39,891 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Fadli Muhammad (1304106) : PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN BLENDED LEARNING DENGAN PIRANTI GOOGLE CLASSROOM PADA KOMPETENSI ENGINE SEPEDA MOTOR Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merumuskan langkah pembelajaran yang tepat untuk pelaksanaan model pembelajaran blended learning dengan piranti Google Classroom yang sesuai dengan karakteristik kompetensi Engine Sepeda Motor, dan menjelaskan hasil belajar yang diperoleh mahasiswa pada kompetensi Engine Sepeda Motor dengan penerapan model pembelajaran blended learning menggunakan piranti Google Classroom. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya waktu pembelajaran sedangkan materi pembelajaran yang harus disampaikan relatif lebih banyak. Kompetensi Engine Sepeda Motor merupakan kompetensi pada mata kuliah Teknik Sepeda Motor yang menuntut peserta didik untuk mampu mengetahui komponen, memahami cara kerja, dan mampu mendiagnosis, menganalisis kerusakan-kerusakan pada engine sepeda motor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pra eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain penelitian one group pretest-posttest design. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, rumusan langkah pembelajaran untuk penerapan model pembelajaran blended learning dengan piranti Google Classroom pada kompetensi Engine Sepeda Motor yaitu 1) Self-paced learning, 2) Live event-collaboration, 3) Association-communication serta 4) Assesment-performance material support, dengan catatan harus ada integrasi yang baik antara pembelajaran online dengan pembelajaran tatap muka. Pembelajaran menggunakan model blended learning dengan piranti Google Classroom pada Kompetensi Engine Sepeda Motor dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa di seluruh tahap proses pembelajaran yang memiliki tingkat kesulitan materi yang berbeda dengan peningkatan hasil belajar (N-gain) dalam kriteria tinggi di seluruh tahap pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: Blended Learning, Google Classroom, Engine Sepeda Motor, Hasil belajar. ABSTRACT Fadli Muhammad (1304106) : IMPLEMENTATION OF BLENDED LEARNING MODEL WITH GOOGLE CLASSROOM SOFTWARE IN MOTORCYCLE ENGINE COMPETENCIES. The objectives of this research is to formulate the ideal learning syntax for the implementation of Blended Learning model with Google Classroom software to meet the requirements of Motorcycle Engine Competencies, and to explain the learning outcomes with the implementation of blended learning model using Google Classroom software in higher education. This research is motivated by the lack of course credit (SKS) but the learning materials is relatively more. Motorcycle Engineering is a competency in a Motorcycle Engineering Course in university that requires students to be able to know the components, to understand how to work and be able to diagnose, analyze damage on a motorcycle engine. This research uses pre-experiment method by using one group pretest-posttest design. Based on the results of the study, the formulation of learning syntax for the implementation of blended learning model with Google Classroom tools in Motorcycle Engine compentencies are 1) Self-paced learning, 2) Live event-collaboration, 3) Association-communication and 4) Assessment-performance Material support, with integration between online learning and face-to-face learning in classroom. The implementation of blended learning in Motorcycle Engine Competencies can improve student learning outcomes throughout the all of learning stages that have a different levels of difficulty with Normalized Gain (N-gain) score in high criteria. Keywords : Blended Learning, Google Classroom, Motorcycle Engine Competencies, Learning outcome


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya waktu pembelajaran sedangkan materi pembelajaran yang harus disampaikan relatif lebih banyak. Mata kuliah CAD dan Gambar Otomotif merupakan mata kuliah profesi yang menuntut peserta didik untuk mampu menguasai dan memanfaatkan teknologi perangkat lunak CAD dalam bidang keahlian otomotif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan gambaran penerapan model pembelajaran blended learning dengan piranti Google Classroom yang sesuai dengan karakteristik mata kuliah CAD dan Gambar Otomotif, dan menjelaskan hasil belajar yang diperoleh mahasiswa pada mata kuliah CAD dan Gambar Otomotif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pra eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain penelitian one group pretest-posttest design dengan tiga tahapan proses pembelajaran. Sehingga terdapat tiga pengulangan penelitian namun pada kompetensi dasar dan tingkat kesulitan materi yang berbeda. Langkah pembelajaran untuk penerapan model blended learning dengan piranti Google Classroom pada mata kuliah CAD dan Gambar Otomotif yaitu Self-paced learning, Live event-collaboration, Association-communication dan Assesment-performance material support, dengan adanya integrasi yang baik antara pembelajaran online dengan pembelajaran tatap muka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pembelajaran menggunakan model blended learning dengan piranti Google Classroom pada mata kuliah CAD dan Gambar Otomotif dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar mahasiswa di seluruh tahap proses pembelajaran yang memiliki tingkat kesulitan materi yang berbeda dengan peningkatan hasil belajar (N-gain) dalam kriteria tinggi di seluruh tahap pembelajaran. This research is motivated by the lack of course credit (SKS) but the learning materials is relatively more. CAD is a profession subject in university that requires students to be able in operation and implementation of CAD software technology in the field of automotive engineering. The objectives of this research is to describe the implementation of Blended Learning model with Google Classroom software to meet the requirements of Computer Aided Design (CAD) subject, and to explain the learning outcomes with the implementation of blended learning model using Google Classroom software in higher education. This research used pre-experiment method by using one group pretest-posttest design with three stages of learning process. The learning syntax for the implementation of blended learning model with Google Classroom tools in CAD subject are Self-paced learning, Live event-collaboration, Association-communication and Assessment-performance Material support, with integration between online learning and face-to-face learning in classroom. Based on the results of the study, the implementation of blended learning in CAD subject can improve student learning outcomes throughout the all of learning stages that have a different levels of difficulty with Normalized Gain (N-gain) score in high criteria

