151 research outputs found

    Efficient optimization of memory accesses in parallel programs

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    The power, frequency, and memory wall problems have caused a major shift in mainstream computing by introducing processors that contain multiple low power cores. As multi-core processors are becoming ubiquitous, software trends in both parallel programming languages and dynamic compilation have added new challenges to program compilation for multi-core processors. This thesis proposes a combination of high-level and low-level compiler optimizations to address these challenges. The high-level optimizations introduced in this thesis include new approaches to May-Happen-in-Parallel analysis and Side-Effect analysis for parallel programs and a novel parallelism-aware Scalar Replacement for Load Elimination transformation. A new Isolation Consistency (IC) memory model is described that permits several scalar replacement transformation opportunities compared to many existing memory models. The low-level optimizations include a novel approach to register allocation that retains the compile time and space efficiency of Linear Scan, while delivering runtime performance superior to both Linear Scan and Graph Coloring. The allocation phase is modeled as an optimization problem on a Bipartite Liveness Graph (BLG) data structure. The assignment phase focuses on reducing the number of spill instructions by using register-to-register move and exchange instructions wherever possible. Experimental evaluations of our scalar replacement for load elimination transformation in the Jikes RVM dynamic compiler show decreases in dynamic counts for getfield operations of up to 99.99%, and performance improvements of up to 1.76x on 1 core, and 1.39x on 16 cores, when compared with the load elimination algorithm available in Jikes RVM. A prototype implementation of our BLG register allocator in Jikes RVM demonstrates runtime performance improvements of up to 3.52x relative to Linear Scan on an x86 processor. When compared to Graph Coloring register allocator in the GCC compiler framework, our allocator resulted in an execution time improvement of up to 5.8%, with an average improvement of 2.3% on a POWER5 processor. With the experimental evaluations combined with the foundations presented in this thesis, we believe that the proposed high-level and low-level optimizations are useful in addressing some of the new challenges emerging in the optimization of parallel programs for multi-core architectures


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    Approximation and Compression Techniques to Enhance Performance of Graphics Processing Units

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    A key challenge in modern computing systems is to access data fast enough to fully utilize the computing elements in the chip. In Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), the performance is often constrained by register file size, memory bandwidth, and the capacity of the main memory. One important technique towards alleviating this challenge is data compression. By reducing the amount of data that needs to be communicated or stored, memory resources crucial for performance can be efficiently utilized.This thesis provides a set of approximation and compression techniques for GPUs, with the goal of efficiently utilizing the computational fabric, and thereby increase performance. The thesis shows that these techniques can substantially lower the amount of information the system has to process, and are thus important tools in the process of meeting challenges in memory utilization.This thesis makes contributions within three areas: controlled floating-point precision reduction, lossless and lossy memory compression, and distributed training of neural networks. In the first area, the thesis shows that through automated and controlled floating-point approximation, the register file can be more efficiently utilized. This is achieved through a framework which establishes a cross-layer connection between the application and the microarchitecture layer, and a novel register file organization capable of leveraging low-precision floating-point values and narrow integers for increased capacity and performance.Within the area of compression, this thesis aims at increasing the effective bandwidth of GPUs by presenting a lossless and lossy memory compression algorithm to reduce the amount of transferred data. In contrast to state-of-the-art compression techniques such as Base-Delta-Immediate and Bitplane Compression, which uses intra-block bases for compression, the proposed algorithm leverages multiple global base values to reach a higher compression ratio. The algorithm includes an optional approximation step for floating-point values which offers higher compression ratio at a given, low, error rate.Finally, within the area of distributed training of neural networks, this thesis proposes a subgraph approximation scheme for graph data which mitigates accuracy loss in a distributed setting. The scheme allows neural network models that use graphs as inputs to converge at single-machine accuracy, while minimizing synchronization overhead between the machines

