99 research outputs found

    Oblivious Pseudo-Random Functions via Garbled Circuits

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    An Oblivious Pseudo-Random Function (OPRF) is a protocol that allows two parties – a server and a user – to jointly compute the output of a Pseudo-Random Function (PRF). The server holds the key for the PRF and the user holds an input on which the function shall be evaluated. The user learns the correct output while the inputs of both parties remain private. If the server can additionally prove to the user that several executions of the protocol were performed with the same key, we call the OPRF verifiable. One way to construct an OPRF protocol is by using generic tools from multi-party computation, like Yao’s seminal garbled circuits protocol. Garbled circuits allow two parties to evaluate any boolean circuit, while the input that each party provides to the circuit remains hidden from the respective other party. An approach to realizing OPRFs based on garbled circuits was e.g. mentioned by Pinkas et al. (ASIACRYPT ’09). But OPRFs are used as a building block in various cryptographic protocols. This frequent usage in conjunction with other building blocks calls for a security analysis that takes composition, i.e., the usage in a bigger context into account. In this work, we give the first construction of a garbled-circuit-based OPRF that is secure in the universal composability model by Canetti (FOCS ’01). This means the security of our protocol holds even if the protocol is used in arbitrary execution environments, even under parallel composition. We achieve a passively secure protocol that relies on authenticated channels, the random oracle model, and the security of oblivious transfer. We use a technique from Albrecht et al. (PKC ’21) to extend the protocol to a verifiable OPRF by employing a commitment scheme. The two parties compute a circuit that only outputs a PRF value if a commitment opens to the right server-key. Further, we implemented our construction and compared the concrete efficiency with two other OPRFs. We found that our construction is over a hundred times faster than a recent lattice-based construction by Albrecht et al. (PKC ’21), but not as efficient as the state-of-the-art protocol from Jarecki et al. (EUROCRYPT ’18), based on the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem in certain groups. Our efficiency-benchmark results imply that – under certain circumstances – generic techniques as garbled circuits can achieve substantially better performance in practice than some protocols specifically designed for the problem. Büscher et al. (ACNS ’20) showed that garbled circuits are secure in the presence of adversaries using quantum computers. This fact combined with our results indicates that garbled-circuit-based OPRFs are a promising way towards efficient OPRFs that are secure against those quantum adversaries

    SANNS: Scaling Up Secure Approximate k-Nearest Neighbors Search

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    The kk-Nearest Neighbor Search (kk-NNS) is the backbone of several cloud-based services such as recommender systems, face recognition, and database search on text and images. In these services, the client sends the query to the cloud server and receives the response in which case the query and response are revealed to the service provider. Such data disclosures are unacceptable in several scenarios due to the sensitivity of data and/or privacy laws. In this paper, we introduce SANNS, a system for secure kk-NNS that keeps client's query and the search result confidential. SANNS comprises two protocols: an optimized linear scan and a protocol based on a novel sublinear time clustering-based algorithm. We prove the security of both protocols in the standard semi-honest model. The protocols are built upon several state-of-the-art cryptographic primitives such as lattice-based additively homomorphic encryption, distributed oblivious RAM, and garbled circuits. We provide several contributions to each of these primitives which are applicable to other secure computation tasks. Both of our protocols rely on a new circuit for the approximate top-kk selection from nn numbers that is built from O(n+k2)O(n + k^2) comparators. We have implemented our proposed system and performed extensive experimental results on four datasets in two different computation environments, demonstrating more than 1831×18-31\times faster response time compared to optimally implemented protocols from the prior work. Moreover, SANNS is the first work that scales to the database of 10 million entries, pushing the limit by more than two orders of magnitude.Comment: 18 pages, to appear at USENIX Security Symposium 202

    IST Austria Thesis

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    Many security definitions come in two flavors: a stronger “adaptive” flavor, where the adversary can arbitrarily make various choices during the course of the attack, and a weaker “selective” flavor where the adversary must commit to some or all of their choices a-priori. For example, in the context of identity-based encryption, selective security requires the adversary to decide on the identity of the attacked party at the very beginning of the game whereas adaptive security allows the attacker to first see the master public key and some secret keys before making this choice. Often, it appears to be much easier to achieve selective security than it is to achieve adaptive security. A series of several recent works shows how to cleverly achieve adaptive security in several such scenarios including generalized selective decryption [Pan07][FJP15], constrained PRFs [FKPR14], and Yao’s garbled circuits [JW16]. Although the above works expressed vague intuition that they share a common technique, the connection was never made precise. In this work we present a new framework (published at Crypto ’17 [JKK+17a]) that connects all of these works and allows us to present them in a unified and simplified fashion. Having the framework in place, we show how to achieve adaptive security for proxy re-encryption schemes (published at PKC ’19 [FKKP19]) and provide the first adaptive security proofs for continuous group key agreement protocols (published at S&P ’21 [KPW+21]). Questioning optimality of our framework, we then show that currently used proof techniques cannot lead to significantly better security guarantees for "graph-building" games (published at TCC ’21 [KKPW21a]). These games cover generalized selective decryption, as well as the security of prominent constructions for constrained PRFs, continuous group key agreement, and proxy re-encryption. Finally, we revisit the adaptive security of Yao’s garbled circuits and extend the analysis of Jafargholi and Wichs in two directions: While they prove adaptive security only for a modified construction with increased online complexity, we provide the first positive results for the original construction by Yao (published at TCC ’21 [KKP21a]). On the negative side, we prove that the results of Jafargholi and Wichs are essentially optimal by showing that no black-box reduction can provide a significantly better security bound (published at Crypto ’21 [KKPW21c])

    Communication-Efficient Secure Two-Party Computation From Minicrypt and OT

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    Secure two-party computation (2PC) is the task of performing arbitrary calculations on secret inputs provided by two parties, while maintaining secrecy if at least one party is honest. 2PC has been applied to privacy-preserving record linkage and machine learning, in areas such as medicine where maintaining privacy is crucial. One of the most practical techniques for 2PC is garbled circuits, which is based entirely on Minicrypt assumptions — i.e. it uses only symmetric key cryptography. However, it requires an initial oblivious transfer (OT) phase. Most of these oblivious transfers can be generated with OT extension, a technique where a batch of a constant number of base OTs is extended into as many OTs as needed, again using only Minicrypt assumptions. These base OTs, however, require more expensive public key cryptography, accompanied by stronger assumptions. Together, these three stages form a commonly used 2PC protocol. It is computationally efficient and requires only minimal cryptographic assumptions. However, the protocol requires significant communication, which typically becomes a bottleneck. We present an efficient framework for 2PC based on garbled circuits and OT extension. Our techniques trade some computational efficiency for reduced communication, lessening the communication bottleneck. Our garbling scheme supports free XOR gates and only requires 1.5λ + 5 bits of communication, where λ is the security parameter. It improves over the state-of-the-art “half-gates” scheme of Zahur, Rosulek, and Evans (Eurocrypt 2015), in which XOR gates are free and AND gates cost 2λ bits. Our OT extension is the first to improve on the communication efficiency of IKNP (Ishai et al., Crypto 2003) without using additional non-Minicrypt assumptions. While IKNP requires λ bits of communication for each OT, SoftSpokenOT only needs λ/k bits, for any k, at the expense of requiring 2^{k-1}/k times the computation. We also present a simple and efficient protocol for generating a batch of 128 base OTs, and describe a flaw present in several existing batch OTs

    Reducing Communication Costs in Multi-Party Computation

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