427 research outputs found

    Visual Analysis Based on CMY and RGB Image Cryptography Using Vigenere and Beaufort Cipher

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    The achievement of visual aspects and image security often cannot meet visibility standards, for example the acquisition of PSNR and UACI NPCR values. To increase security, this research has implemented a combination of the Vigenere cipher and Beaufort and the use of Fibonacci as a randomizer. The combination of the Vigenere Cipher and Beaufort Cipher substitution algorithms with the Fibonacci technique can be applied to encrypt color images in RGB and CMY, with a size of 256x256 pixels and in .bmp format. The Fibonacci cut-off value used in this study is 10000. The highest entropy value of the cipher image peppers.bmp is 7,991. The lowest PSNR cipher image value is accordion.bmp where for RGB it is 5,439 dB and for CMY it is 5,403 dB. accordion.bmp's highest UACI value is 44.018% for RGB and 44.312% for CMY. The NPCR value in the airplane.bmp image has the highest value in RGB of 99.792% and for CMY the highest value is in splash.bmp with a value of 99.798%. Evaluation of the decryption results shows that the decryption process can run perfectly as indicated by the values of MSE=0, PSNR=inf, UACI and NPCR=0%. Therefore, encrypt and decrypt was proven that the results obtained in the visual aspect are very good

    Imperceptible and secure image watermarking using DCT and random spread technique

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    Watermarking is a copyright protection technique, while cryptography is a message encoding technique. Imperceptibility, robustness, and safety are aspects that are often investigated in watermarking. Cryptography can be implemented to increase watermark security. Beaufort cipher is the algorithm proposed in this research to encrypt watermark. The new idea proposed in this research is the utilization of Beaufort key for watermark encryption process as well as for spread watermark when inserted as PN Sequence substitute with the aim to improve imperceptibility and security aspects. Where PN Sequence is widely used in spread spectrum watermarking technique. Based on the experimental results and testing of the proposed method proved that imperceptibility and watermark security are increased. Improved imperceptibility measured by PSNR rose by about 5dB and so did the MSE score better. Robustness aspect is also maintained which has been proven by the excellent value of NCC

    Modifikasi algoritma Beaufort Cipher dengan transposisi grup simetri untuk mengamankan pesan

