241 research outputs found

    Routing And Communication Path Mapping In VANETS

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    Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) has quickly become an important aspect of the intelligent transport system (ITS), which is a combination of information technology, and transport works to improve efficiency and safety through data gathering and dissemination. However, transmitting data over an ad-hoc network comes with several issues such as broadcast storms, hidden terminal problems and unreliability; these greatly reduce the efficiency of the network and hence the purpose for which it was developed. We therefore propose a system of utilising information gathered externally from the node or through the various layers of the network into the access layer of the ETSI communication stack for routing to improve the overall efficiency of data delivery, reduce hidden terminals and increase reliability. We divide route into segments and design a set of metric system to select a controlling node as well as procedure for data transfer. Furthermore we propose a system for faster data delivery based on priority of data and density of nodes from route information while developing a map to show the communication situation of an area. These metrics and algorithms will be simulated in further research using the NS-3 environment to demonstrate the effectiveness

    Hybrid-Vehfog: A Robust Approach for Reliable Dissemination of Critical Messages in Connected Vehicles

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) enable efficient communication between vehicles with the aim of improving road safety. However, the growing number of vehicles in dense regions and obstacle shadowing regions like Manhattan and other downtown areas leads to frequent disconnection problems resulting in disrupted radio wave propagation between vehicles. To address this issue and to transmit critical messages between vehicles and drones deployed from service vehicles to overcome road incidents and obstacles, we proposed a hybrid technique based on fog computing called Hybrid-Vehfog to disseminate messages in obstacle shadowing regions, and multi-hop technique to disseminate messages in non-obstacle shadowing regions. Our proposed algorithm dynamically adapts to changes in an environment and benefits in efficiency with robust drone deployment capability as needed. Performance of Hybrid-Vehfog is carried out in Network Simulator (NS-2) and Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) simulators. The results showed that Hybrid-Vehfog outperformed Cloud-assisted Message Downlink Dissemination Scheme (CMDS), Cross-Layer Broadcast Protocol (CLBP), PEer-to-Peer protocol for Allocated REsource (PrEPARE), Fog-Named Data Networking (NDN) with mobility, and flooding schemes at all vehicle densities and simulation times

    Efficient Message Dissemination on Curve Road in Vehicular Networks

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    Effective emergency message dissemination is a great importance on a specific road in vehicular networks (VN). The existing methods are not most efficient solutions for message dissemination on the curve road, which primarily focus on highway and urban road. In order to improve the efficiency of message dissemination on the curved road, the paper proposed a message dissemination method based on bidirectional relay nodes. The message can be disseminated in two directions simultaneously. The paper designed a relay node selection method based on the neighbor nodes’ coverage length of the road. Different waiting delays are assigned to the neighbor nodes according to the cover capability of the road in which the message has not arrived. Simulation results demonstrated that the efficiency of the proposed method is superior to the common solutions in terms of the contention delay and the propagation velocity

