23 research outputs found

    RDNA Barcodesystem

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    Frequently found ITS sequences that don’t match any species in GeneBank were further classified with two different barcode regions. This study aims to answer for which phylogenetic placement the unknown species belongs to and if the species belong to a new order. The two barcode regions that were used were 18S small ribosomal subunit and the 28S large ribosomal subunit. The study will as well investigate which of the small and the large ribosomal subunit is appropriate extending ITS in a two-marker barcode system. Problem with the PCR amplifications made it hard to amplify many of the samples. The sequenced sample was able to copy the 28S large ribosomal subunit. The phylogenetic analysis with sequences from all classes showed that the sample belonged to the group of Pezizomycotina fungus. The parsimony phylogenetic tree showed that the sequence was lined along species from the order of Arthoniales with a bootstrap value on 98. The branch of Arthoniales is divided into subbranches with species from the order of Dothideomycetes with a low confident value. The H0 sample was collected from needle samplings. Arthoniales is an order of lichens species which is unlikely to be found from needle samples. Most likely the sample belongs to a Dothideomycetes species which is highly similar to Arthoniales species. The 18S small subunit has fewer hypervariable than 28S subunit and by that it is more suitable for higher taxonomic identification. 28S subunit combined with the ITS region is considered to be a good universal barcode

    Improving a Fishing Vessel Monitoring Application During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted numerous sectors of the economy and society, including the authorities sector. In the government sector, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to changes in the system and work pattern of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in carrying out government duties and services to the community. The ASN must offer first-class service to the community, optimally and with integrity. The Directorate General of Surveillance for Marine and Fisheries Resources at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries is a state organizer of public services and it has kept improving its public services during the Covid-19 pandemic. An innovation was implemented to improve the monitoring capability of fishing vessels through the SALMON application. Access to fishing vessel monitoring data, which could previously only been done through the website, has developed through the use of Android-based smartphone technology and the addition of call center services. Improving the ability of SALMON during the Covid 19 pandemic has further streamlined technology-based licensing which aims to simplify bureaucratic pathways, streamline government licensing and surveillance of fishing vessels, and create an atmosphere of ‘ease of effort’ for the Indonesian fishing industry. Keywords: SALMON, public service innovation, simplicity in busines

    Corona-Tracking als Spiegel politischer Strategien

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    Auch in der Ausnahmesituation ist Überwachung ein politisches Programm und kein Sachzwang

    Deployment and Analysis of Instance Segmentation Algorithm for In-field Grade Estimation of Sweetpotatoes

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    Shape estimation of sweetpotato (SP) storage roots is inherently challenging due to their varied size and shape characteristics. Even measuring "simple" metrics, such as length and width, requires significant time investments either directly in-field or afterward using automated graders. In this paper, we present the results of a model that can perform grading and provide yield estimates directly in the field quicker than manual measurements. Detectron2, a library consisting of deep-learning object detection algorithms, was used to implement Mask R-CNN, an instance segmentation model. This model was deployed for in-field grade estimation of SPs and evaluated against an optical sorter. Storage roots from various clones imaged with a cellphone during trials between 2019 and 2020, were used in the model's training and validation to fine-tune a model to detect SPs. Our results showed that the model could distinguish individual SPs in various environmental conditions including variations in lighting and soil characteristics. RMSE for length, width, and weight, from the model compared to a commercial optical sorter, were 0.66 cm, 1.22 cm, and 74.73 g, respectively, while the RMSE of root counts per plot was 5.27 roots, with r^2 = 0.8. This phenotyping strategy has the potential enable rapid yield estimates in the field without the need for sophisticated and costly optical sorters and may be more readily deployed in environments with limited access to these kinds of resources or facilities.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Wirtschaftlichkeitsrechnung verschiedener Auto ID Systeme zur Optimierung bestehender Lieferketten

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    Aufgrund des sich generell verschärfenden Wettbewerbs müssen sich Unternehmen neben Innovationen durch kontinuierliche Verbesserung sowie schlankerer Prozesse vom Wettbewerb abheben, um am Markt reüssieren zu können. Diese Arbeit beleuchtet verschiedenen Auto ID Systeme, deren Vor – und Nachteile und Kosten. Ziel der Diplomarbeit ist es, für ein Produktionsunternehmen welches durch indirekten Vertrieb seine Produkte absetzt, durch Einsatz von Auto ID Systemen die Liefketten sowie die Produktionsauslastung zu optimieren. Die Diplomarbeit soll im Detail durch eine Wirtschaftlichkeitsrechnung verschiedene Varianten ökonomisch beleuchten. Der Abschuss der Arbeit ist eine Beschreibung und Auswertung der einzelnen Betrachtungen

