4,239 research outputs found

    Km4City Ontology Building vs Data Harvesting and Cleaning for Smart-city Services

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    Presently, a very large number of public and private data sets are available from local governments. In most cases, they are not semantically interoperable and a huge human effort would be needed to create integrated ontologies and knowledge base for smart city. Smart City ontology is not yet standardized, and a lot of research work is needed to identify models that can easily support the data reconciliation, the management of the complexity, to allow the data reasoning. In this paper, a system for data ingestion and reconciliation of smart cities related aspects as road graph, services available on the roads, traffic sensors etc., is proposed. The system allows managing a big data volume of data coming from a variety of sources considering both static and dynamic data. These data are mapped to a smart-city ontology, called KM4City (Knowledge Model for City), and stored into an RDF-Store where they are available for applications via SPARQL queries to provide new services to the users via specific applications of public administration and enterprises. The paper presents the process adopted to produce the ontology and the big data architecture for the knowledge base feeding on the basis of open and private data, and the mechanisms adopted for the data verification, reconciliation and validation. Some examples about the possible usage of the coherent big data knowledge base produced are also offered and are accessible from the RDF-Store and related services. The article also presented the work performed about reconciliation algorithms and their comparative assessment and selection

    Towards Ontological Support for Journalistic Angles

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    Journalism relies more and more on information and communication technology (ICT). New journalistic ICT platforms continuously harvest potentially news-related information from the internet and try to make it useful for journalists. Because the information sources and formats vary widely, knowledge graphs are emerging as a preferred technology for integrating, enriching, and preparing journalistic information. The paper explores how journalistic knowledge graphs can be augmented with support for news angles, in order to help journalists detect news-worthy events and present them in ways that will interest the intended audience. We argue that finding newsworthy angles on news-related information is important as an example of a more general problem in information science: that of finding the most interesting events and situations in big data sets and presenting those events and situations in the most interesting ways.acceptedVersio

