve educational targets are 3D Virtual Worlds (VW). They present features that deserve to be investigated to application in the education, such as: immersion sensation, realism, and interaction with the virtual world. The environments created inside 3D Virtual Worlds could can lead the student to increase their concentration and satisfaction, which, jointly with others features existent in VW, could create conditions to student achieve the Flow state. Understanding that, from these situations exists one educational potential to be explored, this doctoral thesis proposal have as objective investigate the design strategies and the theoretical support, providing subsidies for the construction of educational laboratories inside 3D Virtual Worlds, which are capable of carry the pupil to engagement in the proposed activities and consequently generate conditions to he/she achieve the Flow state. This proposal aims show that features like realism, immersion sensation, and interaction, existent in 3D Virtual Worlds, allied with the construction of engaging and motivating educational laboratories, allow the record of student's actions in the lab experiences, enabling identify which are the conditions on that student achieve Flow state. This proposal searching differentiate the elements that guide to creation of the educational laboratories in 3D Virtual Worlds, so that the proposed activities in this laboratories enable to carry the student to Flow state, since others research had shown that the Flow state provides better academic performance