10 research outputs found

    Bidirectional Transformation "bx" (Dagstuhl Seminar 11031)

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    Bidirectional transformations bx are a mechanism for maintaining the consistency of two (or more) related sources of information. Researchers from many different areas of computer science including databases (DB), graph transformations (GT), software engineering (SE), and programming languages (PL) are actively investigating the use of bx to solve a diverse set of problems. Although researchers have been actively working on bidirectional transformations in the above mentioned communities for many years already, there has been very little cross-discipline interaction and cooperation so far. The purpose of a first International Meeting on Bidirectional Transformations (GRACE-BX), held in December 2008 near Tokyo, was therefore to bring together international elites, promising young researchers, and leading practitioners to share problems, discuss solutions, and open a dialogue towards understanding the common underpinnings of bx in all these areas. While the GRACE-BX meeting provided a starting point for exchanging ideas in different communities and confirmed our believe that there is a considerable overlap of studied problems and developed solutions in the identified communities, the Dagstuhl Seminar 11031 on ``Bidirectional Transformations\u27\u27 also aimed at providing a place for working together to define a common vocabulary of terms and desirable properties of bidirectional transformations, develop a suite of benchmarks, solve some challenging problems, and launch joint efforts to form a living bx community of cooperating experts across the identified subdisciplines. This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 11031 with abstracts of tutorials, working groups, and presentations on specific research topics


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    Feature-Based Classification of Bidirectional Transformation Approaches

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    International audienceBidirectional model transformation is a key technology in model-driven engineering (MDE), when two models that can change over time have to be kept constantly consistent with each other. While several model transformation tools include at least a partial support to bidirectionality, it is not clear how these bidirectional capabilities relate to each other and to similar classical problems in computer science, from the view update problem in databases to bidirectional graph transformations. This paper tries to clarify and visualize the space of design choices for bidirectional transformations from an MDE point of view, in the form of a feature model. The selected list of existing approaches are characterized by mapping them to the feature model. Then, the feature model is used to highlight some unexplored research lines in bidirectional transformations

    Dagstuhl Annual Report January - December 2011

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    The International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science is a non-profit organization. Its objective is to promote world-class research in computer science and to host research seminars which enable new ideas to be showcased, problems to be discussed and the course to be set for future development in this field. The work being done to run this informatics center is documented in this report for the business year 2011

    Formal Foundations for Information-Preserving Model Synchronization Processes Based on Triple Graph Grammars

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    Zwischen verschiedenen Artefakten, die Informationen teilen, wieder Konsistenz herzustellen, nachdem eines von ihnen geĂ€ndert wurde, ist ein wichtiges Problem, das in verschiedenen Bereichen der Informatik auftaucht. Mit dieser Dissertation legen wir eine Lösung fĂŒr das grundlegende Modellsynchronisationsproblem vor. Bei diesem Problem ist ein Paar solcher Artefakte (Modelle) gegeben, von denen eines geĂ€ndert wurde; Aufgabe ist die Wiederherstellung der Konsistenz. Tripelgraphgrammatiken (TGGs) sind ein etablierter und geeigneter Formalismus, um dieses und verwandte Probleme anzugehen. Da sie auf der algebraischen Theorie der Graphtransformation und dem (Double-)Pushout Zugang zu Ersetzungssystemen basieren, sind sie besonders geeignet, um Lösungen zu entwickeln, deren Eigenschaften formal bewiesen werden können. Doch obwohl TGG-basierte AnsĂ€tze etabliert sind, leiden viele von ihnen unter dem Problem des Informationsverlustes. Wenn ein Modell geĂ€ndert wurde, können wĂ€hrend eines Synchronisationsprozesses Informationen verloren gehen, die nur im zweiten Modell vorliegen. Das liegt daran, dass solche Synchronisationsprozesse darauf zurĂŒckfallen Konsistenz dadurch wiederherzustellen, dass sie das geĂ€nderte Modell (bzw. große Teile von ihm) neu ĂŒbersetzen. Wir schlagen einen TGG-basierten Ansatz vor, der fortgeschrittene Features von TGGs unterstĂŒtzt (Attribute und negative Constraints), durchgĂ€ngig formalisiert ist, implementiert und inkrementell in dem Sinne ist, dass er den Informationsverlust im Vergleich mit vorherigen AnsĂ€tzen drastisch reduziert. Bisher gibt es keinen TGG-basierten Ansatz mit vergleichbaren Eigenschaften. Zentraler Beitrag dieser Dissertation ist es, diesen Ansatz formal auszuarbeiten und seine wesentlichen Eigenschaften, nĂ€mlich Korrektheit, VollstĂ€ndigkeit und Termination, zu beweisen. Die entscheidende neue Idee unseres Ansatzes ist es, Reparaturregeln anzuwenden. Dies sind spezielle Regeln, die es erlauben, Änderungen an einem Modell direkt zu propagieren anstatt auf NeuĂŒbersetzung zurĂŒckzugreifen. Um diese Reparaturregeln erstellen und anwenden zu können, entwickeln wir grundlegende BeitrĂ€ge zur Theorie der algebraischen Graphtransformation. ZunĂ€chst entwickeln wir eine neue Art der sequentiellen Komposition von Regeln. Im Gegensatz zur gewöhnlichen Komposition, die zu Regeln fĂŒhrt, die Elemente löschen und dann wieder neu erzeugen, können wir Regeln herleiten, die solche Elemente stattdessen bewahren. Technisch gesehen findet der Synchronisationsprozess, den wir entwickeln, außerdem in der Kategorie der partiellen Tripelgraphen statt und nicht in der der normalen Tripelgraphen. Daher mĂŒssen wir sicherstellen, dass die fĂŒr Double-Pushout-Ersetzungssysteme ausgearbeitete Theorie immer noch gĂŒltig ist. Dazu entwickeln wir eine (kategorientheoretische) Konstruktion neuer Kategorien aus gegebenen und zeigen, dass (i) diese Konstruktion die Axiome erhĂ€lt, die nötig sind, um die Theorie fĂŒr Double-Pushout-Ersetzungssysteme zu entwickeln, und (ii) partielle Tripelgraphen als eine solche Kategorie konstruiert werden können. Zusammen ermöglichen diese beiden grundsĂ€tzlichen BeitrĂ€ge es uns, unsere Lösung fĂŒr das grundlegende Modellsynchronisationsproblem vollstĂ€ndig formal auszuarbeiten und ihre zentralen Eigenschaften zu beweisen.Restoring consistency between different information-sharing artifacts after one of them has been changed is an important problem that arises in several areas of computer science. In this thesis, we provide a solution to the basic model synchronization problem. There, a pair of such artifacts (models), one of which has been changed, is given and consistency shall be restored. Triple graph grammars (TGGs) are an established and suitable formalism to address this and related problems. Being based on the algebraic theory of graph transformation and (double-)pushout rewriting, they are especially suited to develop solutions whose properties can be formally proven. Despite being established, many TGG-based solutions do not satisfactorily deal with the problem of information loss. When one model is changed, in the process of restoring consistency such solutions may lose information that is only present in the second model because the synchronization process resorts to restoring consistency by re-translating (large parts of) the updated model. We introduce a TGG-based approach that supports advanced features of TGGs (attributes and negative constraints), is comprehensively formalized, implemented, and is incremental in the sense that it drastically reduces the amount of information loss compared to former approaches. Up to now, a TGG-based approach with these characteristics is not available. The central contribution of this thesis is to formally develop that approach and to prove its essential properties, namely correctness, completeness, and termination. The crucial new idea in our approach is the use of repair rules, which are special rules that allow one to directly propagate changes from one model to the other instead of resorting to re-translation. To be able to construct and apply these repair rules, we contribute more fundamentally to the theory of algebraic graph transformation. First, we develop a new kind of sequential rule composition. Whereas the conventional composition of rules leads to rules that delete and re-create elements, we can compute rules that preserve such elements instead. Furthermore, technically the setting in which the synchronization process we develop takes place is the category of partial triple graphs and not the one of ordinary triple graphs. Hence, we have to ensure that the elaborate theory of double-pushout rewriting still applies. Therefore, we develop a (category-theoretic) construction of new categories from given ones and show that (i) this construction preserves the axioms that are necessary to develop the theory of double-pushout rewriting and (ii) partial triple graphs can be constructed as such a category. Together, those two more fundamental contributions enable us to develop our solution to the basic model synchronization problem in a fully formal manner and to prove its central properties

