571 research outputs found

    Application of deep learning methods in materials microscopy for the quality assessment of lithium-ion batteries and sintered NdFeB magnets

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    Die Qualitätskontrolle konzentriert sich auf die Erkennung von Produktfehlern und die Überwachung von Aktivitäten, um zu überprüfen, ob die Produkte den gewünschten Qualitätsstandard erfüllen. Viele Ansätze für die Qualitätskontrolle verwenden spezialisierte Bildverarbeitungssoftware, die auf manuell entwickelten Merkmalen basiert, die von Fachleuten entwickelt wurden, um Objekte zu erkennen und Bilder zu analysieren. Diese Modelle sind jedoch mühsam, kostspielig in der Entwicklung und schwer zu pflegen, während die erstellte Lösung oft spröde ist und für leicht unterschiedliche Anwendungsfälle erhebliche Anpassungen erfordert. Aus diesen Gründen wird die Qualitätskontrolle in der Industrie immer noch häufig manuell durchgeführt, was zeitaufwändig und fehleranfällig ist. Daher schlagen wir einen allgemeineren datengesteuerten Ansatz vor, der auf den jüngsten Fortschritten in der Computer-Vision-Technologie basiert und Faltungsneuronale Netze verwendet, um repräsentative Merkmale direkt aus den Daten zu lernen. Während herkömmliche Methoden handgefertigte Merkmale verwenden, um einzelne Objekte zu erkennen, lernen Deep-Learning-Ansätze verallgemeinerbare Merkmale direkt aus den Trainingsproben, um verschiedene Objekte zu erkennen. In dieser Dissertation werden Modelle und Techniken für die automatisierte Erkennung von Defekten in lichtmikroskopischen Bildern von materialografisch präparierten Schnitten entwickelt. Wir entwickeln Modelle zur Defekterkennung, die sich grob in überwachte und unüberwachte Deep-Learning-Techniken einteilen lassen. Insbesondere werden verschiedene überwachte Deep-Learning-Modelle zur Erkennung von Defekten in der Mikrostruktur von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien entwickelt, von binären Klassifizierungsmodellen, die auf einem Sliding-Window-Ansatz mit begrenzten Trainingsdaten basieren, bis hin zu komplexen Defekterkennungs- und Lokalisierungsmodellen, die auf ein- und zweistufigen Detektoren basieren. Unser endgültiges Modell kann mehrere Klassen von Defekten in großen Mikroskopiebildern mit hoher Genauigkeit und nahezu in Echtzeit erkennen und lokalisieren. Das erfolgreiche Trainieren von überwachten Deep-Learning-Modellen erfordert jedoch in der Regel eine ausreichend große Menge an markierten Trainingsbeispielen, die oft nicht ohne weiteres verfügbar sind und deren Beschaffung sehr kostspielig sein kann. Daher schlagen wir zwei Ansätze vor, die auf unbeaufsichtigtem Deep Learning zur Erkennung von Anomalien in der Mikrostruktur von gesinterten NdFeB-Magneten basieren, ohne dass markierte Trainingsdaten benötigt werden. Die Modelle sind in der Lage, Defekte zu erkennen, indem sie aus den Trainingsdaten indikative Merkmale von nur "normalen" Mikrostrukturmustern lernen. Wir zeigen experimentelle Ergebnisse der vorgeschlagenen Fehlererkennungssysteme, indem wir eine Qualitätsbewertung an kommerziellen Proben von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien und gesinterten NdFeB-Magneten durchführen

    Automated Bridge Inspection for Concrete Surface Defect Detection Using Deep Neural Network Based on LiDAR Scanning

