523 research outputs found

    A bibliometric study of human–computer interaction research activity in the Nordic-Baltic Eight countries

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    Human–computer interaction (HCI) has become an important area for designers and developers worldwide, and research activities set in national cultural contexts addressing local challenges are often needed in industry and academia. This study explored HCI research in the Nordic-Baltic countries using bibliometric methods. The results show that the activity varies greatly across the region with activities dominated by Finland, Sweden, and Denmark, even when adjusting for differences in population size and GDP. Research output variations were larger for the top-tier conferences compared to entry-tier conferences and journals. Locally hosted conferences were associated with local increases in research activity. HCI research longevity appears to be an indicator of research maturity and quantity. HCI researchers typically collaborated either with colleagues within the same institution or with researchers from countries outside the Nordic-Baltic region such as US and the UK. There was less collaboration between national and Nordic-Baltic partners. Collaboration appeared especially prevalent for top-tier conference papers. Top-tier conference papers were also more frequently cited than regional-tier and entry-tier conferences, yet journal articles were cited the most. One implication of this study is that the HCI research activity gaps across the Nordic-Baltic countries should be narrowed by increasing the activity in countries with low research outputs. To achieve this, first-time authors could receive guidance through collaborations with experienced authors in the same institution or other labs around the world. More conferences could also be hosted locally. Furthermore, journals may be more effective than conferences if the goal is to accumulate citations.publishedVersio

    Customer satisfaction in Hospitality

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    La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo principal analizar la satisfacción del cliente en tres hoteles de diferente categoría, desde tres a cinco estrellas, situados en la ciudad de San Petersburgo en Rusia. La estructura de la tesis doctoral se presenta en tres partes bien diferenciadas: (1) Se realiza una profunda revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre la satisfacción del cliente centrándose particularmente en las ciencias sociales y la economía, analizando también las diferencias observadas por regiones geográficas comparando los resultados de la literatura internacional con los obtenidos en revistas científicas rusas; (2) se analiza después las peculiaridades que presenta esta literatura en un contexto más adecuado al objeto de estudio de esta investigación cómo es el turismo donde se presenta un análisis bibliométrico así como un estudio de los principales determinantes y consecuencias de la satisfacción en el campo del turismo; y (3) se presentan dos aplicaciones empíricas utilizando los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de un modelo híbrido multicriterio basado en la lógica borrosa y en la técnica de comportamiento global obtenida por la comparación existente con las soluciones ideales observadas en el conjunto de la muestra analizada. De esta forma, la parte empírica presenta dos trabajos que analizan el papel que juega el género y la edad en la satisfacción experimentada en los hoteles analizando de forma global el conjunto de los hoteles incluidos en la muestra, así como los resultados obtenidos para los hoteles de tres y cuatro estrellas. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que la edad y el género influyen de manera decisiva en la satisfacción del cliente discutiéndose importantes implicaciones de gestión que tienen que considerarse por los agentes económicos implicados.La present tesi doctoral té com a objectiu principal analitzar la satisfacció del client en tres hotels de diferent categoria, des de tres a cinc estrelles, situats a la ciutat de Sant Petersburg a Rússia. L'estructura de la tesi doctoral es presenta en tres parts ben diferenciades: (1) Es realitza una profunda revisió sistemàtica de la literatura sobre la satisfacció del client centrant-se particularment en les ciències socials i l'economia, analitzant també les diferències observades per regions geogràfiques comparant els resultats de la literatura internacional amb els obtinguts en revistes russes; (2) s'analitza després les peculiaritats que presenta aquesta literatura en un context més adequat a l'objecte d'estudi d'aquesta investigació com és el turisme on es presenta una anàlisi bibliomètrica així com un estudi dels principals determinants i conseqüències de la satisfacció en el camp del turisme; i (3) es presenten dues aplicacions empíriques utilitzant els resultats obtinguts mitjançant l'aplicació d'un model híbrid multicriteri basat en la lògica borrosa i en la tècnica de comportament global obtinguda per la comparació existent amb les solucions ideals observades en el conjunt de la mostra analitzada . Així, la part empírica presenta dos treballs que analitzen el paper que juga el gènere i l'edat en la satisfacció experimentada en els hotels analitzant de manera global el conjunt dels hotels inclosos en la mostra, així com els resultats obtinguts per als hotels de tres i quatre estrelles. Els resultats obtinguts permeten concloure que l'edat i el gènere influeixen de manera decisiva en la satisfacció del client discutint importants implicacions de gestió que han de considerar-se pels agents econòmics implicats.The main objective of this dissertation is to analyze customer satisfaction in three different hotels, from three to five stars, located in the city of Saint Petersburg in Russia. The structure of the doctoral thesis is presented in three distinct parts: (1) A thorough systematic review of the literature on client satisfaction is carried out, focusing particularly on the social sciences and economics, also analyzing the differences observed by geographic regions by comparing the results of the international literature with those obtained in Russian scientific journals; (2) we analyze the peculiarities presented by this literature in a context more appropriate to the object of study of this research as is the tourism where a bibliometric analysis is presented as well as a study of the main determinants and consequences of satisfaction in the field of tourism; and (3) two empirical applications are presented using the results obtained through the application of a multicriteria hybrid model based on the fuzzy logic and on the global behavior technique obtained by the existing comparison with the ideal solutions observed in the analyzed sample. Two empirical exercises are presented that analyze the role of gender and age in the satisfaction experienced in hotels by analyzing overall the hotels included in the sample, as well as the results obtained for hotels of three and four stars. The results obtained allow us to conclude that age and gender decisively influence client satisfaction by discussing important management implications that have to be considered by the economic agents involved