    Towards Language-Oriented Modeling

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    In this habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR), I review a decade of research work in the fields of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and Software Language Engineering (SLE). I propose contributions to support a language-oriented modeling, with the particular focus on enabling early validation & verification (V&V) of software-intensive systems. I first present foundational concepts and engineering facilities which help to capture the core domain knowledge into the various heterogeneous concerns of DSMLs (aka. metamodeling in the small), with a particular focus on executable DSMLs to automate the development of dynamic V&V tools. Then, I propose structural and behavioral DSML interfaces, and associated composition operators to reuse and integrate multiple DSMLs (aka. metamodeling in the large).In these research activities I explore various breakthroughs in terms of modularity and reusability of DSMLs. I also propose an original approach which bridges the gap between the concurrency theory and the algorithm theory, to integrate a formal concurrency model into the execution semantics of DSMLs. All the contributions have been implemented in software platforms — the language workbench Melange and the GEMOC studio – and experienced in real-world case studies to assess their validity. In this context, I also founded the GEMOC initiative, an attempt to federate the community on the grand challenge of the globalization of modeling languages

    Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing

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    This open access State-of-the-Art Survey presents the main recent scientific outcomes in the area of reversible computation, focusing on those that have emerged during COST Action IC1405 "Reversible Computation - Extending Horizons of Computing", a European research network that operated from May 2015 to April 2019. Reversible computation is a new paradigm that extends the traditional forwards-only mode of computation with the ability to execute in reverse, so that computation can run backwards as easily and naturally as forwards. It aims to deliver novel computing devices and software, and to enhance existing systems by equipping them with reversibility. There are many potential applications of reversible computation, including languages and software tools for reliable and recovery-oriented distributed systems and revolutionary reversible logic gates and circuits, but they can only be realized and have lasting effect if conceptual and firm theoretical foundations are established first

    Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing

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    This open access State-of-the-Art Survey presents the main recent scientific outcomes in the area of reversible computation, focusing on those that have emerged during COST Action IC1405 "Reversible Computation - Extending Horizons of Computing", a European research network that operated from May 2015 to April 2019. Reversible computation is a new paradigm that extends the traditional forwards-only mode of computation with the ability to execute in reverse, so that computation can run backwards as easily and naturally as forwards. It aims to deliver novel computing devices and software, and to enhance existing systems by equipping them with reversibility. There are many potential applications of reversible computation, including languages and software tools for reliable and recovery-oriented distributed systems and revolutionary reversible logic gates and circuits, but they can only be realized and have lasting effect if conceptual and firm theoretical foundations are established first