65 research outputs found

    A Bibliometric Study on the Use of Virtual Reality (VR) as an Educational Tool for High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Children

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    The use of virtual reality (VR) as an educational tool for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) children is a research field that started some 20 years ago. ASD is associated with deficiencies in communication and social interaction, as well as restricted and repetitive behavioural patterns, according to the fifth edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5). By using the ISI Web of Knowledge as the reference data basis, we perform a bibliometric study of the use of VR as an educational tool for high-functioning ASD children. By this study we can quantify, on the one hand, the up to day importance of the different types of VR applied to this field: immersive or non-immersive, as well as the use of human or agent avatars. On the other hand, we can also differentiate amongst those interventions that work on emotional and social competences. The analysis of periods of research scarce, research abundance and research trends provides a dynamic view of the strategies used in this field in the last 20 years and suggests future lines of research

    Producción científica sobre el síndrome de Asperger: análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones recogidas en Scopus

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    El síndrome de Asperger es un trastorno del espectro autista caracterizado por déficits persistentes en la comunicación e interacción social con presencia de patrones de comportamiento, intereses o actividades de tipo restrictivo o repetitivo, sin deterioro intelectual ni del lenguaje. La Confederación Asperger España estima que hay entre 3 y 5 casos de Asperger por cada 1000 nacimientos. Este síndrome se recogió por primera vez en los manuales diagnósticos a mediados de los años noventa del siglo XX, aunque las primeras publicaciones sobre el tema datan ya de los años ochenta. Este estudio bibliométrico analiza las características de la producción científica sobre este trastorno, basándose en las 6221 publicaciones sobre el tema indexadas en la base de datos Scopus hasta el año 2020 inclusive, utilizando indicadores bibliométricos de producción, impacto y colaboración. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un crecimiento exponencial del número de publicaciones hasta el año 2013 y, a partir de ese momento, una tendencia decreciente. Dicha producción está formada mayoritariamente por artículos científicos en lengua inglesa concentrados en un número reducido de fuentes. Revistas como Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Autism, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines y Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders se revelan como fuentes especializadas en el tema, al ser las que contienen un mayor número de artículos y, además, recibir el mayor número de citas. Dichos resultados también señalan la existencia de grandes productores como el psicólogo británico Simon Baron-Cohen director del Centro de Investigación sobre el Autismo y el psiquiatra sueco Christopher Gillberg, profesor de la Universidad de Gotemburgo y profesor honorario del University College de Londre

    Analysis of Asperger Syndrome Using Genetic-Evolutionary Random Support Vector Machine Cluster

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    Asperger syndrome (AS) is subtype of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Diagnosis and pathological analysis of AS through resting-state fMRI data is one of the hot topics in brain science. We employed a new model called the genetic-evolutionary random Support Vector Machine cluster (GE-RSVMC) to classify AS and normal people, and search for lesions. The model innovatively integrates the methods of the cluster and genetic evolution to improve the performance of the model. We randomly selected samples and sample features to construct GE-RSVMC, and then used the cluster to classify and extract lesions according to classification results. The model was validated by data of 157 participants (86 AS and 71 health controls) in ABIDE database. The classification accuracy of the model reached to 97.5% and we discovered the brain regions with significant differences, such as the Angular gyrus (ANG.R), Precuneus (PCUN.R), Caudate nucleus (CAU.R), Cuneus (CUN.R) and so on. Our method provides a new perspective for the diagnosis and treatment of AS, and a universal framework for other brain science research as the model has excellent generalization performance

    Intervensi Bibliometrik terhadap Artikel Saintifik Topik Kesehatan Kawasan Indonesia

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    Kesehatan adalah modal penting untuk mewujudkan pembangunan berkelanjutan sehingga bidang ilmunya penting untuk ditingkatkan. ScienceDirect menjadi media berkelas bagi ilmu kesehatan dan oleh sebab itu keberadaannya menarik diungkap. Kajian ini bertujuan, 1) menganalisis artikel ilmiah topik kesehatan yang mengangkat isu-isu di Indonesia tahun 2006-2015. Untuk menganalisisnya dilibatkan bibliometrik guna mengetahui jurnal penampung dan produktivitasnya, 2) arsitektur dan rasio kolaborasi, dan 3) kontributor termasuk zona geografisnya. Diperoleh 146 artikel yang terdistribusi ke dalam 66 jurnal ilmiah. Melihat pertumbuhannya selama tiga tahun terakhir, jumlah artikel beserta kontributornya konsisten mengalami peningkatan. Satu hingga empat lebih formasi menjadi ciri khas dalam pemroduksian artikel dan kebanyakan ditempuh secara berkolaborasi. Kedua indeks kolaborasi yakni penulis dan institusi menunjukan rasio multipel lebih, kecuali negara meskipun indikasinya kuat mendekati. Pelibatan kekuatan lokal sebesar 41.12% dimana Universitas Indonesia terdepan diantara 107 afiliasi. Posisi Indonesia meraih terbaik dengan prestasi 45.89% dan mengindikasikan kemandirian dalam mengatasi problem kesehatannya sendiri. Menurut bingkai geografis lainnya terdapat 6 regional dan 4 benua.ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze scientific articles on health topics that address issues in Indonesia in 2006-2015. To analyze it involved bibliometrics in order to know the collection journal and its productivity, (2) architecture and collaboration ratio, and (3) contributors including the geographic zone. The result for a decade obtained 146 articles distributed into 66 scientific journals. Looking at its growth over the past three years, the number of articles and its contributors has consistently improved. One to four more formations are characteristic of article production and most are collaborated. Both collaboration indexes are authors and institutions show more multiplier ratios, with the exception of the country despite strong indications of approaching. The involvement of national power is 41.12% where University of Indonesia is ahead of 107 affiliates. The position of Indonesia achieved the best with 45.89% achievement and indicated independence in overcoming its own health problems. According to other geographical frames there are 6 regional and 4 continents. Thus health issues in Indonesia have been viewed as a common problem with a wide spectrum. This review is useful to raise the interest of Indonesian authors in discussing health issues in their are

