711 research outputs found

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.2: Second report - identification of multi-disciplinary key issues for gap analysis toward EU multimedia search engines roadmap

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    After addressing the state-of-the-art during the first year of Chorus and establishing the existing landscape in multimedia search engines, we have identified and analyzed gaps within European research effort during our second year. In this period we focused on three directions, notably technological issues, user-centred issues and use-cases and socio- economic and legal aspects. These were assessed by two central studies: firstly, a concerted vision of functional breakdown of generic multimedia search engine, and secondly, a representative use-cases descriptions with the related discussion on requirement for technological challenges. Both studies have been carried out in cooperation and consultation with the community at large through EC concertation meetings (multimedia search engines cluster), several meetings with our Think-Tank, presentations in international conferences, and surveys addressed to EU projects coordinators as well as National initiatives coordinators. Based on the obtained feedback we identified two types of gaps, namely core technological gaps that involve research challenges, and “enablers”, which are not necessarily technical research challenges, but have impact on innovation progress. New socio-economic trends are presented as well as emerging legal challenges

    Metadata-driven data integration

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    Cotutela: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Université Libre de Bruxelles, IT4BI-DC programme for the joint Ph.D. degree in computer science.Data has an undoubtable impact on society. Storing and processing large amounts of available data is currently one of the key success factors for an organization. Nonetheless, we are recently witnessing a change represented by huge and heterogeneous amounts of data. Indeed, 90% of the data in the world has been generated in the last two years. Thus, in order to carry on these data exploitation tasks, organizations must first perform data integration combining data from multiple sources to yield a unified view over them. Yet, the integration of massive and heterogeneous amounts of data requires revisiting the traditional integration assumptions to cope with the new requirements posed by such data-intensive settings. This PhD thesis aims to provide a novel framework for data integration in the context of data-intensive ecosystems, which entails dealing with vast amounts of heterogeneous data, from multiple sources and in their original format. To this end, we advocate for an integration process consisting of sequential activities governed by a semantic layer, implemented via a shared repository of metadata. From an stewardship perspective, this activities are the deployment of a data integration architecture, followed by the population of such shared metadata. From a data consumption perspective, the activities are virtual and materialized data integration, the former an exploratory task and the latter a consolidation one. Following the proposed framework, we focus on providing contributions to each of the four activities. We begin proposing a software reference architecture for semantic-aware data-intensive systems. Such architecture serves as a blueprint to deploy a stack of systems, its core being the metadata repository. Next, we propose a graph-based metadata model as formalism for metadata management. We focus on supporting schema and data source evolution, a predominant factor on the heterogeneous sources at hand. For virtual integration, we propose query rewriting algorithms that rely on the previously proposed metadata model. We additionally consider semantic heterogeneities in the data sources, which the proposed algorithms are capable of automatically resolving. Finally, the thesis focuses on the materialized integration activity, and to this end, proposes a method to select intermediate results to materialize in data-intensive flows. Overall, the results of this thesis serve as contribution to the field of data integration in contemporary data-intensive ecosystems.Les dades tenen un impacte indubtable en la societat. La capacitat d’emmagatzemar i processar grans quantitats de dades disponibles és avui en dia un dels factors claus per l’èxit d’una organització. No obstant, avui en dia estem presenciant un canvi representat per grans volums de dades heterogenis. En efecte, el 90% de les dades mundials han sigut generades en els últims dos anys. Per tal de dur a terme aquestes tasques d’explotació de dades, les organitzacions primer han de realitzar una integració de les dades, combinantles a partir de diferents fonts amb l’objectiu de tenir-ne una vista unificada d’elles. Per això, aquest fet requereix reconsiderar les assumpcions tradicionals en integració amb l’objectiu de lidiar amb els requisits imposats per aquests sistemes de tractament massiu de dades. Aquesta tesi doctoral té com a objectiu proporcional