8,198 research outputs found

    Feature selection strategies for improving data-driven decision support in bank telemarketing

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    The usage of data mining techniques to unveil previously undiscovered knowledge has been applied in past years to a wide number of domains, including banking and marketing. Raw data is the basic ingredient for successfully detecting interesting patterns. A key aspect of raw data manipulation is feature engineering and it is related with the correct characterization or selection of relevant features (or variables) that conceal relations with the target goal. This study is particularly focused on feature engineering, aiming at the unfolding features that best characterize the problem of selling long-term bank deposits through telemarketing campaigns. For the experimental setup, a case-study from a Portuguese bank, ranging the 2008-2013 year period and encompassing the recent global financial crisis, was addressed. To assess the relevance of such problem, a novel literature analysis using text mining and the latent Dirichlet allocation algorithm was conducted, confirming the existence of a research gap for bank telemarketing. Starting from a dataset containing typical telemarketing contacts and client information, research followed three different and complementary strategies: first, by enriching the dataset with social and economic context features; then, by including customer lifetime value related features; finally, by applying a divide and conquer strategy for splitting the problem in smaller fractions, leading to optimized sub-problems. Each of the three approaches improved previous results in terms of model metrics related to prediction performance. The relevance of the proposed features was evaluated, confirming the obtained models as credible and valuable for telemarketing campaign managers.A utilização de técnicas de data mining para a descoberta de conhecimento tem sido aplicada nos últimos anos a uma grande variedade de domínios, incluindo banca e marketing. Os dados no seu estado primitivo constituem o ingrediente básico para a deteção de padrões de informação. Um aspeto chave da manipulação de dados em bruto consiste na "engenharia de atributos", que compreende uma correta definição e seleção de atributos relevantes (ou variáveis) que se relacionem com o alvo da descoberta de conhecimento. Este trabalho foca-se numa abordagem de "engenharia de atributos" para definir as variáveis que melhor caraterizam o problema de vender depósitos bancários a prazo através de campanhas de telemarketing. Sendo um estudo empírico, foi utilizado um caso de estudo de um banco português, abrangendo o período 2008-2013, que inclui os efeitos da crise financeira internacional. Para aferir da importância deste problema, foi realizada uma inovadora análise da literatura recorrendo a text mining e ao algoritmo latent Dirichlet allocation, confirmando a existência de uma lacuna nesta matéria. Utilizando como base um conjunto de dados de contactos de telemarketing e informação sobre os clientes, três estratégias diferentes e complementares foram propostas: primeiro, os dados foram enriquecidos com atributos socioeconómicos; posteriormente, foram adicionadas características associadas ao valor do cliente ao longo do seu tempo de vida; finalmente, o problema foi dividido em problemas mais específicos, permitindo abordagens otimizadas a cada subproblema. Cada abordagem melhorou as métricas associadas à capacidade preditiva do modelo. Adicionalmente, a relevância dos atributos foi avaliada, confirmando os modelos obtidos como credíveis e valiosos para gestores de campanhas de telemarketing

    A survey on pre-processing techniques: relevant issues in the context of environmental data mining

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    One of the important issues related with all types of data analysis, either statistical data analysis, machine learning, data mining, data science or whatever form of data-driven modeling, is data quality. The more complex the reality to be analyzed is, the higher the risk of getting low quality data. Unfortunately real data often contain noise, uncertainty, errors, redundancies or even irrelevant information. Useless models will be obtained when built over incorrect or incomplete data. As a consequence, the quality of decisions made over these models, also depends on data quality. This is why pre-processing is one of the most critical steps of data analysis in any of its forms. However, pre-processing has not been properly systematized yet, and little research is focused on this. In this paper a survey on most popular pre-processing steps required in environmental data analysis is presented, together with a proposal to systematize it. Rather than providing technical details on specific pre-processing techniques, the paper focus on providing general ideas to a non-expert user, who, after reading them, can decide which one is the more suitable technique required to solve his/her problem.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An efficient hybrid system for anomaly detection in social networks

