2,475 research outputs found

    Binarized Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Object Recognition

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    Traditional neural architecture search (NAS) has a significant impact in computer vision by automatically designing network architectures for various tasks. In this paper, binarized neural architecture search (BNAS), with a search space of binarized convolutions, is introduced to produce extremely compressed models to reduce huge computational cost on embedded devices for edge computing. The BNAS calculation is more challenging than NAS due to the learning inefficiency caused by optimization requirements and the huge architecture space, and the performance loss when handling the wild data in various computing applications. To address these issues, we introduce operation space reduction and channel sampling into BNAS to significantly reduce the cost of searching. This is accomplished through a performance-based strategy that is robust to wild data, which is further used to abandon less potential operations. Furthermore, we introduce the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) to solve 1-bit BNAS. Two optimization methods for binarized neural networks are used to validate the effectiveness of our BNAS. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed BNAS achieves a comparable performance to NAS on both CIFAR and ImageNet databases. An accuracy of 96.53%96.53\% vs. 97.22%97.22\% is achieved on the CIFAR-10 dataset, but with a significantly compressed model, and a 40%40\% faster search than the state-of-the-art PC-DARTS. On the wild face recognition task, our binarized models achieve a performance similar to their corresponding full-precision models.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1911.1086

    Verifying Properties of Binarized Deep Neural Networks

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    Understanding properties of deep neural networks is an important challenge in deep learning. In this paper, we take a step in this direction by proposing a rigorous way of verifying properties of a popular class of neural networks, Binarized Neural Networks, using the well-developed means of Boolean satisfiability. Our main contribution is a construction that creates a representation of a binarized neural network as a Boolean formula. Our encoding is the first exact Boolean representation of a deep neural network. Using this encoding, we leverage the power of modern SAT solvers along with a proposed counterexample-guided search procedure to verify various properties of these networks. A particular focus will be on the critical property of robustness to adversarial perturbations. For this property, our experimental results demonstrate that our approach scales to medium-size deep neural networks used in image classification tasks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on verifying properties of deep neural networks using an exact Boolean encoding of the network.Comment: 10 page

    FINN-L: Library Extensions and Design Trade-off Analysis for Variable Precision LSTM Networks on FPGAs

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    It is well known that many types of artificial neural networks, including recurrent networks, can achieve a high classification accuracy even with low-precision weights and activations. The reduction in precision generally yields much more efficient hardware implementations in regards to hardware cost, memory requirements, energy, and achievable throughput. In this paper, we present the first systematic exploration of this design space as a function of precision for Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) neural network. Specifically, we include an in-depth investigation of precision vs. accuracy using a fully hardware-aware training flow, where during training quantization of all aspects of the network including weights, input, output and in-memory cell activations are taken into consideration. In addition, hardware resource cost, power consumption and throughput scalability are explored as a function of precision for FPGA-based implementations of BiLSTM, and multiple approaches of parallelizing the hardware. We provide the first open source HLS library extension of FINN for parameterizable hardware architectures of LSTM layers on FPGAs which offers full precision flexibility and allows for parameterizable performance scaling offering different levels of parallelism within the architecture. Based on this library, we present an FPGA-based accelerator for BiLSTM neural network designed for optical character recognition, along with numerous other experimental proof points for a Zynq UltraScale+ XCZU7EV MPSoC within the given design space.Comment: Accepted for publication, 28th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), August, 2018, Dublin, Irelan

    Adjustable Bounded Rectifiers: Towards Deep Binary Representations

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    Binary representation is desirable for its memory efficiency, computation speed and robustness. In this paper, we propose adjustable bounded rectifiers to learn binary representations for deep neural networks. While hard constraining representations across layers to be binary makes training unreasonably difficult, we softly encourage activations to diverge from real values to binary by approximating step functions. Our final representation is completely binary. We test our approach on MNIST, CIFAR10, and ILSVRC2012 dataset, and systematically study the training dynamics of the binarization process. Our approach can binarize the last layer representation without loss of performance and binarize all the layers with reasonably small degradations. The memory space that it saves may allow more sophisticated models to be deployed, thus compensating the loss. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to report results on current deep network architectures using complete binary middle representations. Given the learned representations, we find that the firing or inhibition of a binary neuron is usually associated with a meaningful interpretation across different classes. This suggests that the semantic structure of a neural network may be manifested through a guided binarization process.Comment: Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 201

    Binarized Neural Networks: Training Deep Neural Networks with Weights and Activations Constrained to +1 or -1

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    We introduce a method to train Binarized Neural Networks (BNNs) - neural networks with binary weights and activations at run-time. At training-time the binary weights and activations are used for computing the parameters gradients. During the forward pass, BNNs drastically reduce memory size and accesses, and replace most arithmetic operations with bit-wise operations, which is expected to substantially improve power-efficiency. To validate the effectiveness of BNNs we conduct two sets of experiments on the Torch7 and Theano frameworks. On both, BNNs achieved nearly state-of-the-art results over the MNIST, CIFAR-10 and SVHN datasets. Last but not least, we wrote a binary matrix multiplication GPU kernel with which it is possible to run our MNIST BNN 7 times faster than with an unoptimized GPU kernel, without suffering any loss in classification accuracy. The code for training and running our BNNs is available on-line.Comment: 11 pages and 3 figure

