638 research outputs found

    Photonic wideband phased array: an optical time steered antenna based on a new true time delay unit

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    L’attività di ricerca svolta durante il corso di dottorato e descritta dettagliatamente all’interno della tesi è stata diretta al progetto di una innovativa rete ottica di formazione del fascio per antenne a schiera a banda larga esenti dal fenomeno del beam squint. La rete di formazione del fascio proposta è basata sull’utilizzo di un chip ottico integrato modulare che consente di realizzare il True Time Delay implementando switched delay lines. Le caratteristiche del sistema ne consentono l’utilizzo in architetture ad array e a subarray, e la sua modularità rende possibile, in principio, il pilotaggio del sistema radiante, integrando in un unico componente le linee di ritardo di ciascun elemento della schiera. Nella sua prima parte la tesi di dottorato introduce alle antenne ad alte prestazioni richieste dalle moderne applicazioni, focalizzando l’attenzione sui Phased Array, sistemi radianti destinati a svolgere un ruolo di primo piano grazie alla loro flessibilità e potenzialità. Un’analisi ragionata delle soluzioni proposte in letteratura viene, quindi, proposta al fine di evidenziare i principi di funzionamento e le principali problematiche connesse all’implementazione di reti ottiche di formazione del fascio. Inoltre, vengono descritte e discusse le architetture ottiche utilizzate sia per il controllo della fase che per il controllo del ritardo. Successivamente viene presentata la nuova unità ottica integrata di tipo True Time Delay. Le configurazioni di utilizzo del chip ottico studiate e messe a punto durante gli anni del corso di dottorato vengono presentate nel dettaglio, chiarendo le scelte e le strategie di progetto utilizzate in modo da ottimizzare le prestazioni del sistema. Viene presentato il progetto di un prototipo di antenna a schiera basato sul nuovo modulo True Time Delay e un modello accurato dell’intero sistema, implementato allo scopo di verificare il funzionamento dell’antenna e determinarne le prestazioni. Il modello sviluppato tiene in conto delle reali caratteristiche dei dispositivi disponibili in commercio da utilizzarsi all’interno della rete e del sistema radiante, degli inevitabili errori realizzativi relativi a ciascun componente e delle caratteristiche peculiari del nuovo modulo di ritardo. Per compensare gli effetti degli errori suddetti è stata prevista all’interno della rete un’unità di compensazione. Per rendere semplice ed efficace determinarne i parametri è stato sviluppato un algoritmo evolutivo capace di sfruttare al meglio le potenzialità dell’unità così da evitare inutili complessità. Infine, viene proposta una nuova architettura, interamente ottica, di una rete di formazione del fascio per antenne a schiera capaci di irradiare sia fasci somma che fasci differenza beam squint free

    Evolutionary Trends in True Time Delay Line Technologies for Timed Array Radars

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    Timed array technology is rapidly evolving in multiple areas such as high resolution imaging radar, automotive, medical, high data rate communication applications etc. Timed arrays by utilising True Time Delay (TTD) lines in place of phase shifters mitigate beam squint and pulse dispersion issues associated with wide instantaneous bandwidth arrays. This paper presents on review of evolutionary trends in TTD line architectures starting from coaxial cable to photonic integrated circuit. The paper also reports on critical parameters of TTD lines, their importance and implication in design of typical X-band imaging radar. Comparison of different TTD line architectures in terms of configuration, implementation, merits and demerits are discussed in detail for wideband array application. The paper also brings out the integration aspects of TTD lines as part of T/R modules and proposes suitable design schemes towards performance optimization and realisation of timed arrays

    System integration and radiation pattern measurements of a phased array antenna employing an integrated photonic beamformer for radio astronomy applications

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    In this paper we describe the system integration and the experimental demonstration of a photonically beamformed four-element receiving array antenna for radio astronomy applications. To our knowledge, the work described here is the first demonstration of the squint-free, continuously tunable beamsteering capability offered by an integrated photonic beamformer based on optical ring resonator truetime-delay units, with measured radiation patterns. The integrated beamformer is realized in a low loss, complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) compatible optical waveguide technology. The measurements show a wideband, continuous beamsteering operation over a steering angle of 23.5 degrees and an instantaneous bandwidth of 500 MHz limited only by the measurement setup

