20 research outputs found

    DTM-NUCA: dynamic texture mapping-NUCA for energy-efficient graphics rendering

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    Modern mobile GPUs integrate an increasing number of shader cores to speedup the execution of graphics workloads. Each core integrates a private Texture Cache to apply texturing effects on objects, which is backed-up by a shared L2 cache. However, as in any other memory hierarchy, such organization produces data replication in the upper levels (i.e., the private Texture Caches) to allow for faster accesses at the expense of reducing their overall effective capacity. E.g., in a mobile GPU with four shader cores, about 84.6% of the requested texture blocks are replicated in at least one of the other private Texture Caches. This paper proposes a novel dynamically-mapped NonUniform Cache Architecture (NUCA) organization for the private Texture Caches of a mobile GPU aimed at increasing their effective overall capacity and decreasing the overall access latency by attacking data replication. A block missing in a local Texture Cache may be serviced by a remote one at a cost smaller than a round trip to the shared L2. The proposed Dynamic Texture Mapping-NUCA (DTM-NUCA) features a lightweight mapping table, called Affinity Table, that is independent of the L2 cache size, unlike a traditional NUCA organization. The best owner for a given set of blocks is dynamically determined and stored in the Affinity Table to maximize local accesses. The mechanism also allows for a certain amount of replication to favor local accesses where appropriate, without hurting performance due to the small capacity loss resulting from the allowed replication. DTM-NUCA is presented in two flavors. One with a centralized Affinity Table, and another with a distributed Affinity Table. Experimental results show first that the L2 pressure is effectively reduced, eliminating 41.8% of the L2 accesses on average. As for the average latency, DTM-NUCA performs a very effective job at maximizing local over remote accesses, achieving 73.8% of local accesses on average. As a consequence, our novel DTM-NUCA organization obtains an average speedup of 16.9% and overall 7.6% energy savings over a conventional organization.This work has been supported by the CoCoUnit ERC Advanced Grant of the EU’s Horizon 2020 program (grant No 833057), the Spanish State Research Agency (MCIN/AEI) under grant PID2020-113172RB-I00, the ICREA Academia program and a research fellowship from the University of Murcia’s “Plan Propio de Investigacion”.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Design of Efficient TLB-based Data Classification Mechanisms in Chip Multiprocessors

