1,886 research outputs found

    Training of Crisis Mappers and Map Production from Multi-sensor Data: Vernazza Case Study (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy)

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    This aim of paper is to presents the development of a multidisciplinary project carried out by the cooperation between Politecnico di Torino and ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action). The goal of the project was the training in geospatial data acquiring and processing for students attending Architecture and Engineering Courses, in order to start up a team of "volunteer mappers". Indeed, the project is aimed to document the environmental and built heritage subject to disaster; the purpose is to improve the capabilities of the actors involved in the activities connected in geospatial data collection, integration and sharing. The proposed area for testing the training activities is the Cinque Terre National Park, registered in the World Heritage List since 1997. The area was affected by flood on the 25th of October 2011. According to other international experiences, the group is expected to be active after emergencies in order to upgrade maps, using data acquired by typical geomatic methods and techniques such as terrestrial and aerial Lidar, close-range and aerial photogrammetry, topographic and GNSS instruments etc.; or by non conventional systems and instruments such us UAV, mobile mapping etc. The ultimate goal is to implement a WebGIS platform to share all the data collected with local authorities and the Civil Protectio

    E711 - A public emergency wireless phone system

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    This paper introduces the conceptual design of a new information technology integrating wireless telephony and Internet services to assist in locating lost or displaced people in a moment of crisis. This public safety service is based on a novel text messaging mobile-phone emergency service called "E711" which informs that the caller is safe and well. The proposed E711 messages are delivered as guaranteed SMS packets to a centralized web emergency registry operated by a public safety organization. Finding the whereabouts of a victim could be done by consulting the entries of this registry. The public could access the emergency database in a variety of ways including Internet searches and phone calls. Optionally, non-guarantee E711 SMS messages are forwarded to family and friends. We provide an algorithm to automatically recognize critical flow changes of E711 packets and dynamically adapt congested network gateways for optimum delivery. We argue that in case of high network traffic, the E711 system has a better chance of success than voice services such as E911 or person-to-person communication.Facultad de InformĂĄtic

    Communication and Control in Collaborative UAVs: Recent Advances and Future Trends

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    The recent progress in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) technology has significantly advanced UAV-based applications for military, civil, and commercial domains. Nevertheless, the challenges of establishing high-speed communication links, flexible control strategies, and developing efficient collaborative decision-making algorithms for a swarm of UAVs limit their autonomy, robustness, and reliability. Thus, a growing focus has been witnessed on collaborative communication to allow a swarm of UAVs to coordinate and communicate autonomously for the cooperative completion of tasks in a short time with improved efficiency and reliability. This work presents a comprehensive review of collaborative communication in a multi-UAV system. We thoroughly discuss the characteristics of intelligent UAVs and their communication and control requirements for autonomous collaboration and coordination. Moreover, we review various UAV collaboration tasks, summarize the applications of UAV swarm networks for dense urban environments and present the use case scenarios to highlight the current developments of UAV-based applications in various domains. Finally, we identify several exciting future research direction that needs attention for advancing the research in collaborative UAVs

    SPARC 2019 Fake news & home truths : Salford postgraduate annual research conference book of abstracts

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    Welcome to the Book of Abstracts for the 2019 SPARC conference. This year we not only celebrate the work of our PGRs but also our first ever Doctoral School Best Supervisor awards, which makes this year’s conference extra special. Once again we have received a tremendous contribution from our postgraduate research community; with over 90 presenters, the conference truly showcases a vibrant, innovative and collaborative PGR community at Salford. These abstracts provide a taster of the inspiring, relevant and impactful research in progress, and provide delegates with a reference point for networking and initiating critical debate. Find an abstract that interests you, and say “Hello” to the author. Who knows what might result from your conversation? With such wide-ranging topics being showcased, we encourage you to take up this great opportunity to engage with researchers working in different subject areas from your own. To meet global challenges, high impact research needs interdisciplinary collaboration. This is recognised and rewarded by all major research funders. Engaging with the work of others and forging collaborations across subject areas is an essential skill for the next generation of researchers. Even better, our free ice cream van means that you can have those conversations while enjoying a refreshing ice lolly

    Secure Communication in Disaster Scenarios

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    WĂ€hrend Naturkatastrophen oder terroristischer AnschlĂ€ge ist die bestehende Kommunikationsinfrastruktur hĂ€ufig ĂŒberlastet oder fĂ€llt komplett aus. In diesen Situationen können mobile GerĂ€te mithilfe von drahtloser ad-hoc- und unterbrechungstoleranter Vernetzung miteinander verbunden werden, um ein Notfall-Kommunikationssystem fĂŒr Zivilisten und Rettungsdienste einzurichten. Falls verfĂŒgbar, kann eine Verbindung zu Cloud-Diensten im Internet eine wertvolle Hilfe im Krisen- und Katastrophenmanagement sein. Solche Kommunikationssysteme bergen jedoch ernsthafte Sicherheitsrisiken, da Angreifer versuchen könnten, vertrauliche Daten zu stehlen, gefĂ€lschte Benachrichtigungen von Notfalldiensten einzuspeisen oder Denial-of-Service (DoS) Angriffe durchzufĂŒhren. Diese Dissertation schlĂ€gt neue AnsĂ€tze zur Kommunikation in Notfallnetzen von mobilen GerĂ€ten vor, die von der Kommunikation zwischen MobilfunkgerĂ€ten bis zu Cloud-Diensten auf Servern im Internet reichen. Durch die Nutzung dieser AnsĂ€tze werden die Sicherheit der GerĂ€te-zu-GerĂ€te-Kommunikation, die Sicherheit von Notfall-Apps auf mobilen GerĂ€ten und die Sicherheit von Server-Systemen fĂŒr Cloud-Dienste verbessert

    E711 - A public emergency wireless phone system

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    This paper introduces the conceptual design of a new information technology integrating wireless telephony and Internet services to assist in locating lost or displaced people in a moment of crisis. This public safety service is based on a novel text messaging mobile-phone emergency service called "E711" which informs that the caller is safe and well. The proposed E711 messages are delivered as guaranteed SMS packets to a centralized web emergency registry operated by a public safety organization. Finding the whereabouts of a victim could be done by consulting the entries of this registry. The public could access the emergency database in a variety of ways including Internet searches and phone calls. Optionally, non-guarantee E711 SMS messages are forwarded to family and friends. We provide an algorithm to automatically recognize critical flow changes of E711 packets and dynamically adapt congested network gateways for optimum delivery. We argue that in case of high network traffic, the E711 system has a better chance of success than voice services such as E911 or person-to-person communication.Facultad de InformĂĄtic
