3,347 research outputs found

    Hubungan Gaya Belajar Dengan Nilai Biostatistik Pada Mahasiswa S1 Keperawatan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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    Latar Belakang: Mata kuliah biostatistik berfokus pada pemahaman tentang prinsip-prinsip statistik. Nilai biostatistik yang didapatkan oleh mahasiswa keperawatan dipengaruhi oleh proses belajar. Seseorang yang memiliki gaya belajar yang cenderung seimbang mendapatkan indeks prestasi lebih baik karena memiliki cara belajar yang selaras dengan mata kuliah yang dipelajari, sehingga akan berhasil mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan gaya belajar dengan nilai biostatistik pada mahasiswa S1 Keperawatan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif korelasional dengan desain crossectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 121 mahasiswa keperawatan. Analisa data menggunakan uji Chi square for trend. Hasil: Hasil penelitian diperoleh distribusi gaya belajar secara berurutan dari yang paling banyak yaitu gaya belajar kinestetik, visual, dan paling sedikit auditorial. Nilai biostatistik mayoritas adalah sangat memuaskan (2,76-3,50). Uji Chi square menunjukkan nilai p 0,672 (p > 0,05) yang berarti tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara gaya belajar dan nilai biostatistik. Kesimpulan: Gaya belajar tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai biostatistik pada mahasiswa S1 Keperawatan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, namun gaya belajar perlu dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan Indeks Prestasi (IP)

    Tracer Study : Melacak Jejak Lulusan FKM UI (Hasil Study Kualitatif Tracer Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat FKM UI 2006)

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    One important indicator of the success of higher education is the contribution of its alumni in the community and development. Tracer study provides infor- mation on alumni contribution and involvement in the community including working and employment dynamics. Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia (FPHUI) has conducted a quantitative tracer study in 2003 which informed selected aspects related to alumni and their existence in employment world. This study is a qualitative tracer study to complement the first tracer study and aimed at digging further information on learning experience in FPHUI, working experience, and alumni and user\u27s satisfaction on education in FPHUI. In-depth interviewed were conducted to 24 informants which divided into 4 groups of institution (government, private sector/industry, non government organization and higher education institutions). Subjects were traced in a multimode way and data was analyzed based on the study main theme. Study exhibits that field-based learning is perceived as the most important learning experience and soft-skill is highly appreciated and most relevant in the real work situation. The study also found that most users and alumni are satisfied with education in FPHUI

    High paternal age and risk of psychiatric disorders in offspring

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    Parental ages at childbirth are increasing all over the world and later parenthood might have n egative health outcomes for the offspring. During recent year, numerous studies report links between and high paternal age and psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and autism. However, the knowledge about this association is limited. The aim of this thesis was to gain valuable knowledge about the paternal age effect regarding its specificity, transmission and mechanism. The studies were conducted in an epidemiological setting by using multiple large population - based data sources that also enable cont rolling for a range of documented risk factors including parental, perinatal and socioeconomic variables. In our first study we reported, for the first time, that high paternal age also is associated with bipolar disorder. The risk increased monotonically with age of the father an d was, compared to younger men, highest in offspring of men in the oldest age category including men aged 55 years and older ( odds ratio = 1 .37) after adjustments. It was also evident that the paternal age effect was stronger when only analyzing individuals with an early disorder onset. In study II, we confirmed an association between advancing paternal age and autism in the offspring. More importantly, we found an association between advancing paternal age and autism risk in the grandchild. Compared to younger fathers, men who fathered a daughter when they were 50 years or older were 1.79 times more likely to have a grandchild with autism, and men who father a son at 50 years of age or older were 1.67 times more likely to have an affected grandchild. An increased burden of rare copy number variants (CNVs) has been found in individuals with schizophrenia and it has been suggested that CNVs can arise during replication. In study III, we used a sample consisting of individuals affect ed with schizophrenia and matched controls and examined paternal age in relation to rare CNVs. Although we found that rare CNVs were more common in individuals with schizophrenia and that their fathers were on average 0.75 years older than controls, we fou nd no association between rare CNVs and paternal age. In study IV, twin analyses showed that late fatherhood defined as becoming a father at age 40 years or above is under genetic influence (heritability = 0.33). However, a genetic liability for psychiatr ic disorders in men or their spouse was not associated with later fatherhood. Instead, a genetic liability for these disorders was generally associated with men having children at younger ages. In conclusion, this thesis provides valuable knowledge about advanced paternal age as a risk factor for psychiatric disorders and might have important implications for clinicians, researchers, and those affected by the disorders