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    Most of the data referenced by sequential and parallel applications running in current chip multiprocessors are referenced by a single thread, i.e., private. Recent proposals leverage this observation to improve many aspects of chip multiprocessors, such as reducing coherence overhead or the access latency to distributed caches. The effectiveness of those proposals depends to a large extent on the amount of detected private data. However, the mechanisms proposed so far either do not consider either thread migration or the private use of data within different application phases, or do entail high overhead. As a result, a considerable amount of private data is not detected. In order to increase the detection of private data, this thesis proposes a TLB-based mechanism that is able to account for both thread migration and private application phases with low overhead. Classification status in the proposed TLB-based classification mechanisms is determined by the presence of the page translation stored in other core's TLBs. The classification schemes are analyzed in multilevel TLB hierarchies, for systems with both private and distributed shared last-level TLBs. This thesis introduces a page classification approach based on inspecting other core's TLBs upon every TLB miss. In particular, the proposed classification approach is based on exchange and count of tokens. Token counting on TLBs is a natural and efficient way for classifying memory pages. It does not require the use of complex and undesirable persistent requests or arbitration, since when two ormore TLBs race for accessing a page, tokens are appropriately distributed classifying the page as shared. However, TLB-based ability to classify private pages is strongly dependent on TLB size, as it relies on the presence of a page translation in the system TLBs. To overcome that, different TLB usage predictors (UP) have been proposed, which allow a page classification unaffected by TLB size. Specifically, this thesis introduces a predictor that obtains system-wide page usage information by either employing a shared last-level TLB structure (SUP) or cooperative TLBs working together (CUP).La mayor parte de los datos referenciados por aplicaciones paralelas y secuenciales que se ejecutan enCMPs actuales son referenciadas por un único hilo, es decir, son privados. Recientemente, algunas propuestas aprovechan esta observación para mejorar muchos aspectos de los CMPs, como por ejemplo reducir el sobrecoste de la coherencia o la latencia de los accesos a cachés distribuidas. La efectividad de estas propuestas depende en gran medida de la cantidad de datos que son considerados privados. Sin embargo, los mecanismos propuestos hasta la fecha no consideran la migración de hilos de ejecución ni las fases de una aplicación. Por tanto, una cantidad considerable de datos privados no se detecta apropiadamente. Con el fin de aumentar la detección de datos privados, proponemos un mecanismo basado en las TLBs, capaz de reclasificar los datos a privado, y que detecta la migración de los hilos de ejecución sin añadir complejidad al sistema. Los mecanismos de clasificación en las TLBs se han analizado en estructuras de varios niveles, incluyendo TLBs privadas y con un último nivel de TLB compartido y distribuido. Esta tesis también presenta un mecanismo de clasificación de páginas basado en la inspección de las TLBs de otros núcleos tras cada fallo de TLB. De forma particular, el mecanismo propuesto se basa en el intercambio y el cuenteo de tokens (testigos). Contar tokens en las TLBs supone una forma natural y eficiente para la clasificación de páginas de memoria. Además, evita el uso de solicitudes persistentes o arbitraje alguno, ya que si dos o más TLBs compiten para acceder a una página, los tokens se distribuyen apropiadamente y la clasifican como compartida. Sin embargo, la habilidad de los mecanismos basados en TLB para clasificar páginas privadas depende del tamaño de las TLBs. La clasificación basada en las TLBs se basa en la presencia de una traducción en las TLBs del sistema. Para evitarlo, se han propuesto diversos predictores de uso en las TLBs (UP), los cuales permiten una clasificación independiente del tamaño de las TLBs. En concreto, esta tesis presenta un sistema mediante el que se obtiene información de uso de página a nivel de sistema con la ayuda de un nivel de TLB compartida (SUP) o mediante TLBs cooperando juntas (CUP).La major part de les dades referenciades per aplicacions paral·leles i seqüencials que s'executen en CMPs actuals són referenciades per un sol fil, és a dir, són privades. Recentment, algunes propostes aprofiten aquesta observació per a millorar molts aspectes dels CMPs, com és reduir el sobrecost de la coherència o la latència d'accés a memòries cau distribuïdes. L'efectivitat d'aquestes propostes depen en gran mesura de la quantitat de dades detectades com a privades. No obstant això, els mecanismes proposats fins a la data no consideren la migració de fils d'execució ni les fases d'una aplicació. Per tant, una quantitat considerable de dades privades no es detecta apropiadament. A fi d'augmentar la detecció de dades privades, aquesta tesi proposa un mecanisme basat en les TLBs, capaç de reclassificar les dades com a privades, i que detecta la migració dels fils d'execució sense afegir complexitat al sistema. Els mecanismes de classificació en les TLBs s'han analitzat en estructures de diversos nivells, incloent-hi sistemes amb TLBs d'últimnivell compartides i distribuïdes. Aquesta tesi presenta un mecanisme de classificació de pàgines basat en inspeccionar les TLBs d'altres nuclis després de cada fallada de TLB. Concretament, el mecanisme proposat es basa en l'intercanvi i el compte de tokens. Comptar tokens en les TLBs suposa una forma natural i eficient per a la classificació de pàgines de memòria. A més, evita l'ús de sol·licituds persistents o arbitratge, ja que si dues o més TLBs competeixen per a accedir a una pàgina, els tokens es distribueixen apropiadament i la classifiquen com a compartida. No obstant això, l'habilitat dels mecanismes basats en TLB per a classificar pàgines privades depenen de la grandària de les TLBs. La classificació basada en les TLBs resta en la presència d'una traducció en les TLBs del sistema. Per a evitar-ho, s'han proposat diversos predictors d'ús en les TLBs (UP), els quals permeten una classificació independent de la grandària de les TLBs. Específicament, aquesta tesi introdueix un predictor que obté informació d'ús de la pàgina a escala de sistema mitjançant un nivell de TLB compartida (SUP) or mitjançant TLBs cooperant juntes (CUP).Esteve García, A. (2017). Design of Efficient TLB-based Data Classification Mechanisms in Chip Multiprocessors [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86136TESI

    Hardware/Software Co-design for Multicore Architectures

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Exploiting data locality in cache-coherent NUMA systems