    Editorial: research methods and management

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    This article introduces a virtual special issue comprising a selection of innovative and highly-cited articles recently published on methodological questions in the British Journal of Management (BJM). In an initial context section, it is argued that while management research has drawn on methods from the core social sciences, it has cast its net wider to adopt methods from subjects and fields on the edge of the social sciences as they are normally conceived. These have also been important. It has in turn made significant methodological contributions both to those subjects and fields, and indeed more widely. The contributions of the articles selected for inclusion in the special issue are delineated within this broad context

    Bibliometric analysis on motivation of sport event volunteer using the Scopus database

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    This paper contains research in the most productive journals, the most prolific and productive country, dedicated to the study of the motivation of volunteers for sporting events. Over the past 40 years, the number of journal publications devoted to these areas has grown exponentially. This paper addresses the most important contributions in these areas with the help of a bibliometric method. Furthermore, this paper uses the similarity view for graphical mapping important themes and keywords. Several researchers in these fields have reviewed all of the articles published on the Web of Science for an as broad time as discussed in this study. This research is useful for various purposes. It is possible to identify the greatest potential of countries and institutions to help academics and researchers in their research development and research exchanges, and possibly to determine what would be important to pursue their doctorate and improve their careers

    A bibliometric analysis (2009-2017)

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    El estudio tuvo por objetivo realizar un análisis bibliométrico de Interdisciplinaria: Revista de Psicología y Ciencias Afines, considerando las publicaciones indizadas en la base bibliográfica Scopus (2009-2017). A partir de una muestra final de 173 artículos científicos, se realizó la descripción de la distribución de los documentos según el sexo de los autores y el idioma de la publicación, así también, se evaluó el cumplimiento de la ley de Lotka sobre la producción científica de los autores. Además, se estimaron índices de colaboración (Lawani, 1981, 1986; Subramanyam, 1983) y se visualizaron las relaciones entre los países de las instituciones de filiación de los autores firmantes. De igual forma, se describió la concentración de trabajos de acuerdo con áreas temáticas y metodologías de investigación. En los resultados se destaca una mayor presencia de mujeres en comparación con los hombres, tanto en la primera autoría como en el total de autores. Así también, se cumple con la ley de Lotka y se visualiza el incremento de trabajos colaborativos en los últimos dos trienios, lo cual se evidencia en los índices de colaboración descritos. Por otra parte, se encontró que los trabajos se concentran en áreas como la psicología educacional, metodología y psicometría. Finalmente, se observa que predominan los trabajos que siguieron metodología cuantitativa. El análisis y discusión de los resultados permite mostrar el trabajo realizado por Interdisciplinaria en los últimos años, siendo un referente para la comunicación del conocimiento científico en los países de Iberoamérica.Scientific journals constitute the main channels of the dissemination of scientific knowledge. For this reason, in recent years, the amount of bibliometric studies aiming to elucidate the main features of published articles has increased. This allows for the understanding of investigated topics, contribution and collaboration among authors, institutions and countries involved, as well as the identification of new trends of research. In the field of psychology, the journals with the greatest impact are edited and managed in Anglo-American and Western European countries. Within the Latin American context however, there are also significant editorial efforts to publish relevant articles as in the case of Interdisciplinaria: Revista de Psicología y Ciencias Afines, considered a mainstream scientific journal that is indexed in important bibliographic databases (Scopus, WoS- Scielo Citation Index, Scielo) which have maintained