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    Structural inspection and maintenance of bridges are essential to improve the safety and sustainability of the infrastructure systems. Visual inspection using non-equipped eyes is the principal method of detecting surface defects of bridges, which is time-consuming, unsafe, and encounters inspectors falling risks. Therefore, there is a need for automated bridge inspection. Recently, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scanners are used for detecting surface defects. LiDAR scanners can collect high-quality 3D point cloud datasets. In order to automate the process of structural inspection, it is important to collect proper datasets and use an efficient approach to analyze them and find the defects. Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been recently used for detecting 3D objects within 3D point clouds. PointNet and PointNet++ are deep neural networks for classification, part segmentation, and semantic segmentation of point clouds that are modified and adapted in this work to detect surface concrete defects. The research contributions are: (1) Designing a LiDAR-equipped UAV platform for structural inspection using an affordable 2D scanner for data collection, and (2) Proposing a method for detecting concrete surface defects using deep neural networks based on LiDAR generated point clouds. Training and testing datasets are collected from four concrete bridges in Montréal and annotated manually. The point cloud dataset prepared in five areas, which contain more than 51 million points and 2,572 annotated defects in four classes of crack, light spalling, medium spalling, and severe spalling. The accuracies of 75% (adapted PointNet) and 79% (adapted PointNet++) in detecting defects are achieved in binary semantic segmentation

    Situation Awareness for Smart Distribution Systems

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    In recent years, the global climate has become variable due to intensification of the greenhouse effect, and natural disasters are frequently occurring, which poses challenges to the situation awareness of intelligent distribution networks. Aside from the continuous grid connection of distributed generation, energy storage and new energy generation not only reduces the power supply pressure of distribution network to a certain extent but also brings new consumption pressure and load impact. Situation awareness is a technology based on the overall dynamic insight of environment and covering perception, understanding, and prediction. Such means have been widely used in security, intelligence, justice, intelligent transportation, and other fields and gradually become the research direction of digitization and informatization in the future. We hope this Special Issue represents a useful contribution. We present 10 interesting papers that cover a wide range of topics all focused on problems and solutions related to situation awareness for smart distribution systems. We sincerely hope the papers included in this Special Issue will inspire more researchers to further develop situation awareness for smart distribution systems. We strongly believe that there is a need for more work to be carried out, and we hope this issue provides a useful open-access platform for the dissemination of new ideas

    Deep CNN-Based Automated Optical Inspection for Aerospace Components

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    ABSTRACT The defect detection problem is of outmost importance in high-tech industries such as aerospace manufacturing and is widely employed using automated industrial quality control systems. In the aerospace manufacturing industry, composite materials are extensively applied as structural components in civilian and military aircraft. To ensure the quality of the product and high reliability, manual inspection and traditional automatic optical inspection have been employed to identify the defects throughout production and maintenance. These inspection techniques have several limitations such as tedious, time- consuming, inconsistent, subjective, labor intensive, expensive, etc. To make the operation effective and efficient, modern automated optical inspection needs to be preferred. In this dissertation work, automatic defect detection techniques are tested on three levels using a novel aerospace composite materials image dataset (ACMID). First, classical machine learning models, namely, Support Vector Machine and Random Forest, are employed for both datasets. Second, deep CNN-based models, such as improved ResNet50 and MobileNetV2 architectures are trained on ACMID datasets. Third, an efficient defect detection technique that combines the features of deep learning and classical machine learning model is proposed for ACMID dataset. To assess the aerospace composite components, all the models are trained and tested on ACMID datasets with distinct sizes. In addition, this work investigates the scenario when defective and non-defective samples are scarce and imbalanced. To overcome the problems of imbalanced and scarce datasets, oversampling techniques and data augmentation using improved deep convolutional generative adversarial networks (DCGAN) are considered. Furthermore, the proposed models are also validated using one of the benchmark steel surface defects (SSD) dataset

    Convergence of Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems

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    This book is a collection of published articles from the Sensors Special Issue on "Convergence of Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems". It includes extended versions of the conference contributions from the 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS’2019), Metz, France, as well as external contributions

    Development of Machine Learning based approach to predict fuel consumption and maintenance cost of Heavy-Duty Vehicles using diesel and alternative fuels