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    Anomaly detection has been an essential and dynamic research area in the data mining. A wide range of applications including different social medias have adopted different state-of-the-art methods to identify anomaly for ensuring user’s security and privacy. The social network refers to a forum used by different groups of people to express their thoughts, communicate with each other, and share the content needed. This social networks also facilitate abnormal activities, spread fake news, rumours, misinformation, unsolicited messages, and propaganda post malicious links. Therefore, detection of abnormalities is one of the important data analysis activities for the identification of normal or abnormal users on the social networks. In this paper, we have developed a hybrid anomaly detection method named DT-SVMNB that cascades several machine learning algorithms including decision tree (C5.0), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayesian classifier (NBC) for classifying normal and abnormal users in social networks. We have extracted a list of unique features derived from users’ profile and contents. Using two kinds of dataset with the selected features, the proposed machine learning model called DT-SVMNB is trained. Our model classifies users as depressed one or suicidal one in the social network. We have conducted an experiment of our model using synthetic and real datasets from social network. The performance analysis demonstrates around 98% accuracy which proves the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed system. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Towards Data-centric Graph Machine Learning: Review and Outlook

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    Data-centric AI, with its primary focus on the collection, management, and utilization of data to drive AI models and applications, has attracted increasing attention in recent years. In this article, we conduct an in-depth and comprehensive review, offering a forward-looking outlook on the current efforts in data-centric AI pertaining to graph data-the fundamental data structure for representing and capturing intricate dependencies among massive and diverse real-life entities. We introduce a systematic framework, Data-centric Graph Machine Learning (DC-GML), that encompasses all stages of the graph data lifecycle, including graph data collection, exploration, improvement, exploitation, and maintenance. A thorough taxonomy of each stage is presented to answer three critical graph-centric questions: (1) how to enhance graph data availability and quality; (2) how to learn from graph data with limited-availability and low-quality; (3) how to build graph MLOps systems from the graph data-centric view. Lastly, we pinpoint the future prospects of the DC-GML domain, providing insights to navigate its advancements and applications.Comment: 42 pages, 9 figure

    XML Matchers: approaches and challenges

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    Schema Matching, i.e. the process of discovering semantic correspondences between concepts adopted in different data source schemas, has been a key topic in Database and Artificial Intelligence research areas for many years. In the past, it was largely investigated especially for classical database models (e.g., E/R schemas, relational databases, etc.). However, in the latest years, the widespread adoption of XML in the most disparate application fields pushed a growing number of researchers to design XML-specific Schema Matching approaches, called XML Matchers, aiming at finding semantic matchings between concepts defined in DTDs and XSDs. XML Matchers do not just take well-known techniques originally designed for other data models and apply them on DTDs/XSDs, but they exploit specific XML features (e.g., the hierarchical structure of a DTD/XSD) to improve the performance of the Schema Matching process. The design of XML Matchers is currently a well-established research area. The main goal of this paper is to provide a detailed description and classification of XML Matchers. We first describe to what extent the specificities of DTDs/XSDs impact on the Schema Matching task. Then we introduce a template, called XML Matcher Template, that describes the main components of an XML Matcher, their role and behavior. We illustrate how each of these components has been implemented in some popular XML Matchers. We consider our XML Matcher Template as the baseline for objectively comparing approaches that, at first glance, might appear as unrelated. The introduction of this template can be useful in the design of future XML Matchers. Finally, we analyze commercial tools implementing XML Matchers and introduce two challenging issues strictly related to this topic, namely XML source clustering and uncertainty management in XML Matchers.Comment: 34 pages, 8 tables, 7 figure

    Network Analysis on Incomplete Structures.

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    Over the past decade, networks have become an increasingly popular abstraction for problems in the physical, life, social and information sciences. Network analysis can be used to extract insights into an underlying system from the structure of its network representation. One of the challenges of applying network analysis is the fact that networks do not always have an observed and complete structure. This dissertation focuses on the problem of imputation and/or inference in the presence of incomplete network structures. I propose four novel systems, each of which, contain a module that involves the inference or imputation of an incomplete network that is necessary to complete the end task. I first propose EdgeBoost, a meta-algorithm and framework that repeatedly applies a non-deterministic link predictor to improve the efficacy of community detection algorithms on networks with missing edges. On average EdgeBoost improves performance of existing algorithms by 7% on artificial data and 17% on ego networks collected from Facebook. The second system, Butterworth, identifies a social network user's topic(s) of interests and automatically generates a set of social feed ``rankers'' that enable the user to see topic specific sub-feeds. Butterworth uses link prediction to infer the missing semantics between members of a user's social network in order to detect topical clusters embedded in the network structure. For automatically generated topic lists, Butterworth achieves an average top-10 precision of 78%, as compared to a time-ordered baseline of 45%. Next, I propose Dobby, a system for constructing a knowledge graph of user-defined keyword tags. Leveraging a sparse set of labeled edges, Dobby trains a supervised learning algorithm to infer the hypernym relationships between keyword tags. Dobby was evaluated by constructing a knowledge graph of LinkedIn's skills dataset, achieving an average precision of 85% on a set of human labeled hypernym edges between skills. Lastly, I propose Lobbyback, a system that automatically identifies clusters of documents that exhibit text reuse and generates ``prototypes'' that represent a canonical version of text shared between the documents. Lobbyback infers a network structure in a corpus of documents and uses community detection in order to extract the document clusters.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133443/1/mattburg_1.pd