the journal´s validity for more than 35 years. The importance of Interdisciplinaria motivates novel research into the characteristics of the scientific articles it publishes. Therefore, this study carries out a bibliometric analysis of Interdisciplinaria, considering the publications indexed in the bibliographic database Scopus (2009-2017). First the history, current status of the journal, and the importance of the bibliometric studies are presented. Then, the process of identification, selection and registration of scientific articles published and indexed in Scopus is formally addressed. From a final sample of 173 articles, the documents were broken down according to the authors? gender and the language of the publication. Moreover, the compliance with Lotka´s Law on the scientific production of the authors was evaluated. Also, the collaboration rates (Lawani, 1981, 1986; Subramanyam, 1983) were estimated and the collaborative relationships among countries of the authors? affiliations were displayed. Hence, the sampled works were categorized according to thematic areas and research methodologies. The results reveal a greater presence of women than men, both in the first authorship and in the total authors. Thus the author distribution complies with Lotka´s Law. In particular, it is noted that few authors have the highest number of contributions, while many authors have the least number of contributions. With regard to collaborative work, a substantial increase appeared in the last two triennia (2012-2014 and 2015-2017). This is evident by computing the values of the Lawani and Subramanyam rates. Furthermore, the works are concentrated in areas such as educational psychology, methodology, and psychometry among others (e.g. neuropsychology, comparative psychology, environmental psychology). Finally, it was noted that contributions on quantitative methodology predominated, followed by theoretical studies. The analysis and discussion of the results allow Interdisciplinaria to be used as a reference in the communication of scientific knowledge in Latin America countries, concluding that its denomination as a journal of psychology and related sciences is fairly attributed, since it publishes studies from different fields, a number of which show the connection between psychology and other disciplines.Fil: Barboza-Palomino, Miguel. Universidad Privada del Norte; PerúFil: Flores Kanter, Pablo Ezequiel. Universidad Empresarial Siglo XXI. Vicerrectorado de Innovación e Investigación. Instituto de Organizaciones Saludables; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Salas, Gonzalo. Universidad Católica del Maule; ChileFil: Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás. Universidad Privada del Norte; PerúFil: Ventura-León, José. Universidad Privada del Norte; Per

    A bibliometric analysis of obesity in marketing research

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    Purpose: In spite of wide civic and academic interest in obesity, there are no bibliometric records of this issue in the marketing corpus. Thus, this inquiry is conceived to address this shortcoming with a bibliometric analysis of Scopus indexed articles published on the subject. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis followed a five-step science mapping approach of study design, data collection, data analysis, data visualisation and data interpretation. R programming software was used to review 88 peer reviewed journals published between 1987 and 2021. Findings: A sizable stream of literature exploring obesity has accrued in the marketing area as authors have drawn parallels between the influence of persuasive communication and advertising on human wellbeing and child health. The United States of America is found to be by far the country with the highest number of publications on obesity, followed by Australia and the United Kingdom. The topic dendrogram indicates two strands of obesity discourse: (1) social and policy intervention opportunities and (2) the effects on social groups in the population. Research limitations/implications: This review will shape future enquiries investigating obesity. Beyond the focus on children, males and females, an emerging focus on cola, ethics, food waste, milk, policy-making and students is highlighted. Originality/value: This is the first bibliometric review of obesity in the marketing literature. This is especially timely for weighing up the utility of research aimed at understanding and reporting the trends, influences and role of stakeholders in addressing obesity