    On neuroinflammation in psychotic disorders

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    Neuroinflammation has been implicated in several psychiatric conditions. Based on experimental studies, the glia-derived tryptophan metabolite kynurenic acid (KYNA) may be especially relevant for positive psychotic symptoms and impaired executive functioning. The first two studies (I and II) of this thesis translate these experimental findings to bipolar disorder patients. Rooted in a genome-wide association study against cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of KYNA, we used a multi-pronged approach and linked the identified genetic risk marker not only with other CSF biomarkers in bipolar patients, but also with specific symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, and impaired executive functioning. We conducted cell studies, postmortem analyses, and clinical association studies that together suggested a sorting nexin 7 driven activation of caspase-8/IL-1ß as a mechanism underlying increased CSF concentration of KYNA in psychotic bipolar patients. Caspase-1 is activated by the purinergic ionotropic receptor P2X7R. This receptor is suggested to be internalized by a G-protein coupled receptor kinase 3 (GRK-3)-dependent mechanism. Decreased protein levels of GRK-3 have been observed in postmortem studies of schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar patients. In study III, we used a mouse with a targeted deletion for GRK3. These mice displayed impaired P2X7R internalization, increased brain levels of IL-1ß, increased immunoreactivity for the astrocytic marker glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), a more pronounced accumulation of hippocampal KYNA, as well as an accentuated dopaminergic response to amphetamine. In behavior models, these animals displayed disrupted pre-pulse inhibition, as well as impaired contextual fear conditioning with spared cue-specific fear conditioning. Taken together, these findings suggest that the GRK3-/-mouse is a novel genetic animal model of schizophrenia that may prove useful in exploring the actions of the emerging immunomodulatory drugs in psychotic disorders. Study IV was a validation study aiming at defining an algorithm that identifies bipolar disorder patients in Swedish national registries as accurate as possible, a pre-requisite for study V. In the last study V of this thesis, we studied the association between psychotic disorders and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We found that the previously reported inverse association is likely to have been confounded by underreporting and/or underdiagnosis of RA. However, an inverse association between schizophrenia and seronegative RA may be real, tentatively due to shared genetic underpinnings involving glia functioning. In conclusion, this thesis suggests an important role of glial mechanisms in the pathophysiology of the two main psychiatric disorders, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Our results add to growing evidence that cytokine and kynurenine metabolite signaling is tied to psychotic and cognitive symptoms. These findings open up for novel drug targets and imply that contemporary glia research can provide a rewarding foundation for investigations into pathology of psychiatric disorders


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    Telah tersedia beberapa statistik uji non-parametrik, seperti uji Cramer-von Mises, uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov, uji Wilcoxon, uji peringkat baru yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan apakah dua sampel bebas berasal dari populasi yang sama atau tidak. Secara analitik keempat uji tersebut tidak dapat dibandingkan , namun demikian dalam makalah ini secara simulasi dapat dibandingkan dalam rangka untuk mencari uji terbaik diantara uji-uji tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa uji peringkat baru mempunyai kepekaan tertinggi didalam menolak Ho bila ternyata Ho salah. Ini berarti uji peringkat baru merupakan uji terbaik diantara uji-uji tersebut