    Análise e previsão de acidentes rodoviários usando data mining

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    Road traffic crashes is an impactful problem in nowadays society, causing significant life and property losses. Due to the urbanization process across the world and the population’s growth, the number of crashes is also increasing. Predicting a crash severity and cost is an important step to better understand which causative variables have more influence and therefore, implement prevention measures that can reduce the number of crashes. Road traffic crashes predictions is a complex problem due to the high number of independent causative variables that contribute to the event. The used dataset contains crashes occurred in the State of Iowa in the recent years. Feature selection and data cleaning techniques are applied to improve the data quality and enhance the learning process. Previous research on the road safety field applied approaches that led to unsatisfactory results. Recent studies based on more complex approaches like neural networks had better results. This document’s work is based on deep learning, studying how the usage of deep neural networks can enhance previous results on road traffic crashes predictions taking causative variables as input. Various models are built using different optimization and activation functions. The evaluation is based on the comparison of these models.Os acidentes rodoviários representam um dos maiores problemas da comunidade atual, tendo um grande impacto social e económico. Além da enorme quantidade de feridos e mortos resultantes deste tipo de eventos (sendo mesmo considerada uma das maiores causas de morte a nível global, a maior em jovens adultos), a prevenção e consequentes custos de um acidente rodoviário representam também uma parte respeitável dos orçamentos de estado. Existe, um conjunto de variáveis envolvidas neste tipo de eventos que os tornam possíveis de prever e evitar, como por exemplo a existência de álcool, luminosidade no local e estado da estrada. Entender o impacto destas variáveis permite criar relações lógicas entre os seus valores e a gravidade e custos inerentes a um acidente, tornando possível a implementação de medidas de prevenção mais eficientes. Contudo e devido ao elevado número de variáveis a considerar, este é um problema complexo. Apesar de ser um problema global, este documento foca-se num contexto mais específico, o do estado de Iowa nos Estados Unidos da América. O conjunto de dados utilizados foi recolhido pelo departamento de transportes do estado de Iowa e contém variáveis ambiente, gravidade e custo dos acidentes rodoviários ocorridos nos últimos anos. O número de registos é elevado, o que permite a existência de diversificados cenários. No entanto, estes dados contêm algumas falhas (valores não recolhidos) e, em alguns cenários, não se encontram balanceados. Diversas técnicas de pré-processamento de dados como limpeza e transformação destes são aplicadas de forma a ultrapassar este problema. A partir da análise dos dados é possível ainda identificar quais os campos que não representam interesse no contexto deste problema, procedendo-se com a sua remoção e consequente redução do tamanho do conjunto de dados. A área de prevenção e previsão de acidentes rodoviários utilizando técnicas de data mining já foi explorada anteriormente. A aplicação de modelos mais clássicos (como modelos probabilísticos e baseados em procura) não obteve resultados totalmente satisfatórios. Nos estudos mais recentes, onde técnicas com maior poder computacional foram aplicadas (métodos baseados em otimização), os resultados foram melhores. Desta forma e tendo em consideração as conclusões dos estudos referidos na literatura, este documento pretende abordar como a utilização de deep learning, uma técnica de redes neuronais profundas e de elevado poder computacional, pode melhorar os resultados previamente obtidos. Para tal, são implementados diversos modelos para prever a gravidade e custo de um acidente com recurso a redes neuronais. A configuração dos modelos varia, sendo utlizados diferentes funções de custo e de ativação, de forma a explorar quais são as melhores abordagens a estes problemas. De forma a otimizar o processo de desenvolvimento é também utilizada uma framework de deep learning, o Tensorflow. Esta framework, além de primar pela flexibilidade e capacidade de implementação de arquiteturas variadas, permite uma elevada abstração do processo de treino das redes neuronais, calculando dinamicamente qual a profundidade e largura da rede mais indicada. A sua utilização teve também por base a comunidade open-source, que garante a manutenção e otimização desta framework no futuro. Os resultados da utilização de frameworks no processo de treino de redes neuronais no contexto de acidentes rodoviários não são ainda conclusivos, sendo este um fator a ter em conta no desenvolvimento do projeto. Os modelos desenvolvidos são depois comparados, utilizando métricas como Exatidão e AUC (Area Under the Curve), e com recurso a validação do tipo Holdout de forma a perceber se os resultados obtidos são válidos. São utilizados dois conjuntos de dados, um de treino e um outro de teste, para a avaliação da solução