    Single-Anchor Localization and Orientation Performance Limits Using Massive Arrays: MIMO vs. Beamforming

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    In the next generation of cellular networks, it is desirable to use single access points both for communication and localization. This could be made possible thanks to the combination of femtocells, mm-wave technology and massive antenna arrays, and would overcome the problem of having an over-sized infrastructure for positioning which is, nowadays, the bottleneck for the widespread diffusion of indoor localization systems. In this context, our paper aims at investigating the localization and orientation performance limits employing massive arrays both at the access point and mobile side. To this end, we first asymptotically demonstrate the tightness of the Cram\ue9r-Rao bound (CRB) in the massive array regime and that the effect of multipath can be made negligible even for practical values of SNR levels. Successively, we propose a comparison between two different transmitter configurations, namely multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), where orthogonal waveforms are sent, and beamforming, which takes advantage of highly correlated waveforms and directive array patterns. We also consider random weighting as a trade-off between the diversity gain of MIMO and the high directivity guaranteed by the beamforming. CRB results show the interplay between diversity and beamforming gain as well as the benefits achievable by varying the number of antennas in terms of localization accuracy and multipath mitigation

    Photonic Vector Processing Techniques for Radiofrequency Signals

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    [EN] The processing of radiofrequency signals using photonics means is a discipline that appeared almost at the same time as the laser and the optical fibre. Photonics offers the capability of managing broadband radiofrequency (RF) signals thanks to its low transmission attenuation, a variety of linear and non-linear phenomena and, recently, the potential to implement integrated photonic subsystems. These features open the door for the implementation of multiple functionalities including optical transportation, up and down frequency conversion, optical RF filtering, signal multiplexing, de-multiplexing, routing and switching, optical sampling, tone generation, delay control, beamforming and photonic generation of digital modulations, and even a combination of several of these functionalities. This thesis is focused on the application of vector processing in the optical domain to radiofrequency signals in two fields of application: optical beamforming, and photonic vector modulation and demodulation of digital quadrature amplitude modulations. The photonic vector control enables to adjust the amplitude and phase of the radiofrequency signals in the optical domain, which is the fundamental processing that is required in different applications such as beamforming networks for direct radiating array (DRA) antennas and multilevel quadrature modulation. The work described in this thesis include different techniques for implementing a photonic version of beamforming networks for direct radiating arrays (DRA) known as optical beamforming networks (OBFN), with the objectives of providing a precise control in terrestrial applications of broadband signals at very high frequencies above 40 GHz in communication antennas, optimizing the size and mass when compared with the electrical counterparts in space application, and presenting new photonic-based OBFN functionalities. Thus, two families of OBFNs are studied: fibre-based true time delay architectures and integrated networks. The first allow the control of broadband signals using dispersive optical fibres with wavelength division multiplexing techniques and advanced functionalities such as direction of arrival estimation in receiving architectures. In the second, passive OBFNs based on monolithically-integrated Optical Butler Matrices are studied, including an ultra-compact solution using optical heterodyne techniques in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) material, and an alternative implementing a homodyne counterpart in germanium doped silica material. In this thesis, the application of photonic vector processing to the generation of quadrature digital modulations has also been investigated. Multilevel modulations are based on encoding digital information in discrete states of phase and amplitude of an electrical signal to enhance spectral efficiency, as for instance, in quadrature modulation. The signal process required for generating and demodulating this kind of signals involves vector processing (phase and amplitude control) and frequency conversion. Unlike the common electronic or digital implementation, in this thesis, different photonic based signal processing techniques are studied to produce digital modulation (photonic vector modulation, PVM) and demodulation (PVdM). These techniques are of particular interest in the case of broadband signals where the data rate required to be managed is in the order of gigabit per second, for applications like wireless backhauling of metro optical networks (known as fibre-to-the-air). The techniques described use optical dispersion in optical fibres, wavelength division multiplexing and photonic up/down conversion. Additionally, an optical heterodyne solution implemented monolithically in a photonic integrated circuit (PIC) is also described.[ES] El procesamiento de señales de radiofrecuencia (RF) utilizando medios fotónicos es una disciplina que apareció casi al mismo tiempo que el láser y la fibra óptica. La fotónica ofrece la capacidad de manipular señales de radiofrecuencia de banda ancha, una baja atenuación, procesados basados en una amplia variedad de fenómenos lineales y no lineales y, recientemente, el potencial para implementar subsistemas fotónicos integrados. Estas características ofrecen un gran potencial para la implementación de múltiples funcionalidades incluyendo transporte óptico, conversión de frecuencia, filtrado óptico de RF, multiplexación y demultiplexación de señales, encaminamiento y conmutación, muestreo óptico, generación de tonos, líneas de retardo, conformación de haz en agrupaciones de antenas o generación fotónica de modulaciones digitales, e incluso una combinación de varias de estas funcionalidades. Esta tesis se centra en la aplicación del procesamiento vectorial en el dominio óptico de señales de radiofrecuencia en dos campos de aplicación: la conformación óptica de haces y