    Offline compression for on-chip RAM

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    ManuscriptWe present offline RAM compression, an automated source-to-source transformation that reduces a program's data size. Statically allocated scalars, pointers, structures, and arrays are encoded and packed based on the results of a whole-program analysis in the value set and pointer set domains. We target embedded software written in C that relies heavily on static memory allocation and runs on Harvard-architecture microcontrollers supporting just a few KB of on-chip RAM. On a collection of embedded applications for AVR microcontrollers, our transformation reduces RAM usage by an average of 12%, in addition to a 10% reduction through a dead-data elimination pass that is also driven by our whole-program analysis, for a total RAM savings of 22%. We also developed a technique for giving developers access to a flexible spectrum of tradeoffs between RAM consumption, ROM consumption, and CPU efficiency. This technique is based on a model for estimating the cost/benefit ratio of compressing each variable and then selectively compressing only those variables that present a good value proposition in terms of the desired tradeoffs

    Adaptive Lightweight Compression Acceleration on Hybrid CPU-FPGA System

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    Survey on Combinatorial Register Allocation and Instruction Scheduling

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    Register allocation (mapping variables to processor registers or memory) and instruction scheduling (reordering instructions to increase instruction-level parallelism) are essential tasks for generating efficient assembly code in a compiler. In the last three decades, combinatorial optimization has emerged as an alternative to traditional, heuristic algorithms for these two tasks. Combinatorial optimization approaches can deliver optimal solutions according to a model, can precisely capture trade-offs between conflicting decisions, and are more flexible at the expense of increased compilation time. This paper provides an exhaustive literature review and a classification of combinatorial optimization approaches to register allocation and instruction scheduling, with a focus on the techniques that are most applied in this context: integer programming, constraint programming, partitioned Boolean quadratic programming, and enumeration. Researchers in compilers and combinatorial optimization can benefit from identifying developments, trends, and challenges in the area; compiler practitioners may discern opportunities and grasp the potential benefit of applying combinatorial optimization