    Understanding the Auditor's Ethical Behaviour in the Professional Environment

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    [ES] Esta tesis ofrece una contribución significativa al campo de la ética de la auditoría a través de cinco estudios interconectados. El primer estudio (Capítulo dos) analiza cuarenta años de literatura académica, contemplando 114 artículos publicados en revistas prestigiosas de contabilidad y ética empresarial. La investigación, que abarca enfoques bibliométricos, de redes sociales y de contenido, descubre diversas brechas y oportunidades para investigaciones futuras. Resulta relevante destacar que, si bien la ética de la auditoría es un campo emergente, su foco principal ha sido en los países desarrollados, creando un vacío en los países en desarrollo. Además, se ha dado énfasis a los factores individuales de los auditores, minimizando la atención a los aspectos organizacionales. En un entorno empresarial en constante evolución, la tesis enfatiza la necesidad de orientar la investigación hacia implicaciones prácticas, para así mitigar errores previos y prevenir riesgos futuros. El segundo estudio (Capítulo tres) aborda una laguna en la literatura mediante un análisis de las actitudes de los auditores frente a distintos tipos de comportamientos corruptos en un contexto poco explorado, como es Palestina. Los resultados indican diferencias en la percepción de corrupción y sugieren que ciertos factores individuales de los auditores, como la edad y la posición, influyen en la aceptación de la corrupción. Este estudio brinda información valiosa para aquellos que buscan reducir la corrupción. El tercer estudio (Capítulo cuatro) emplea el Modelado de Ecuaciones Estructurales para examinar los factores que inciden en el Conflicto Ético (EC) y su impacto en la Intención de Rotación (TI). Se investiga el papel del Clima Ético (EtC) en la EC y su relación con los resultados laborales, así como el papel mediador de la EC entre el fracaso ético percibido del auditor y la TI, y entre la carga laboral y la TI. El cuarto estudio (Capítulo cinco) es pionero en la aplicación del marco de Demandas-Recursos del trabajo para investigar el impacto de varios factores en los resultados laborales de los auditores. Los hallazgos respaldan el marco JD-R, mostrando que el Conflicto Ético está asociado con resultados laborales adversos, especialmente la Intención de Rotación. Se enfatiza la necesidad de examinar los matices de los recursos laborales en la profesión de auditoría. El estudio puede ayudar a las empresas auditoras a mitigar los posibles efectos adversos del Empowerment en EC, ofreciendo pautas claras para la toma de decisiones y formación. Así, las firmas de auditoría pueden garantizar que los auditores cuenten con los recursos necesarios para manejar eficazmente las demandas laborales, lo que conduce a resultados laborales positivos y una profesión de auditoría más productiva y ética. En general, el estudio resalta la importancia de las demandas y recursos laborales para moldear los resultados laborales de los auditores y ofrece información relevante para informar políticas y prácticas en la profesión de auditoría.[CA] Aquesta tesi, dividida en cinc articles interrelacionats, aporta llum i novetat a l'àmbit de l'ètica de l'auditoria, abordant lacunes de la literatura existent. En primer lloc, es realitza un anàlisi exhaustiu de la literatura existent dels últims 40 anys, evidenciant l'ètica de l'auditoria com un camp emergent amb moltes oportunitats de recerca. Es remarca que la majoria d'estudis preexistents es centren en països desenvolupats, deixant a un costat els països en desenvolupament. També es denota una falta d'investigació respecte a la percepció de l'ètica entre auditors professionals. A més, malgrat que la presa de decisions ètiques i el raonament moral són temes recurrents, s'observa un desequilibri cap als factors individuals en lloc dels organitzatius. Finalment, s'assenyala la necessitat d'implicacions pràctiques per a la mitigació d'errors i riscos en l'entorn empresarial que evoluciona ràpidament. El segon article proporciona una nova visió de les actituds dels auditors cap a diferents comportaments corruptes, concretament a Palestina. Els resultats suggereixen que l'acceptació de la corrupció varia segons el tipus de comportament, amb una major acceptació envers el rol de polític, de treballador privat i de buròcrata. Es detecta una associació negativa entre l'acceptació de la corrupció i l'edat, així com diferències significatives en la percepció de la corrupció segons el gènere, la posició de l'auditor i l'educació. El tercer article investiga els factors que influeixen en el conflicte ètic i l'impacte d'aquest en la intenció de rotació. S'examina el paper moderador del Clima Ètic i la seva relació amb la intenció de rotació. A més, es considera el paper mediador del conflicte ètic entre el fracàs ètic de l'auditor percebut i la intenció de rotació, així com entre la càrrega de treball i la intenció de rotació. El quart article aplica per primera vegada el marc Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) per explorar l'impacte de diversos factors en els resultats laborals dels auditors. Les conclusions suporten el marc JD-R, amb el conflicte ètic associat positivament a resultats laborals adversos, especialment la intenció de rotació. Els recursos laborals, com el Clima Ètic i la Realització de la Carrera, tenen