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    INDONESIA: Kriptografi adalah sebuah cara untuk mengamankan pesan salah satunya adalah algoritma Beaufort Cipher yang telah ada. Namun algoritma tersebut dapat pecahkan dengan metode Kasiski dan exhaustive key search, oleh karena itu penulis ingin melakukan modifikasi algoritma Beaufort Cipher dengan transposisi grup simetri, penelitian ini menggunakan metode subtitusi yakni Beaufort Cipher dengan persamaan enkripsinya adalah C_i≡(K_i-P_i ) mod n serta persamaan dekripsinya adalah P_i≡(K_i-C_i ) mod n dan metode transposisi grup simetri, dengan dua metode tersebut dapat dibuat sebuah algoritma baru yang tingkat keamanannya lebih tinggi daripada hanya menggunakan satu metode saja, penggabungan dua metode tersebut dikenal sebagai super enkripsi dengan begitu dapat disimpulkan bahwa modifikasi algoritma Beaufort Cipher dengan transposisi grup simetri memiliki proses dua kali enkripsi dan dua kali proses dekripsi yang dapat dilakukan dengan urutan pertama menentukan Plaintext, kemudian akan dilakukan proses enkripsi dengan transposisi grup simetri terlebih dahulu lalu akan dienkripsi kembali dengan Beaufort Cipher. setelah proses tersebut untuk dekripsinya mengginakan Beaufort Cipher kemudian transposisi grup simetri. Dengan algoritma yang telah dimodifikasi tersebut pesan yang di enkripsi lebih aman, karena dengan metode Kasiski dan exhaustive key search sulit untuk dipecahkan. ENGLISH: Complicated cryptography with twice the security such as modification of the Beaufort Cipher algorithm with symmetric group transposition will make it difficult for message thieves. This study uses the substitution method namely Beaufort Cipher with the encryption equation is C_i (K_i-P_i) mod n and its decryption equation is P_i≡(K_i-C_i) mod n and the symmetric group transposition method. With these two methods, a new algorithm can be created which has a higher level of security than using only one method. The combination of the two methods is known as super encryption, so it can be concluded that the modification of the Beaufort Cipher algorithm with symmetric group transposition has two encryption processes this is done by first determining the Plaintext, then the encryption process will be carried out with group transposition symmetry first and then it will be re-encrypted with Beaufort Cipher. The decryption process used the Beaufort Cipher algoritm then the symetric group transposition. With the modified algorithm, the encrypted message is more secure, because with the Kasiski method and exhaustive key search it is difficult to solve. ARABIC: Cipher الموجودة . ومع ذلك ، يمكن حل الخوارزمية بطريقة Kasisiki والبحث الشامل عن المفاتيح ، لذلك يريد المؤلف تعديل خوارزمية Beaufort Cipher مع تبديل مجموعة التماثل ، تستخدم هذه الدراسة طريقة الاستبدال ، وهي Beaufort Cipher مع معادلة التشفير هي ومعادلة فك التشفير هي C_i≡(K_i-P_i ) mod nP_i≡(K_i-C_i ) mod n وطريقة تبديل المجموعات المتماثلة، مع هاتين الطريقتين يمكن إنشاء خوارزمية جديدةهذه خوارزمية يكون مستوى أمانها أعلى من استخدام طريقة واحدة فقط، يعرف ويجمع الطريقتين بالتشفير الفائق بحيث يمكن استنتاج أن تعديل خوارزمية Beaufort Cipher مع تبديل مجموعة التماثل لديه عملية تشفير مرتين وضعف عملية فك التشفير التي يمكن القيام بها مع تحديد الترتيب الأول نص عادي ، ثم سيتم تنفيذ عملية التشفير عن طريق تبديل مجموعة التماثل أولا ثم سيتم إعادة تشفيرها باستخدام Beaufort Cipher. بعد عملية فك تشفيرها باستخدام تشفي بوفورت ثم تبديل مجموعة التماثل. باستخدام الخوارزمية المعدلة ، تكون الرسالة المشفرة أكثر أمانا ، لأنه مع طريقة Kasisiki والبحث الشامل عن المفاتيح ، يصعب حله

    Hiding algorithm based fused images and Caesar cipher with intelligent security enhancement

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    The process of sending confidential data through the communication media and in complete secrecy is now necessary, whether the data is related to patients, a particular military operation, or a specified office. On the other hand, with the development of various ciphering algorithms, and information hiding algorithms, there is a need to obtain ciphered and hidden data securely without the need to exchange secret keys between the two ends of the communication. In this paper, a hiding algorithm based on fused images and Caesar cipher with intelligent methods to strengthen the security of confidential information is proposed. Firstly, fused image scattering is obtained using 1’s complement and circularly shifting the bits of fused pixels by specified positions before the hiding process. Secondly, the keys for the Caesar cipher are derived from the length of secret information according to the mathematical equation. Thirdly, strengthen the security of Caesar’s cipher by taking a 1’s complement of each letter in the cipher data. The results guarantee the security of the presented algorithm