    All hands on deck: CREWED for technology-enabled learning

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    The University of New South Wales’ (UNSW’s) Faculty of Engineering is introducing a new process for designing and developing blended and fully online (distance) courses, as part of action research to support curriculum renewal. The process, referred to as CREWED (Curriculum Renewal and E-learning Workloads: Embedding in Disciplines), is being used to develop key courses that add flexibility to student progression pathways. By integrating the design of learning activities with the planning and organization of teaching and support work, CREWED addresses some of the known barriers to embedding innovative use of learning technologies within disciplines. CREWED incorporates key features of two course development models from the UK, one emphasising team building and the other emphasising pedagogical planning. It has been piloted in priority curriculum development projects, to ensure that the disciplinary organizational context is supportive. One pilot is a fully online distance version of a postgraduate course. The other is a blended version of an undergraduate course. Both are core (required) courses in accredited professional engineering degree programs and were previously available only in face-to-face mode. The UNSW pilots have confirmed the importance of articulating clear pedagogical models, and of planning ahead for the resources required to put these models into practice, as part of departmental capacity building, especially where teaching has primarily been treated as an individual classroom-based activity that competes with disciplinary research for academic staff time and resources

    An IMS-Learning Design Editor for a Higher Education Blended Learning Scenario

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    The IMS-Learning Design has been developed to support the creation of reusable and pedagogically neutral learning scenarios and content. Although it is especially suitable for eLearning, there is a lot of interest on using it in higher education blended learning scenarios. However there are some related key issues which must be managed such as cultural bias and the need for expensive human resources to design and develop specification compliant units of learning. They can be addressed by the design of ad-hoc editors supporting concrete learning design units of learning. We suggest some solutions to overcome these limitations, based on our experience designing the user interface of an IMS-LD compliant editor, GDUS+. We also explain our user centering approach, and give some conclusions about the benefits of using IMS-LD

    Mapping the technology landscape : linking pedagogy to the affordances of different technologies

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    This work evaluates the application of different learning technologies and their suitability to support blended learning approaches in Higher Education. Chickering and Gamsons's Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education (Chickering & Gamson, 1987) were used as an underlying pedagogical framework to evaluate the "perceived affordances‟ (Norman, 1999) of learning technologies.Chickering and Gamson‟s principles were selected as a framework due to their "face-validity‟, the accessibility of their language and since they have been derived from numerous years of reflective and effective teaching.Along with the principles we describe and recommend an innovative methodology for evaluation. This methodology can be used in a context of similar evaluation exercises.Final Accepted Versio

    An Interactive Web-based Application as Educational Tool for SCM Course by Using FOSS

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    This paper presents the application of free/open source software (FOSS) for teaching and learning one specific topic in Supply Chain Management (SCM) course. In the last few years, there is abundant FOSS for educational tools. However, educator still faces problems to implement such an education FOSS for improving the quality of education i.e. customizing of software function, developing of a specific educational media, and illustrating of a course content. The purpose of this research is to design an educational tool for increasing efficiency in conveying subject matter especially distribution problem. It has a module of real distribution problem in commodity paddy was captured. We crated an interactive Web-based application by using WSDL, PHP and My SQL, and SOAP. The result of the research will be able to improve the pedagogic approach for learning of SCM course. Keywords: Educational tool, FOSS, interactive media, SCM course

    Immersive Telepresence: A framework for training and rehearsal in a postdigital age

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