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    The end of Dennard scaling has caused a stagnation of the clock frequency in computers.To overcome this issue, in the last two decades vendors have been integrating larger numbers of processing elements in the systems, interconnecting many nodes, including multiple chips in the nodes and increasing the number of cores in each chip. The speed of main memory has not evolved at the same rate as processors, it is much slower and there is a need to provide more total bandwidth to the processors, especially with the increase in the number of cores and chips. Still keeping a shared address space, where all processors can access the whole memory, solutions have come by integrating more memories: by using newer technologies like high-bandwidth memories (HBM) and non-volatile memories (NVM), by giving groups cores (like sockets, for example) faster access to some subset of the DRAM, or by combining many of these solutions. This has caused some heterogeneity in the access speed to main memory, depending on the CPU requesting access to a memory address and the actual physical location of that address, causing non-uniform memory access (NUMA) behaviours. Moreover, many of these systems are cache-coherent (ccNUMA), meaning that changes in the memory done from one CPU must be visible by the other CPUs and transparent for the programmer. These NUMA behaviours reduce the performance of applications and can pose a challenge to the programmers. To tackle this issue, this thesis proposes solutions, at the software and hardware levels, to improve the data locality in NUMA systems and, therefore, the performance of applications in these computer systems. The first contribution shows how considering hardware prefetching simultaneously with thread and data placement in NUMA systems can find configurations with better performance than considering these aspects separately. The performance results combined with performance counters are then used to build a performance model to predict, both offline and online, the best configuration for new applications not in the model. The evaluation is done using two different high performance NUMA systems, and the performance counters collected in one machine are used to predict the best configurations in the other machine. The second contribution builds on the idea that prefetching can have a strong effect in NUMA systems and proposes a NUMA-aware hardware prefetching scheme. This scheme is generic and can be applied to multiple hardware prefetchers with a low hardware cost but giving very good results. The evaluation is done using a cycle-accurate architectural simulator and provides detailed results of the performance, the data transfer reduction and the energy costs. Finally, the third and last contribution consists in scheduling algorithms for task-based programming models. These programming models help improve the programmability of applications in parallel systems and also provide useful information to the underlying runtime system. This information is used to build a task dependency graph (TDG), a directed acyclic graph that models the application where the nodes are sequential pieces of code known as tasks and the edges are the data dependencies between the different tasks. The proposed scheduling algorithms use graph partitioning techniques and provide a scheduling for the tasks in the TDG that minimises the data transfers between the different NUMA regions of the system. The results have been evaluated in real ccNUMA systems with multiple NUMA regions.La fi de la llei de Dennard ha provocat un estancament de la freqüència de rellotge dels computadors. Amb l'objectiu de superar aquest fet, durant les darreres dues dècades els fabricants han integrat més quantitat d'unitats de còmput als sistemes mitjançant la interconnexió de nodes diferents, la inclusió de múltiples xips als nodes i l'increment de nuclis de processador a cada xip. La rapidesa de la memòria principal no ha evolucionat amb el mateix factor que els processadors; és molt més lenta i hi ha la necessitat de proporcionar més ample de banda als processadors, especialment amb l'increment del nombre de nuclis i xips. Tot mantenint un adreçament compartit en el qual tots els processadors poden accedir a la memòria sencera, les solucions han estat al voltant de la integració de més memòries: amb tecnologies modernes com HBM (high-bandwidth memories) i NVM (non-volatile memories), fent que grups de nuclis (com sòcols sencers) tinguin accés més ràpid a una part de la DRAM o amb la combinació de solucions. Això ha provocat una heterogeneïtat en la velocitat d'accés a la memòria principal, en funció del nucli que sol·licita l'accés a una adreça en particular i la seva localització física, fet que provoca uns comportaments no uniformes en l'accés a la memòria (non-uniform memory access, NUMA). A més, sovint tenen memòries cau coherents (cache-coherent NUMA, ccNUMA), que implica que qualsevol canvi fet a la memòria des d'un nucli d'un processador ha de ser visible la resta de manera transparent. Aquests comportaments redueixen el rendiment de les aplicacions i suposen un repte. Per abordar el problema, a la tesi s'hi proposen solucions, a nivell de programari i maquinari, que milloren la localitat de dades als sistemes NUMA i, en conseqüència, el rendiment de les aplicacions en aquests sistemes. La primera contribució mostra que, quan es tenen en compte alhora la precàrrega d'adreces de memòria amb maquinari (hardware prefetching) i les decisions d'ubicació dels fils d'execució i les dades als sistemes NUMA, es poden trobar millors configuracions que quan es condieren per separat. Una combinació dels resultats de rendiment i dels comptadors disponibles al sistema s'utilitza per construir un model de rendiment per fer la predicció, tant per avançat com també en temps d'execució, de la millor configuració per aplicacions que no es troben al model. L'avaluació es du a terme a dos sistemes NUMA d'alt