    Implementasi One TIME Pad Kriptografi Pada Gambar Grayscale Dan Gambar Berwarna

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    Penyandian pesan melalui teknik kriptografi terus berkembang, salah satunya yaitu penggunaan algoritma One Time Pad (OTP) yang semula hanya digunakan untuk menyandikan tulisan kini dapat digunakan untuk menyandikan gambar. OTP merupakan algoritma kriptografi klasik kunci simetris yang sangat aman untuk menyandikan gambar, bahkan sampai saat ini beklum terpecahkan. Hal ini dikarenakan panjang kunci yang digunakan sama dengan panjang plainteks yang dalam pengoperasiannya harus dalam keadaan random dan tidak boleh digenerate. Hasil eksperimen diuji menggunaan Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Bit Error Ratio (BER), Cross Correlation (CC). Pada kriptografi, nilai PSNR semakin mendekati 0 artinya gambar tersandikan sempurna yang bertolak belakang dengan watermarking. Pada watermarking nilai PSNR lebih dari 40 dB membuktikan tingkat keberhasilan yang baik. Makalah ini menyajikan hasil eksperimen pada 24 gambar keabuan dan gambar berwarna untuk proses enkripsi dan dekripsi. Hasil PSNR proses enkripsi terbaik yaitu 7,4134 dB, BER 26230 sedangkan proses dekripsi berhasil dengan bukti nilai PSNR infinitive, BER dan MSE dari seluruh gambar bernilai 0. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan gambar asli dengan gambar hasil kriptografi, perbedaan nilai dari hasil percobaan disajikan dalam bentuk histogram. Kata Kunci: One Time Pad, Kriptografi, Citra, PSNR, BE

    A Good Result for Blowfish Image Encryption Based on Stepic

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    Information security is important in the era of evolving communications. Security methods are needed to protect data. Strong cryptographic algorithms, such as Blowfish, developed by Bruce Schneier in 1993, offer fast and reliable encryption. Blowfish uses 64 bit blocks and key lengths between 32 and 443 bits. This algorithm is famous for its robustness and encryption speed, with a Feistel Network structure and 16 rounds. This research implements Blowfish with Python and integrates it with steganography to insert secret data in digital images. Evaluation involves metrics such as Mean Squared Error (MSE), Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Average Visibility (AVA), Uniform Average Change Intensity (UACI), and Percentage Pixel Change Value (NPCR) to measure quality and reliability encryption and decryption process by Blowfish

    Penerapan Kriptografi Caesar Cipher Pada Fitur Aplikasi Chatting Whatsapp

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    At this time chat has been considered as a facility that can be used to communicate directly both remotely and at close range. Those who must be connected online with internet users around the world. In this case, this research will be applied to the WhatsApp text messaging application using the method applied, namely Caesar cipher cryptography. The system development method that will be used for this research is the prototype method. The results obtained from this research method are chat messages on the WhatsApp application encrypted using Caesar cipher cryptography with message encryption using end-to-end processing techniques where encryption and message descriptions can be done while chatting

    Synthesis of Quite Proof Cryptosystem with Increased Unicity Distance for Cloud Computing

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    Modern cryptosystems have a narrow application area, mainly because of a strict restriction of overrunning during the encryption of so-called unicity distance for the key. It is possible to essentially increase the unicity distance by using a synthesis of a constructed/artificial/planned language in the application area, where an alphabet of a high dimension is used. There was made a synthesis of highly secured cryptosystem. It has such feature as the security of text information with an increased unicity distance. This distance is set into a tabular form which assumes that this text information is taken from the thesaurus of predefined application area. There were gotten mathematical expressions that display the procedure of the encryption and decryption. There were considered the features of construction of the generator of pseudorandom sequences. Also, there was defined the level of security of cryptosystem with a different levels of resource capabilities. There was given a graph of correlation between the indicator of security and the code length of the encryption key. There were also defined the conditions of providing a necessary security regime in cloud systems

    User interaction monitoring and analysis framework

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    An overview is given of a user interaction monitoring and analysis framework called BaranC. Monitoring and analysing human-digital interaction is an essential part of developing a user model as the basis for investigating user experience. The primary human-digital interaction, such as on a laptop or smartphone, is best understood and modelled in the wider context of the user and their environment. The BaranC framework provides monitoring and analysis capabilities that not only records all user interaction with a digital device (e.g. smartphone), but also collects all available context data (such as from sensors in the digital device itself, a fitness band or a smart appliances). The data collected by BaranC is recorded as a User Digital Imprint (UDI) which is, in effect, the user model and provides the basis for data analysis. BaranC provides functionality that is useful for user experience studies, user interface design evaluation, and providing user assistance services. An important concern for personal data is privacy, and the framework gives the user full control over the monitoring, storing and sharing of their data