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    One of the major contributors of human-made greenhouse gases (GHG) namely carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (NOX) in the transportation sector and heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) contributing to about 27% of the overall fraction. In addition to the rapid increase in global temperature, airborne pollutants from diesel vehicles also present a risk to human health. Even a small improvement that could potentially drive energy savings to the century-old mature diesel technology could yield a significant impact on minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. With the increasing focus on reducing emissions and operating costs, there is a need for efficient and effective methods to predict fuel consumption, maintenance costs, and total cost of ownership for heavy-duty vehicles. Every improvement so achieved in this direction is a direct contributor to driving the reduction in the total cost of ownership for a fleet owner, thereby bringing economic prosperity and reducing oil imports for the economy. Motivated by these crucial goals, the present research considers integrating data-driven techniques using machine learning algorithms on the historical data collected from medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. The primary motivation for this research is to address the challenges faced by the medium- and heavy-duty transportation industry in reducing emissions and operating costs. The development of a machine learning-based approach can provide a more accurate and reliable prediction of fuel consumption and maintenance costs for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. This, in turn, can help fleet owners and operators to make informed decisions related to fuel type, route planning, and vehicle maintenance, leading to reduced emissions and lower operating costs. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the automotive industry has witnessed massive growth in the last few years. Heavy-duty transportation research and commercial fleets are adopting machine learning (ML) techniques for applications such as autonomous driving, fuel economy/emissions, predictive maintenance, etc. However, to perform well, modern AI methods require a large amount of high-quality, diverse, and well-balanced data, something which is still not widely available in the automotive industry, especially in the division of medium- and heavy-duty trucks. The research methodology involves the collection of data at the West Virginia University (WVU) Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines, and Emissions (CAFEE) lab in collaboration with fleet management companies operating medium- and heavy-duty vehicles on diesel and alternative fuels, including compressed natural gas, liquefied propane gas, hydrogen fuel cells, and electric vehicles. The data collected is used to develop machine learning models that can accurately predict fuel consumption and maintenance costs based on various parameters such as vehicle weight, speed, route, fuel type, and engine type. The expected outcomes of this research include 1) the development of a neural network model 3 that can accurately predict the fuel consumed by a vehicle per trip given the parameters such as vehicle speed, engine speed, and engine load, and 2) the development of machine learning models for estimating the average cost-per-mile based on the historical maintenance data of goods movement trucks, delivery trucks, school buses, transit buses, refuse trucks, and vocational trucks using fuels such as diesel, natural gas, and propane. Due to large variations in maintenance data for vehicles performing various activities and using different fuel types, the regular machine learning or ensemble models do not generalize well. Hence, a mixed-effect random forest (MERF) is developed to capture the fixed and random effects that occur due to varying duty-cycle of vocational heavy-duty trucks that perform different tasks. The developed model helps in predicting the average maintenance cost given the vocation, fuel type, and region of operation, making it easy for fleet companies to make procurement decisions based on their requirement and total cost of ownership. Both the models can provide insights into the impact of various parameters and route planning on the total cost of ownership affected by the fuel cost and the maintenance and repairs cost. In conclusion, the development of a machine learning-based approach can provide a reliable and efficient solution to predict fuel consumption and maintenance costs impacting the total cost of ownership for heavy-duty vehicles. This, in turn, can help the transportation industry reduce emissions and operating costs, contributing to a more sustainable and efficient transportation system. These models can be optimized with more training data and deployed in a real-time environment such as cloud service or an onboard vehicle system as per the requirement of companies

    Prediction of Diblock Copolymer Morphology via Machine Learning

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    A machine learning approach is presented to accelerate the computation of block polymer morphology evolution for large domains over long timescales. The strategy exploits the separation of characteristic times between coarse-grained particle evolution on the monomer scale and slow morphological evolution over mesoscopic scales. In contrast to empirical continuum models, the proposed approach learns stochastically driven defect annihilation processes directly from particle-based simulations. A UNet architecture that respects different boundary conditions is adopted, thereby allowing periodic and fixed substrate boundary conditions of arbitrary shape. Physical concepts are also introduced via the loss function and symmetries are incorporated via data augmentation. The model is validated using three different use cases. Explainable artificial intelligence methods are applied to visualize the morphology evolution over time. This approach enables the generation of large system sizes and long trajectories to investigate defect densities and their evolution under different types of confinement. As an application, we demonstrate the importance of accessing late-stage morphologies for understanding particle diffusion inside a single block. This work has implications for directed self-assembly and materials design in micro-electronics, battery materials, and membranes.Comment: 51 page, 11 Figures and 5 figures in the S

    Advanced Operation and Maintenance in Solar Plants, Wind Farms and Microgrids

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    This reprint presents advances in operation and maintenance in solar plants, wind farms and microgrids. This compendium of scientific articles will help clarify the current advances in this subject, so it is expected that it will please the reader