984 research outputs found


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    VERTEX COVER BASED LINK MONITORING TECHNIQUES FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKSAbstractWireless sensor networks (WSNs) are generally composed of numerous battery-powered tiny nodes that can sense from the environment and send this data through wireless communication. WSNs have wide range of application areas such as military surveillance, healthcare, miner safety, and outer space exploration. Inherent security weaknesses of wireless communication may prone WSNs to various attacks such as eavesdropping, jamming and spoofing. This situation attracts researchers to study countermeasures for detection and prevention of these attacks. Graph theory provides a very useful theoretical basis for solving WSN problems related to communication and security issues. One of the important graph theoretic structures is vertex cover (VC) in which a set of nodes are selected to cover the edges of the graph where each edge is incident to at least one node in VC set. Finding VC set having the minimum cardinality for a given graph is an NP-hard problem. In this paper, we describe VC algorithms aiming link monitoring where nodes in VC are configured as secure points. We investigate variants of VC problems such as weight and capacity constrained versions on different graph types to meet the energy-efficiency and load-balancing requirements of WSNs. Moreover, we present clustering and backbone formation operations as alternative applications of different VC infrastructures. For each VC sub-problem, we propose greedy heuristic based algorithms.Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Link Monitoring, Graph Theory, Vertex Cover, NP-Hard Problem.KABLOSUZ SENSÖR AĞLARI İÇİN KÖŞE ÖRTME TABANLI BAĞLANTI İZLEME TEKNİKLERİÖzetKablosuz sensor ağlar (KSAlar) genellikle ortamdan algılayabilen ve bu verileri kablosuz iletişim yoluyla gönderebilen pille çalışan çok sayıda küçük düğümden oluşur. KSAlar askeri gözetim, sağlık hizmetleri, madenci güvenliği ve uzay keşfi gibi çok çeşitli uygulama alanlarına sahiptir. Kablosuz iletişimin doğasında var olan güvenlik zayıflıkları, KSAları gizli dinleme, sinyal bozma ve sahtekarlık gibi çeşitli saldırılara eğilimli hale getirebilmektedir. Bu durum, araştırmacıları bu saldırıların tespiti ve önlenmesine yönelik karşı önlemleri incelemeye yöneltmektedir. Çizge teorisi, iletişim ve güvenlik sorunları ile ilgili KSA sorunlarını çözmek için çok yararlı bir teorik temel sağlar. Önemli çizge teorik yapılardan biri köşe örtmedir (KÖ), bu yapıda her bir kenarın KÖ kümesindeki en az bir düğüme bitişik olacak şekilde çizgenin tüm kenarlarını kapsayacak bir dizi düğüm seçilmektedir. Verilen bir çizge için en az elemana sahip KÖ kümesini bulmak NP-zor bir problemdir. Bu makalede, KÖdeki düğümlerin güvenli noktalar olarak yapılandırıldığı bağlantı izlemeyi amaçlayan KÖ algoritmaları açıklanmaktadır. KSAların enerji verimliliği ve yük dengeleme gereksinimlerini karşılamak için, farklı çizge yapılarında KÖ problemlerinin ağırlık ve kapasite kısıtlı versiyonları gibi çeşitli türleri çalışılmaktadır. Ayrıca kümeleme ve omurga oluşturma işlemlerini farklı KÖ altyapılarının alternatif uygulamaları olarak sunulmaktadır. Her KÖ alt problemi için, açgözlü sezgisel tabanlı algoritmalar önerilmektedir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Kablosuz Sensör Ağları, Bağlantı İzleme, Çizge Teorisi, Kenar Örtme, NP-Zor Problem.

    Route Planning in Transportation Networks

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    We survey recent advances in algorithms for route planning in transportation networks. For road networks, we show that one can compute driving directions in milliseconds or less even at continental scale. A variety of techniques provide different trade-offs between preprocessing effort, space requirements, and query time. Some algorithms can answer queries in a fraction of a microsecond, while others can deal efficiently with real-time traffic. Journey planning on public transportation systems, although conceptually similar, is a significantly harder problem due to its inherent time-dependent and multicriteria nature. Although exact algorithms are fast enough for interactive queries on metropolitan transit systems, dealing with continent-sized instances requires simplifications or heavy preprocessing. The multimodal route planning problem, which seeks journeys combining schedule-based transportation (buses, trains) with unrestricted modes (walking, driving), is even harder, relying on approximate solutions even for metropolitan inputs.Comment: This is an updated version of the technical report MSR-TR-2014-4, previously published by Microsoft Research. This work was mostly done while the authors Daniel Delling, Andrew Goldberg, and Renato F. Werneck were at Microsoft Research Silicon Valle