    Efficient Multihop Wireless Communications in VANETs

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    Oggigiorno, una quota rilevante dei veicoli presenti sul mercato è dotata di notevoli capacità computazionali, sensoriali e cognitive. Questi veicoli ``intelligenti'' otterrebbero un beneficio ancora maggiore da queste potenzialità, attraverso l'impiego delle cosiddette comunicazioni inter-veicolari (Inter-Vehicular Communications, IVCs), un insieme di protocolli, standard e tecnologie in grado di dotare i veicoli di capacità comunicative. In particolare, grazie alle tecnologie IVCs, i veicoli possono creare reti decentralizzate, ed auto-organizzate, comunemente note come Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs). Quest'ultime possono essere formate, sia fra veicoli, determinando la realizzazione di comunicazioni inter-veicolari pure (Vehicle-to-Vehicle communications, V2V), oppure coinvolgendo anche nodi fissi (ad esempio, posti ai lati delle strade), determinando la realizzazione di comunicazioni da veicolo verso infrastruttura (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure, V2I), o da infrastruttura verso veicolo (Infrastructure-to-Vehicle I2V). In questa tesi presenteremo una famiglia di protocolli di instradamento a passi multipli, adatti per un largo spettro di applicazioni nell'ambito delle VANET, quali la prevenzione di incidenti stradali, o applicazioni di raccolta dati, in scenari di tipo V2V, V2I, o I2V. Il primo protocollo che viene proposto è un nuovo schema di broadcasting probabilistico per reti lineari a passi multipli, noto come Irresponsible Forwarding (IF), secondo il quale ogni veicolo decide probabilisticamente se effettuare la ritrasmissione (broadcast) di un messaggio ricevuto. La probabilità di ritrasmissione è determinata sulla base della propria distanza dalla sorgente e della densità spaziale dei propri vicini. I vantaggi principali del protocollo IF rispetto alle soluzioni presenti in letteratura, sono costituiti dalla sua natura intrinsecamente distribuita, dalla bassa latenza, e dall'assenza di overhead, in quanto esso non prevede l'utilizzo di pacchetti ausiliari di supporto Successivamente, presenteremo un secondo protocollo di instradamento probabilistico, noto come Silencing Irresponsible Forwarding (SIF), che riprendendo le idee alla base di IF, permette di ottenere una maggiore efficienza (e.g., un minore numero di ritrasmissioni), senza penalizzarne l'affidabilità, e mantenendo valori di latenza comparabili ad IF. In seguito, verrà inoltre proposto un protocollo di clustering decentralizzato, noto come Cluster-Head Election IF (CHE-IF). Quest'ultimo si propone di sfruttare lo spontaneo processo di formazione di cluster effimeri di nodi nelle reti veicolari, in maniera distribuita ed efficiente. Per ottenere questo risultato, CHE-IF utilizza l'idea alla base di IF, ma introducendo dei pacchetti di controllo aggiuntivi, espressamente dedicati alla realizzazione di cluster di nodi. Infine, le prestazioni di tutti i protocolli proposti verranno testate mediante simulazioni numeriche in realistici scenari veicolari, quali autostrade e strade urbane, assumendo di utilizzare interfacce radio compatibili con lo standard IEEE 802.11p.Nowadays, most of the vehicles available on the market are provided by sensorial, computational, and cognitive skills. Vehicles can achieve a higher awareness level, by exploiting these potentialities through Inter-Vehicular Communications (IVCs), a set of technologies that gives networking capabilities to the vehicles. Leveraging on the IVC technology, vehicles can create decentralized and self-organized vehicular networks, commonly denoted as Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs). These networks can be formed between vehicles, leading to Vehicle-to-Vehicle communications (V2V), or they can also involve some fixed network nodes (e.g., access points or road side unit) leading to the so-called Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) and Infrastructure-to-Vehicle (I2V) communications. In this thesis we present a family of multihop broadcast forwarding protocols suitable for a wide range of VANETs applications, ranging from accident-preventing, to data collection applications, in V2V, V2I, or I2V scenarios. The first proposed protocol is a new probabilistic-based broadcasting scheme for multi-hop linear networks, denoted as Irresponsible Forwarding (IF), where each vehicle probabilistically rebroadcasts a received data packet on the basis of (i) its distance from the source and (ii) the spatial density of its neighbors. The main advantages of the IF protocol with respect to solutions present in the literature, are its inherently distributed nature, the low-latency, and the absence of overhead, since auxiliary supporting packets are not needed. On the basis of the IF concept, we will present an improved probabilistic forwarding protocol, denoted as Silencing Irresponsible Forwarding (SIF) protocol, able to guarantee a greater efficiency (e.g., a smaller number of retransmissions), without penalizing the reliability, and maintaining a comparable latency. Furthermore, we will propose a novel decentralized clustering protocol, denoted as Cluster-Head Election IF (CHE-IF), whose goal is which of exploiting the spontaneous formation of ephemeral clusters of vehicles in VANETs, in a distributed and efficient manner. This result is achieved by enhancing IF with some additional control messages, aimed at the creation of cluster of nodes. Finally, the performance of the proposed protocols will be tested through numerical simulations in realistic vehicular environments, such as highways and urban roads, by using radio interfaces compliant with the IEEE 802.11p standard

    DAYcast: A Dynamic Transmission Delay Based Broadcast Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    International audienceAbstract--Broadcasting is an effective routing paradigm for data dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). One concern that arises with broadcasting is the broadcast storm problem, which would cause node contentions and data collisions, and thus degrade the transmission efficiency of a network. This paper proposes a Dynamic trAnsmission delaY based broadcast (DAYcast) protocol for a VANET. To alleviate the effect of the broadcast storm and improve the transmission efficiency of the network, DAYcast only allows the effective neighbors of a source vehicle to broadcast a received data packet and the selection of the effective neighbors are based on the position information on the one-hop neighbors of the source vehicle. Meanwhile, it allows each effective neighbor to wait a certain transmission delay before it broadcasts a received packet. The transmission delay of an effective neighbor depends on the distance between the neighbor and the source vehicle, and the number of effective neighbors of the source vehicle. Simulation results show that DAYcast can effectively improve the network performance in terms of network reachability and the successful delivery ratio as compared with existing weighted p-persistence broadcasting (WPB) and slotted 1-persistence broadcasting (SPB)