un efecte significatiu en les demandes laborals i els resultats, reduint tant el conflicte ètic com la intenció de rotació. De forma inesperada, es troba una associació positiva entre l'empoderament i el conflicte ètic. En resum, aquesta tesi ressalta la importància de les demandes laborals i els recursos en la determinació dels resultats laborals dels auditors. Proposa la necessitat de desenvolupar estratègies per afrontar els possibles efectes negatius de l'empoderament sobre el conflicte ètic, subratllant la necessitat de suportar les habilitats de presa de decisions dels auditors. Amb aquest objectiu, es suggereix que les empreses d'auditoria proporcionen als auditors els recursos necessaris per afrontar les demandes laborals de manera eficaç, la qual cosa conduiria a resultats laborals positius i a una professió d'auditoria més productiva i ètica. La recerca subratlla l'importància de considerar tant els efectes positius com els negatius dels recursos laborals per a desenvolupar estratègies orientades a fomentar el benestar dels auditors i el rendiment laboral. En conclusió, aquest estudi subratlla la importància de les demandes i recursos laborals en la conformació dels resultats laborals dels auditors i proporciona informació útil per a informar la política i la pràctica en la professió d'auditoria.[EN] This thesis contributes novel insights to the understudied field of auditing ethics through four linked studies. Chapter two offers a detailed review of literature over 40 years, amalgamating Bibliometric, Social Network and Content Analysis to scrutinize 114 articles from accounting and business ethics journals on the Web of Science database from 1980-2021. Through a thematic clustering of this literature, gaps are identified and potential research trajectories suggested. While auditing ethics is emerging as a field, most existing studies focus on developed countries, with a scarcity of work on developing nations and the ethical perceptions of professional auditors. Although individual auditors' ethical decision-making and moral reasoning have been widely studied, organizational factors received less attention. Recognizing the need for research to reflect the rapidly evolving business environment, this thesis posits more emphasis on practical applications of auditing ethics. Insights derived from this analysis provide the basis for the following three papers within this thesis. Chapter three of this thesis offers a unique exploration of auditors' attitudes towards different forms of corruption, with a specific focus on an under-studied context - Palestine. Utilizing ordinal regression and the Mann-Whitney U Test, an original survey of Palestinian auditors is analyzed. The findings indicate variability in auditors' perceptions of corruption, with corrupt behaviors linked to political, private, and bureaucratic jobs perceived as more acceptable than illicit receiving and giving practices. Acceptance of corruption was found to decrease with age across most corrupt behaviors surveyed. Gender differences also emerged, with female auditors exhibiting a higher tolerance towards various forms of corruption. The auditor's position and external education were also found to influence attitudes towards corruption. These findings have valuable implications for regulators and professional bodies looking to curb corruption, providing actionable insights to inform anti-corruption strategies. The fourth Chapter analyses an original survey of auditors using Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). to examine possible factors affecting Ethical Conflict (EC) and the impact of EC on Turnover Intention (TI). It investigates the moderating role of Ethical Climate (EtC) and its relationship with EC and job-related outcomes. It also examines the mediating role of EC between Perceived Auditor Ethical Failure (PAEF) and TI and also between Workload (WL) and TI. In the final chapter of this thesis, we pioneer the application of the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) framework in assessing factors impacting auditors' work outcomes, utilizing Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. We find that ethical conflict (EC) is positively associated with adverse work outcomes, notably turnover intention (TI), validating the JD-R framework. Vital job resources, such as ethical climate (EtC) and career fulfilment (CF), markedly influence job demands and work outcomes, thus mitigating both EC and TI. Intriguingly, the study identifies a positive relationship between Empowerment (EM) and EC, arising when auditors with perceived empowerment lack actual decision-making authority, a finding which challenges the JD-R framework and underscores the necessity of scrutinizing the subtleties of job resources within the audit profession. Recognizing both positive and negative effects of job resources is key in devising strategies that enhance auditor welfare and job performance. The findings have implications for auditing firms, aiding in the mitigation of potential EM's negative impact on EC, and promoting decision-making capacity in auditors. Consequently, these firms can equip auditors with essential resources to effectively manage job demands, fostering positive work outcomes and an ethical audit profession.Dwekat, ZMM. (2023). Understanding the Auditor's Ethical Behaviour in the Professional Environment [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19656