un nou marc de treball per a la integració de dades en el context de sistemes de tractament massiu de dades, el qual implica lidiar amb una gran quantitat de dades heterogènies, provinents de múltiples fonts i en el seu format original. Per això, proposem un procés d’integració compost d’una seqüència d’activitats governades per una capa semàntica, la qual és implementada a partir d’un repositori de metadades compartides. Des d’una perspectiva d’administració, aquestes activitats són el desplegament d’una arquitectura d’integració de dades, seguit per la inserció d’aquestes metadades compartides. Des d’una perspectiva de consum de dades, les activitats són la integració virtual i materialització de les dades, la primera sent una tasca exploratòria i la segona una de consolidació. Seguint el marc de treball proposat, ens centrem en proporcionar contribucions a cada una de les quatre activitats. La tesi inicia proposant una arquitectura de referència de software per a sistemes de tractament massiu de dades amb coneixement semàntic. Aquesta arquitectura serveix com a planell per a desplegar un conjunt de sistemes, sent el repositori de metadades al seu nucli. Posteriorment, proposem un model basat en grafs per a la gestió de metadades. Concretament, ens centrem en donar suport a l’evolució d’esquemes i fonts de dades, un dels factors predominants en les fonts de dades heterogènies considerades. Per a l’integració virtual, proposem algorismes de rescriptura de consultes que usen el model de metadades previament proposat. Com a afegitó, considerem heterogeneïtat semàntica en les fonts de dades, les quals els algorismes de rescriptura poden resoldre automàticament. Finalment, la tesi es centra en l’activitat d’integració materialitzada. Per això proposa un mètode per a seleccionar els resultats intermedis a materialitzar un fluxes de tractament intensiu de dades. En general, els resultats d’aquesta tesi serveixen com a contribució al camp d’integració de dades en els ecosistemes de tractament massiu de dades contemporanisLes données ont un impact indéniable sur la société. Le stockage et le traitement de grandes quantités de données disponibles constituent actuellement l’un des facteurs clés de succès d’une entreprise. Néanmoins, nous assistons récemment à un changement représenté par des quantités de données massives et hétérogènes. En effet, 90% des données dans le monde ont été générées au cours des deux dernières années. Ainsi, pour mener à bien ces tâches d’exploitation des données, les organisations doivent d’abord réaliser une intégration des données en combinant des données provenant de sources multiples pour obtenir une vue unifiée de ces dernières. Cependant, l’intégration de quantités de données massives et hétérogènes nécessite de revoir les hypothèses d’intégration traditionnelles afin de faire face aux nouvelles exigences posées par les systèmes de gestion de données massives. Cette thèse de doctorat a pour objectif de fournir un nouveau cadre pour l’intégration de données dans le contexte d’écosystèmes à forte intensité de données, ce qui implique de traiter de grandes quantités de données hétérogènes, provenant de sources multiples et dans leur format d’origine. À cette fin, nous préconisons un processus d’intégration constitué d’activités séquentielles régies par une couche sémantique, mise en oeuvre via un dépôt partagé de métadonnées. Du point de vue de la gestion, ces activités consistent à déployer une architecture d’intégration de données, suivies de la population de métadonnées partagées. Du point de vue de la consommation de données, les activités sont l’intégration de données virtuelle et matérialisée, la première étant une tâche exploratoire et la seconde, une tâche de consolidation. Conformément au cadre proposé, nous nous attachons à fournir des contributions à chacune des quatre activités. Nous commençons par proposer une architecture logicielle de référence pour les systèmes de gestion de données massives et à connaissance sémantique. Une telle architecture consiste en un schéma directeur pour le déploiement d’une pile de systèmes, le dépôt de métadonnées étant son composant principal. Ensuite, nous proposons un modèle de métadonnées basé sur des graphes comme formalisme pour la gestion des métadonnées. Nous mettons l’accent sur la prise en charge de l’évolution des schémas et des sources de données, facteur prédominant des sources hétérogènes sous-jacentes. Pour l’intégration virtuelle, nous proposons des algorithmes de réécriture de requêtes qui s’appuient sur le modèle de métadonnées proposé précédemment. Nous considérons en outre les hétérogénéités sémantiques dans les sources de données, que les algorithmes proposés sont capables de résoudre automatiquement. Enfin, la thèse se concentre sur l’activité d’intégration matérialisée et propose à cette fin une méthode de sélection de résultats intermédiaires à matérialiser dans des flux des données massives. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats de cette thèse constituent une contribution au domaine de l’intégration des données dans les écosystèmes contemporains de gestion de données massivesPostprint (published version