    LP-3DCNN: Unveiling Local Phase in 3D Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Traditional 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are computationally expensive, memory intensive, prone to overfit, and most importantly, there is a need to improve their feature learning capabilities. To address these issues, we propose Rectified Local Phase Volume (ReLPV) block, an efficient alternative to the standard 3D convolutional layer. The ReLPV block extracts the phase in a 3D local neighborhood (e.g., 3x3x3) of each position of the input map to obtain the feature maps. The phase is extracted by computing 3D Short Term Fourier Transform (STFT) at multiple fixed low frequency points in the 3D local neighborhood of each position. These feature maps at different frequency points are then linearly combined after passing them through an activation function. The ReLPV block provides significant parameter savings of at least, 3^3 to 13^3 times compared to the standard 3D convolutional layer with the filter sizes 3x3x3 to 13x13x13, respectively. We show that the feature learning capabilities of the ReLPV block are significantly better than the standard 3D convolutional layer. Furthermore, it produces consistently better results across different 3D data representations. We achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on the volumetric ModelNet10 and ModelNet40 datasets while utilizing only 11% parameters of the current state-of-the-art. We also improve the state-of-the-art on the UCF-101 split-1 action recognition dataset by 5.68% (when trained from scratch) while using only 15% of the parameters of the state-of-the-art. The project webpage is available at https://sites.google.com/view/lp-3dcnn/home.Comment: Accepted in CVPR 201

    Training Generative Adversarial Networks with Binary Neurons by End-to-end Backpropagation

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    We propose the BinaryGAN, a novel generative adversarial network (GAN) that uses binary neurons at the output layer of the generator. We employ the sigmoid-adjusted straight-through estimators to estimate the gradients for the binary neurons and train the whole network by end-to-end backpropogation. The proposed model is able to directly generate binary-valued predictions at test time. We implement such a model to generate binarized MNIST digits and experimentally compare the performance for different types of binary neurons, GAN objectives and network architectures. Although the results are still preliminary, we show that it is possible to train a GAN that has binary neurons and that the use of gradient estimators can be a promising direction for modeling discrete distributions with GANs. For reproducibility, the source code is available at https://github.com/salu133445/binarygan

    ReLU Code Space: A Basis for Rating Network Quality Besides Accuracy

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    We propose a new metric space of ReLU activation codes equipped with a truncated Hamming distance which establishes an isometry between its elements and polyhedral bodies in the input space which have recently been shown to be strongly related to safety, robustness, and confidence. This isometry allows the efficient computation of adjacency relations between the polyhedral bodies. Experiments on MNIST and CIFAR-10 indicate that information besides accuracy might be stored in the code space.Comment: in ICLR 2020 Workshop on Neural Architecture Search (NAS 2020

    Learning Sparse & Ternary Neural Networks with Entropy-Constrained Trained Ternarization (EC2T)

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    Deep neural networks (DNN) have shown remarkable success in a variety of machine learning applications. The capacity of these models (i.e., number of parameters), endows them with expressive power and allows them to reach the desired performance. In recent years, there is an increasing interest in deploying DNNs to resource-constrained devices (i.e., mobile devices) with limited energy, memory, and computational budget. To address this problem, we propose Entropy-Constrained Trained Ternarization (EC2T), a general framework to create sparse and ternary neural networks which are efficient in terms of storage (e.g., at most two binary-masks and two full-precision values are required to save a weight matrix) and computation (e.g., MAC operations are reduced to a few accumulations plus two multiplications). This approach consists of two steps. First, a super-network is created by scaling the dimensions of a pre-trained model (i.e., its width and depth). Subsequently, this super-network is simultaneously pruned (using an entropy constraint) and quantized (that is, ternary values are assigned layer-wise) in a training process, resulting in a sparse and ternary network representation. We validate the proposed approach in CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet datasets, showing its effectiveness in image classification tasks.Comment: Proceedings of the CVPR'20 Joint Workshop on Efficient Deep Learning in Computer Vision. Code is available at https://github.com/d-becking/efficientCNN

    A Neuromorphic Paradigm for Online Unsupervised Clustering

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    A computational paradigm based on neuroscientific concepts is proposed and shown to be capable of online unsupervised clustering. Because it is an online method, it is readily amenable to streaming realtime applications and is capable of dynamically adjusting to macro-level input changes. All operations, both training and inference, are localized and efficient. The paradigm is implemented as a cognitive column that incorporates five key elements: 1) temporal coding, 2) an excitatory neuron model for inference, 3) winner-take-all inhibition, 4) a column architecture that combines excitation and inhibition, 5) localized training via spike timing de-pendent plasticity (STDP). These elements are described and discussed, and a prototype column is given. The prototype column is simulated with a semi-synthetic benchmark and is shown to have performance characteristics on par with classic k-means. Simulations reveal the inner operation and capabilities of the column with emphasis on excitatory neuron response functions and STDP implementations.Comment: Submitted to 53rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitectur
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