    ICT in the educational context through scientific production in Spanish

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    Las diversas reformas educativas a nivel nacional e internacional han ido abogando por la inclusión de la tecnología como recurso significativo en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo del presente estudio es realizar un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica en español sobre la inclusión de las TIC en el contexto educativo. La búsqueda de documentos se realizó en la ISI Web of Knowledge a partir de la pestaña de búsqueda avanzada. Tras aplicar los términos de búsqueda se obtuvieron 154 documentos que fueron analizados en función de una serie de indicadores. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el periodo de 2015-2017 fue el más prolijo y en el que se generó el mayor número de citas. El trabajo realizado pone en valor la gran importancia que tienen las revistas científicas en la publicación y difusión de investigaciones sobre las TIC en educación.Various national and international educational reforms have been advocating the inclusion of technology as a significant resource in teaching-learning processes. The aim of this study is to carry out a bibliometric analysis of scientific production in Spanish on the inclusion of ICT in the educational context. The documents were searched in the ISI Web of Knowledge using the advanced search tab. After applying the search terms, 154 documents were obtained and analyzed according to a series of indicators. The results obtained indicate that the 2015-2017 period was the most prolix and the one that generated the greatest number of citations. The work carried out highlights the great importance of scientific journals in the publication and dissemination of research on ICTs in education

    Safety of Antipsychotic Medication in Individuals Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

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    Background: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition which presents in childhood. In the UK, risperidone is the only antipsychotic drug approved for the management of behavioural disturbance in children and adolescents with ASD. Aim: To explore the safety of antipsychotic medication use in people with ASD. Method: Four observational studies using a UK primary care database as a data source. The first study was a descriptive study to provide up-to-date information on the prevalence of ASD and psychotropic medication prescribing. Next, two analytical studies, of different designs, to investigate the risk of incident seizure associated with antipsychotic use, were conducted. A cohort study comparing the risk of incident seizure in people using antipsychotics with the users of other psychotropics; followed by a selfcontrolled case series analysis on the risk of incident seizure associated with antipsychotic use. Lastly, a cohort study to investigate the relationship between the risk of cardiac events and antipsychotic exposure, compared to other psychotropics, was conducted. Results: There has been a noticeable increase (3.3-fold) in the prevalence of ASD over the period from 2009 to 2016. Over this period, 12.4% of the treated ASD patients had been prescribed antipsychotics; 50.7% of antipsychotic prescriptions was for risperidone and 49.3% was for other antipsychotics. The hazard ratios of the risk of incident seizure and cardiac events associated with antipsychotic use were 1.28 (95% CI: 0.74-2.19) and 1.27 (95% CI: 0.62-2.62), respectively. During the first month of other psychotropic medication treatment, the incidence rate ratio of seizure was 1.57, 95% CI:1.03-2.38. Conclusion: This research found no evidence of an increased risk of incident seizure or cardiac outcomes associated with antipsychotic use compared to other psychotropics ASD patients. A short term increase in the risk of incident seizure was noted with the use of psychotropics other than antipsychotics

    The Rise of Autism

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    "This innovative book addresses the question of why increasing numbers of people are being diagnosed with autism since the 1990s. Providing an engaging account of competing and widely debated explanations, it investigates how these have led to differing interpretations of the same data. Crucially, the author argues that the increased use of autism diagnosis is due to medicalisation across the life course, whilst holding open the possibility that the rise may also be partly accounted for by modern-day environmental exposures, again, across the life course. A further focus of the book is not on whether autism itself is valid as a diagnostic category, but whether and how it is useful as a diagnostic category, and how the utility of the diagnosis has contributed to the rise. This serves to move beyond the question of whether diagnoses are 'real' or social constructions, and instead asks: who do diagnoses serve to benefit, and at what cost do they come? The book will appeal to clinicians and health professionals, as well as medical researchers, who are interested in a review of the data which demonstrates the rising use of autism as a diagnosis, and an analysis of the reasons why this has occurred. Providing theory through which to interpret the expanding application of the diagnosis and the broadening of autism as a concept, it will also be of interest to scholars and students of sociology, philosophy, psychiatry, psychology, social work, disability studies and childhood studies.