    How can SMEs benefit from big data? Challenges and a path forward

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    Big data is big news, and large companies in all sectors are making significant advances in their customer relations, product selection and development and consequent profitability through using this valuable commodity. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have proved themselves to be slow adopters of the new technology of big data analytics and are in danger of being left behind. In Europe, SMEs are a vital part of the economy, and the challenges they encounter need to be addressed as a matter of urgency. This paper identifies barriers to SME uptake of big data analytics and recognises their complex challenge to all stakeholders, including national and international policy makers, IT, business management and data science communities. The paper proposes a big data maturity model for SMEs as a first step towards an SME roadmap to data analytics. It considers the ‘state-of-the-art’ of IT with respect to usability and usefulness for SMEs and discusses how SMEs can overcome the barriers preventing them from adopting existing solutions. The paper then considers management perspectives and the role of maturity models in enhancing and structuring the adoption of data analytics in an organisation. The history of total quality management is reviewed to inform the core aspects of implanting a new paradigm. The paper concludes with recommendations to help SMEs develop their big data capability and enable them to continue as the engines of European industrial and business success. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Emergent relational schemas for RDF

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    Temporal multimodal video and lifelog retrieval

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    The past decades have seen exponential growth of both consumption and production of data, with multimedia such as images and videos contributing significantly to said growth. The widespread proliferation of smartphones has provided everyday users with the ability to consume and produce such content easily. As the complexity and diversity of multimedia data has grown, so has the need for more complex retrieval models which address the information needs of users. Finding relevant multimedia content is central in many scenarios, from internet search engines and medical retrieval to querying one's personal multimedia archive, also called lifelog. Traditional retrieval models have often focused on queries targeting small units of retrieval, yet users usually remember temporal context and expect results to include this. However, there is little research into enabling these information needs in interactive multimedia retrieval. In this thesis, we aim to close this research gap by making several contributions to multimedia retrieval with a focus on two scenarios, namely video and lifelog retrieval. We provide a retrieval model for complex information needs with temporal components, including a data model for multimedia retrieval, a query model for complex information needs, and a modular and adaptable query execution model which includes novel algorithms for result fusion. The concepts and models are implemented in vitrivr, an open-source multimodal multimedia retrieval system, which covers all aspects from extraction to query formulation and browsing. vitrivr has proven its usefulness in evaluation campaigns and is now used in two large-scale interdisciplinary research projects. We show the feasibility and effectiveness of our contributions in two ways: firstly, through results from user-centric evaluations which pit different user-system combinations against one another. Secondly, we perform a system-centric evaluation by creating a new dataset for temporal information needs in video and lifelog retrieval with which we quantitatively evaluate our models. The results show significant benefits for systems that enable users to specify more complex information needs with temporal components. Participation in interactive retrieval evaluation campaigns over multiple years provides insight into possible future developments and challenges of such campaigns

    Big Data Analysis

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    The value of big data is predicated on the ability to detect trends and patterns and more generally to make sense of the large volumes of data that is often comprised of a heterogeneous mix of format, structure, and semantics. Big data analysis is the component of the big data value chain that focuses on transforming raw acquired data into a coherent usable resource suitable for analysis. Using a range of interviews with key stakeholders in small and large companies and academia, this chapter outlines key insights, state of the art, emerging trends, future requirements, and sectorial case studies for data analysis