    Mapping the Time Use Research Field in the Context of Sustainability: Network Analysis and Scoping Review

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    The field of time use research has witnessed a continuous growth in recent decades. Meanwhile, the sustainability discourse also began to incorporate the time use approach. However, there is minimal research about the underlying knowledge base of the time use field, which creates difficulty for sustainability time-use studies to position themselves, draw insights from other disciplines, or achieve a comprehensive understanding of how human time allocation informs sustainability concepts and methods. This thesis established the first attempt to map the field of time use research, with the combination of co-citation network analysis and qualitative scoping review. We also explored a new bibliometric method, termed as “content-similarity network analysis”. The triangulation allowed us to identify convergent themes, such as household economics and well-being, sexual division of labour and child care, consumer behaviour, as well as transportation, underpinning this inter- and multi-disciplinary field. After the content-similarity network being generated based on the abstracts, we were able to investigate the relationship between household energy use and time use. Further, we created a conceptual framework to describe how the time use research can help approach the sustainability issues. It is shown that time use data, complementary to monetary and biophysical data, has the potential to enrich the social and behavioral aspects of sustainability. Our results also suggest an under-representation of sustainability themes in the time use field. By reinforcing the importance of knowledge integration across disciplines, this thesis adds to the growing body of sustainability literature at the interface of ecological economics, well-being, consumer-lifestyle, and urban planning

    Congress UPV Proceedings of the 21ST International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators

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    This is the book of proceedings of the 21st Science and Technology Indicators Conference that took place in València (Spain) from 14th to 16th of September 2016. The conference theme for this year, ‘Peripheries, frontiers and beyond’ aimed to study the development and use of Science, Technology and Innovation indicators in spaces that have not been the focus of current indicator development, for example, in the Global South, or the Social Sciences and Humanities. The exploration to the margins and beyond proposed by the theme has brought to the STI Conference an interesting array of new contributors from a variety of fields and geographies. This year’s conference had a record 382 registered participants from 40 different countries, including 23 European, 9 American, 4 Asia-Pacific, 4 Africa and Near East. About 26% of participants came from outside of Europe. There were also many participants (17%) from organisations outside academia including governments (8%), businesses (5%), foundations (2%) and international organisations (2%). This is particularly important in a field that is practice-oriented. The chapters of the proceedings attest to the breadth of issues discussed. Infrastructure, benchmarking and use of innovation indicators, societal impact and mission oriented-research, mobility and careers, social sciences and the humanities, participation and culture, gender, and altmetrics, among others. We hope that the diversity of this Conference has fostered productive dialogues and synergistic ideas and made a contribution, small as it may be, to the development and use of indicators that, being more inclusive, will foster a more inclusive and fair world

    Visualising the intellectual and social structures of digital humanities using an invisible college model

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    This thesis explores the intellectual and social structures of an emerging field, Digital Humanities (DH). After around 70 years of development, DH claims to differentiate itself from the traditional Humanities for its inclusiveness, diversity, and collaboration. However, the ‘big tent’ concept not only limits our understandings of its research structure, but also results in a lack of empirical review and sustainable support. Under this umbrella, whether there are merely fragmented topics, or a consolidated knowledge system is still unknown. This study seeks to answer three research questions: a) Subject: What research topics is the DH subject composed of? b) Scholar: Who has contributed to the development of DH? c) Environment: How diverse are the backgrounds of DH scholars? The Invisible College research model is refined and applied as the methodological framework that produces four visualised networks. As the results show, DH currently contributes more towards the general historical literacy and information science, while longitudinally, it was heavily involved in computational linguistics. Humanistic topics are more popular and central, while technical topics are relatively peripheral and have stronger connections with non-Anglophone communities. DH social networks are at the early stages of development, and the formation is heavily influenced by non-academic and non-intellectual factors, e.g., language, working country, and informal relationships. Although male scholars have dominated the field, female scholars have encouraged more communication and built more collaborations. Despite the growing appeals for more diversity, the level of international collaboration in DH is more extensive than in many other disciplines. These findings can help us gain new understandings on the central and critical questions about DH. To the best of the candidate’s knowledge, this study is the first to investigate the formal and informal structures in DH with a well-grounded research model