978 research outputs found

    A Method for Using Player Tracking Data in Basketball to Learn Player Skills and Predict Team Performance

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    Player tracking data represents a revolutionary new data source for basketball analysis, in which essentially every aspect of a player’s performance is tracked and can be analyzed numerically. We suggest a way by which this data set, when coupled with a network-style model of the offense that relates players’ skills to the team’s success at running different plays, can be used to automatically learn players’ skills and predict the performance of untested 5-man lineups in a way that accounts for the interaction between players’ respective skill sets. After developing a general analysis procedure, we present as an example a specific implementation of our method using a simplified network model. While player tracking data is not yet available in the public domain, we evaluate our model using simulated data and show that player skills can be accurately inferred by a simple statistical inference scheme. Finally, we use the model to analyze games from the 2011 playoff series between the Memphis Grizzlies and the Oklahoma City Thunder and we show that, even with a very limited data set, the model can consistently describe a player’s interactions with a given lineup based only on his performance with a different lineup

    Application of Artificial Intelligence in Basketball Sport

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    Basketball is among the most popular sports in the world, and its related industries have also produced huge economic benefits. In recent years, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in basketball has attracted a large amount of attention. We conducted a comprehensive review of the application research of AI in basketball through literature retrieval. Current research focuses on the AI analysis of basketball team and player performance, prediction of competition results, analysis and prediction of shooting, AI coaching system, intelligent training machine and arena, and sports injury prevention. Most studies have shown that AI technology can improve the training level of basketball players, help coaches formulate suitable game strategies, prevent sports injuries, and improve the enjoyment of games. At the same time, it is also found that the number and level of published papers are relatively limited. We believe that the application of AI in basketball is still in its infancy. We call on relevant industries to increase their research investment in this area, and promote the improvement of the level of basketball, making the game increasingly exciting as its worldwide popularity continues to increase


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    With the rapidly increasing volume of data, novel methods and technologies for their analysis, and opportunities to support decision-making processes emerge in the domain of sports analytics. This, in particular, applies to analysing athletes\u27 performance and calculating related business added-value in major sports leagues such as the National Basketball Association (NBA). Specifically, the financial success of a team/franchise depends not only on the results of the games but also on the success of attracting marketable individuals who bring higher business value. In that regard, this paper aims to demonstrate the potential and importance of data mining methods to uncover the factors influencing the decisions related to the player selection based on individual results, physical characteristics, and professional contract salaries in the NBA. For the study, 22 datasets were integrated into three large datasets. The data covers the period from 1946 (when the league was founded) to 2017. Data mining models were developed in RapidMiner, enabling correlation, cluster and regression analysis. Change in the factors affecting the selection of new players in recent years was uncovered, while the classification revealed, for example, that more than 50% of players have below-average coefficients of efficiency and individual result contribution. An artificial neural network algorithm was used to identify discrepancies for players with high-salary contracts as many do not meet high-performance standards. The study demonstrates how classification and prediction models can serve sports analysts and managers in making decisions related to future professional contracts and predict future salaries for active players, among other contributions.Povećanjem obujma generiranih podataka, te pojavom metoda i dostupnih tehnologija za njihovu analizu, otvaraju se nove prilike za podršku procesima donošenja odluka u domeni sportske analitike. Navedeno se posebno odnosi i na analizu performansi sportaša i izračun dodane poslovne vrijednosti koju pojedinci nose u velikim sportskim natjecanjima kao što je National Basketball Association (NBA) liga. Financijski uspjeh klubova tako ne ovisi isključivo o sportskom rezultatu nego i o uspješnosti privlačenja marketinški isplativih kadrova koji sa sobom nose veću poslovnu vrijednost. U tom kontekstu, cilj ovog rada je demonstrirati potencijal i važnost metoda rudarenja podataka kako bi se istražili čimbenici koji utječu na donošenje odluka o selekciji igraćih kadrova temeljem ostvarenih individualnih rezultata, fizičkih karakteristika i pratećih iznosa profesionalnih ugovora. Za potrebe istraživanja kreirana su 3 velika seta podataka, uređena i integrirana temeljem 22 različita seta podataka iz otvorenih izvora. Podaci obuhvaćaju razdoblje od osnivanja lige 1946. godine do 2017. godine. Prilikom provođenja analize u alatu RapidMiner razvijeni su modeli za korelacijsku, klaster i regresijska analizu. Prepoznata je promjena ključnih čimbenika koji su utjecali na odabir novih igrača posljednjih godina, dok je klasifikacijska analiza otkrila da, na primjer, više od 50% igrača ima ispodprosječne koeficijente učinkovitosti i individualni doprinos rezultatu. Izrađen je i model s umjetnim neuronskim mrežama za utvrđivanje odstupanja kod igrača s ugovorima s visokim plaćama od kojih mnogi ne udovoljavaju visokim standardima performansi. Među ostalim doprinosima, ova studija prikazuje kako modele klasifikacije i predviđanja mogu razvijati sportski analitičari i menadžeri pri donošenju odluka povezanih s formiranjem profesionalnih ugovora i predviđanju budućih plaća aktivnih igrača