4,703 research outputs found

    Bayesian Network Based Label Correlation Analysis For Multi-label Classifier Chain

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    Classifier chain (CC) is a multi-label learning approach that constructs a sequence of binary classifiers according to a label order. Each classifier in the sequence is responsible for predicting the relevance of one label. When training the classifier for a label, proceeding labels will be taken as extended features. If the extended features are highly correlated to the label, the performance will be improved, otherwise, the performance will not be influenced or even degraded. How to discover label correlation and determine the label order is critical for CC approach. This paper employs Bayesian network (BN) to model the label correlations and proposes a new BN-based CC method (BNCC). First, conditional entropy is used to describe the dependency relations among labels. Then, a BN is built up by taking nodes as labels and weights of edges as their dependency relations. A new scoring function is proposed to evaluate a BN structure, and a heuristic algorithm is introduced to optimize the BN. At last, by applying topological sorting on the nodes of the optimized BN, the label order for constructing CC model is derived. Experimental comparisons demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.Comment: 27 page

    A Mixtures-of-Experts Framework for Multi-Label Classification

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    We develop a novel probabilistic approach for multi-label classification that is based on the mixtures-of-experts architecture combined with recently introduced conditional tree-structured Bayesian networks. Our approach captures different input-output relations from multi-label data using the efficient tree-structured classifiers, while the mixtures-of-experts architecture aims to compensate for the tree-structured restrictions and build a more accurate model. We develop and present algorithms for learning the model from data and for performing multi-label predictions on future data instances. Experiments on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that our approach achieves highly competitive results and outperforms the existing state-of-the-art multi-label classification methods

    Efficient Monte Carlo Methods for Multi-Dimensional Learning with Classifier Chains

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    Multi-dimensional classification (MDC) is the supervised learning problem where an instance is associated with multiple classes, rather than with a single class, as in traditional classification problems. Since these classes are often strongly correlated, modeling the dependencies between them allows MDC methods to improve their performance - at the expense of an increased computational cost. In this paper we focus on the classifier chains (CC) approach for modeling dependencies, one of the most popular and highest- performing methods for multi-label classification (MLC), a particular case of MDC which involves only binary classes (i.e., labels). The original CC algorithm makes a greedy approximation, and is fast but tends to propagate errors along the chain. Here we present novel Monte Carlo schemes, both for finding a good chain sequence and performing efficient inference. Our algorithms remain tractable for high-dimensional data sets and obtain the best predictive performance across several real data sets.Comment: Submitted to Pattern Recognitio

    Ensemble Methods for Multi-label Classification

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    Ensemble methods have been shown to be an effective tool for solving multi-label classification tasks. In the RAndom k-labELsets (RAKEL) algorithm, each member of the ensemble is associated with a small randomly-selected subset of k labels. Then, a single label classifier is trained according to each combination of elements in the subset. In this paper we adopt a similar approach, however, instead of randomly choosing subsets, we select the minimum required subsets of k labels that cover all labels and meet additional constraints such as coverage of inter-label correlations. Construction of the cover is achieved by formulating the subset selection as a minimum set covering problem (SCP) and solving it by using approximation algorithms. Every cover needs only to be prepared once by offline algorithms. Once prepared, a cover may be applied to the classification of any given multi-label dataset whose properties conform with those of the cover. The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, we introduce SCP as a general framework for constructing label covers while allowing the user to incorporate cover construction constraints. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this framework by proposing two construction constraints whose enforcement produces covers that improve the prediction performance of random selection. Second, we provide theoretical bounds that quantify the probabilities of random selection to produce covers that meet the proposed construction criteria. The experimental results indicate that the proposed methods improve multi-label classification accuracy and stability compared with the RAKEL algorithm and to other state-of-the-art algorithms

    Simpler is better: a novel genetic algorithm to induce compact multi-label chain classifiers

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    Multi-label classification (MLC) is the task of assigning multiple class labels to an object based on the features that describe the object. One of the most effective MLC methods is known as Classifier Chains (CC). This approach consists in training q binary classifiers linked in a chain, y1 → y2 → ... → yq, with each responsible for classifying a specific label in {l1, l2, ..., lq}. The chaining mechanism allows each individual classifier to incorporate the predictions of the previous ones as additional information at classification time. Thus, possible correlations among labels can be automatically exploited. Nevertheless, CC suffers from two important drawbacks: (i) the label ordering is decided at random, although it usually has a strong effect on predictive accuracy; (ii) all labels are inserted into the chain, although some of them might carry irrelevant information to discriminate the others. In this paper we tackle both problems at once, by proposing a novel genetic algorithm capable of searching for a single optimized label ordering, while at the same time taking into consideration the utilization of partial chains. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our approach is able to produce models that are both simpler and more accurate