la modulación y demodulación vectorial fotónica de señales digitales en cuadratura. El control fotónico vectorial permite manipular la amplitud y fase de las señales de radiofrecuencia en el dominio óptico, que es el procesamiento fundamental que se requiere en diferentes aplicaciones tales como las redes de conformación de haces para agrupaciones de antenas y en la modulación en cuadratura. El trabajo descrito en esta tesis incluye diferentes técnicas para implementar una versión fotónica de las redes de conformación de haces de en agrupaciones de antenas, conocidas como redes ópticas de conformación de haces (OBFN). Se estudian dos familias de redes: arquitecturas de retardo en fibra óptica y arquitecturas integradas. Las primeras permiten el control de señales de banda ancha utilizando fibras ópticas dispersivas con técnicas de multiplexado por división de longitud de onda y funcionalidades avanzadas tales como la estimación del ángulo de llegada de la señal en la antena receptora. En la segunda, se estudian redes de conformación pasivas basadas en Matrices de Butler ópticas integradas, incluyendo una solución ultra-compacta utilizando técnicas ópticas heterodinas en silicio sobre aislante (SOI), y una alternativa homodina en sílice dopado con germanio. En esta tesis, también se han investigado técnicas de procesado vectorial fotónico para la generación de modulaciones digitales en cuadratura. Las modulaciones multinivel codifican la información digital en estados discretos de fase y amplitud de una señal eléctrica para aumentar su eficiencia espectral, como por ejemplo la modulación en cuadratura. El procesado necesario para generar y demodular este tipo de señales implica el procesamiento vectorial (control de amplitud y fase) y la conversión de frecuencia. A diferencia de la implementación electrónica o digital convencional, en esta tesis se estudian diferentes técnicas de procesado fotónico tanto para la generación de modulaciones digitales (modulación vectorial fotónica, PVM) como para su demodulación (PVdM). Esto es de particular interés en el caso de señales de banda ancha, donde la velocidad de datos requerida es del orden de gigabits por segundo, para aplicaciones como backhaul inalámbrico de redes ópticas metropolitanas (conocida como fibra hasta el aire). Las técnicas descritas se basan en explotar la dispersión cromática de la fibra óptica, la multiplexación por división de longitud de onda y la conversión en frecuencia. Además, se presenta una solución heterodina implementada monolíticamente en un circuito integrado fotónico (PIC).[CA] El processament de senyals de radiofreqüència (RF) utilitzant mitjans fotònics és una disciplina que va aparèixer gairebé al mateix temps que el làser i la fibra òptica. La fotònica ofereix la capacitat de manipular senyals de radiofreqüència de banda ampla, una baixa atenuació, processats basats en una àmplia varietat de fenòmens lineals i no lineals i, recentment, el potencial per implementar subsistemes fotònics integrats. Aquestes característiques ofereixen un gran potencial per a la implementació de múltiples funcionalitats incloent transport òptic, conversió de freqüència, filtrat òptic de RF, multiplexació i demultiplexació de senyals, encaminament i commutació, mostreig òptic, generació de tons, línies de retard, conformació de feix en agrupacions d'antenes i la generació fotònica de modulacions digitals, i fins i tot una combinació de diverses d'aquestes funcionalitats. Aquesta tesi es centra en l'aplicació del processament vectorial en el domini òptic de senyals de radiofreqüència en dos camps d'aplicació: la conformació òptica de feixos i la modulació i demodulació vectorial fotònica de senyals digitals en quadratura. El control fotònic vectorial permet manipular l'amplitud i la fase dels senyals de radiofreqüència en el domini òptic, que és el processament fonamental que es requereix en diferents aplicacions com ara les xarxes de conformació de feixos per agrupacions d'antenes i en modulació multinivell. El treball descrit en aquesta tesi inclou diferents tècniques per implementar una versió fotònica de les xarxes de conformació de feixos en agrupacions d'antenes, conegudes com a xarxes òptiques de conformació de feixos (OBFN), amb els objectius de proporcionar un control precís en aplicacions terrestres de senyals de banda ampla a freqüències molt altes per sobre de 40 GHz en antenes de comunicacions, optimitzant la mida i el pes quan es compara amb els homòlegs elèctrics en aplicacions espacials, i la presentació de noves funcionalitats fotòniques per agrupacions d'antenes. Per tant, s'estudien dues famílies de OBFNs: arquitectures de retard en fibra òptica i arquitectures integrades. Les primeres permeten el control de senyals de banda ampla utilitzant fibres òptiques dispersives amb tècniques de multiplexació per divisió en longitud d'ona i funcionalitats avançades com ara l'estimació de l'angle d'arribada del senyal a l'antena receptora. A la segona, s'estudien xarxes de conformació passives basades en Matrius de Butler òptiques en fotònica integrada, incloent una solució ultra-compacta utilitzant tècniques òptiques heterodinas en silici sobre aïllant (SOI), i una alternativa homodina en sílice dopat amb germani. D'altra banda, també s'ha investigat en aquesta tesi tècniques de processament vectorial fotònic per a la generació de modulacions digitals en quadratura. Les modulacions multinivell codifiquen la informació digital en estats discrets de fase i amplitud d'un senyal elèctric per augmentar la seva eficiència espectral, com ara la modulació en quadratura. El processat necessari per generar i desmodular aquest tipus de senyals implica el processament vectorial (control d'amplitud i fase) i la conversió de freqüència. A diferència de la implementació electrònica o digital convencional, en aquesta tesi s'estudien diferents tècniques de processament fotònic tant per a la generació de modulacions digitals (modulació vectorial fotònica, PVM) com per la seva demodulació (PVdM). Això és de particular interès en el cas de senyals de banda ampla, on la velocitat de dades requerida és de l'ordre de gigabits per segon, per a aplicacions com backhaul sense fils de xarxes òptiques metropolitanes (coneguda com fibra fins l'aire). Les tècniques descrites es basen en explotar la dispersió cromàtica de la fibra òptica, la multiplexació per divisió en longitud d'ona i la conversió en freqüència. A més, es presePiqueras Ruipérez, MÁ. (2016). Photonic Vector Processing Techniques for Radiofrequency Signals [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63264TESI