    Mod/Resc Parsimony Inference

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    We address in this paper a new computational biology problem that aims at understanding a mechanism that could potentially be used to genetically manipulate natural insect populations infected by inherited, intra-cellular parasitic bacteria. In this problem, that we denote by \textsc{Mod/Resc Parsimony Inference}, we are given a boolean matrix and the goal is to find two other boolean matrices with a minimum number of columns such that an appropriately defined operation on these matrices gives back the input. We show that this is formally equivalent to the \textsc{Bipartite Biclique Edge Cover} problem and derive some complexity results for our problem using this equivalence. We provide a new, fixed-parameter tractability approach for solving both that slightly improves upon a previously published algorithm for the \textsc{Bipartite Biclique Edge Cover}. Finally, we present experimental results where we applied some of our techniques to a real-life data set.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Energy-Optimal Routes for Electric Vehicles

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    Abstract. We study the problem of electric vehicle route planning, where an important aspect is computing paths that minimize energy consumption. Thereby, any method must cope with specific properties, such as recuperation, battery constraints (over- and under-charging), and frequently changing cost functions (e. g., due to weather conditions). This work presents a practical algorithm that quickly computes energy-optimal routes for networks of continental scale. Exploiting multi-level overlay graphs [26, 31], we extend the Customizable Route Planning approach [8] to our scenario in a sound manner. This includes the efficient computation of profile queries and the adaption of bidirectional search to battery constraints. Our experimental study uses detailed consumption data measured from a production vehicle (Peugeot iOn). It reveals for the network of Europe that a new cost function can be incorporated in about five seconds, after which we answer random queries within 0.3ms on average. Additional evaluation on an artificial but realistic [22, 36] vehicle model with unlimited range demonstrates the excellent scalability of our algorithm: Even for long-range queries across Europe it achieves query times below 5ms on average—fast enough for interactive applications. Altogether, our algorithm exhibits faster query times than previous approaches, while improving (metric-dependent) preprocessing time by three orders of magnitude.

    Engineering Algorithms for Dynamic and Time-Dependent Route Planning

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    Efficiently computing shortest paths is an essential building block of many mobility applications, most prominently route planning/navigation devices and applications. In this thesis, we apply the algorithm engineering methodology to design algorithms for route planning in dynamic (for example, considering real-time traffic) and time-dependent (for example, considering traffic predictions) problem settings. We build on and extend the popular Contraction Hierarchies (CH) speedup technique. With a few minutes of preprocessing, CH can optimally answer shortest path queries on continental-sized road networks with tens of millions of vertices and edges in less than a millisecond, i.e. around four orders of magnitude faster than Dijkstra’s algorithm. CH already has been extended to dynamic and time-dependent problem settings. However, these adaptations suffer from limitations. For example, the time-dependent variant of CH exhibits prohibitive memory consumption on large road networks with detailed traffic predictions. This thesis contains the following key contributions: First, we introduce CH-Potentials, an A*-based routing framework. CH-Potentials computes optimal distance estimates for A* using CH with a lower bound weight function derived at preprocessing time. The framework can be applied to any routing problem where appropriate lower bounds can be obtained. The achieved speedups range between one and three orders of magnitude over Dijkstra’s algorithm, depending on how tight the lower bounds are. Second, we propose several improvements to Customizable Contraction Hierarchies (CCH), the CH adaptation for dynamic route planning. Our improvements yield speedups of up to an order of magnitude. Further, we augment CCH to efficiently support essential extensions such as turn costs, alternative route computation and point-of-interest queries. Third, we present the first space-efficient, fast and exact speedup technique for time-dependent routing. Compared to the previous time-dependent variant of CH, our technique requires up to 40 times less memory, needs at most a third of the preprocessing time, and achieves only marginally slower query running times. Fourth, we generalize A* and introduce time-dependent A* potentials. This allows us to design the first approach for routing with combined live and predicted traffic, which achieves interactive running times for exact queries while allowing live traffic updates in a fraction of a minute. Fifth, we study extended problem models for routing with imperfect data and routing for truck drivers and present efficient algorithms for these variants. Sixth and finally, we present various complexity results for non-FIFO time-dependent routing and the extended problem models

    Heuristic Algorithms for Best Match Graph Editing

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    Best match graphs (BMGs) are a class of colored digraphs that naturally appear in mathematical phylogenetics and can be approximated with the help of similarity measures between gene sequences, albeit not without errors. The corresponding graph editing problem can be used as a means of error correction. Since the arc set modification problems for BMGs are NP-complete, efficient heuristics are needed if BMGs are to be used for the practical analysis of biological sequence data. Since BMGs have a characterization in terms of consistency of a certain set of rooted triples, we consider heuristics that operate on triple sets. As an alternative, we show that there is a close connection to a set partitioning problem that leads to a class of top-down recursive algorithms that are similar to Aho's supertree algorithm and give rise to BMG editing algorithms that are consistent in the sense that they leave BMGs invariant. Extensive benchmarking shows that community detection algorithms for the partitioning steps perform best for BMG editing