    Interpretable Selection and Visualization of Features and Interactions Using Bayesian Forests

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    It is becoming increasingly important for machine learning methods to make predictions that are interpretable as well as accurate. In many practical applications, it is of interest which features and feature interactions are relevant to the prediction task. We present a novel method, Selective Bayesian Forest Classifier, that strikes a balance between predictive power and interpretability by simultaneously performing classification, feature selection, feature interaction detection and visualization. It builds parsimonious yet flexible models using tree-structured Bayesian networks, and samples an ensemble of such models using Markov chain Monte Carlo. We build in feature selection by dividing the trees into two groups according to their relevance to the outcome of interest. Our method performs competitively on classification and feature selection benchmarks in low and high dimensions, and includes a visualization tool that provides insight into relevant features and interactions.Comment: R package: github.com/vkrakovna/sbf

    SGD on Neural Networks Learns Functions of Increasing Complexity

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    We perform an experimental study of the dynamics of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) in learning deep neural networks for several real and synthetic classification tasks. We show that in the initial epochs, almost all of the performance improvement of the classifier obtained by SGD can be explained by a linear classifier. More generally, we give evidence for the hypothesis that, as iterations progress, SGD learns functions of increasing complexity. This hypothesis can be helpful in explaining why SGD-learned classifiers tend to generalize well even in the over-parameterized regime. We also show that the linear classifier learned in the initial stages is "retained" throughout the execution even if training is continued to the point of zero training error, and complement this with a theoretical result in a simplified model. Key to our work is a new measure of how well one classifier explains the performance of another, based on conditional mutual information.Comment: Submitted to NeurIPS 201

    MCODE: Multivariate Conditional Outlier Detection

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    Outlier detection aims to identify unusual data instances that deviate from expected patterns. The outlier detection is particularly challenging when outliers are context dependent and when they are defined by unusual combinations of multiple outcome variable values. In this paper, we develop and study a new conditional outlier detection approach for multivariate outcome spaces that works by (1) transforming the conditional detection to the outlier detection problem in a new (unconditional) space and (2) defining outlier scores by analyzing the data in the new space. Our approach relies on the classifier chain decomposition of the multi-dimensional classification problem that lets us transform the output space into a probability vector, one probability for each dimension of the output space. Outlier scores applied to these transformed vectors are then used to detect the outliers. Experiments on multiple multi-dimensional classification problems with the different outlier injection rates show that our methodology is robust and able to successfully identify outliers when outliers are either sparse (manifested in one or very few dimensions) or dense (affecting multiple dimensions)

    Generative Models of Visually Grounded Imagination

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    It is easy for people to imagine what a man with pink hair looks like, even if they have never seen such a person before. We call the ability to create images of novel semantic concepts visually grounded imagination. In this paper, we show how we can modify variational auto-encoders to perform this task. Our method uses a novel training objective, and a novel product-of-experts inference network, which can handle partially specified (abstract) concepts in a principled and efficient way. We also propose a set of easy-to-compute evaluation metrics that capture our intuitive notions of what it means to have good visual imagination, namely correctness, coverage, and compositionality (the 3 C's). Finally, we perform a detailed comparison of our method with two existing joint image-attribute VAE methods (the JMVAE method of Suzuki et.al. and the BiVCCA method of Wang et.al.) by applying them to two datasets: the MNIST-with-attributes dataset (which we introduce here), and the CelebA dataset.Comment: International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 201

    Supervised cross-modal factor analysis for multiple modal data classification

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    In this paper we study the problem of learning from multiple modal data for purpose of document classification. In this problem, each document is composed two different modals of data, i.e., an image and a text. Cross-modal factor analysis (CFA) has been proposed to project the two different modals of data to a shared data space, so that the classification of a image or a text can be performed directly in this space. A disadvantage of CFA is that it has ignored the supervision information. In this paper, we improve CFA by incorporating the supervision information to represent and classify both image and text modals of documents. We project both image and text data to a shared data space by factor analysis, and then train a class label predictor in the shared space to use the class label information. The factor analysis parameter and the predictor parameter are learned jointly by solving one single objective function. With this objective function, we minimize the distance between the projections of image and text of the same document, and the classification error of the projection measured by hinge loss function. The objective function is optimized by an alternate optimization strategy in an iterative algorithm. Experiments in two different multiple modal document data sets show the advantage of the proposed algorithm over other CFA methods
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