    Signal Subspace Processing in the Beam Space of a True Time Delay Beamformer Bank

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    A number of techniques for Radio Frequency (RF) source location for wide bandwidth signals have been described that utilize coherent signal subspace processing, but often suffer from limitations such as the requirement for preliminary source location estimation, the need to apply the technique iteratively, computational expense or others. This dissertation examines a method that performs subspace processing of the data from a bank of true time delay beamformers. The spatial diversity of the beamformer bank alleviates the need for a preliminary estimate while simultaneously reducing the dimensionality of subsequent signal subspace processing resulting in computational efficiency. The pointing direction of the true time delay beams is independent of frequency, which results in a mapping from element space to beam space that is wide bandwidth in nature. This dissertation reviews previous methods, introduces the present method, presents simulation results that demonstrate the assertions, discusses an analysis of performance in relation to the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) with various levels of noise in the system, and discusses computational efficiency. One limitation of the method is that in practice it may be appropriate for systems that can tolerate a limited field of view. The application of Electronic Intelligence is one such application. This application is discussed as one that is appropriate for a method exhibiting high resolution of very wide bandwidth closely spaced sources and often does not require a wide field of view. In relation to system applications, this dissertation also discusses practical employment of the novel method in terms of antenna elements, arrays, platforms, engagement geometries, and other parameters. The true time delay beam space method is shown through modeling and simulation to be capable of resolving closely spaced very wideband sources over a relevant field of view in a single algorithmic pass, requiring no course preliminary estimation, and exhibiting low computational expense superior to many previous wideband coherent integration techniques

