17,520 research outputs found

    Survey of the State and Future Trends of Intelligent Systems

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    This paper presents an attempt to formalize objective macro model of the field of artificial intelligence (AI). We show that creation of this model is justified, and with the aid of information from World Wide Web it is possible now. With this aim in view, we propose a research method. To obtain a macro model of the artificial intelligence field, we made a survey of research groups in the world, including companies, applications, organizations as well as a general assessment of the state of Al technology. The survey is intended to show some benefits. Intelligent systems are becoming very useful and are starting to achieve many of the projected past promises. Important documents on future trends and roles of intelligent systems have been recently published, as well as interesting surveys in the field. We have assessed several methodologies of research of the state of the art in this field and identified their promises and limitations. Considering the present state of Al technology, research projects, important documents and trends in traditional information technologies, we have made a preliminary model of intelligent systems and their future surveys. In the era of second generation knowledge-based systems and growing complexity of the Al field, we believe that it is necessary to include macro model of Al in all scientific researches and application projects

    Two Fallacies In Approching The Current Crisis

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    Present study aims to reveal a few of the main perceptions and assumptions concerning economic activity, with implications in the nowadays’ crisis. The most important current anti-crisis views on causes of the crisis are synthesized and critically reviewed. Methodologically, their interpretation is made by the effects in practice, alleging a wide interdisciplinary approach, consistent with the requirements of the European concept of knowledge society. Thus, ideas are brought in the economic analysis in a heterodox approach, trying to go beyond certain standard economic routines and into modelling. The model comes from an approach on the material-immaterial difference and has an answer to the dilemma consumption vs. economizing. There result prerequisites for economic analysis, as well as conclusions in a pro-active approach of the matter, which are generally applicable to the crisis management at macroeconomic level, but with implications at the level of individual economic agent, too.economic crises, sustainable development, immaterial economy, productivity

    MADEC. Material Design Culture

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    reserved2noThis paper wants to present a research promoted by the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano and funded by FARB (University Funds for Basic Research), for the creation of a Research Centre named MADEC, with the ambition of recognizing peculiarities of Italian Material Design Culture, and tracking their evolution in the contemporary era of “tailor-made materials” as technological paradigma. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part concerns reasons, motivations and the state of the art of the research; the second part describes in detail the research activities developed during the first year of the project; the third part is dedicated to conclusions with some critical considerations and future actions.Ferrara, M., Lecce, C.Ferrara, MARIA RITA; Lecce, Chiar

    MADEC: Exploring new methodologies to transfer material knowledge into design disciplines

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    Due to the increased complexity of materials and production processes, the responsibility of the development of a design is often left in the hands of technicians and production personnel. This lack of knowledge about materials thus effectively creates a barrier between the designer and the product. Bridging this gap represents a challenge to designers and especially to the design schools. (Bak-Andersen 2013, p.69) Designers cannot know everything but they can open their minds and develop a more conscious understanding of this new field of design practice starting from a cultural point of view. MADEC is a research group based in the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano in 2014 with the initial support provided by FARB founding (Fondi di Ateneo per la Riceca di Base), which deals with the relation between design and materials in design history and actuality. The center carries out researches on the “Italian Culture of Materials Design”, intended as the capacity of the Italian design to “interpret” materials and technologies to generate products and environments innovation. The main goal of MADEC is to develop vocational students’ and apprentices’ design-related competencies, integrating design into materials’ research and development, to better support commercial and societal applications benefiting from a cultural and multidisciplinary knowledge. This paper will report in particular two significant experiences carried on during the first year of MADEC: the e-journal issue “Italian Material Design: learning from history” and the open lectures cycle “The Ideas and the Matter”. The general project has been basically divided in four main activities: creating a open source on-line platform and a research and co-design network; enhancing academic papers and publications both concerning design history studies and contemporary topics; organizing transdisciplinary symposiums, workshops and seminars; participating to European projects seeking for collaboration between researches, designers and material suppliers and manufacturers. To the conclusion the paper will try to figure out the points of force and weakness of the research project and to trace future guidelines to improve its research and educational methodology

    Developing a distributed electronic health-record store for India

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    The DIGHT project is addressing the problem of building a scalable and highly available information store for the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of the over one billion citizens of India

    A study of FPGA-based System-on-Chip designs for real-time industrial application

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    This paper shows the benefits of the Field Programming Gate Array (FPGAs) in industrial control applications. The author starts by addressing the benefits of FPGA and where it is useful. As well as, the author has done some FPGA’s evaluation researches on the FPGA performing explaining the performance of the FPGA and the design tools. To show the benefits of the FPGA, an industrial application example has been used. The application is a real-time face detection and tracking using FPGA. Face tracking will depend on calculating the centroid of each detected region. A DE2-SoC Altera board has been used to implement this application. The application based on few algorithms that filter the captured images to detect them. These algorithms have been translated to a Verilog code to run it on the DE2-SoC boar

    Evaluation of Efficiency of Cybersecurity

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    Uurimistöö eesmärgiks on uurida, kuidas tõhus küberjulgeolek on olnud edukas. Uurimistöö kasutab parima võimaliku tulemuse saamiseks mitmesuguseid uurimismeetodeid ja kirjanduse ülevaade on süstemaatiline. Kuid uurimistöö järeldus on see, et uuring ei suuda kinnitada või tagasi lükata peamist töö hüpoteesi. Uuring ei õnnestunud, sest puuduvad korralikud teooriad, mis näitavad ohutuse ja küberjulgeoleku nähtusi ning puuduvad head näitajad, mis annaksid küberohutuse tõhususe kohta kehtivaid ja ratsionaalseid tulemusi, kui hästi on küberkuritegevuse abil õnnestunud küberkuritegevuse tõhusaks võitmiseks ja küberkuritegude tõhusaks vähendamiseks. Seepärast on küberjulgeoleku teadusteooria ja julgeoleku teadusteooria vähearenenud 2018. aastal. Uuringud on teinud küberjulgeoleku ja turvalisuse arendamise põhilisi avastusi. Edasiste põhiuuringute suund on luua üldine turbeteooria, mis kirjeldab ohtlike muutujate ohtlike muutujate kavatsust, ressursse, pädevust ja edusamme ohtlike muutujate ja aksioomide puhul, kus ohtlike muutujate mõõtmisel saab teha selle sisse loodetavas ja teooria kirjeldab, millised on tõhusad meetmed, et vältida ja leevendada ning millised ei ole ja lõpuks kehtestada nõuetekohased mõõdikud, et mõõta turvalisuse ja küberjulgeoleku tõhusust loodetavus ja kehtivusega.The purpose of the thesis is to research how effectively cybersecurity has succeeded on its mission. The thesis used multiple research methods to get best possible answer and the literature review has been systematic. However, the conclusion of the research was that the study is unable to either confirm or reject the main working hypothesis. The study is unable to do it because of the lack of proper theories to describe what are the phenomena in secu-rity and cybersecurity and the lack of proper metrics to give valid and sound conclusion about the effective of cybersecurity and how well have cybersecurity succeed on its mis-sion to effectively prevent and mitigate cybercrime. Therefore, the science of security and science of cybersecurity are underdeveloped in 2018. The research has made basic discov-eries of development of cybersecurity and security. A direction of further basic research is to establish a general theory of security which describes threat variables, threat variables intention, resources, competence and progress of the threat variables and axioms where measurement of threat variables can be made with reliability and the theory would describe which are effective measures to prevent and mitigate and which are not and finally, estab-lish proper metrics to measure efficiency of security and cybersecurity with reliability and validity