rendiment, i els comptadors mesurats en un sistema s'usen per predir les millors configuracions a l'altre sistema. La segona contribució es basa en la idea que el prefetching pot tenir un efecte considerable als sistemes NUMA i proposa un esquema de precàrrega a nivell de maquinari que té en compte els efectes NUMA. L'esquema és genèric i es pot aplicar als algorismes de precàrrega existents amb un cost de maquinari molt baix però amb molt bons resultats. S'avalua amb un simulador arquitectural acurat a nivell de cicle i proporciona resultats detallats del rendiment, la reducció de les comunicacions de dades i els costos energètics. La tercera i darrera contribució consisteix en algorismes de planificació per models de programació basats en tasques. Aquests simplifiquen la programabilitat de les aplicacions paral·leles i proveeixen informació molt útil al sistema en temps d'execució (runtime system) que en controla el funcionament. Amb aquesta informació es construeix un graf de dependències entre tasques (task dependency graph, TDG), un graf dirigit i acíclic que modela l'aplicació i en el qual els nodes són fragments de codi seqüencial (o tasques) i els arcs són les dependències de dades entre les tasques. Els algorismes de planificació proposats fan servir tècniques de particionat de grafs i proporcionen una planificació de les tasques del TDG que minimitza la comunicació de dades entre les diferents regions NUMA del sistema. Els resultats han estat avaluats en sistemes ccNUMA reals amb múltiples regions NUMA.El final de la ley de Dennard ha provocado un estancamiento de la frecuencia de reloj de los computadores. Con el objetivo de superar este problema, durante las últimas dos décadas los fabricantes han integrado más unidades de cómputo en los sistemas mediante la interconexión de nodos diferentes, la inclusión de múltiples chips en los nodos y el incremento de núcleos de procesador en cada chip. La rapidez de la memoria principal no ha evolucionado con el mismo factor que los procesadores; es mucho más lenta y hay la necesidad de proporcionar más ancho de banda a los procesadores, especialmente con el incremento del número de núcleos y chips. Aun manteniendo un sistema de direccionamiento compartido en el que todos los procesadores pueden acceder al conjunto de la memoria, las soluciones han oscilado alrededor de la integración de más memorias: usando tecnologías modernas como las memorias de alto ancho de banda (highbandwidth memories, HBM) y memorias no volátiles (non-volatile memories, NVM), haciendo que grupos de núcleos (como zócalos completos) tengan acceso más veloz a un subconjunto de la DRAM, o con la combinación de soluciones. Esto ha provocado una heterogeneidad en la velocidad de acceso a la memoria principal, en función del núcleo que solicita el acceso a una dirección de memoria en particular y la ubicación física de esta dirección, lo que provoca unos comportamientos no uniformes en el acceso a la memoria (non-uniform memory access, NUMA). Además, muchos de estos sistemas tienen memorias caché coherentes (cache-coherent NUMA, ccNUMA), lo que implica que cualquier cambio hecho en la memoria desde un núcleo de un procesador debe ser visible por el resto de procesadores de forma transparente para los programadores. Estos comportamientos NUMA reducen el rendimiento de las aplicaciones y pueden suponer un reto para los programadores. Para abordar dicho problema, en esta tesis se proponen soluciones, a nivel de software y hardware, que mejoran la localidad de datos en los sistemas NUMA y, en consecuencia, el rendimiento de las aplicaciones en estos sistemas informáticos. La primera contribución muestra que, cuando se tienen en cuenta a la vez la precarga de direcciones de memoria mediante hardware (o hardware prefetching ) y las decisiones de la ubicación de los hilos de ejecución y los datos en los sistemas NUMA, se pueden hallar mejores configuraciones que cuando se consideran ambos aspectos por separado. Con una combinación de los resultados de rendimiento y de los contadores disponibles en el sistema se construye un modelo de rendimiento, tanto por avanzado como en en tiempo de ejecución, de la mejor configuración para aplicaciones que no están incluidas en el modelo. La evaluación se realiza en dos sistemas NUMA de alto rendimiento, y los contadores medidos en uno de los sistemas se usan para predecir las mejores configuraciones en el otro sistema. La segunda contribución se basa en la idea de que el prefetching puede tener un efecto considerable en los sistemas NUMA y propone un esquema de precarga a nivel hardware que tiene en cuenta los efectos NUMA. Este esquema es genérico y se puede aplicar a diferentes algoritmos de precarga existentes con un coste de hardware muy bajo pero que proporciona muy buenos resultados. Dichos resultados se obtienen y evalúan mediante un simulador arquitectural preciso a nivel de ciclo y proporciona resultados detallados del rendimiento, la reducción de las comunicaciones de datos y los costes energéticos. Finalmente, la tercera y última contribución consiste en algoritmos de planificación para modelos de programación basados en tareas. Estos modelos simplifican la programabilidad de las aplicaciones paralelas y proveen información muy útil al sistema en tiempo de ejecución (runtime system) que controla su funcionamiento. Esta información se utiliza para construir un grafo de dependencias entre tareas (task dependency graph, TDG), un grafo dirigido y acíclico que modela la aplicación y en el ue los nodos son fragmentos de código secuencial, conocidos como tareas, y los arcos son las dependencias de datos entre las distintas tareas. Los algoritmos de planificación que se proponen usan técnicas e particionado de grafos y proporcionan una planificación de las tareas del TDG que minimiza la comunicación de datos entre las distintas regiones NUMA del sistema. Los resultados se han evaluado en sistemas ccNUMA reales con múltiples regiones NUMA.Postprint (published version