    Vermeidung von Repräsentationsheterogenitäten in realweltlichen Wissensgraphen

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    Knowledge graphs are repositories providing factual knowledge about entities. They are a great source of knowledge to support modern AI applications for Web search, question answering, digital assistants, and online shopping. The advantages of machine learning techniques and the Web's growth have led to colossal knowledge graphs with billions of facts about hundreds of millions of entities collected from a large variety of sources. While integrating independent knowledge sources promises rich information, it inherently leads to heterogeneities in representation due to a large variety of different conceptualizations. Thus, real-world knowledge graphs are threatened in their overall utility. Due to their sheer size, they are hardly manually curatable anymore. Automatic and semi-automatic methods are needed to cope with these vast knowledge repositories. We first address the general topic of representation heterogeneity by surveying the problem throughout various data-intensive fields: databases, ontologies, and knowledge graphs. Different techniques for automatically resolving heterogeneity issues are presented and discussed, while several open problems are identified. Next, we focus on entity heterogeneity. We show that automatic matching techniques may run into quality problems when working in a multi-knowledge graph scenario due to incorrect transitive identity links. We present four techniques that can be used to improve the quality of arbitrary entity matching tools significantly. Concerning relation heterogeneity, we show that synonymous relations in knowledge graphs pose several difficulties in querying. Therefore, we resolve these heterogeneities with knowledge graph embeddings and by Horn rule mining. All methods detect synonymous relations in knowledge graphs with high quality. Furthermore, we present a novel technique for avoiding heterogeneity issues at query time using implicit knowledge storage. We show that large neural language models are a valuable source of knowledge that is queried similarly to knowledge graphs already solving several heterogeneity issues internally.Wissensgraphen sind eine wichtige Datenquelle von Entitätswissen. Sie unterstützen viele moderne KI-Anwendungen. Dazu gehören unter anderem Websuche, die automatische Beantwortung von Fragen, digitale Assistenten und Online-Shopping. Neue Errungenschaften im maschinellen Lernen und das außerordentliche Wachstum des Internets haben zu riesigen Wissensgraphen geführt. Diese umfassen häufig Milliarden von Fakten über Hunderte von Millionen von Entitäten; häufig aus vielen verschiedenen Quellen. Während die Integration unabhängiger Wissensquellen zu einer großen Informationsvielfalt führen kann, führt sie inhärent zu Heterogenitäten in der Wissensrepräsentation. Diese Heterogenität in den Daten gefährdet den praktischen Nutzen der Wissensgraphen. Durch ihre Größe lassen sich die Wissensgraphen allerdings nicht mehr manuell bereinigen. Dafür werden heutzutage häufig automatische und halbautomatische Methoden benötigt. In dieser Arbeit befassen wir uns mit dem Thema Repräsentationsheterogenität. Wir klassifizieren Heterogenität entlang verschiedener Dimensionen und erläutern Heterogenitätsprobleme in Datenbanken, Ontologien und Wissensgraphen. Weiterhin geben wir einen knappen Überblick über verschiedene Techniken zur automatischen Lösung von Heterogenitätsproblemen. Im nächsten Kapitel beschäftigen wir uns mit Entitätsheterogenität. Wir zeigen Probleme auf, die in einem Multi-Wissensgraphen-Szenario aufgrund von fehlerhaften transitiven Links entstehen. Um diese Probleme zu lösen stellen wir vier Techniken vor, mit denen sich die Qualität beliebiger Entity-Alignment-Tools deutlich verbessern lässt. Wir zeigen, dass Relationsheterogenität in Wissensgraphen zu Problemen bei der Anfragenbeantwortung führen kann. Daher entwickeln wir verschiedene Methoden um synonyme Relationen zu finden. Eine der Methoden arbeitet mit hochdimensionalen Wissensgrapheinbettungen, die andere mit einem Rule Mining Ansatz. Beide Methoden können synonyme Relationen in Wissensgraphen mit hoher Qualität erkennen. Darüber hinaus stellen wir eine neuartige Technik zur Vermeidung von Heterogenitätsproblemen vor, bei der wir eine implizite Wissensrepräsentation verwenden. Wir zeigen, dass große neuronale Sprachmodelle eine wertvolle Wissensquelle sind, die ähnlich wie Wissensgraphen angefragt werden können. Im Sprachmodell selbst werden bereits viele der Heterogenitätsprobleme aufgelöst, so dass eine Anfrage heterogener Wissensgraphen möglich wird