    Cancer patient survival in Sweden : theory and application

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    Cancer patient survival in Sweden is generally increasing, and Sweden compares well in an international perspective. Despite these achievements, there are nevertheless socio-economic and regional differences in survival that need to be addressed to meet the intensions of the Swedish Health and Medical Service Act. The Act emphasises good health and access to care for the entire population where priority shall be given to those in the greatest need of care. The new organisational structure for oncological care that is now being implemented, with Regional Cancer Centres as central nodes in a network in their respective health care region, will hopefully be able to address these inequalities and take the past achievements in cancer patient survival even further. The quality and completeness of the Swedish Cancer Register is high. There are nevertheless areas regarding procedures for reporting incident cases to the regional registries and registration that need to be reviewed as a certain degree of under-report- ing does exist. The under-reporting appears to be systematic rather than random as it is site-specific, increases with age, and non-reported tumours are often without histopa- thological verification. For most uses in epidemiology, the degree of under-reporting will be without significant consequences, but to a varying degree, it will have implica- tions for specific research questions. The accuracy of the cancer register should be monitored on a continuous basis rather than in the ad-hoc fashion that has been done so far. This is also the method recommended by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and in guidelines from the Council for Official Statistics at Statistics Sweden. Two studies in this thesis evaluate period-based and cohort-based analyses ability to predict long-term survival for recently diagnosed cancer patients. Both studies show that period analysis gives better prediction of the future true survival, particularly when not all of the available information is used for the cohort analysis. The first of these two studies was the first systematic evaluation of period analysis that was independent of the researchers who proposed the method. Previous evaluations had mainly been per- formed using data from the Finnish Cancer Registry. This study had a significant role in demonstrating the utility of period analysis, which has since become an established method in population-based survival analysis. The second study is the first prospective evaluation of the ability of period analysis to predict future survival. Relative survival is defined as the observed survival of the cancer patients divided by the expected survival of a comparable group from the general population, free from the specific cancer under study. However, as expected survival is usually calculated from general population life tables these estimates are biased. This bias is generally ignored since mortality among individuals with a specific cancer is regarded as a small negligible part of the total mortality of the general population. To estimate the size of this bias the Swedish computerised population registers were used to calculate expected survival both including and excluding individuals with cancer. A simple method to correct for this bias using cause of death statistics was also evaluated. The results show that the bias is often sufficiently small to be ignored for most applications, especially for cancers with high or low mortality and for younger age groups. However, for older age groups and for common cancers the bias can be greater than one percent unit, and even larger for all cancer sites combined. The proposed method to correct for this bias seems to work well, and it may often be sufficient to use cause of death statistics for one recent year to gain a satisfactory correction to the bias


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    Was ist eine «Odds Ratio» – und wann wird sie verwendet?

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    Beeinflussen verschiedene Volatilenmuster die Wirtspflanzenwahl unterirdisch lebender Insekten?

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    Cockchafers of the genus Melolontha (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) can be severe pests in forestry, agriculture and horticulture. Gradation of the two most important species, the forest cockchafer M. hippocastani FABR. and the European cockchafer M. melolontha L., occurs currently in several parts of central Europe. Orientation behaviour of the adult beetles has been the focus of recent studies (REINECKE et al. 2002 a, b, 2005). However, especially the larvae are dreaded because their belowground damage is not visible directly after feeding. There are a lot of speculations about belowground living insects and their way of living, but until now there were not that many experimental investigations. A rather unknown topic is the orientation behaviour of soil living organisms, which is also subject of some publications (HORBER 1954, HAUSS & SCHÜTTE 1976, HASLER 1986, HIBBARD et al. 1994, JEWETT & BJOSTAD 1996, BERNKLAU & BJOSTAD 1998A, BERNKLAU & BJOSTAD 1998B, BERNKLAU et al. 2005).Zum besseren Verständnis der Orientierung und Fraßpräferenz von Maikäferlarven Melolontha hippocastani FABR. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) im Boden wurden Wahltests durchgeführt. Den Larven von M. hippocastani wurden Karotten (Daucus carota ssp. sativus) und Eichenwurzeln (Quercus sp.) zur Auswahl angeboten. Die Duftstoffe von Karotte und Eichenwurzel wurden auf Aktivkohle gesammelt und mit Gaschromatographie – Massenspektroskopie untersucht (GC-MS). Unverletzte Karotten sowie Eichenwurzeln unterschieden sich in ihr n Volatilenmustern deutlich voneinander. Darüber hinaus konnten Unterschiede im Volatilenmuster unverletzter, mechanisch verletzter sowie angefressener Wurzeln nachgewiesen werden