    Code optimizations for narrow bitwidth architectures

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    This thesis takes a HW/SW collaborative approach to tackle the problem of computational inefficiency in a holistic manner. The hardware is redesigned by restraining the datapath to merely 16-bit datawidth (integer datapath only) to provide an extremely simple, low-cost, low-complexity execution core which is best at executing the most common case efficiently. This redesign, referred to as the Narrow Bitwidth Architecture, is unique in that although the datapath is squeezed to 16-bits, it continues to offer the advantage of higher memory addressability like the contemporary wider datapath architectures. Its interface to the outside (software) world is termed as the Narrow ISA. The software is responsible for efficiently mapping the current stack of 64-bit applications onto the 16-bit hardware. However, this HW/SW approach introduces a non-negligible penalty both in dynamic code-size and performance-impact even with a reasonably smart code-translator that maps the 64- bit applications on to the 16-bit processor. The goal of this thesis is to design a software layer that harnesses the power of compiler optimizations to assuage this negative performance penalty of the Narrow ISA. More specifically, this thesis focuses on compiler optimizations targeting the problem of how to compile a 64-bit program to a 16-bit datapath machine from the perspective of Minimum Required Computations (MRC). Given a program, the notion of MRC aims to infer how much computation is really required to generate the same (correct) output as the original program. Approaching perfect MRC is an intrinsically ambitious goal and it requires oracle predictions of program behavior. Towards this end, the thesis proposes three heuristic-based optimizations to closely infer the MRC. The perspective of MRC unfolds into a definition of productiveness - if a computation does not alter the storage location, it is non-productive and hence, not necessary to be performed. In this research, the definition of productiveness has been applied to different granularities of the data-flow as well as control-flow of the programs. Three profile-based, code optimization techniques have been proposed : 1. Global Productiveness Propagation (GPP) which applies the concept of productiveness at the granularity of a function. 2. Local Productiveness Pruning (LPP) applies the same concept but at a much finer granularity of a single instruction. 3. Minimal Branch Computation (MBC) is an profile-based, code-reordering optimization technique which applies the principles of MRC for conditional branches. The primary aim of all these techniques is to reduce the dynamic code footprint of the Narrow ISA. The first two optimizations (GPP and LPP) perform the task of speculatively pruning the non-productive (useless) computations using profiles. Further, these two optimization techniques perform backward traversal of the optimization regions to embed checks into the nonspeculative slices, hence, making them self-sufficient to detect mis-speculation dynamically. The MBC optimization is a use case of a broader concept of a lazy computation model. The idea behind MBC is to reorder the backslices containing narrow computations such that the minimal necessary computations to generate the same (correct) output are performed in the most-frequent case; the rest of the computations are performed only when necessary. With the proposed optimizations, it can be concluded that there do exist ways to smartly compile a 64-bit application to a 16- bit ISA such that the overheads are considerably reduced.Esta tesis deriva su motivación en la inherente ineficiencia computacional de los procesadores actuales: a pesar de que muchas aplicaciones contemporáneas tienen unos requisitos de ancho de bits estrechos (aplicaciones de enteros, de red y multimedia), el hardware acaba utilizando el camino de datos completo, utilizando más recursos de los necesarios y consumiendo más energía. Esta tesis utiliza una aproximación HW/SW para atacar, de forma íntegra, el problema de la ineficiencia computacional. El hardware se ha rediseñado para restringir el ancho de bits del camino de datos a sólo 16 bits (únicamente el de enteros) y ofrecer así un núcleo de ejecución simple, de bajo consumo y baja complejidad, el cual está diseñado para ejecutar de forma eficiente el caso común. El rediseño, llamado en esta tesis Arquitectura de Ancho de Bits Estrecho (narrow bitwidth en inglés), es único en el sentido que aunque el camino de datos se ha estrechado a 16 bits, el sistema continúa ofreciendo las ventajas de direccionar grandes cantidades de memoria tal como procesadores con caminos de datos más anchos (64 bits actualmente). Su interface con el mundo exterior se denomina ISA estrecho. En nuestra propuesta el software es responsable de mapear eficientemente la actual pila software de las aplicaciones de 64 bits en el hardware de 16 bits. Sin embargo, esta aproximación HW/SW introduce penalizaciones no despreciables tanto en el tamaño del código dinámico como en el rendimiento, incluso con un traductor de código inteligente que mapea las aplicaciones de 64 bits en el procesador de 16 bits. El objetivo de esta tesis es el de diseñar una capa software que aproveche la capacidad de las optimizaciones para reducir el efecto negativo en el rendimiento del ISA estrecho. Concretamente, esta tesis se centra en optimizaciones que tratan el problema de como compilar programas de 64 bits para una máquina de 16 bits desde la perspectiva de las Mínimas Computaciones Requeridas (MRC en inglés). Dado un programa, la noción de MRC intenta deducir la cantidad de cómputo que realmente se necesita para generar la misma (correcta) salida que el programa original. Aproximarse al MRC perfecto es una meta intrínsecamente ambiciosa y que requiere predicciones perfectas de comportamiento del programa. Con este fin, la tesis propone tres heurísticas basadas en optimizaciones que tratan de inferir el MRC. La utilización de MRC se desarrolla en la definición de productividad: si un cálculo no altera el dato que ya había almacenado, entonces no es productivo y por lo tanto, no es necesario llevarlo a cabo. Se han propuesto tres optimizaciones del código basadas en profile: 1. Propagación Global de la Productividad (GPP en inglés) aplica el concepto de productividad a la granularidad de función. 2. Poda Local de Productividad (LPP en inglés) aplica el mismo concepto pero a una granularidad mucho más fina, la de una única instrucción. 3. Computación Mínima del Salto (MBC en inglés) es una técnica de reordenación de código que aplica los principios de MRC a los saltos condicionales. El objetivo principal de todas esta técnicas es el de reducir el tamaño dinámico del código estrecho. Las primeras dos optimizaciones (GPP y LPP) realizan la tarea de podar especulativamente las computaciones no productivas (innecesarias) utilizando profiles. Además, estas dos optimizaciones realizan un recorrido hacia atrás de las regiones a optimizar para añadir chequeos en el código no especulativo, haciendo de esta forma la técnica autosuficiente para detectar, dinámicamente, los casos de fallo en la especulación. La idea de la optimización MBC es reordenar las instrucciones que generan el salto condicional tal que las mínimas computaciones que general la misma (correcta) salida se ejecuten en la mayoría de los casos; el resto de las computaciones se ejecutarán sólo cuando sea necesario