    Journalistic Knowledge Platforms: from Idea to Realisation

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    Journalistiske kunnskapsplattformer (JKPer) er en type intelligente informasjonssystemer designet for å forbedre nyhetsproduksjonsprosesser ved å kombinere stordata, kunstig intelligens (KI) og kunnskapsbaser for å støtte journalister. Til tross for sitt potensial for å revolusjonere journalistikkfeltet, har adopsjonen av JKPer vært treg, med forskere og store nyhetsutløp involvert i forskning og utvikling av JKPer. Den langsomme adopsjonen kan tilskrives den tekniske kompleksiteten til JKPer, som har ført til at nyhetsorganisasjoner stoler på flere uavhengige og oppgavespesifikke produksjonssystemer. Denne situasjonen kan øke ressurs- og koordineringsbehovet og kostnadene, samtidig som den utgjør en trussel om å miste kontrollen over data og havne i leverandørlåssituasjoner. De tekniske kompleksitetene forblir en stor hindring, ettersom det ikke finnes en allerede godt utformet systemarkitektur som ville lette realiseringen og integreringen av JKPer på en sammenhengende måte over tid. Denne doktoravhandlingen bidrar til teorien og praksisen rundt kunnskapsgrafbaserte JKPer ved å studere og designe en programvarearkitektur som referanse for å lette iverksettelsen av konkrete løsninger og adopsjonen av JKPer. Den første bidraget til denne doktoravhandlingen gir en grundig og forståelig analyse av ideen bak JKPer, fra deres opprinnelse til deres nåværende tilstand. Denne analysen gir den første studien noensinne av faktorene som har bidratt til den langsomme adopsjonen, inkludert kompleksiteten i deres sosiale og tekniske aspekter, og identifiserer de største utfordringene og fremtidige retninger for JKPer. Den andre bidraget presenterer programvarearkitekturen som referanse, som gir en generisk blåkopi for design og utvikling av konkrete JKPer. Den foreslåtte referansearkitekturen definerer også to nye typer komponenter ment for å opprettholde og videreutvikle KI-modeller og kunnskapsrepresentasjoner. Den tredje presenterer et eksempel på iverksettelse av programvarearkitekturen som referanse og beskriver en prosess for å forbedre effektiviteten til informasjonsekstraksjonspipelines. Denne rammen muliggjør en fleksibel, parallell og samtidig integrering av teknikker for naturlig språkbehandling og KI-verktøy. I tillegg diskuterer denne avhandlingen konsekvensene av de nyeste KI-fremgangene for JKPer og ulike etiske aspekter ved bruk av JKPer. Totalt sett gir denne PhD-avhandlingen en omfattende og grundig analyse av JKPer, fra teorien til designet av deres tekniske aspekter. Denne forskningen tar sikte på å lette vedtaket av JKPer og fremme forskning på dette feltet.Journalistic Knowledge Platforms (JKPs) are a type of intelligent information systems designed to augment news creation processes by combining big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and knowledge bases to support journalists. Despite their potential to revolutionise the field of journalism, the adoption of JKPs has been slow, with scholars and large news outlets involved in the research and development of JKPs. The slow adoption can be attributed to the technical complexity of JKPs that led news organisation to rely on multiple independent and task-specific production system. This situation can increase the resource and coordination footprint and costs, at the same time it poses a threat to lose control over data and face vendor lock-in scenarios. The technical complexities remain a major obstacle as there is no existing well-designed system architecture that would facilitate the realisation and integration of JKPs in a coherent manner over time. This PhD Thesis contributes to the theory and practice on knowledge-graph based JKPs by studying and designing a software reference architecture to facilitate the instantiation of concrete solutions and the adoption of JKPs. The first contribution of this PhD Thesis provides a thorough and comprehensible analysis of the idea of JKPs, from their origins to their current state. This analysis provides the first-ever study of the factors that have contributed to the slow adoption, including the complexity of their social and technical aspects, and identifies the major challenges and future directions of JKPs. The second contribution presents the software reference architecture that provides a generic blueprint for designing and developing concrete JKPs. The proposed reference architecture also defines two novel types of components intended to maintain and evolve AI models and knowledge representations. The third presents an instantiation example of the software reference architecture and details a process for improving the efficiency of information extraction pipelines. This framework facilitates a flexible, parallel and concurrent integration of natural language processing techniques and AI tools. Additionally, this Thesis discusses the implications of the recent AI advances on JKPs and diverse ethical aspects of using JKPs. Overall, this PhD Thesis provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of JKPs, from the theory to the design of their technical aspects. This research aims to facilitate the adoption of JKPs and advance research in this field.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Linked Data based Health Information Representation, Visualization and Retrieval System on the Semantic Web

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.To better facilitate health information dissemination, using flexible ways to represent, query and visualize health data becomes increasingly important. Semantic Web technologies, which provide a common framework by allowing data to be shared and reused between applications, can be applied to the management of health data. Linked open data - a new semantic web standard to publish and link heterogonous data- allows not only human, but also machine to brows data in unlimited way. Through a use case of world health organization HIV data of sub Saharan Africa - which is severely affected by HIV epidemic, this thesis built a linked data based health information representation, querying and visualization system. All the data was represented with RDF, by interlinking it with other related datasets, which are already on the cloud. Over all, the system have more than 21,000 triples with a SPARQL endpoint; where users can download and use the data and – a SPARQL query interface where users can put different type of query and retrieve the result. Additionally, It has also a visualization interface where users can visualize the SPARQL result with a tool of their preference. For users who are not familiar with SPARQL queries, they can use the linked data search engine interface to search and browse the data. From this system we can depict that current linked open data technologies have a big potential to represent heterogonous health data in a flexible and reusable manner and they can serve in intelligent queries, which can support decision-making. However, in order to get the best from these technologies, improvements are needed both at the level of triple stores performance and domain-specific ontological vocabularies

    A Survey on Linked Data and the Social Web as facilitators for TEL recommender systems

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    Personalisation, adaptation and recommendation are central features of TEL environments. In this context, information retrieval techniques are applied as part of TEL recommender systems to filter and recommend learning resources or peer learners according to user preferences and requirements. However, the suitability and scope of possible recommendations is fundamentally dependent on the quality and quantity of available data, for instance, metadata about TEL resources as well as users. On the other hand, throughout the last years, the Linked Data (LD) movement has succeeded to provide a vast body of well-interlinked and publicly accessible Web data. This in particular includes Linked Data of explicit or implicit educational nature. The potential of LD to facilitate TEL recommender systems research and practice is discussed in this paper. In particular, an overview of most relevant LD sources and techniques is provided, together with a discussion of their potential for the TEL domain in general and TEL recommender systems in particular. Results from highly related European projects are presented and discussed together with an analysis of prevailing challenges and preliminary solutions.LinkedU

