38 research outputs found

    High-speed surface profilometry based on an adaptive microscope with axial chromatic encoding

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    An adaptive microscope with axial chromatic encoding is designed and developed, namely the AdaScope. With the ability to confocally address any locations within the measurement volume, the AdaScope provides the hardware foundation for a cascade measurement strategy to be developed, dramatically accelerating the speed of 3D confocal microscopy

    Probabilistic and Deep Learning Algorithms for the Analysis of Imagery Data

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    Accurate object classification is a challenging problem for various low to high resolution imagery data. This applies to both natural as well as synthetic image datasets. However, each object recognition dataset poses its own distinct set of domain-specific problems. In order to address these issues, we need to devise intelligent learning algorithms which require a deep understanding and careful analysis of the feature space. In this thesis, we introduce three new learning frameworks for the analysis of both airborne images (NAIP dataset) and handwritten digit datasets without and with noise (MNIST and n-MNIST respectively). First, we propose a probabilistic framework for the analysis of the NAIP dataset which includes (1) an unsupervised segmentation module based on the Statistical Region Merging algorithm, (2) a feature extraction module that extracts a set of standard hand-crafted texture features from the images, (3) a supervised classification algorithm based on Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Networks, and (4) a structured prediction framework using Conditional Random Fields that integrates the results of the segmentation and classification modules into a single composite model to generate the final class labels. Next, we introduce two new datasets SAT-4 and SAT-6 sampled from the NAIP imagery and use them to evaluate a multitude of Deep Learning algorithms including Deep Belief Networks (DBN), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Stacked Autoencoders (SAE) for generating class labels. Finally, we propose a learning framework by integrating hand-crafted texture features with a DBN. A DBN uses an unsupervised pre-training phase to perform initialization of the parameters of a Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Network to a global error basin which can then be improved using a round of supervised fine-tuning using Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Networks. These networks can subsequently be used for classification. In the following discussion, we show that the integration of hand-crafted features with DBN shows significant improvement in performance as compared to traditional DBN models which take raw image pixels as input. We also investigate why this integration proves to be particularly useful for aerial datasets using a statistical analysis based on Distribution Separability Criterion. Then we introduce a new dataset called noisy-MNIST (n-MNIST) by adding (1) additive white gaussian noise (AWGN), (2) motion blur and (3) Reduced contrast and AWGN to the MNIST dataset and present a learning algorithm by combining probabilistic quadtrees and Deep Belief Networks. This dynamic integration of the Deep Belief Network with the probabilistic quadtrees provide significant improvement over traditional DBN models on both the MNIST and the n-MNIST datasets. Finally, we extend our experiments on aerial imagery to the class of general texture images and present a theoretical analysis of Deep Neural Networks applied to texture classification. We derive the size of the feature space of textural features and also derive the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of certain classes of Neural Networks. We also derive some useful results on intrinsic dimension and relative contrast of texture datasets and use these to highlight the differences between texture datasets and general object recognition datasets

    Merging digital surface models sourced from multi-satellite imagery and their consequent application in automating 3D building modelling

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    Recently, especially within the last two decades, the demand for DSMs (Digital Surface Models) and 3D city models has increased dramatically. This has arisen due to the emergence of new applications beyond construction or analysis and consequently to a focus on accuracy and the cost. This thesis addresses two linked subjects: first improving the quality of the DSM by merging different source DSMs using a Bayesian approach; and second, extracting building footprints using approaches, including Bayesian approaches, and producing 3D models. Regarding the first topic, a probabilistic model has been generated based on the Bayesian approach in order to merge different source DSMs from different sensors. The Bayesian approach is specified to be ideal in the case when the data is limited and this can consequently be compensated by introducing the a priori. The implemented prior is based on the hypothesis that the building roof outlines are specified to be smooth, for that reason local entropy has been implemented in order to infer the a priori data. In addition to the a priori estimation, the quality of the DSMs is obtained by using field checkpoints from differential GNSS. The validation results have shown that the model was successfully able to improve the quality of the DSMs and improving some characteristics such as the roof surfaces, which consequently led to better representations. In addition to that, the developed model has been compared with the Maximum Likelihood model which showed similar quantitative statistical results and better qualitative results. Perhaps it is worth mentioning that, although the DSMs used in the merging have been produced using satellite images, the model can be applied on any type of DSM. The second topic is building footprint extraction based on using satellite imagery. An efficient flow-line for automatic building footprint extraction and 3D model construction, from both stereo panchromatic and multispectral satellite imagery was developed. This flow-line has been applied in an area of different building types, with both hipped and sloped roofs. The flow line consisted of multi stages. First, data preparation, digital orthoimagery and DSMs are created from WorldView-1. Pleiades imagery is used to create a vegetation mask. The orthoimagery then undergoes binary classification into ‘foreground’ (including buildings, shadows, open-water, roads and trees) and ‘background’ (including grass, bare soil, and clay). From the foreground class, shadows and open water are removed after creating a shadow mask by thresholding the same orthoimagery. Likewise roads have been removed, for the time being, after interactively creating a mask using the orthoimagery. NDVI processing of the Pleiades imagery has been used to create a mask for removing the trees. An ‘edge map’ is produced using Canny edge detection to define the exact building boundary outlines, from enhanced orthoimagery. A normalised digital surface model (nDSM) is produced from the original DSM using smoothing and subtracting techniques. Second, start Building Detection and Extraction. Buildings can be detected, in part, in the nDSM as isolated relatively elevated ‘blobs’. These nDSM ‘blobs’ are uniquely labelled to identify rudimentary buildings. Each ‘blob’ is paired with its corresponding ‘foreground’ area from the orthoimagery. Each ‘foreground’ area is used as an initial building boundary, which is then vectorised and simplified. Some unnecessary details in the ‘edge map’, particularly on the roofs of the buildings can be removed using mathematical morphology. Some building edges are not detected in the ‘edge map’ due to low contrast in some parts of the orthoimagery. The ‘edge map’ is subsequently further improved also using mathematical morphology, leading to the ‘modified edge map’. Finally, A Bayesian approach is used to find the most probable coordinates of the building footprints, based on the ‘modified edge map’. The proposal that is made for the footprint a priori data is based on the creating a PDF which assumes that the probable footprint angle at the corner is 90o and along the edge is 180o, with a less probable value given to the other angles such as 45o and 135o. The 3D model is constructed by extracting the elevation of the buildings from the DSM and combining it with the regularized building boundary. Validation, both quantitatively and qualitatively has shown that the developed process and associated algorithms have successfully been able to extract building footprints and create 3D models