42 research outputs found

    Bijections between pattern-avoiding fillings of Young diagrams

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    The pattern-avoiding fillings of Young diagrams we study arose from Postnikov's work on positive Grassman cells. They are called Le-diagrams, and are in bijection with decorated permutations. Other closely-related diagrams are interpreted as acyclic orientations of some bipartite graphs. The definition of the diagrams is the same but the avoided patterns are different. We give here bijections proving that the number of pattern-avoiding filling of a Young diagram is the same, for these two different sets of patterns. The result was obtained by Postnikov via a reccurence relation. This relation was extended by Spiridonov to obtain more general results about other patterns and other polyominoes than Young diagrams, and we show that our bijections also extend to more general polyominoes.Comment: 15 pages Version 2: important simplification and generalization of the original bijection Version 3: small correction in references Version 4: rewritten and submitte

    Growth diagrams, and increasing and decreasing chains in fillings of Ferrers shapes

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    We put recent results by Chen, Deng, Du, Stanley and Yan on crossings and nestings of matchings and set partitions in the larger context of the enumeration of fillings of Ferrers shape on which one imposes restrictions on their increasing and decreasing chains. While Chen et al. work with Robinson-Schensted-like insertion/deletion algorithms, we use the growth diagram construction of Fomin to obtain our results. We extend the results by Chen et al., which, in the language of fillings, are results about 00-11-fillings, to arbitrary fillings. Finally, we point out that, very likely, these results are part of a bigger picture which also includes recent results of Jonsson on 00-11-fillings of stack polyominoes, and of results of Backelin, West and Xin and of Bousquet-M\'elou and Steingr\'\i msson on the enumeration of permutations and involutions with restricted patterns. In particular, we show that our growth diagram bijections do in fact provide alternative proofs of the results by Backelin, West and Xin and by Bousquet-M\'elou and Steingr\'\i msson.Comment: AmS-LaTeX; 27 pages; many corrections and improvements of short-comings; thanks to comments by Mireille Bousquet-Melou and Jakob Jonsson, the final section is now much more profound and has additional result

    Crossings and nestings in colored set partitions

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    Chen, Deng, Du, Stanley, and Yan introduced the notion of kk-crossings and kk-nestings for set partitions, and proved that the sizes of the largest kk-crossings and kk-nestings in the partitions of an nn-set possess a symmetric joint distribution. This work considers a generalization of these results to set partitions whose arcs are labeled by an rr-element set (which we call \emph{rr-colored set partitions}). In this context, a kk-crossing or kk-nesting is a sequence of arcs, all with the same color, which form a kk-crossing or kk-nesting in the usual sense. After showing that the sizes of the largest crossings and nestings in colored set partitions likewise have a symmetric joint distribution, we consider several related enumeration problems. We prove that rr-colored set partitions with no crossing arcs of the same color are in bijection with certain paths in \NN^r, generalizing the correspondence between noncrossing (uncolored) set partitions and 2-Motzkin paths. Combining this with recent work of Bousquet-M\'elou and Mishna affords a proof that the sequence counting noncrossing 2-colored set partitions is P-recursive. We also discuss how our methods extend to several variations of colored set partitions with analogous notions of crossings and nestings.Comment: 25 pages; v2: material revised and condensed; v3 material further revised, additional section adde