    Modeling and scheduling heterogeneous multi-core architectures

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    Om de prestatie van toekomstige processors en processorarchitecturen te evalueren wordt vaak gebruik gemaakt van een simulator die het gedrag en de prestatie van de processor modelleert. De prestatie bepalen van de uitvoering van een computerprogramma op een gegeven processorarchitectuur m.b.v. een simulator duurt echter vele grootteordes langer dan de werkelijke uitvoeringstijd. Dit beperkt in belangrijke mate de hoeveelheid experimenten die gedaan kunnen worden. In dit doctoraatswerk werd het Multi-Program Performance Model (MPPM) ontwikkeld, een innovatief alternatief voor traditionele simulatie, dat het mogelijk maakt om tot 100.000x sneller een processorconfiguratie te evalueren. MPPM laat ons toe om nooit geziene exploraties te doen. Gebruik makend van dit raamwerk hebben we aangetoond dat de taakplanning cruciaal is om heterogene meerkernige processors optimaal te benutten. Vervolgens werd een nieuwe manier voorgesteld om op een schaalbare manier de taakplanning uit te voeren, namelijk Performance Impact Estimation (PIE). Tijdens de uitvoering van een draad op een gegeven processorkern schatten we de prestatie op een ander type kern op basis van eenvoudig op te meten prestatiemetrieken. Zo beschikken we op elk moment over alle nodige informatie om een efficiënte taakplanning te doen. Dit laat ons bovendien toe te optimaliseren voor verschillende criteria zoals uitvoeringstijd, doorvoersnelheid of fairness

    CoMeT: An Integrated Interval Thermal Simulation Toolchain for 2D, 2.5 D, and 3D Processor-Memory Systems