    Antenna Design for 5G and Beyond

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    With the rapid evolution of the wireless communications, fifth-generation (5G) communication has received much attention from both academia and industry, with many reported efforts and research outputs and significant improvements in different aspects, such as data rate speed and resolution, mobility, latency, etc. In some countries, the commercialization of 5G communication has already started as well as initial research of beyond technologies such as 6G.MIMO technology with multiple antennas is a promising technology to obtain the requirements of 5G/6G communications. It can significantly enhance the system capacity and resist multipath fading, and has become a hot spot in the field of wireless communications. This technology is a key component and probably the most established to truly reach the promised transfer data rates of future communication systems. In MIMO systems, multiple antennas are deployed at both the transmitter and receiver sides. The greater number of antennas can make the system more resistant to intentional jamming and interference. Massive MIMO with an especially high number of antennas can reduce energy consumption by targeting signals to individual users utilizing beamforming.Apart from sub-6 GHz frequency bands, 5G/6G devices are also expected to cover millimeter-wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) spectra. However, moving to higher bands will bring new challenges and will certainly require careful consideration of the antenna design for smart devices. Compact antennas arranged as conformal, planar, and linear arrays can be employed at different portions of base stations and user equipment to form phased arrays with high gain and directional radiation beams. The objective of this Special Issue is to cover all aspects of antenna designs used in existing or future wireless communication systems. The aim is to highlight recent advances, current trends, and possible future developments of 5G/6G antennas

    Signal Subspace Processing in the Beam Space of a True Time Delay Beamformer Bank

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    A number of techniques for Radio Frequency (RF) source location for wide bandwidth signals have been described that utilize coherent signal subspace processing, but often suffer from limitations such as the requirement for preliminary source location estimation, the need to apply the technique iteratively, computational expense or others. This dissertation examines a method that performs subspace processing of the data from a bank of true time delay beamformers. The spatial diversity of the beamformer bank alleviates the need for a preliminary estimate while simultaneously reducing the dimensionality of subsequent signal subspace processing resulting in computational efficiency. The pointing direction of the true time delay beams is independent of frequency, which results in a mapping from element space to beam space that is wide bandwidth in nature. This dissertation reviews previous methods, introduces the present method, presents simulation results that demonstrate the assertions, discusses an analysis of performance in relation to the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) with various levels of noise in the system, and discusses computational efficiency. One limitation of the method is that in practice it may be appropriate for systems that can tolerate a limited field of view. The application of Electronic Intelligence is one such application. This application is discussed as one that is appropriate for a method exhibiting high resolution of very wide bandwidth closely spaced sources and often does not require a wide field of view. In relation to system applications, this dissertation also discusses practical employment of the novel method in terms of antenna elements, arrays, platforms, engagement geometries, and other parameters. The true time delay beam space method is shown through modeling and simulation to be capable of resolving closely spaced very wideband sources over a relevant field of view in a single algorithmic pass, requiring no course preliminary estimation, and exhibiting low computational expense superior to many previous wideband coherent integration techniques

    An investigation of a frequency diverse array

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    This thesis presents a novel concept for focusing an antenna beam pattern as a function of range, time, and angle. In conventional phased arrays, beam steering is achieved by applying a linear phase progression across the aperture. This thesis shows that by applying an additional linear frequency shift across the elements, a new term is generated which results in a scan angle that varies with range in the far-field. Moreover, the antenna pattern is shown to scan in range and angle as a function of time. These properties result in more flexible beam scan options for phased array antennas than traditional phase shifter implementations. The thesis subsequently goes on to investigate this phenomenon via full scale experimentation, and explores a number of aspects of applying frequency diversity spatially across array antennas. This new form of frequency diverse array may have applications to multipath mitigation, where a radio signal takes two or more routes between the transmitter and receiver due to scattering from natural and man-made objects. Since the interfering signals arrive from more than one direction, the range-dependent and auto-scanning properties of the frequency diverse array beam may be useful to isolate and suppress the interference. The frequency diverse array may also have applications to wideband array steering, in lieu of true time delay solutions which are often used to compensate for linear phase progression with frequency across an array, and to sonar, where the speed of propagation results in large percentage bandwidth, creating similar wideband array effects. The frequency diverse array is also a stepping stone to more sophisticated joint antenna and waveform design for the creation of new radar modes, such as simultaneous multi-mode operation, for example, enabling joint synthetic aperture radar and ground moving target indication