    Diffractive nano-structures as optical visual and machine readable features

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    With the help of nano-fabrication and nano-optical structures a method for data storage is presented. The information in this method is encoded and represented in a multi-state system where colors or wavelengths are used as variables. The high resolving power of nano-scale diffraction grating has enabled the detection of distinguishable colors (or wavelengths) and that in turn is used to improve the storage capability of the presented system as well as achieving a natural physical compression. The data in this method are represented physically. This method offers a good data density and creates a secure system for authentication. It has both color change effect, which can be used for the first level of authentication and machine readability. In addition, by using nano-diffractive features, type of diffraction grating is designed which is capable of holding the same color for a large viewing angle. By using materials with a high refractive index a system is introduced in which images can be recorded and perceived in a 3D like manner similar to what is found in holograms recorded on film

    Konversion to RFID - informations and experiences in medium sized public libraries

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    Kurzfassung Die hier vorgelegte Bachelor-Arbeit soll BibliothekarInnen über die Umstellung einer mittelgroßen öffentlichen Bibliothek auf RFID-Technologie informieren. Die Eingren-zung auf mittelgroße öffentliche Bibliotheken (in Städten mit 30.000 bis 100.000 Ein-wohnern) bezieht sich darauf, dass sie in den meisten Fällen eine Teilautomatisierung mit RFID-Geräten nach sich zieht. Die Arbeit gliedert sich in zwei Teile: Im ersten Teil werden Informationen zu Konvertierung und RFID-Elementen, sowie den die Umstellung begleitenden Veränderungsprozess gegeben. Im zweiten Teil wird ein Fragebogen, mit dem RFID-anwendenden Mittelstadtbiblio-theken zu ihren Erfahrungen mit der Technologie befragt wurden, ausgewertet. Schlagwörter: Bachelor-Arbeit, Öffentliche Bibliothek, RFID, Veränderungsmanage-ment.Abstract This bachelor theses is given to inform librarians about the konversion of a medium sized public library from barcode system to RFID technology. Medium sized public libraries (in towns with 30.000 to 100.000 citizens) are often introduced by part automa-tion with RFID equipment. The theses is structured in two subjects: The first subject gives information about the konversion and pieces of RFID equipment as well as information about the change process. In the second subject a questionnaire is analysed with which medium sized public li-braries with RFID technology are surveyed about their experiences with the technology. Keywords: bachelor theses, public library, RFID, change management

    Array signal processing for source localization and enhancement

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    “A common approach to the wide-band microphone array problem is to assume a certain array geometry and then design optimal weights (often in subbands) to meet a set of desired criteria. In addition to weights, we consider the geometry of the microphone arrangement to be part of the optimization problem. Our approach is to use particle swarm optimization (PSO) to search for the optimal geometry while using an optimal weight design to design the weights for each particle’s geometry. The resulting directivity indices (DI’s) and white noise SNR gains (WNG’s) form the basis of the PSO’s fitness function. Another important consideration in the optimal weight design are several regularization parameters. By including those parameters in the particles, we optimize their values as well in the operation of the PSO. The proposed method allows the user great flexibility in specifying desired DI’s and WNG’s over frequency by virtue of the PSO fitness function. Although the above method discusses beam and nulls steering for fixed locations, in real time scenarios, it requires us to estimate the source positions to steer the beam position adaptively. We also investigate source localization of sound and RF sources using machine learning techniques. As for the RF source localization, we consider radio frequency identification (RFID) antenna tags. Using a planar RFID antenna array with beam steering capability and using received signal strength indicator (RSSI) value captured for each beam position, the position of each RFID antenna tag is estimated. The proposed approach is also shown to perform well under various challenging scenarios”--Abstract, page iv

    Design and Implementation of Integrated Medical Information System Application Component in the Ubiquitous Environments