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    Processing cores and the accompanying main memory working in tandem enable the modern processors. Dissipating heat produced from computation, memory access remains a significant problem for processors. Therefore, processor thermal management continues to be an active research topic. Most thermal management research takes place using simulations, given the challenges of measuring temperature in real processors. Since core and memory are fabricated on separate packages in most existing processors, with the memory having lower power densities, thermal management research in processors has primarily focused on the cores. Memory bandwidth limitations associated with 2D processors lead to high-density 2.5D and 3D packaging technology. 2.5D packaging places cores and memory on the same package. 3D packaging technology takes it further by stacking layers of memory on the top of cores themselves. Such packagings significantly increase the power density, making processors prone to heating. Therefore, mitigating thermal issues in high-density processors (packaged with stacked memory) becomes an even more pressing problem. However, given the lack of thermal modeling for memories in existing interval thermal simulation toolchains, they are unsuitable for studying thermal management for high-density processors. To address this issue, we present CoMeT, the first integrated Core and Memory interval Thermal simulation toolchain. CoMeT comprehensively supports thermal simulation of high- and low-density processors corresponding to four different core-memory configurations - off-chip DDR memory, off-chip 3D memory, 2.5D, and 3D. CoMeT supports several novel features that facilitate overlying system research. Compared to an equivalent state-of-the-art core-only toolchain, CoMeT adds only a ~5% simulation-time overhead. The source code of CoMeT has been made open for public use under the MIT license.Comment: https://github.com/marg-tools/CoMe

    TokenTLB+CUP: A Token-Based Page Classification with Cooperative Usage Prediction

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    [EN] Discerning the private or shared condition of the data accessed by the applications is an increasingly decisive approach to achieving efficiency and scalability in multi- and many-core systems. Since most memory accesses in both sequential and parallel applications are either private (accessed only by one core) or read-only (not written) data, devoting the full cost of coherence to every memory access results in sub-optimal performance and limits the scalability and efficiency of the multiprocessor. This paper introduces TokenTLB, a TLB-based page classification approach based on exchange and count of tokens. Token counting on TLBs is a natural and efficient way for classifying memory pages, and it does not require the use of complex and undesirable persistent requests or arbitration. In addition, classification is extended with Cooperative Usage Predictor (CUP), a token-based system-wide page usage predictor retrieved through TLB cooperation, in order to perform a classification unaffected by TLB size. Through cycle-accurate simulation we observed that TokenTLB spends 43.6% of cycles as private per page on average, and CUP further increases the time spent as private by 22.0%. CUP avoids 4 out of 5 TLB invalidations when compared to state-of-the-art predictors, thus proving far better prediction accuracy and making usage prediction an attractive mechanism for the first time.This work has been jointly supported by the MINECO and European Commission (FEDER funds) under the project TIN2015-66972-C5-1-R and TIN2015-66972-C5-3-R and the Fundacion Seneca-Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnologia de la Region de Murcia under the project Jovenes Lideres en Investigacion 18956/JLI/13.Esteve Garcia, A.; Ros Bardisa, A.; Robles Martínez, A.; Gómez Requena, ME. (2018). TokenTLB+CUP: A Token-Based Page Classification with Cooperative Usage Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 29(5):1188-1201. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2017.2782808S1188120129

    Hardware Attacks and Mitigation Techniques

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    Today, electronic devices have been widely deployed in our daily lives, basic infrastructure such as financial and communication systems, and military systems. Over the past decade, there have been a growing number of threats against them, posing great danger on these systems. Hardware-based countermeasures offer a low-performance overhead for building secure systems. In this work, we investigate what hardware-based attacks are possible against modern computers and electronic devices. We then explore several design and verification techniques to enhance hardware security with primary focus on two areas: hardware Trojans and side-channel attacks. Hardware Trojans are malicious modifications to the original integrated circuits (ICs). Due to the trend of outsourcing designs to foundries overseas, the threat of hardware Trojans is increasing. Researchers have proposed numerous detection methods, which either take place at test-time or monitor the IC for unexpected behavior at run-time. Most of these methods require the possession of a Trojan-free IC, which is hard to obtain. In this work, we propose an innovative way to detect Trojans using reverse-engineering. Our method eliminates the need for a Trojan-free IC. In addition, it avoids the costly and error-prone steps in the reverse-engineering process and achieves significantly good detection accuracy. We also notice that in the current literature, very little effort has been made to design-time strategies that help to make test-time or run-time detection of Trojans easier. To address this issue, we develop techniques that can improve the sensitivity of designs to test-time detection approaches. Experiments show that using our method, we could detect a lot more Trojans with very small power/area overhead and no timing violations. Side-channel attack (SCA) is another form of hardware attack in which the adversary measures some side-channel information such as power, temperature, timing, etc. and deduces some critical information about the underlying system. We first investigate countermeasures for timing SCAs on cache. These attacks have been demonstrated to be able to successfully break many widely-used modern ciphers. Existing hardware countermeasures usually have heavy performance overhead. We innovatively apply 3D integration techniques to solve the problem. We investigate the implication of 3D integration on timing SCAs on cache and propose several countermeasures that utilize 3D integration techniques. Experimental results show that our countermeasures increase system security significantly while still achieving some performance gain over a 2D baseline system. We also investigate the security of Oblivious RAM (ORAM), which is a newly proposed hardware primitive to hide memory access patterns. We demonstrate both through simulations and on FPGA board that timing SCAs can break many ORAM protocols. Some general guidelines in secure ORAM implementations are also provided. We hope that our findings will motivate a new line of research in making ORAMs more secure