    Ontology-Based Consistent Specification of Sensor Data Acquisition Plans in Cross-Domain IoT Platforms

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    Nowadays there is an high number of IoT applications that seldom can interact with each other because developed within different Vertical IoT Platforms that adopt different standards. Several efforts are devoted to the construction of cross-layered frameworks that facilitate the interoperability among cross-domain IoT platforms for the development of horizontal applications. Even if their realization poses different challenges across all layers of the network stack, in this paper we focus on the interoperability issues that arise at the data management layer. Specifically, starting from a flexible multi-granular Spatio-Temporal-Thematic data model according to which events generated by different kinds of sensors can be represented, we propose a Semantic Virtualization approach according to which the sensors belonging to different IoT platforms and the schema of the produced event streams are described in a Domain Ontology, obtained through the extension of the well-known Semantic Sensor Network ontology. Then, these sensors can be exploited for the creation of Data Acquisition Plans by means of which the streams of events can be filtered, merged, and aggregated in a meaningful way. A notion of consistency is introduced to bind the output streams of the services contained in the Data Acquisition Plan with the Domain Ontology in order to provide a semantic description of its final output. When these plans meet the consistency constraints, it means that the data they handle are well described at the Ontological level and thus the data acquisition process over passed the interoperability barriers occurring in the original sources. The facilities of the StreamLoader prototype are finally presented for supporting the user in the Semantic Virtualization process and for the construction of meaningful Data Acquisition Plans

    Использование онтологий для построения семантических запросов в реляционных базах данных

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    На сьогодні всесвітня павутина є найбільшим сховищем інформації. Проте для використання цієї інформації потрібна людина. Мета Семантичного Вебу — представити інформацію у вигляді, придатному для машинної обробки. Він забезпечує можливість спільного доступу до даних, а також їх повторного використання. Велика частина інформації у всесвітній павутині зберігається в реляційних базах даних. Семантичний Веб не може їх використовувати безпосередньо, але реляційні бази даних можуть бути використані для побудови онтологій. Ця ідея привернула увагу багатьох дослідників, які запропонували алгоритми та відповідні програмні рішення для автоматичного або напівавтоматичного вилучення структурованої синтаксичної інформації. У цій роботі досліджено існуючі рішення, показано різні підходи до формалізації логічної моделі реляційної бази даних і перетворення цієї моделі в OWL (мова Семантичного Вебу). Відзначено проблеми розглянутих рішень, а також виділено аспекти, які необхідно враховувати в майбутньому.Nowadays, the Web is the biggest existing information repository. However, to operate with its information human action is required, but the Semantic Web aims to change this. It provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, allowing more uses than the traditional Web. Most of the information on the Web is stored in relational databases and the Semantic Web cannot use such databases. Relational databases can be used to construct ontology as the core of the Semantic Web. This task has attracted the interest of many researches, which have made algorithms (wrappers) able to extract structured syntactic information in an automatic or semi-automatic way. At our work we drew experience from those works. We showed different approaches of formalization of a logic model of relational databases, and a transformation of that model into OWL, a Semantic Web language. We closed this paper by mentioning some problems that have only been lightly touched by database to ontology mapping solutions as well as some aspects that need to be considered by future approaches.На сегодняшний день всемирная паутина является крупнейшим хранилищем информации. Тем не менее для использования этой информации необходим человек. Цель Семантического Веба — представить информацию в виде пригодном для машинной обработки. Он обеспечивает возможность совместного доступа к данным, а также их повторного использования. Большая часть информации во всемирной паутине хранится в реляционных базах данных. Семантический Веб не может их использовать непосредственно, но реляционные базы данных могут быть применены для построения онтологий. Эта идея привлекла интерес многих исследователей, которые предложили алгоритмы и соответствующие программные решения для автоматического или полуавтоматического извлечения структурированной синтаксической информации. В этой работе исследованы существующие решения, показаны различные подходы к формализации логической модели реляционной базы данных и преобразования этой модели в OWL (язык Семантического Веба). Отмечены проблемы рассмотренных решений, а также выделены аспекты, которые необходимо учитывать в будущем