    Econometrics meets sentiment : an overview of methodology and applications

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    The advent of massive amounts of textual, audio, and visual data has spurred the development of econometric methodology to transform qualitative sentiment data into quantitative sentiment variables, and to use those variables in an econometric analysis of the relationships between sentiment and other variables. We survey this emerging research field and refer to it as sentometrics, which is a portmanteau of sentiment and econometrics. We provide a synthesis of the relevant methodological approaches, illustrate with empirical results, and discuss useful software

    Model driven validation approach for enterprise architecture and motivation extensions

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    As the endorsement of Enterprise Architecture (EA) modelling continues to grow in diversity and complexity, management of its schema, artefacts, semantics and relationships has become an important business concern. To maintain agility and flexibility within competitive markets, organizations have also been compelled to explore ways of adjusting proactively to innovations, changes and complex events also by use of EA concepts to model business processes and strategies. Thus the need to ensure appropriate validation of EA taxonomies has been considered severally as an essential requirement for these processes in order to exert business motivation; relate information systems to technological infrastructure. However, since many taxonomies deployed today use widespread and disparate modelling methodologies, the possibility to adopt a generic validation approach remains a challenge. The proliferation of EA methodologies and perspectives has also led to intricacies in the formalization and validation of EA constructs as models often times have variant schematic interpretations. Thus, disparate implementations and inconsistent simulation of alignment between business architectures and heterogeneous application systems is common within the EA domain (Jonkers et al., 2003). In this research, the Model Driven Validation Approach (MDVA) is introduced. MDVA allows modelling of EA with validation attributes, formalization of the validation concepts and transformation of model artefacts to ontologies. The transformation simplifies querying based on motivation and constraints. As the extended methodology is grounded on the semiotics of existing tools, validation is executed using ubiquitous query language. The major contributions of this work are the extension of a metamodel of Business Layer of an EAF with Validation Element and the development of EAF model to ontology transformation Approach. With this innovation, domain-driven design and object-oriented analysis concepts are applied to achieve EAF model’s validation using ontology querying methodology. Additionally, the MDVA facilitates the traceability of EA artefacts using ontology graph patterns

    Law Informs Code: A Legal Informatics Approach to Aligning Artificial Intelligence with Humans

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    We are currently unable to specify human goals and societal values in a way that reliably directs AI behavior. Law-making and legal interpretation form a computational engine that converts opaque human values into legible directives. "Law Informs Code" is the research agenda embedding legal knowledge and reasoning in AI. Similar to how parties to a legal contract cannot foresee every potential contingency of their future relationship, and legislators cannot predict all the circumstances under which their proposed bills will be applied, we cannot ex ante specify rules that provably direct good AI behavior. Legal theory and practice have developed arrays of tools to address these specification problems. For instance, legal standards allow humans to develop shared understandings and adapt them to novel situations. In contrast to more prosaic uses of the law (e.g., as a deterrent of bad behavior through the threat of sanction), leveraged as an expression of how humans communicate their goals, and what society values, Law Informs Code. We describe how data generated by legal processes (methods of law-making, statutory interpretation, contract drafting, applications of legal standards, legal reasoning, etc.) can facilitate the robust specification of inherently vague human goals. This increases human-AI alignment and the local usefulness of AI. Toward society-AI alignment, we present a framework for understanding law as the applied philosophy of multi-agent alignment. Although law is partly a reflection of historically contingent political power - and thus not a perfect aggregation of citizen preferences - if properly parsed, its distillation offers the most legitimate computational comprehension of societal values available. If law eventually informs powerful AI, engaging in the deliberative political process to improve law takes on even more meaning.Comment: Forthcoming in Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property, Volume 2