    CoMeT: An Integrated Interval Thermal Simulation Toolchain for 2D, 2.5D, and 3D Processor-Memory Systems

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    Processing cores and the accompanying main memory working in tandem enable modern processors. Dissipating heat produced from computation remains a significant problem for processors. Therefore, the thermal management of processors continues to be an active subject of research. Most thermal management research is performed using simulations, given the challenges in measuring temperatures in real processors. Fast yet accurate interval thermal simulation toolchains remain the research tool of choice to study thermal management in processors at the system level. However, the existing toolchains focus on the thermal management of cores in the processors, since they exhibit much higher power densities than memory. The memory bandwidth limitations associated with 2D processors lead to high-density 2.5D and 3D packaging technology: 2.5D packaging technology places cores and memory on the same package; 3D packaging technology takes it further by stacking layers of memory on the top of cores themselves. These new packagings significantly increase the power density of the processors, making them prone to overheating. Therefore, mitigating thermal issues in high-density processors (packaged with stacked memory) becomes even more pressing. However, given the lack of thermal modeling for memories in existing interval thermal simulation toolchains, they are unsuitable for studying thermal management for high-density processors. To address this issue, we present the first integrated Core and Memory interval Thermal (CoMeT) simulation toolchain. CoMeT comprehensively supports thermal simulation of high- and low-density processors corresponding to four different core-memory (integration) configurations-off-chip DDR memory, off-chip 3D memory, 2.5D, and 3D. CoMeT supports several novel features that facilitate overlying system research. CoMeT adds only an additional similar to 5% simulation-time overhead compared to an equivalent state-of-the-art core-only toolchain. The source code of CoMeT has been made open for public use under the MIT license

    Power-aware caches for GPGPUs

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    In this thesis, we propose two optimization techniques to reduce power consumption in L1 caches (data, texture and constant), shared memory and L2 cache. The first optimization technique targets static power. Evaluation of GPGPU applications shows that once a cache block is accessed by a thread, it takes several hundreds of clock cycles until the same block is accessed again. The long inter-access cycle can be used to put cache cells into drowsy mode and reduce static power. While drowsy cells reduce static power, they increase access time as voltage of a cache cell in drowsy mode should be raised before the block can be accessed. To mitigate performance impact of drowsy cells, we propose a novel technique called coarse grained drowsy mode. In coarse grained drowsy mode, we partition each cache into regions of consecutive cache blocks and wake up a region upon cache access. Due to temporal and spatial locality of cache accesses, this method dramatically reduces performance impact caused by drowsy cells. The second optimization technique relies on branch divergence in GPGPUs. The execution model in GPGPUs is Single Instruction Multiple Thread (SIMT) which means processing cores execute the same instruction with different data for GPGPU threads. The SIMT execution model may result in divergence of threads when a control instruction is executed. GPGPUs execute branch instructions in two phases. In the first phase, threads in the taken path are active and the rest are idle. In the second phase, threads in the not-taken path are executed and the rest are idle. Contemporary GPGPUs access all portions of cache blocks, although some threads are idle due to branch divergence. We propose accessing only portions of cache blocks corresponding to active threads. By disabling unnecessary sections of cache blocks, we are able to reduce dynamic power of caches. Our results show that on average, the two optimization techniques together reduce power of caches by up to 98% and 15% for static and dynamic power, respectively