    Building an automated platform for the classification of peptides/proteins using machine learning

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    Dissertação de mestrado em BioinformaticsOne of the challenging problems in bioinformatics is to computationally characterize sequences, structures and functions of proteins. Sequence-derived structural and physico-chemical properties of proteins have been used in the development of machine learning models in protein related problems. However, tools and platforms to calculate features and perform Machine learning (ML) with proteins are scarce and have their limitations in terms of effectiveness, user-friendliness and capacity. Here, a generic modular automated platform for the classification of proteins based on their physicochemical properties using different ML algorithms is proposed. The tool developed, as a Python package, facilitates the major tasks of ML and includes modules to read and alter sequences, calculate protein features, preprocess datasets, execute feature reduction and selection, perform clustering, train and optimize ML models and make predictions. As it is modular, the user retains the power to alter the code to fit specific needs. This platform was tested to predict membrane active anticancer and antimicrobial peptides and further used to explore viral fusion peptides. Membrane-interacting peptides play a crucial role in several biological processes. Fusion peptides are a subclass found in enveloped viruses, that are particularly relevant for membrane fusion. Determining what are the properties that characterize fusion peptides and distinguishing them from other proteins is a very relevant scientific question with important technological implications. Using three different datasets composed by well annotated sequences, different feature extraction techniques and feature selection methods (resulting in a total of over 20 datasets), seven ML models were trained and tested, using cross validation for error estimation and grid search for model selection. The different models, feature sets and feature selection techniques were compared. The best models obtained for distinct metric were then used to predict the location of a known fusion peptide in a protein sequence from the Dengue virus. Feature importances were also analysed. The models obtained will be useful in future research, also providing a biological insight of the distinctive physicochemical characteristics of fusion peptides. This work presents a freely available tool to perform ML-based protein classification and the first global analysis and prediction of viral fusion peptides using ML, reinforcing the usability and importance of ML in protein classification problems.Um dos problemas mais desafiantes em bioinformática é a caracterização de sequências, estruturas e funções de proteínas. Propriedades físico-químicas e estruturais derivadas da sequêcia proteica têm sido utilizadas no desenvolvimento de modelos de aprendizagem máquina (AM). No entanto, ferramentas para calcular estes atributos são escassas e têm limitações em termos de eficiência, facilidade de uso e capacidade de adaptação a diferentes problemas. Aqui, é descrita uma plataforma modular genérica e automatizada para a classificação de proteínas com base nas suas propriedades físico-químicas, que faz uso de diferentes algoritmos de AM. A ferramenta desenvolvida facilita as principais tarefas de AM e inclui módulos para ler e alterar sequências, calcular atributos de proteínas, realizar pré-processamento de dados, fazer redução e seleção de features, executar clustering, criar modelos de AM e fazer previsões. Como é construído de forma modular, o utilizador mantém o poder de alterar o código para atender às suas necessidades específicas. Esta plataforma foi testada com péptidos anticancerígenos e antimicrobianos e foi ainda utilizada para explorar péptidos de fusão virais. Os péptidos de fusão são uma classe de péptidos que interagem com a membrana, encontrados em vírus encapsulados e que são particularmente relevantes para a fusão da membrana do vírus com a membrana do hospedeiro. Determinar quais são as propriedades que os caracterizam é uma questão científica muito relevante, com importantes implicações tecnológicas. Usando três conjuntos de dados diferentes compostos por sequências bem anotadas, quatro técnicas diferentes de extração de features e cinco métodos diferentes de seleção de features (num total de 24 conjuntos de dados testados), sete modelos de AM, com validação cruzada de io vezes e uma abordagem de pesquisa em grelha, foram treinados e testados. Os melhores modelos obtidos, com avaliações MCC entre 0,7 e o,8 e precisão entre 0,85 e 0,9, foram utilizados para prever a localização de um péptido de fusão conhecido numa sequência da proteína de fusão do vírus do Dengue. Os modelos obtidos para prever a localização do péptido de fusão são úteis em pesquisas futuras, fornecendo também uma visão biológica das características físico-químicas distintivas dos mesmos. Este trabalho apresenta uma ferramenta disponível gratuitamente para realizar a classificação de proteínas com AM e a primeira análise global de péptidos de fusão virais usando métodos baseados em AM, reforçando a usabilidade e a importância da AM em problemas de classificação de proteínas