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    The trend of the rapid development of IT promises to rapidly shift the existing IT world into one of ubiquitous computing where services using any devices are available anywhere and anytime. Ubiquitous computing as a new technology will profoundly alter the structure and behavior of industries, societies and cultures in the near future. The present technology does not permit completely ubiquitous computing. So advanced countries, except for a few, have focused their research onto building infrastructures and developing and deploying services first rather than building ubiquitous computing by a master plan. Korea, for its part in the development of the ubiquitous environment, is still on the starting line. The reasons that we should construct an ubiquitous society are as follows. First, ubiquitous computing will have a huge effect on the domestic and global IT industry, which will lead the next generation technology. Secondly, korea needs to find new technologies and services to kick-start its stagnant IT industry. Ubiquitous computing is a potential alternative to supporting new industries and new markets. The recent medical treatment guidelines and the development of information technology make hospitals reduce the expense in surrounding environment and it requires improving the quality of medical treatment of the hospital. That is, with the new guidelines and technology, hospital business escapes simple fee calculation and insurance claim center. Moreover, MIS(Medical Information system), PACS(Picture Archiving Communication system), EMR(Electronic Medical Record) are also developing. MIS is evolved toward integration of medical IT and situation with increasing high speed in the ICT convergence. These changes and development of ubiquitous environment require fundamental change of MIS. Mobile MIS refers to construct wireless system of hospital which has constructed in existing environment. Through RFID development in existing system, anyone can log on easily to internet whenever and wherever. This paper provides a basic review of RFID model and suggests the evolution direction for further advanced RFID application services. This paper implemented RFID database server, client PDA, mobile web server for WLAN, tag manager program, user's program. In this paper's RFID database, tag system modified patient tag that allocated patient information server(tag uid, name, password) in instant network. Using RFID 13.56MHz kit, embodies RFID system that makes possible to search and update the tag data of database that makes possible to link with client PDA program in MIS. In addition, designed and implemented medical examination support components and client program of mobile application that recognized RFID tag and patient data in the ubiquitous environments. This components implemented medical information system that performed patient data based PACS database environments, and so reduced delay time of requisition, medical treatment, lab.Abbreviations Abstract 제 1 장 서 론 = 1 1.1 연구 배경 = 1 1.2 연구 목적 및 내용 = 3 제 2 장 전파식별 시스템 = 5 2.1 전파식별 시스템 개요 = 5 2.2 전파식별 기술 및 산업발전 동향 = 10 제 3 장 의료정보시스템 = 28 3.1 처방전달시스템 = 32 3.2 전자의무기록시스템 = 35 3.3 의료영상저장전송시스템 및 의료영상표준 = 36 제 4 장 통합의료정보시스템 응용 컴포넌트 설계 = 45 4.1 통합의료정보시스템 = 46 4.2 통합의료정보시스템 응용 컴포넌트 설계 = 68 제 5 장 통합의료정보시스템 응용 컴포넌트 구현 = 75 5.1 진료지원 컴포넌트 = 75 5.2 모바일 웹 컴포넌트 = 82 5.3 진료지원 컴포넌트의 사용자 인터페이스 = 89 제 6 장 실험 결과 및 고찰 = 93 6.1 통합의료정보시스템 응용 컴포넌트의 실험 = 93 6.2 실험 결과 및 고찰 = 97 제 7 장 결 론 = 109 참 고 문 헌 = 111 부 록. 프로그램 소스 = 11

    Rechtsfragen des Neugeborenen-Screenings unter besonderer Beachtung des Datenschutzrechts

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    Das Neugeborenen-Screening wird seit den siebziger Jahren flächendeckend in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland angewandt und stellt eine präventivmedizinische Maßnahme zur Früherkennung von behandelbaren endokrinen und metabolischen Erkrankungen dar. Die Folgen solcher Erkrankungen können geistige oder körperliche Behinderungen oder der Tod des Neugeborenen sein. Werden diese Krankheiten frühzeitig entdeckt und behandelt, dann besteht eine gute Aussicht die Folgen zu verhindern oder aber zumindest abzuschwächen und den betroffenen Kindern eine weitestgehend normale Entwicklung zu ermöglichen. Als mittlerweile anerkannte Vorsorgeuntersuchung gehört das Neugeborenen-Screening zu den weniger aufsehenerregenden Bereichen der Humangenetik. Dennoch gilt es auch hier verschiedene grundrechtliche Fragestellungen insbesondere des Datenschutzes zu beantworten. Da durch das Neugeborenen-Screening nahezu alle Neugeborenen erfasst werden, könnten die bei dem Screening anfallenden genetischen Daten gesammelt und in umfangreichen Biodatenbanken angelegt werden. Diese können für Versicherungen, Arbeitgeber oder für wissenschaftliche Forschungszwecke von großem Interesse sein und bergen ein hohes Missbrauchspotential. Dabei stellt sich zudem die Frage, ob zur Sicherstellung der vollständigen Teilnahme aller Neugeborenen, das Screening sogar als verpflichtende Maßnahme durchgeführt werden könnte. Mit dem Inkrafttreten des GenDG hat der Gesetzgeber einen anderen Weg eingeschlagen. Zu klären bleibt aber, ob nicht unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Gesundheitsschutzes der Kinder und der dem Gesetzgeber in diesem Zusammenhang obliegenden staatlichen Schutzpflicht, eine andere Entscheidung zu treffen gewesen wäre. Ein großes Anliegen der Arbeit ist es ferner, alle relevanten Regelungen zum Neugeborenen-Screening zusammenzuführen und die bestehende Regelungssystematik zu hinterfragen