    Eliminating the call stack to save RAM

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    ManuscriptMost programming languages support a call stack in the programming model and also in the runtime system.We show that for applications targeting low-power embedded microcontrollers (MCUs), RAM usage can be significantly decreased by partially or completely eliminating the runtime callstack. We present flattening, a transformation that absorbs a function into its caller, replacing function invocations and returns with jumps. Unlike inlining, flattening does not duplicate the bodies of functions that have multiple callsites. Applied aggressively, flattening results in stack elimination. Flattening is most useful in conjunction with a lifting transformation that moves global variables into a local scope. Flattening and lifting can save RAM. However, even more benefit can be obtained by adapting the compiler to cope with properties of flattened code. First, we show that flattening adds false paths that confuse a standard live variables analysis. The resulting problems can be mitigated by breaking spurious live-range conflicts between variables using information from the unflattened callgraph. Second, we show that the impact of high register pressure due to flattened and lifted code, and consequent spills out of the register allocator, can be mitigated by improving a compiler's stack layout optimizations. We have implemented both of these improvements in GCC, and have implemented flattening and lifting as source-to-source transformations. On a collection of applications for the AVR family of 8-bit MCUs, we show that total RAM usage can be reduced by 20% by compiling flattened and lifted programs with our improved GCC

    Dynamically reconfigurable management of energy, performance, and accuracy applied to digital signal, image, and video Processing Applications

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    There is strong interest in the development of dynamically reconfigurable systems that can meet real-time constraints in energy/power-performance-accuracy (EPA/PPA). In this dissertation, I introduce a framework for implementing dynamically reconfigurable digital signal, image, and video processing systems. The basic idea is to first generate a collection of Pareto-optimal realizations in the EPA/PPA space. Dynamic EPA/PPA management is then achieved by selecting the Pareto-optimal implementations that can meet the real-time constraints. The systems are then demonstrated using Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) and dynamic frequency control on FPGAs. The framework is demonstrated on: i) a dynamic pixel processor, ii) a dynamically reconfigurable 1-D digital filtering architecture, and iii) a dynamically reconfigurable 2-D separable digital filtering system. Efficient implementations of the pixel processor are based on the use of look-up tables and local-multiplexes to minimize FPGA resources. For the pixel-processor, different realizations are generated based on the number of input bits, the number of cores, the number of output bits, and the frequency of operation. For each parameters combination, there is a different pixel-processor realization. Pareto-optimal realizations are selected based on measurements of energy per frame, PSNR accuracy, and performance in terms of frames per second. Dynamic EPA/PPA management is demonstrated for a sequential list of real-time constraints by selecting optimal realizations and implementing using DPR and dynamic frequency control. Efficient FPGA implementations for the 1-D and 2-D FIR filters are based on the use a distributed arithmetic technique. Different realizations are generated by varying the number of coefficients, coefficient bitwidth, and output bitwidth. Pareto-optimal realizations are selected in the EPA space. Dynamic EPA management is demonstrated on the application of real-time EPA constraints on a digital video. The results suggest that the general framework can be applied to a variety of digital signal, image, and video processing systems. It is based on the use of offline-processing that is used to determine the Pareto-optimal realizations. Real-time constraints are met by selecting Pareto-optimal realizations pre-loaded in memory that are then implemented efficiently using DPR and/or dynamic frequency control